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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Cornballer said:
It seems like there are a ton of people using the frag x3 perk now and spamming nades all the time.
It's a good thing you can toss them back. First flash, then grenade, the best thing is sneaking behind MG guys and snipers though, just stab them in the back:lol .


Narag said:
That's great on any map, especially if you include extreme conditioning or dead silence.

I prefer extreme conditioning, that extra sprint time really helps you manuever around the level and avoid enemies till you're behind em. I took out an entire team of 7 guys and not one of them noticed me!


Andokuky said:
Man I hate the nade spamming that goes on in Search & Destroy. I played a game on District earlier and I finished 8-6 with 5 of those deaths coming in the first 10 seconds of the round by fucking nades people throw almost looking straight up when the round starts. Reminds me of SOCOM.
This leads me to believe IW wanted this game to be much more dynamic (i.e. more death and respawning) than static; they want you to die more while killing more.

BTW I hate District because this is one of those maps that I need someone to watch my back constantly since there are so many ways enemies can sneak up behind me. Most other maps are bi-directional, but this one goes all directions.


I just unlocked P90 along with the red dot, I love it. The AK74u is stronger but less accurate. I've found my new favourite weapon!

Also got Fragx3 perk, but I'm not sure if I want to use that over stunx3.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Andokuky said:
I doubt anyone can get 44 kills in a search and destroy match, hardcore or not :D

i wasn't saying that someone could get 44 kills i am saying no one will do that good cause the players for some reason are just better than team death match or domination for that fact. best i have gone in hardcore search and destroy match is 15 and 1. also in hardcore team death match you can get that high at times. i have gotten in the 30s before.


Eesh, I just got a 4xkill with 1 frag nade, and a 9x kill with a airstrike (8 kills which were with one explosion, so I think the entire team :p)
I don't have a problem with x3 grenades. It should force players to change their style of play though it doesn't seem to be doing that. COD4 isn't the type of game where you're meant to roam in close packs of 3 or more players which seems to happen a lot. Extremely staggered positions is best so that if a player gets killed a teammate can get quick retribution but if there is a grenade then only one player ends up dead. It also insures that if you're killed you won't end up getting spawned into a fire fight.

Teams need to be constantly aware of their flanks, and respect the position of their fellow team members. What I mean by this is don't crowd players so when they're forced to move out of the way of fire and grenades they need to dance around you to do it. Don't crowd doorways or lie down in places where teammates can't get past you to attack or get away. If you don't have the killing shot don't crack off your gun! Nothing worse then being set up for stealth and having some dolt following behind you cracking off his gun at a target that they simply won't kill revealing your position.

While there is certainly an element of skill to COD4 most of the game is plain old common sense. With the influx of Christmas newbs over the last few days there doesn't seem to be much of this.
Pseudo judo said:
I don't have a problem with x3 grenades. It should force players to change their style of play though it doesn't seem to be doing that. COD4 isn't the type of game where you're meant to roam in close packs of 3 or more players which seems to happen a lot. Extremely staggered positions is best so that if a player gets killed a teammate can get quick retribution but if there is a grenade then only one player ends up dead. It also insures that if you're killed you won't end up getting spawned into a fire fight.

I love 3x grenades as a user but I definitely find it to be a cheap tactic that is overly effective. The way the respawning works there are many times where you can't help but be near teammates. Factor in map design and the quick respawn rate and you can have grenades destroying the pace of the game imo. As soon as I locate a few radar blips, you can guarantee I'm chucking and gonna get some kills.

I don't even like all the grenades in the single player to be honest.
Stoney Mason said:
I love 3x grenades as a user but I definitely find it to be a cheap tactic that is overly effective. The way the respawning works there are many times where you can't help but be near teammates. Factor in map design and the quick respawn rate and you can have grenades destroying the pace of the game imo. As soon as I locate a few donates, you can guarantee I'm chucking and gonna get some kills.

