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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


The GameGamer list of CoD4 holiday achievements!

I wanted to give a little something to GAF this year so I've created my own achievement list for you to work on this holiday season.

I hope you will enjoy them!

Don't Call a Strike! - 20 points

Sometimes it takes forever for you to get an air strike or helicopter support. But nothing says "what!" like finally hearing that you've got a strike. And just when you're about to use it..... the score limit is reached or the host stopped the match and your mouth is hanging open. 20 points.

Stab a Sniper - 40 points

You know these people. There's a little place on the map where they run to at the first few seconds of the game. And they stay there for 30 minutes moving their thumb a centimeter or 2 every once in a while from safety to pull the trigger.

Most people just take their snipe to the brain, and then get back into the fight asap. It's rarely worth taking the time to ignore the majority of people fighting and go out of your way to get a sniper lazily going about their game.

But sometimes the lazy must be punished. So you take the long road back to where the sniper is.... slowly creep up the stairs.... and give him a taste of knife without any butter.

It stinks to waste so much game time on one player. But sometimes it's got to happen. 40 points.

Watch a Kill Cam Where you do Nothing - 30 points

Yep, you got to him first.

You had 3 shots in his face before he even had a bead on you.

Sometimes you even hear your knife going into him.

But somehow..... somehow.... you died and he lived.

Then the Kill Cam begins and there you are.

Running up to the guy. No guns blazing. No knifes swinging. Getting slapped around like it was your first time holding a game controller. Some of the most painful game play to watch. 30 points

Report a Racist - 35 points

I've been around the block a few times. But I've heard more racism playing CoD4 since its release than in my entire life.

There are only 2 reasons I will ever file a complaint on Live. For some jerk who thinks everyone wants to hear them sing for a half hour non-stop. And for people saying racist stuff like it makes them hard.

When you hear these people don't get mad. Don't say a word to them. File the complaint. Then mute them. Feels so good. 35 points

Game Lobby Closed - 60 points

My personal favorite.

I'll just describe a recent event that started me creating my own custom achievements.

You get put into a lobby where everyone is in the same clan.

They talk loud. They are obnoxious. As usual.

When people come in and see the big clan assembled they quickly leave. This makes the clan boast of how mighty and daunting they are. That no one dare play against them because of the unquestionable beating they will give to anyone outside of their circle of skill.

So I must stay.

Yes the odds of getting beaten badly are great.


But. If it would be possible for a few strangers to get thrown together on the same team against this clan. People that have never played together in their lives. A rag tag pot-luck team to beat a boastful clan? The adventure is too sweet to pass up.

So I wait for many minutes for the game to start. Many come into the lobby and leave from fright. The clan gets frenzied from all the people running away from their greatness. Eventually enough stick around where the game begins.... with our team one short.

Then the magic begins!

The clan begins to get beat-down. Slowly, but consistently beat down. The pot luck is a dish being served icy cold to this clan.

The tide turns, and quickly turns again.

The fight is epic.

Then it is over.

Many have given it their all.

The final scores jump up on the screen and the hard facts of life are seen.

The clan was decimated.


All are thrown back into the lobby.

My ears strain to hear what the clan has to say.....

"Game Lobby Closed"

Oh Life!

60 points


GameGamer, excellent points! :lol

One thing though...

Report a Racist - 35 points

I've been around the block a few times. But I've heard more racism playing CoD4 since its release than in my entire life.

There are only 2 reasons I will ever file a complaint on Live. For some jerk who thinks everyone wants to hear them sing for a half hour non-stop. And for people saying racist stuff like it makes them hard.

When you hear these people don't get mad. Don't say a word to them. File the complaint. Then mute them. Feels so good. 35 points

As someone who's owned all 3 versions of the game. I can tell you I've only heard racism on the 360 version of the game. Not sure why. Maybe luck, or bad luck, however you look at it.


nib95 said:
As someone who's owned all 3 versions of the game. I can tell you I've only heard racism on the 360 version of the game. Not sure why. Maybe luck, or bad luck, however you look at it.
The biggest community attracts the jerks. They want to show off and they prefer big audience.
nib95 said:
GameGamer, excellent points! :lol

One thing though...

