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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

Andokuky said:
God there are so many low levels on who must have gotten this game for Christmas. Does this game just randomly match parties up? My party had two guys in the 40's of prestige level 2 and two guys level 55 no prestige and we repeatedly got matched up against teams where no one on the opposing team was ranked above a 20. The matches were brutal, 750 to 120, 750 to 200, etc. Not the best way for people new to the game to start their online careers. They should be matched up with other noobs.
What is even better is when I (Level 23) get matched up with a bunch of 55's and out score them all.:D
Also, I am still a little confused. What does the prestige symbol look like? I can't tell who has Prestige or not.


darkressurection said:
What is even better is when I (Level 23) get matched up with a bunch of 55's and out score them all.:D
Also, I am still a little confused. What does the prestige symbol look like? I can't tell who has Prestige or not.

A prestige symbol looks unlike your regular rank types (Chevrons, bars, leafs, birds and Stars)

Oh, and your rank has nothing to do with how good you are as you rank up whether you play like shit or not. So getting matched up with 55 while you are a 23 really doesn't mean anything.
Treo360 said:
A prestige symbol looks unlike your regular rank types (Chevrons, bars, leafs, birds and Stars)

Oh, and your rank has nothing to do with how good you are as you rank up whether you play like shit or not. So getting matched up with 55 while you are a 23 really doesn't mean anything.
Yeah, I have realized that anyone with time on their hands can make it to 55, I just think it is funny when they think they are bad ass just because they have played enough to get to 55 and you give them a shot to their ego.


darkressurection said:
Yeah, I have realized that anyone with time on their hands can make it to 55, I just think it is funny when they think they are bad ass just because they have played enough to get to 55 and you give them a shot to their ego.
I don't think I'm bad ass. Actually, as I jumped into Prestige finally last night, I've been struggling, and miss my P90 big time. But, still, getting 5~12 more kills than death ain't that bad, right?


What the hell, the multiplayer (at least on the PS3) is completely fucked up at the moment. A couple of days ago I found Team Deathmatch games (the only one I like) very fast, and was coupled vs. people below my skill level or on the same level (snagged a pretty good K/D ratio :p). The last two-three days it takes AGES to find a TDM game, only for it to:

1) Have a quitting host after 2 minutes (boo!).
2) Crappy pings as hell (teleporting players all over the place)
3) Totally outnumbered and outgunned by pro clan players, and I'm always stuck in a team with players of a much lower skill level.

Wtf is happening? :lol


Kyoufu said:
There is no way I'm going to do Prestige mode. Losing my P90 is like being sent to war with only one leg :(

I notice that everyone seems to think the P90 is the best gun ever, but I went and checked in the create-a-class screen and it seems like I can't get it till level 40? I'm only level 7 at the moment, so it's gonna be ages before I can get to level 40 (might have levelled more but I've been ill the past couple days). So what's a good, or at least not utterly shit, gun that I can use at my level?


Danj said:
I notice that everyone seems to think the P90 is the best gun ever, but I went and checked in the create-a-class screen and it seems like I can't get it till level 40? I'm only level 7 at the moment, so it's gonna be ages before I can get to level 40 (might have levelled more but I've been ill the past couple days). So what's a good, or at least not utterly shit, gun that I can use at my level?

Use the AK. It's still dope, and I'm on lvl 30 now.


Danj said:
I notice that everyone seems to think the P90 is the best gun ever, but I went and checked in the create-a-class screen and it seems like I can't get it till level 40? I'm only level 7 at the moment, so it's gonna be ages before I can get to level 40 (might have levelled more but I've been ill the past couple days). So what's a good, or at least not utterly shit, gun that I can use at my level?

Well, at the low levels I used an M4 Carbine all the way til the AK74u, then the P90. Can you use the Carbine yet?


How the hell do you guys put up with those single/burst weapons? I for my life can't use the G3 and the M4 for nothing. :(


Kyoufu said:
Well, at the low levels I used an M4 Carbine all the way til the AK74u, then the P90. Can you use the Carbine yet?

M4 Carbine is level 10 apparently. Guess I need to level up some more.


I am Wayne Brady.
BeeDog said:
What the hell, the multiplayer (at least on the PS3) is completely fucked up at the moment. A couple of days ago I found Team Deathmatch games (the only one I like) very fast, and was coupled vs. people below my skill level or on the same level (snagged a pretty good K/D ratio :p). The last two-three days it takes AGES to find a TDM game, only for it to:

1) Have a quitting host after 2 minutes (boo!).
2) Crappy pings as hell (teleporting players all over the place)
3) Totally outnumbered and outgunned by pro clan players, and I'm always stuck in a team with players of a much lower skill level.