I don't even like all the grenades in the single player to be honest.

I hear you but spawn camping happens because players play too closely together, hence they spawn next to the rest of the team. There is no reason why more then one person should get killed by a single grenade if the team is well positioned and, if they are well positioned, then players should be able to spawn at safe distance with little fear of getting shot or 'naded.

If I can, I always watch my teams flank and remain at safe distance because I know no one else will. I still usually get the most kills and fewest deaths this way.
The new spawn points for cod4 is just horrendous. I know they're trying to prevent spawn camping, but spawning in enemy territories is just retarded. It was much better before the update. Also, the new maps for headquarters should be removed. Those maps just aren't meant for headquarters as they are way too big. If it was 9v9, then it would be fine, but 6v6 is impossible. I do like the new randomized headquarters, which makes the game better, but they need to fix the respawn points. Respawning from the end of the map makes the game way slower then before.

Also, has it been confirmed that they're is host advantage in the game(moreso then other games)? Seems like I'll shoot someone and it wont even register hits anymore. And when I watch the killcam, that person was able to have a 3-5 second advantage over me, even though I was the first one to shoot. Its getting very annoying and is pissing me off to no end.


Decided to start prestige to mix things up, will probabyl regret i soon but for now it didn't seem like a bad choice. Feels good to be at level 1 and still come on top with the default assault m-16 class
Pseudo judo said:
I hear you but spawn camping happens because players play too closely together, hence they spawn next to the rest of the team.

I thought the game actively tried to spawn you near your teammates if it was possible.
Stoney Mason said:
I thought the game actively tried to spawn you near your teammates if it was possible.
It does safe distance spawning if there is a player at a safe distance. If the whole team is in close distance to the fire fight that's where you'll end up.


Stoney Mason said:
I thought the game actively tried to spawn you near your teammates if it was possible.

I actually spawned dead once. I spawned right in front of a teammate just as a sniper pulled the trigger. I didn't even see anything before my death, it went immediately from kill cam to kill cam. That was pretty lame, but kinda funny at the same time.


Masta_Killah said:
Also, has it been confirmed that they're is host advantage in the game(moreso then other games)? Seems like I'll shoot someone and it wont even register hits anymore. And when I watch the killcam, that person was able to have a 3-5 second advantage over me, even though I was the first one to shoot. Its getting very annoying and is pissing me off to no end.

You unlocked one of my Achievements!

Watch a Kill Cam Where you do Nothing - 30 points

Yep, you got to him first.

You had 3 shots in his face before he even had a bead on you.

Sometimes you even hear your knife going into him.

But somehow..... somehow.... you died and he lived.

Then the Kill Cam begins and there you are.

Running up to the guy. No guns blazing. No knifes swinging. Getting slapped around like it was your first time holding a game controller. Some of the most painful game play to watch. 30 points

Report a Racist - 35 points

I've been around the block a few times. But I've heard more racism playing CoD4 since its release than in my entire life.

There are only 2 reasons I will ever file a complaint on Live. For some jerk who thinks everyone wants to hear them sing for a half hour non-stop. And for people saying racist stuff like it makes them hard.

When you hear these people don't get mad. Don't say a word to them. File the complaint. Then mute them. Feels so good. 35 points


I just experienced the worst lag problem. I saw a dude walking into building, so I shot him. He fell down and stood back up and shot and killed me. In the kill cam, he was just walking in casually and shot me as I stood still doing nothing. What the... I don't know why I'm always on the losing side of lag issues; nowadays when people run in front of me, they warps so much I can't get a clear shot any more.


People talking about 44-5 and stuff, I wonder what you guys would think if I posted some screens of my scores solo in ground war and with my clan >.> I'll try to grab some tonight and upload.

Have a GB so probably grab early pics and post after the GB.
Pseudo judo said:
It does safe distance spawning if there is a player at a safe distance. If the whole team is in close distance to the fire fight that's where you'll end up.