Report a Racist - 35 points

I've been around the block a few times. But I've heard more racism playing CoD4 since its release than in my entire life.

There are only 2 reasons I will ever file a complaint on Live. For some jerk who thinks everyone wants to hear them sing for a half hour non-stop. And for people saying racist stuff like it makes them hard.

When you hear these people don't get mad. Don't say a word to them. File the complaint. Then mute them. Feels so good. 35 points

As someone who's owned all 3 versions of the game. I can tell you I've only heard racism on the 360 version of the game. Not sure why. Maybe luck, or bad luck, however you look at it.

Another reason for Merc TDM, You won't run into very many racists, trash talkers etc.. as most people who join don't expect you or anyone else to back up their smack talk. Whiny Bitches join games where their buddies can protect them. Hence I haven't seen much of them in Merc TDM.


Great post, GameGamer.. :lol

How do I mute someone in game? I press select and see the scoreboard and go to his name but nothing works.

This is the best multi-player game I've played in years... IW have outdone themselves. The perks system is great, leveling up and unlocking stuff rocks, tons of modes, lots of maps, 60 fps, my goodness... IW has taken the next-gen MP gaming crown, with ease.

What are your stats? Mine are so bad but I'll post them anyway..

Rank: 23, Mastery Gunnery Sergeant I
XP: 16285
Score: 8106

Kills: 449
- 39 headshots
- 118 assists
- longest streak 6

Deaths: 876

Time Played: 9 hours, 32 minutes



Picked this up at BB on the cheap. I had rented it and beat the campaign but now that everyone is playing MP I had to see what the fuss was about. The downside to this system is that it's very newb unfriendly. Everyone has tons of perks and badass guns and you gotta do your best with default stuff. Fortunately I ended up on a few good teams and leveled up pretty quickly. Now the game is very enjoyable and I'm learning all of the new touches as I go. I love the "last stand perk," I end up killing guys off from the ground and scoring massive points.


I found that the mode that gives the most XP is Headquarters. Pretty much everyone in the room will get 300+ points, and the top players can easily 400-500. I've leveled up using this mode but I think it's also contributed to my terrible kill/death ratio since you die so much in it.


kbear said:
Great post, GameGamer.. :lol

How do I mute someone in game? I press select and see the scoreboard and go to his name but nothing works.

This is the best multi-player game I've played in years... IW have outdone themselves. The perks system is great, leveling up and unlocking stuff rocks, tons of modes, lots of maps, 60 fps, my goodness... IW has taken the next-gen MP gaming crown, with ease.

What are your stats? Mine are so bad but I'll post them anyway..

Rank: 23, Mastery Gunnery Sergeant I
XP: 16285
Score: 8106

Kills: 449
- 39 headshots
- 118 assists
- longest streak 6

Deaths: 876

Time Played: 9 hours, 32 minutes


Mine so far. bear in mind, my k/d ratio is currently going up .1 every other game. As I'm starting to get a k/d ratio of 3-4 every game I play now. Though the odd game here and there can drop me.

Rank: 43, Brigadier General
XP: 69773
Score: 33666

Kills: 3295
- 410 headshots
- 421 assists
- longest streak 18
Deaths: 1811

Time Played: 22 hours, 20 minutes


newsguy said:
now that everyone is playing MP I had to see what the fuss was about. The downside to this system is that it's very newb unfriendly.

Uhoh... I just got this game for the PC for Christmas, does this mean multiplayer is going to suck for me?


Danj said:
Uhoh... I just got this game for the PC for Christmas, does this mean multiplayer is going to suck for me?

No no, it's only for a short period. If you're a competent player you will get new guns and perks fairly quickly, especially when you're on winning teams. It's tough but very rewarding.
The learning curve is initially daunting, but after a few hours of play you will have enough equipment to start holding your own.

