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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


the best addon for me is the silencer on the M16.
Nobody knows where it coming from...

I really want to be a rank 55 to get that .50 Beretta sniper, that sound is so awesome.
BtW the sounds in this game are awesome.


PedroLumpy said:
Holy shit you're right. That seems kind of random, there's only one in each weapon category. Wonder what the logic behind that was?

No idea but it's pretty lame, I wish every gun had its own unique 150 headshot camo


ZeMMiK said:
the best addon for me is the silencer on the M16.
Nobody knows where it coming from...

I really want to be a rank 55 to get that .50 Beretta sniper, that sound is so awesome.
BtW the sounds in this game are awesome.

You know all the sniper rifles have the same stats, right?


PedroLumpy said:
Holy shit you're right. That seems kind of random, there's only one in each weapon category. Wonder what the logic behind that was?

erm, cos a golden AK47 would be the most ballin of them all?

gold D Eagle
gold AK
gold dragunov
gold M60E4
gold shotty
gold mini-uzi

they're all the ballin gangsta ass weapons son


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Kyoufu said:
I don't know why I have to explain it to you but... I'm asking why hes still only level 3.

Because I can't finish/find/play a damn game and my level keeps resetting?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
102XP earned this map. Hopefully I won't lose level 3 this time.
Pharmacy said:
erm, cos a golden AK47 would be the most ballin of them all?

gold D Eagle
gold AK
gold dragunov
gold M60E4
gold shotty
gold mini-uzi

they're all the ballin gangsta ass weapons son


Funny, I had a thought somewhat along those lines as to their choice of weapons.


well if you select the weapons in the menu you see the M400 sniper does more damage but reload Baretta is faster. I really like the multiplayer !!!


PedroLumpy said:
Oh and one other thing, since people are mentioning dead silence alot, this perk is very useful in FFA since any footsteps other that your own are from someone trying to kill you. Hence if you use the perk, you don't have to worry about confusing your own footsteps with someone elses.
Pretty much.

I use it so much that when I don't have the perk enabled, I get paranoid when I hear my own footsteps. :lol


I've been at level 55 for a while now, since I would hate to lose my beloved P90 and Golden Desert Eagle and some of the later perks. However, I'm really tempted to make a jump for Prestige mode... Maybe, it's time.


Mugen said:
No he wasn't
The following is what I see;

the best addon for me is the silencer on the M16.
Nobody knows where it coming from...

I really want to be a rank 55 to get that .50 Beretta sniper, that sound is so awesome.
BtW the sounds in this game are awesome.

Than you reply, quoting what the above, with the following;

You know all the sniper rifles have the same stats, right?

Did I miss something? Did you misquote him? Did he edit his reply?


I've been wondering: the ACOG scope has a much longer ranger than the Red Dot one, but does the increased value of "range" actually mean the hip-shooting range is also increased, or is it just describing the scope zoom?


Mugen said:
No he wasn't


Never question this observant poster.


BeeDog said:
I've been wondering: the ACOG scope has a much longer ranger than the Red Dot one, but does the increased value of "range" actually mean the hip-shooting range is also increased, or is it just describing the scope zoom?

ACOG is SHIT SHIT SHIT. Yeah you can see further thanks to the zoom but the aim is all screwed up, like using a sniper without holding your breath. There is no point in ACOG EVER. Unless you're playing one of the old school modes and you happen to pick it up, in which case it's still shit, but at least you have an excuse to holding it then.


oneHeero said:
The following is what I see;


Than you reply, quoting what the above, with the following;

Did I miss something? Did you misquote him? Did he edit his reply?

Yes, you have missed something.
Andokuky said:
Multiplayer is officially fucked up.

I know...thanks to the influx of christmas newbies.

IW said:
Hey Everyone --

I've noticed an increase in Download Game Settings and wanted to let you guys know what the reason is for that. The Downloading Game Settings is unrelated to your console or disc, so don't worry about that. It's simply taking longer for the servers at Demonware (our PS3 server providers) to download the game settings to the client (you) due to an increased number of players online during the Holidays. It's temporary, and will happen on and off, but you should be able to wait it through and just let it download the game settings then it should go away once it's complete. Or back out and try again to connect to a less crowded server port.

I have made Demonware aware of the increased traffic and they'll take any necessary steps to optimize as needed.


So when will the PS3 patch hit? I find it hard to believe that with what must be close to a million sales WW now I still have to wait 10 min to get into games.

I love you so much COD4, but sometimes I just don't bother turning you on because I know you won't let me have a quick game :(


oo Kosma oo said:
So when will the PS3 patch hit? I find it hard to believe that with what must be close to a million sales WW now I still have to wait 10 min to get into games.