Ah. Interesting.

Well I hear your points. I just think too many grenades are in the mix currently with very little penalty for their use. Not a gamebreaker. Just something I would like to see tweaked downward.


oneHeero said:
People talking about 44-5 and stuff, I wonder what you guys would think if I posted some screens of my scores solo in ground war and with my clan >.> I'll try to grab some tonight and upload.

Have a GB so probably grab early pics and post after the GB.

Well, ground war has more players and a higher score limit so you'll probably be able to easily score more. That and you can easily get 100+ kills on a map like Shipment in various ground war games.


Andokuky said:
Well, ground war has more players and a higher score limit so you'll probably be able to easily score more. That and you can easily get 100+ kills on a map like Shipment in various ground war games.
I seriously hate shipment, and its not in GroundWar.
I play Sabotage with our clan and HQ sometimes, other than that its TDM/FFA/GW. S&D is not my cup of tea :( I hate dieing quickly and sitting there waiting cuz I died :(

While its easy to score more points, its easy to die more. I'm talking about going 40+ and udner 10 kills consistantly. Not just having a good game here and there.

FYI I always go negative on shipment >.>


I really wish they'd reduce martydom's range. Also fix getting so easily stuck on doorways and stuff. Nothing more frustrating then trying to sprint away from a martyr grenade only to get stuck for a second and die.

Also, Last Stand, it's kind of annoying how its so easily to tell if someone is last-standing cause you don't see the yellow numbers (excepting hardcore). It seems last stand is pretty much there to just annoy snipers.


Is anyone experiencing problems finding games? I couldn't find a single game to join the past one hour. And last night, when I joined several, it would just stay balancing the teams.... ugh... It really is aggravating.


Fëanor said:
Is anyone experiencing problems finding games? I couldn't find a single game to join the past one hour. And last night, when I joined several, it would just stay balancing the teams.... ugh... It really is aggravating.
The whole XBL is acting up. Go www.xbox.com/support. It claims "up and running", but hardly so in my book.


Sushen said:
The whole XBL is acting up. Go www.xbox.com/support. It claims "up and running", but hardly so in my book.
Hahaha, I just had another twightzone experience. I was defending HQ on the second floor, and the next thing I knew, I was outside next to all the enemies shooting at the building. I sent my RPD bullets to them and none of them seemed noticed my existence. Weird, but free 4 kills that I won't complain about. :) I got almost full 1000 points in that match.


commish said:
I unlocked the G3 today. Oh my.
Probably my single favourite gun (I'm level 48 now) in the game. Sadly, using Overkill like I tend to now it's slightly less useful - it's just a teeny bit underwhelming without Stopping Power. Seeing a guy running across the street at medium to long range and POP POP POP watching him drop like a sack of shit is extremely satisfying.

I was yelling at a couple of friends christmas eve watching them playing with M16s and M4s almost exclusively despite both being in the low 50s. I compared the M4 to punching a guy in the arm repeatedly to kill him - sure it works in the end but if you have the G36 unlocked why not use that instead? I took a turn on a map and despite constantly getting my fire buttons mixed up (playing on their 360 after all the time I've spent on my PS3) they were pretty impressed with the easier and faster kills with the G36. Some people just hate switching guns for whatever reason, they experimented with all the perks but once they unlocked a red dot sight for one decent starting gun that was pretty much it.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
calder said:
Probably my single favourite gun (I'm level 48 now) in the game. Sadly, using Overkill like I tend to now it's slightly less useful - it's just a teeny bit underwhelming without Stopping Power. Seeing a guy running across the street at medium to long range and POP POP POP watching him drop like a sack of shit is extremely satisfying.