Since switching to the P90 + Silencer my kill to death ratio has went from 1.2 to almost 1.7, absolutely love it.


Manp said:
PS3 version, you can't


Why the smiley face? Last post I read of yours was about how you thought Uncharted had suck ass SIXAXIS controls and a naff plot twist. Now the smiley face to this...



nib95 said:
Why the smiley face? Last post I read of yours was about how you thought Uncharted had suck ass SIXAXIS controls and a naff plot twist. Now the smiley face to this...


i always close my posts with a smiley face, completely unrelated with the content of the post. just check my post history. why? well i find it nice :p

that said, are you trying to imply that i'm somewhat trolling the PS3 because of a personal opinion on a game and a mere fact about another game? if so, please don't.



Trucker Sexologist
It's not as newb unfriendly as Counter Strike. You just have to learn how to work with total strangers who can't communicate effectively. It's like herding cats, but with more racism.


Respawn Entertainment
Also, realize that the starting kit is still considered by many to be the most powerful (M16 w/ M203).

Its not that you have inferior kits, its that you're just a newbie and most everyone else has at least a few games under their belt. After a few rounds you'll find yourself dying less and killing more.
How is the online community on the PS3 version? Easy to get a game?
I am gonna pick it up tomorrow because I am tired of paying for XBL so I have been picking up games for PS3 lately.


darkressurection said:
How is the online community on the PS3 version? Easy to get a game?
I am gonna pick it up tomorrow because I am tired of paying for XBL so I have been picking up games for PS3 lately.
Lots of folks online (PS3 version-I'm currently 450,080 on the leaderboards). Once you download the patch (it'll prompt you to do so when you load the game) it takes about 4-6 seconds to get into a game.
gbovo said:
Lots of folks online (PS3 version-I'm currently 450,080 on the leaderboards). Once you download the patch (it'll prompt you to do so when you load the game) it takes about 4-6 seconds to get into a game.
Awesome, can't wait to pick it up tomorrow.:D


Finlly started using sniper rifle and got the ACOG for the .50...what a piece of crap. Are any of the sniper ACOG scopes better than the defualt scope?


I love the M60 light machine gun. I put red dot sight on it + Juggernaut and do pretty well. Almost a walking tank

I've been trying to think of some negatives to this game but the only beef I can think of is the grenade spam. There's just so many grenades spammed everywhere... and the Martyrdom perk makes it worse, although I'm getting better at avoiding those. The 3 frag grenade perk is too good. I wish they patch the grenades... maybe get rid of the 3 frag perk altogether. Call of Duty 4 Grenade Warfare
But other than that, the game is perfect... just amazing


X26 said:
Finlly started using sniper rifle and got the ACOG for the .50...what a piece of crap. Are any of the sniper ACOG scopes better than the defualt scope?

The ACOG is useless for the sniper rifles. i still don't know where to aim the reticle for a headshot. Just keep using the standard scope. since it's straight forward enough.

I've been trying to think of some negatives to this game but the only beef I can think of is the grenade spam. There's just so many grenades spammed everywhere... and the Martyrdom perk makes it worse, although I'm getting better at avoiding those. The 3 frag grenade perk is too good. I wish they patch the grenades... maybe get rid of the 3 frag perk altogether. Call of Duty 4 Grenade Warfare
But other than that, the game is perfect... just amazing

There are many things broken in multiplayer. You'll know when you log the hours. The obvious sore points are the respawn locations and level designs. They're so shitty, if you happen to be on a crappy team on bloc or wet works domination you'll never be able to battle back from behind.

