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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


yoopoo said:
Does anyone ever use the jump button? Jump is the most useless thing in the game.

Nope. The only thing jump is good for is comedy when Sniping. Catching a guy flush in the noggin while he jumps is not only funny but fuck awesome.

Uncle AJ

Attention anyone who made it through the second half of "One Shot, One Kill" on Hardened or higher: transfer your divine power unto me so that I can stop wasting several hours trying to survive that onslaught.
Masta_Killah said:
I thought that with the new update, IW had fixed the host quitting thing? It still kicks me out the lobby.

What irks me most is that anytime u get disconnected or host quits, the match is counted as a LOSS in your stat. It doesn't matter whether you were winning or losing when the host quit or u got disconnected.


Mo the Hawk said:
Attention anyone who made it through the second half of "One Shot, One Kill" on Hardened or higher: transfer your divine power unto me so that I can stop wasting several hours trying to survive that onslaught.

Take all the enemy's from behind the Bumping cars attraction. That's how I did it. There are some other ways on youtube but those feel like cheating.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Is it possible that the new patch is fully implemented? Because I have yet to see my option for first person cam when dead.


After the patch for the PS3 version, matchfinding was so fast. Now it's taking so long to find a match again. What's going on?
Masta_Killah said:
I thought that with the new update, IW had fixed the host quitting thing? It still kicks me out the lobby.

The initial patch for the PS3 didn't address that issue at all. It's coming in a later patch. The initial patch was limited to a few specific PS3 only latency/matchmaking issues.


Masta_Killah said:
I thought that with the new update, IW had fixed the host quitting thing? It still kicks me out the lobby.
It's a total bummer. It seems on 360, it kicks you out of the game, and only thing that changed is the message mentioning "The host has left the room." I guess, it's really hard to do in game host switching for IW... Anyway, the host must be Elvis.

Jedeye Sniv

Sushen said:
I had a opposite experience the other day, though. My team with 50s and prestiges got slaughtered by a bunch of teen level dudes. Even todate, I still scratch my head what happened in that match. Maybe, match making was working cause I was wondering why the match making worked out that way until we totally lost the match.

I got the game for Xmas and have been playing sporadically (level 17 after 4 hours), but I'm amazed at the amount of high-ranking players that I just absolutely trounce, it's hilarious. I played with my mate's clan today and I was coming near the top of the leader board in every game, playing with people that in some cases have been through the Prestige thingy TWICE.

I think it's down to playing a lot of Halo, if you're good at that you're probably brutal at this, it's just so much easier.

Uncle AJ

Sjoerd said:
Take all the enemy's from behind the Bumping cars attraction. That's how I did it. There are some other ways on youtube but those feel like cheating.

The long, wide side facing to your right, or the short side facing you and McMillan?

I keep getting flanked by at least 3 enemies on either side no matter where I park, and on Hardened they throw frags and flashbangs to flush me out anyway.


Jedeye Sniv said:
I got the game for Xmas and have been playing sporadically (level 17 after 4 hours), but I'm amazed at the amount of high-ranking players that I just absolutely trounce, it's hilarious. I played with my mate's clan today and I was coming near the top of the leader board in every game, playing with people that in some cases have been through the Prestige thingy TWICE.

I think it's down to playing a lot of Halo, if you're good at that you're probably brutal at this, it's just so much easier.
Playing solo vs with friends are not fair comparison, though, especially if the friends are good. Personally, I hate playing against clans.

Jedeye Sniv

Sushen said:
Playing solo vs with friends are not fair comparison, though, especially if the friends are good. Personally, I hate playing against clans.

Nah, playing solo is pretty much the same thing for me, I still come out surprisingly well. Playing with friends is just more fun. We can call each other cunts and no American children will shout at us.

I just think that, unlike Halo, all the ranking system is is an indication of how much time you've put into the game, rather than your actual skill level, and it's funny to see Level 40-50 people rag on me for my newbishness and then feel the wrath of my un-upgraded Carbine.