I was yelling at a couple of friends christmas eve watching them playing with M16s and M4s almost exclusively despite both being in the low 50s. I compared the M4 to punching a guy in the arm repeatedly to kill him - sure it works in the end but if you have the G36 unlocked why not use that instead? I took a turn on a map and despite constantly getting my fire buttons mixed up (playing on their 360 after all the time I've spent on my PS3) they were pretty impressed with the easier and faster kills with the G36. Some people just hate switching guns for whatever reason, they experimented with all the perks but once they unlocked a red dot sight for one decent starting gun that was pretty much it.

Whoaaa, I just tried it with stopping power, and it's even more insane. I've been waiting for the m14, but this will hold me over til then.

Best player I've ever come across used the g36. im a fan.


wow multiplayer is pretty addicting (with unlocking and all, started playing last night, lvl 20 at the moment). I just wish you could see what games were available like in PC game lobbies or Warhawk instead of waiting around for ages to get into a gametype. Heck, I just go into ground war everytime now so I can be assured of getting into a full game.

Fav weapon right now is the 2nd LMG with Grip, Stopping Power & Deep Impact, kills reaal fast :)


my first ever: broke a controller. I just had bad luck.

3 of us standing, I'm the only one got mow down by helicopter. dead

Respawned, started walking grenade blew up. dead

shooting a guy going in a window (in mid-animation mind you). survives. shot me. dead

killed one guy. waits. waits. waits. ok no one is coming. time to reload (mid-animation). guy comes in. dead.


Console Market Analyst
bathala said:
killed one guy. waits. waits. waits. ok no one is coming. time to reload (mid-animation). guy comes in. dead.


"I have half a clip. But no one is coming. I should reload. No, no. As soon as I do, a guy will knife me in the face. I can wait. Why hasn't anyone on my fucking team called a UAV? I can't do it all, guys, Jeeze. Okay, an enemy fired. Looks like they're on the other side of the map. Let's reload."

Enemy sprints through door and knifes me in the face.
Can someone explain the irrational hate that Bloc has somehow garnered. It's my favourite map in the game and I'm lucky if I get to play it once a in a night.
jaundicejuice said:
Can someone explain the irrational hate that Bloc has somehow garnered. It's my favourite map in the game and I'm lucky if I get to play it once a in a night.

I dislike it because visibility is so poor. It's hard for me personally to spot snipers at a distance. There are several spots where I just cannot see where I got shot from. But still, in my whole time of playing COD4 online, I've only come across it maybe six times. It's definitely my least played map. So perhaps it just needs a little more rotation. It wasn't until recently that I started loving Bog.
When I first began to play CoD4 I loved Bloc because it was a sniper whore map and I was a stealth spec ops--mp5 navy, claymores, usp with silencer, extreme conditioning and UAV jammer--that would stick to the perimeter of the map and just knife and shoot all of the snipers. Leaving a claymore here and there in a few well traveled pathes and sniper perchs as a friendly hello. Now that I've finally made it to Prestige I'm trying to stick to rifles and sniper rifles instead of mainly smgs. It's almost as much fun sniping people as it is trying to foil the people trying to get at you In Bloc. Martyrdom and claymores make it easier though, man do I miss those perks.

I played FPS's online for years--mainly Medal of Honor Allied Alliance, Day of Defeat, Battlefield 1942, Road to Rome, Secret Weapons of World War II, Counter-Strike: Source and Day of Defeat Source--and so far I don't think that any CoD4 map is badly designed or really balanced in the favour for any one team the way a CSS map would be for example. Personally I think all of the CoD4 maps are all really fun to play on, yet all I hear is "this maps sucks", "this map is gay", etc. when Bloc, Downpour or Pipeline show up as the next map.

Sometimes I do get sick of a certain map, but that's just because the hosts keep ending the matches mid-game, some are kind enough to end it in the lobby or there's a spat of server connection errors and I play the same map five or six times. Then I cast my vote to skip a map.
jaundicejuice said:
Can someone explain the irrational hate that Bloc has somehow garnered. It's my favourite map in the game and I'm lucky if I get to play it once a in a night.