Not to mention the lag that can make sniping frustrating sometimes. Though sniping has been improved I find since the patch.


kbear said:
I love the M60 light machine gun. I put red dot sight on it + Juggernaut and do pretty well. Almost a walking tank

I've been trying to think of some negatives to this game but the only beef I can think of is the grenade spam. There's just so many grenades spammed everywhere... and the Martyrdom perk makes it worse, although I'm getting better at avoiding those. The 3 frag grenade perk is too good. I wish they patch the grenades... maybe get rid of the 3 frag perk altogether. Call of Duty 4 Grenade Warfare
But other than that, the game is perfect... just amazing

Both don't necessarily need nerfed but a penalty should be in place against them like no grenade drop on death if you don't have one and something like dropping your extra grenades on death for the other team to pick up. Both make HQs aggravating.


Trucker Sexologist
kbear said:
I love the M60 light machine gun. I put red dot sight on it + Juggernaut and do pretty well. Almost a walking tank

I've been trying to think of some negatives to this game but the only beef I can think of is the grenade spam. There's just so many grenades spammed everywhere... and the Martyrdom perk makes it worse, although I'm getting better at avoiding those. The 3 frag grenade perk is too good. I wish they patch the grenades... maybe get rid of the 3 frag perk altogether. Call of Duty 4 Grenade Warfare
But other than that, the game is perfect... just amazing
Friendly fire on the nades by default would balance out some of the spam.


3x Frag -> 2x Frag
Martyrdom -> Doesn't activate if you don't have a nade on you (possibly even if you do and get headshot'd)

Easy fixes

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
My Online Game design Complaint about CoD4 Online is the Hellicopter Support....

The Idea of an extra, over powered AI attacking you...urgh. At least the Airstrike demands some strategy, or some thinking. But the Chopper is just.....bleh, "summon Voltron".

I dunno, When I get Chopper kills, its Not satifying at all, when im on the business end of it its just not fun at all, Specially in Team Objective games

Anyways, i've been at 55 and im NOT starting over, I wanna master as many weapons i can.


Trucker Sexologist
~Devil Trigger~ said:
My Online Game design Complaint about CoD4 Online is the Hellicopter Support....

The Idea of an extra, over powered AI attacking you...urgh. At least the Airstrike demands some strategy, or some thinking. But the Chopper is just.....bleh, "summon Voltron".

I dunno, When I get Chopper kills, its Not satifying at all, when im on the business end of it its just not fun at all, Specially in Team Objective games

Anyways, i've been at 55 and im NOT starting over, I wanna master as many weapons i can.
Would you prefer if the helicopter was piloted by other players? The pre-patch Blackhawk in Battlefield 2 was winged death.
The helicopter is pretty damned easy to take down, so I don't see it as much of a problem. Sure it sucks to die from it, but it sucks to die from anything in the game. ;)

I think it's three clips from your machine gun to take it down, or just one rocket. I've taken down a helicopter single handedly and if two or three guys on your team work at it the helicopter will go down within seconds.


SapientWolf said:
Would you prefer if the helicopter was piloted by other players? The pre-patch Blackhawk in Battlefield 2 was winged death.
It's not really necessary since anyone with any sense can kill the chopper in 5 seconds with a mounted machine gun. That, or in Team games (or even ffa) all you need is 1-2 people to have a LMG setup and the chopper's toast.

The problem is, people aren't smart enough to figure that out.. and would rather run out in the open and get shot.

as for this:
~Devil Trigger~: said:
Anyways, i've been at 55 and im NOT starting over, I wanna master as many weapons i can.
Same here. I've had the option for weeks now, but there's no way I'm using it just to get a "new" symbol (Oooo Aahhh...). Not so much because of the weapon loss, since I really only use two guns to begin with. The perk loss however, hell no.


raYne said:
It's not really necessary since anyone with any sense can kill the chopper in 5 seconds with a mounted machine gun. That, or in Team games (or even ffa) all you need is 1-2 people to have a LMG setup and the chopper's toast.

The problem is, people aren't smart enough to figure that out.. and would rather run out in the open and get shot.
The problem with that though is that a fair amount of maps don't have any mounted guns, and the ones that do you can't always take out a helicopter with because of its position on the map.