Sushen said:
It's a total bummer. It seems on 360, it kicks you out of the game, and only thing that changed is the message mentioning "The host has left the room." I guess, it's really hard to do in game host switching for IW... Anyway, the host must be Elvis.
The update that you're talking about hasn't come out yet. Should see it in January.

Jedeye Sniv said:
I think it's down to playing a lot of Halo, if you're good at that you're probably brutal at this, it's just so much easier.
"Easier"? Your targets will be dropping & moving faster, but then, so will you. I suspect you're just very good. =)

Jedeye Sniv said:
I just think that, unlike Halo, all the ranking system is is an indication of how much time you've put into the game, rather than your actual skill level [...]
True. Your actual skill level is a hidden number. That's the one used for matchmaking, etc. Your game rank (the one you see) never goes down with failure, you're always making progress in some way.


Insaniac said:
man, a silenced MP5 with UAV jammer is just sick on Overgrown. Snipers everywhere never see you coming!

That's great on any map, especially if you include extreme conditioning or dead silence.
Rayme said:
True. Your actual skill level is a hidden number. That's the one used for matchmaking, etc.

This exists? What causes it raise an lower? Kill/death ratio? Premature game ending due to host leaving the match? We'll never get to know will we?

Hmm, and I quit out of a ton of matches because of lag, wonder if that affects it.
PedroLumpy said:
This exists? What causes it raise an lower? Kill/death ratio? Premature game ending due to host leaving the match? We'll never get to know will we?

Hmm, and I quit out of a ton of matches because of lag, wonder if that affects it.

Pretty much. In some ways I like that and in some ways I don't.


Went 44-5 on Countdown a little earlier. Maybe my best game ever, was just dominating these guys with the silenced M16. I was trying the silenced M16 with UAV jammer for awhile but I got tired of hitting guys with 3-4 bursts and them not dropping so I slapped stopping power back on it.


Rayme said:
True. Your actual skill level is a hidden number. That's the one used for matchmaking, etc. Your game rank (the one you see) never goes down with failure, you're always making progress in some way.
It's a guttsie move on IW that they decided to throw people from all levels in one pot, unlike Halo where they try to match you with someone in closer skill levels. I wonder how many noobs just quit because of this. I'm glad I started early; if I start now, I won't survive the crowd that I'm matched with nowadays.


Any one uses M4? I used it long time ago to level up, but I don't remember how it compares to M16. On paper, the damage is even lower than M16 and accuracy is lower, too. But, it's got built in handle...and, I picked it up a few times and sorta liked it...
I picked up this game today, Best Buy was sold out for the $37 deal and would give me a rain check so I had to get it at Gamestop. Holy shit this game is amazing, I don't mind paying full price for it now. I've done 3-4 missions in single player, its been an amazing experience. I've only put 30 minutes into mp, I'm level 4, almost 5. So far I've been sticking to the heavy gunner. Mp is amazing, I've only been having trouble seeing other people in shadows =[


Sushen said:
It's a guttsie move on IW that they decided to throw people from all levels in one pot, unlike Halo where they try to match you with someone in closer skill levels. I wonder how many noobs just quit because of this. I'm glad I started early; if I start now, I won't survive the crowd that I'm matched with nowadays.

I didn't play it has much as I did. But with free for all I could take on ranks 40+. And I am rank 22.... so ranks mean shit. Most of the time I am in the top 3 (dunno about now, cos I played lots of Mass Effect)


Any chance that some of the wall jump/out of the map glitches are going to be addressed? Or are they there for the "l337" crowds to use? While it mostly infects oldcore games play types, I've been able to float in mid air on crossfire (opfor side) with the help of a teammate, after watching it done one night. Similar "jump exploits" are used in District too (the market place location).


Anybody quite pissed at dumb teammates can't do jackshit on headquarters match? I'm like the only person who trying to capture some point while the rest of the team is camping somewhere useless.