I love you so much COD4, but sometimes I just don't bother turning you on because I know you won't let me have a quick game :(

The US patch is out right? I read on their forums that the EU patch is done and is with Sony for QA or something to that degree. I hope Sony gives it to us asap....
Kyoufu said:
The US patch is out right? I read on their forums that the EU patch is done and is with Sony for QA or something to that degree. I hope Sony gives it to us asap....

The one that changes the playlist? Not that I've seen and I was just playing a few hours ago.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Kyoufu said:
The US patch is out right? I read on their forums that the EU patch is done and is with Sony for QA or something to that degree. I hope Sony gives it to us asap....

It's still on 1.1

Jedeye Sniv

XBL is still all fucked up as far as I can tell, I can rarely get a game started, and when I do it's usually crippled by lag and breaks halfway through. Pleeeease fix it IW, before we all have to go back to work and can't play all day for a while.

On a brighter note, I finished the SP this evening (having got the game for Xmas so bugger off with the LTTP elitism, I'm not made of money), and it was fucking amazing. It delivered much more than I was expecting in all areas, but especially in the presentation of the story. The first person death sequences were especially effective, and the ending, with the bastard-hard silo fight followed by the insane adrenaline rush and crash of the climax was utterly stunning, and the Epilogue was a brilliant way of picking the player up after such a bummer ending with a short sharp burst of action. I finished totally satisfied and almost physically tired, it was great. I felt I had bonded with my SAS squadmates more than in most other games, CoD4 is now the equal of the Half-Life series in terms of characters you care about in my eyes, and easily surpasses it in every other respect.

Now I just need to get back online so I can rank up some more. Numbers are terribly addictive.
ThirstyFly said:
The one that changes the playlist? Not that I've seen and I was just playing a few hours ago.
The new playlist and new map in the rotation is what I'm looking forward to THE MOST. I was very dissapointed that they didn't get it out before Christmas or New Years holidays. :(


JB1981 said:
so how long has the Downloading Game Settings bug been plaguing the ps3 version?

It happened to me and my friend 2 days ago but since then I haven't had any trouble. Today was actually smooth finding games for me. Level 47!


Got a question about prestige mode before I decide to do it...Does it undo all the Challenges completed? Or just the weapons unlocked?
JB1981 said:
so how long has the Downloading Game Settings bug been plaguing the ps3 version?
I last saw it a few days ago, but others have reported having it recently. This goes for the 360 version too.
I play daily and have been lucky not to run into it since they "fixed" it last time.
It has to do with the matchmaking servers being overloaded.


Picked up the PS3 version after work today, loving the game so far. I beat the 1st SP mission (impressive), and played for 2-3 hours online. Level 12 right now. I didn't expect it to be this fast paced. it's pretty awesome. Can't wait to start unlocking some gunnnnnsss.
Well, I managed to get back online. Played a couple matches, seemed fine. Hopefully everyone can get back on now.

Oh, and I'm going back through headshot challenges, the Mini-Uzi seems a lot worse than I remember after finishing with the AK-74u and the P90.
Wow so I played though campaign today and finished. The ending actually left me emotional, which is rare for an fps.
So I just hit online, im some lowly level 1 in a party of players 30+. Funny thing is I played for half an hour hit rank 5 and was in the top 3 bracket in each match. Its quite fun not totally sucking in an fps for once :D!
Anyway if any gaffers wanna play my GT is ICaptain JebusI


I beat this game in 2 days. I was very unimpressed. The story's beginnings were confusing at first, but then got way over simplified as the game worn on. It couldn't touch, say, Resistance's story. Now there is an FPS where I actually cared what happened next. CoD4? Not so much...

The gun selection was weak. It controlled tightly. AI was great. Too short. Variety of the missions was very good. The throwback chapter was amazing.

I had very high expectations of this game, and it simply did not live up to them. It did not beat out FoM as the perfect FPS, and it is not among my GotY contenders. Overall I saw it as a very good, but not great FPS.

I just played online for the first time. I actually managed to take first my first time playing, ha.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Stoney Mason said:
Because outside of Halo, it generally takes a while for these things to emerge.

Meh, they did a great job with map packs for CoD2. They just need to keep up that good work now (And not stop the maps to focus on the next CoD game... Keep people on the Map team doing their thing :D )


God there are so many low levels on who must have gotten this game for Christmas. Does this game just randomly match parties up? My party had two guys in the 40's of prestige level 2 and two guys level 55 no prestige and we repeatedly got matched up against teams where no one on the opposing team was ranked above a 20. The matches were brutal, 750 to 120, 750 to 200, etc. Not the best way for people new to the game to start their online careers. They should be matched up with other noobs.
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