My position on the helis is that they're awesome when they're on your side but a complete pain in the ass against you. You have to be mindful where they're at, where they're facing, and if they're coming your way you should find some sort of cover (obviously).


Questions regarding the Overkill perk:
-Can I run less because I'm carrying two primary weapons?
-If not, is my running determined by the heavier of the two weapons, the weapon I'm using at the time, or the weapon that is listed as my "primary weapon"?
-If I'm using Last Stand, what side arm do I get? Is there any way to pick?
-Is there any reason to use two assault rifles with grenade launcher attachments? I only get 3 shots total regardless of whether I have one or two grenade launchers, right?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I need some new partners because I'm tired of having to carry my friends. :lol I swear I'm good. All I play is Team DM



Duck said:
The problem with that though is that a fair amount of maps don't have any mounted guns, and the ones that do you can't always take out a helicopter with because of its position on the map.

My position on the helis is that they're awesome when they're on your side but a complete pain in the ass against you. You have to be mindful where they're at, where they're facing, and if they're coming your way you should find some sort of cover (obviously).
As I said, LMGs (light machine gun) are a completely viable second option to using the mounted guns. Even moreso than the rocket perk since:
-The rocket is only useful from close range because of the random arc after x distance.
-You only have 2 rockets per life.

The LMGs on the other hand can be used from anywhere, any angle and on the go. Coupled with the Stopping Power perk makes short work of the helis. Then when you're done, you just swap back to the custom setup you had before.


xbhaskarx said:
Questions regarding the Overkill perk:
-Can I run less because I'm carrying two primary weapons?
-If not, is my running determined by the heavier of the two weapons, the weapon I'm using at the time, or the weapon that is listed as my "primary weapon"?
-If I'm using Last Stand, what side arm do I get? Is there any way to pick?
-Is there any reason to use two assault rifles with grenade launcher attachments? I only get 3 shots total regardless of whether I have one or two grenade launchers, right?

- I don't believe so. And I'm not quite sure about the second question.
- You won't be able to. Overkill takes away the spot that Last stand had for the perks.
- I have not tried that out yet.


xbhaskarx said:
-If I'm using Last Stand, what side arm do I get? Is there any way to pick?
You just get a standard M9.
-Is there any reason to use two assault rifles with grenade launcher attachments? I only get 3 shots total regardless of whether I have one or two grenade launchers, right?
I'm not 100% sure, but I would think so. I've picked up some guns with a grenade launcher and I had no option to use those grenades, but it should be worth a try.
raYne said:
As I said, LMGs (light machine gun) are a completely viable second option to using the mounted guns. Even moreso than the rocket perk since:
-The rocket is only useful from close range because of the random arc after x distance.
-You only have 2 of 'em per life.

The LMGs on the other hand can be used from anywhere. Coupled with the Stopping Power perk makes short work of the helis. Then when you're done, you just swap back to the custom setup you had before.
Yeah, that's a good strategy as well.


I'm not 100% sure, but I would think so. I've picked up some guns with a grenade launcher and I had no option to use those grenades, but it should be worth a try.
Actually, you can have two assault rifles with grenade launchers for a total of four grenades. Awesome.
blindrocket said:
The helicopter is pretty damned easy to take down, so I don't see it as much of a problem.

Same. I don't have a problem with it the way it is.

As far as changes the ones I like that people have suggested are change 3 grenade perk to 2 grenade.

I would like friendly fire turned on by default.

And I would like a team score penalty for killing team-mates which would lower some of the advantages of randomly grenade spamming and recklessly hosing down areas with bullets.

Maybe also increase the grenade timer length just a hair so you actually had time to pick up one of the damn things and throw it back occasionally. Or maybe I just have horrible timing on that.

Martyrdom doesn't bother me a lick anymore.


Duck said:
Actually, you can have two assault rifles with grenade launchers for a total of four grenades. Awesome.

Really? I actually tried it and I thought you couldn't. Apparently I got distracted and miscounted... :lol
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