Bloc was always veto'ed when I played on xbox 360 multi.
However, it rarely gets veto'ed in playstation 3 multi session. For some reason, BOG always gets veto'ed there.


Holy shit, I never thought this game would be so good in MP. Am at level 16 now, with 322 kills and 227 deaths. LOVE THIS GAME.


jaundicejuice said:
Can someone explain the irrational hate that Bloc has somehow garnered. It's my favourite map in the game and I'm lucky if I get to play it once a in a night.

I always vote to skip on the PS3 version. I hate sniping, people who snipe and sniper maps, and that is exactly what Bloc is. theres barely any room for a decent gun fight. If you go across the field to the other side you're almost guaranteed to be sniped down. Terrible map IMO.

So what do you guys think of the G3 vs P90? Are assault rifles where its at? I'm not very comfortable with the low rate of fire, thats why I use the P90 since it has a humongous clip.

Also, what is your opinions of the Dead Silence perk? Does it act like a silencer attachment does or is it just movement sound? I already have a silencer attached to my P90.


Kyoufu said:
If you go across the field to the other side you're almost guaranteed to be sniped down. Terrible map IMO.
Don't cross the courtyard! :lol You can get from any point in the map to any other without having to set foot in the courtyard.

So what do you guys think of the G3 vs P90? Are assault rifles where its at? I'm not very comfortable with the low rate of fire, thats why I use the P90 since it has a humongous clip.
The P90 is one of the best guns in the game. I wouldn't switch to the G3 until you start getting unhappy with the P90's range.

Also, what is your opinions of the Dead Silence perk? Does it act like a silencer attachment does or is it just movement sound? I already have a silencer attached to my P90.
It just deadens the sound of your footsteps. It's (teamed with a silenced weapon and UAV jammer) absolutely invaluable for killing good campers, but not that useful for killing average run-and-gun players, who I suspect aren't as dialed in to the sounds in their immediate environment as snipers are :).


Kyoufu said:
So what do you guys think of the G3 vs P90? Are assault rifles where its at? I'm not very comfortable with the low rate of fire, thats why I use the P90 since it has a humongous clip.

Also, what is your opinions of the Dead Silence perk? Does it act like a silencer attachment does or is it just movement sound? I already have a silencer attached to my P90.

The silenced P90 is probably the best gun in the game, especially with stopping power also added. It's deadly, accurate, fires really fast, has a good clip size and if you pepper the bullets it has a surprising amount of range. I used it my first time leveling up and it was good for insane amounts of kills. But now I use the M16 almost exclusively, it has better range but is much harder to kill someone with at closer range. Going against the P90 at close range is almost guaranteed death.

Dead silence perk eliminates the noise you make walking around. If you don't have a silencer on your gun it won't be silenced.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
jaundicejuice said:
Can someone explain the irrational hate that Bloc has somehow garnered. It's my favourite map in the game and I'm lucky if I get to play it once a in a night.

My brother just got a PS3 and he buys COD 4 so we can play together. First map we play on together is this Bloc. He dies about 40000000 times before he even sees a person. Needless to say, he was pissed. It's just snipers all day. I rarely see the Bloc, however. I play domination 97% of the time, and I don't even know if it's in that rotation, bc I've never seen it in anything but deathmatch.

I haven't unlocked the P90 yet, so my experience with it is limited - maybe a dozen pickups, 20 tops. It's sweet for in close fighting, but I like how I can easily take people out at range with a g3 and scope. I'd use the g36 over it, though.

Normally I feel at such a disadvantage in close range fighting with the g3, but steady aim has helped a bunch. I'm in love with the g3. I call in so many more helicopters now that I use it compared to the m4. Maybe I'm just getting better, so it could be a coincidence. I rarely see them on the ground though, which is surprising that so few others use it. There's definitely a learning curve, as when I first tried it, I said "this gun sucks". But I wanted to get the kill bonuses with it, so I tried it again and I love it. My only problem is that I run out of ammo every time :)
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