GameFan Alumnus
Defuser said:
Anybody quite pissed at dumb teammates can't do jackshit on headquarters match? I'm like the only person who trying to capture some point while the rest of the team is camping somewhere useless.

Headquarters is a very team-based gametype. If your team is sitting still, there's no way you can hold off a decent opposing team by yourself if they know how to use stun/frag grenades. When this happens, it's time to frag or leave after the match.

The only other thing that is just as frustrating is running into a clan that works like a well-oiled machine. Every time you shoot one guy, two of his buddies are shooting you in the side/back because they cover each other with smart firing angles... not to mention the perpetual bombardment of airstrikes/helicopters you have to contend with.


Sushen said:
It's a guttsie move on IW that they decided to throw people from all levels in one pot, unlike Halo where they try to match you with someone in closer skill levels. I wonder how many noobs just quit because of this. I'm glad I started early; if I start now, I won't survive the crowd that I'm matched with nowadays.
You're not listening. =)

You are matched based on skill. Your skill number is hidden. It is unrelated to your level.

For example: T.S. (my coworker) is a very, very good player. If he went and made a new account and started playing, he'd be at a neutral skill level to start with, and matched accordingly. But before too long, the way he plays, he'd find himself matched up against top players, even if he was still only lvl6 or whatever.

Level does not equal skill. Shitty players can be level-55. Awesome players can be level-1.


Rayme said:
You're not listening. =)

You are matched based on skill. Your skill number is hidden. It is unrelated to your level.

For example: T.S. (my coworker) is a very, very good player. If he went and made a new account and started playing, he'd be at a neutral skill level to start with, and matched accordingly. But before too long, the way he plays, he'd find himself matched up against top players, even if he was still only lvl6 or whatever.

Level does not equal skill. Shitty players can be level-55. Awesome players can be level-1.

I'm interested to know how it works in the case of a party. Does TS take the lowest/Highest ranked person and uses that or does it do it based on the whole group that you have?

Also how about answering my question about the exploits? :p


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Insaniac said:
man, a silenced MP5 with UAV jammer is just sick on Overgrown. Snipers everywhere never see you coming!

Yeah, MP5 is my gun of choice too but sometimes I do go with the AK-74U, it has a higher damage level then the MP5 but the accuracy is lower.


Silenced AK-47 or P90 (or MP5) and UAV Jammer is awesome fun. It's hilarious how much people rely on the radar. It amazing how many people will just run right by you :D


zam said:
Silenced AK-47 or P90 (or MP5) and UAV Jammer is awesome fun. It's hilarious how much people rely on the radar. It amazing how many people will just run right by you :D

Thats why you have to play Hardcore mode, its the only thing i play, and there you can only rely on your eyes and ears.



why the fuck does it still take so long to join an online match? I'm playing the PS3 version btw and I'm waiting here for minutes now.

Jedeye Sniv

Rayme said:
Your actual skill level is a hidden number. That's the one used for matchmaking, etc. Your game rank (the one you see) never goes down with failure, you're always making progress in some way.

Innnteresting. Just out of curiosity, how do you know this? Are you a dev, or do you have some top sekrit infos? That would explain why I keep getting matched with prestiged players after only about 4 hours of play. Shame, I was looking forward to getting easy points off unskilled children.

WRT to the host disconnection problem, I think that the patch should punish these quitters and have the host-team take a loss (and XP penalty) and give the win to the disappointed team, along with a minor XP boost for their trouble (perhaps the xp could just be transferred fom the quitters to the other team). That would be fair and might encourage people to play the game rather than run away like pussies.


butthole fishhooking yes
Jedeye Sniv said:
Innnteresting. Just out of curiosity, how do you know this? Are you a dev, or do you have some top sekrit infos?.

It's an Xbox Live thing (assuming you're on 360). They call it TruSkill.


Rayme said:
You're not listening. =)

You are matched based on skill. Your skill number is hidden. It is unrelated to your level.