Wtf is happening? :lol

happens on the tree sixtay too.

3, you can probably blame on party systems (assuming thats on the ps3 version) so try using the mercenary/pickup game playlist to reduce the amount of times that happens.

as for 1 and 2 hopefully a patch will save us all.


Is that a part of the new playlist that was introduced to the 360 version? If so, can't use that yet, since it's not available on the PS3 version (and we still haven't gotten the patch!). :(


Danj said:
I notice that everyone seems to think the P90 is the best gun ever, but I went and checked in the create-a-class screen and it seems like I can't get it till level 40? I'm only level 7 at the moment, so it's gonna be ages before I can get to level 40 (might have levelled more but I've been ill the past couple days). So what's a good, or at least not utterly shit, gun that I can use at my level?

I reach prestige level 2 today. just use the M16. it's the best. that's why i never hesitate to go prestige. the only thing i will probably miss is the .50 cal.


A question: how much does the Juggernaut perk actually increase your health? Anyone that has measured the bullet count before/after?


Anyone else really like 'Old School' and 'Old Core'? It's classic deathmatch with weapons that spawn on the ground, more life and higher jumps.

I've never seen such a varied multi-player experience. Team Hardcore makes the game play like Rainbow 6. Old School makes it play like Quake or something. And then regular COD4 game types. That's three totally different experiences. Infinity Ward has created a masterpiece of online gaming. I'm blown away.
It's almost ocassionally fun to play against clan people who keep capping you in the buttocks all the time. Forces you to think rather than run around like an idiot like I usually do. Figured out they had three people laying down fire on our poor crappy team while a group of two went around to flank us. So I just sat and waited for them and started pooping bullets at them when they came around the corner. I are smart, yay!

The matchmaking indeed is crap sometimes. You get connected to empty servers, servers with a shitty connection, servers with unbalanced teams and servers where the host leaves as soon as the map has loaded. I've come to know the latter is far too common. Why can't they leave before the map loads, damn them. Do they do it on purpose?

This one time my team won by forfeit as there were no players on the other team when the game started. No idea what happened there. Oh well, I won one of those teamplayer challanges. Guess my 0 was worth more than the others'.
I finally was able to get on and play some multiplayer matches last night after having lots of XBL problems. I was in the beta, but all the maps I played on were new to me. I really think the supposed disadvantage of starting out with the lowest weapon, perks, etc. is really an overstated problem. I was doing just fine with my starter gun and the ol' iron sights. Although I think I'll be able to do a lot better once I get the red dot (not sure I remember which challenge or level I need). Also, as soon as the game gets going the map becomes littered with good weapons and it's easy to find one.
kbear said:
I've never seen such a varied multi-player experience. Team Hardcore makes the game play like Rainbow 6. Old School makes it play like Quake or something. And then regular COD4 game types. That's three totally different experiences. Infinity Ward has created a masterpiece of online gaming. I'm blown away.

There really is a lot for everyone. In my mind I prefer Team Hardcore but I actually suck at it in reality so I generally stick to the regular team death match but they do give you completely different feels.
Iron_Scimitar said:
Rather than "type", i think certain guns are well suited for certain stages. I use the P90 at stages like Vacancy.

The thing about the P90 is that it is just so balanced. It's so good and with the right perks it can erase a lot of the mistakes that players make. You can round a corner and be in a bad situation and the P90 can rescue you. The other sub machine guns all have a flaw that while not useless make them a little less ideal.

What's really deadly with that P90 though is how effective it is at midrange unlike the other sub machine guns in my experience.


The best part of the P90 is that not only is it very accurate, but it also has a giant clip size, so you can gun dun 4 people in a row without reloading.

I'd use stopping power but that means not having UAV Jammer, which is a deal-breaker.


I recently unlocked the M14 and I'm just not feeling the love for it. :| I absolutely adored the G3, and you'd think another single-shot medium range rifle with even greater oomph would be pure awesome, but the recoil just throws me off a bit too much. Without the red-dot the gun is pretty damn tough for me to use at all, and even with the sight I feel like I don't get as many kills with it. Not to mention that you're pretty much dead every time if you run around a corner and see an enemy close by, pretty much any SMG or automatic will eat you up.

I guess I'll stick with it a while more, but I sure miss the G36 most of the time. Maybe I'll use the 14 in an overkill custom class with another full auto piece as backup, but I feel like you pretty much need Stopping Power since you rarely get more than 2 hits on a guy.