For example: T.S. (my coworker) is a very, very good player. If he went and made a new account and started playing, he'd be at a neutral skill level to start with, and matched accordingly. But before too long, the way he plays, he'd find himself matched up against top players, even if he was still only lvl6 or whatever.

Level does not equal skill. Shitty players can be level-55. Awesome players can be level-1.
No, you're not understanding me. I never mentioned levels in my post, I said "skill levels". Trust me, I played against level 4 dudes who played like skill level 1, and I'm usually matched against prestige players. I'm not doubting that they have hidden skill levels, but questioning actually they do anything with it.

All those post of 44-2 kill/death claims are my living proofs.


Man I hate the nade spamming that goes on in Search & Destroy. I played a game on District earlier and I finished 8-6 with 5 of those deaths coming in the first 10 seconds of the round by fucking nades people throw almost looking straight up when the round starts. Reminds me of SOCOM.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Andokuky said:
Went 44-5 on Countdown a little earlier. Maybe my best game ever, was just dominating these guys with the silenced M16. I was trying the silenced M16 with UAV jammer for awhile but I got tired of hitting guys with 3-4 bursts and them not dropping so I slapped stopping power back on it.

Need to play hardcore search and destroy so you won't play against a bunch of noobs that allow someone to go 44 and 5. thats just sad that a team lets that happen.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Cornballer said:
It seems like there are a ton of people using the frag x3 perk now and spamming nades all the time.

depends what map you play. i think its wetworks. the one on the boat in the rain that is all people do is chuck nades at the begining.


I hope they release some new perks in DLC, that'd be really neat. Some ones I was thinking about are:

Perk 3 slot: "Take Aim" - Allows you to bring up your scope much faster.

Perk 2 slot: "Attachments" - Allows you to attach an extra attachment to your primary weapon.

It's hard thinking up balanced new perks :p
Cornballer said:
It seems like there are a ton of people using the frag x3 perk now and spamming nades all the time.

I can't really blame them. Having three grenades is pretty powerful. I was chucking them like a mofo before I reset at Prestige mode.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Insaniac said:
I hope they release some new perks in DLC, that'd be really neat. Some ones I was thinking about are:

Perk 3 slot: "Take Aim" - Allows you to bring up your scope much faster.

Perk 2 slot: "Attachments" - Allows you to attach an extra attachment to your primary weapon.

It's hard thinking up balanced new perks :p

an extra attachment is to powerful. would see lots of people with grips and red dot sights or red dot sights and silencers. i guess it would take away stopping power but its not needed in hardcore modes anyway.


Raiden said:
Thats why you have to play Hardcore mode, its the only thing i play, and there you can only rely on your eyes and ears.

Dead Silence takes out the ears :p (At least for the footsteps)

Team Hardcore is a lot of fun, I'd probably play a lot more of it if it was only Team Deathmatch and no S&D. If there was a Hardcore Headquartes I'd be so there. :D
Insaniac said:
I hope they release some new perks in DLC, that'd be really neat. Some ones I was thinking about are:

Perk 3 slot: "Take Aim" - Allows you to bring up your scope much faster.

Perk 2 slot: "Attachments" - Allows you to attach an extra attachment to your primary weapon.

It's hard thinking up balanced new perks :p

I want new maps but I personally would prefer just tweaking of the existing perks and such and wait for the new game.


Not a Jellyfish said:
Need to play hardcore search and destroy so you won't play against a bunch of noobs that allow someone to go 44 and 5. thats just sad that a team lets that happen.

I doubt anyone can get 44 kills in a search and destroy match, hardcore or not :D
Stoney Mason said:
I can't really blame them. Having three grenades is pretty powerful. I was chucking them like a mofo before I reset at Prestige mode.
Naw, I don't blame them. As soon as I unlock it, I'm going to be pitching 'nades all over the place. I just think it should be x2 rather than x3, or something to limit it a little bit.
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