Ugh I'm on PS 3 and stuck on "Downloading Game Settings...". Is there any way to fix this? I've already quit it and relaunched and restarted my console.


I3rand0 said:
Ugh I'm on PS 3 and stuck on "Downloading Game Settings...". Is there any way to fix this? I've already quit it and relaunched and restarted my console.

IW says you gotta wait it out :(

That doesn't happen to me fortunately.


I can't fucking understand that it takes this long to fix the fucking issues with the PS3 version and the fuckin 10 minute wait times to get into games.

Jesus Christ.


Wow, good thing I didn't get the PS3 version. But on the other hand, 360's online is pretty crazy right now, but I can at least join games after a min or 2.


I have the PS3 version and have absolutely no problems with it - on launch week there was some problems with finding games, but other than that, it has been smooth.

20 seconds tops when I'm logging in/trying to join a game.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
oo Kosma oo said:
I can't fucking understand that it takes this long to fix the fucking issues with the PS3 version and the fuckin 10 minute wait times to get into games.

Jesus Christ.

What the hell are you doing that it takes 10 minutes to get into games?

Lemme guess, it puts you into an empty room and you just sit there and wait? It shouldn't take you more than a minute to get into a game (usually about 20 seconds), I've *never* waited anywhere close to 10 minutes to get into a game. I'm not doing anything special; just don't wait in empty rooms for no reason.


While on the subject about weapons

the M4 carbine is still by far the best weapon in the game, closely followed by the m16.

p90? bleh, its great for close range but thats about it imo.
Andokuky said:
God there are so many low levels on who must have gotten this game for Christmas. Does this game just randomly match parties up? My party had two guys in the 40's of prestige level 2 and two guys level 55 no prestige and we repeatedly got matched up against teams where no one on the opposing team was ranked above a 20. The matches were brutal, 750 to 120, 750 to 200, etc. Not the best way for people new to the game to start their online careers. They should be matched up with other noobs.

In real war, the skilled aren't separated from the unskilled. The unskilled just die.


Finally got the Downloading Game Settings thing worked out, but now I'm stuck in Finding Potential Matches/Getting Match Quality hell. Think I'll go play something else.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Playing headquarters with a team full of shitty players makes my insides hurt. FFS, why do I see them running AWAY from the HQ? Why do I see them camped in a random corner with a sniper rifle while the other team piles on the points? I would knife them repeatedly if team damage was on.


commish said:
What the hell are you doing that it takes 10 minutes to get into games?

Lemme guess, it puts you into an empty room and you just sit there and wait? It shouldn't take you more than a minute to get into a game (usually about 20 seconds), I've *never* waited anywhere close to 10 minutes to get into a game. I'm not doing anything special; just don't wait in empty rooms for no reason.

Do I look stupid or what? It's looking for games for more then 10 minutes normally, even up to 20 sometimes.

It's driving me nuts, especially since all other PS3 games work fine. And I never had problems with 360 game either.
TaKeRx said:
Wow, good thing I didn't get the PS3 version. But on the other hand, 360's online is pretty crazy right now, but I can at least join games after a min or 2.
From what I've read the problems plague both versions of the game. It's not like the PS3 version is worse. It's going the rounds for everyone, sometimes it's up, sometimes it's down and it becomes Call of Downloading Game Settings.


All "downloading game settings" hangups seem to be a result of the Activision authentication server not responding, and they seem to affect all platforms at times, although PC owners haven't seemed to have much issues with it lately. There's no rhyme or reason to them, but it is definitely more of a problem after christmas presumably due to higher numbers of ppl playing.

I'd say if you're in an empty room (this means obviously you are hosting) for more than a minute quit out and try again. I haven't had any problems getting online at all in the last few weeks other than the occasional 30 second pause when starting out, but my brothers (on PS3) had a 2 hour window the other day when I wasn't on when they couldn't get online at all.

My biggest annoyances lately are hosts quiting the game either when the map starts (infuriating) or a few minutes in. Or joining a full room and having the host ask to skip, then he quits when it's clear the vote won't pass. When I'm hosting I always play through at least a few maps if the lobby is full, and I'll say I'm quiting at the beginning of the intermission so ppl aren't just sitting there for 30 seconds wasting time. I think a lot of times the host of the match doesn't realize they are hosting, which makes sense based on some comments here.


BeeDog said:
Wow, thanks for the links. Just the thing I was looking for. What say you guys, is it worth keeping Juggernaut (aka does it actually matter that much) or are the other perks much more valuable?

UAV Jammer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Juggernaut
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