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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
People with their mics turned up and feedback out of the ass are annoying. Turn that shit down.


h3ro said:
What do you guys think I should do, I've unlocked all the Rifles up to the G3.
AK-47, even without the silencer it's awesome. M16 and Ak-47 are probably the best assault rifles in the game.



That is all.


Son of Godzilla said:
I tried out the single player and holy jesus I already hate it on Veteran. I'm like on the third freakin mission and already ready to bail out.
Switch over to normal and you'll be able to actually enjoy this GOTY contender. Veteran is like some wierd mini-game of run, duck, wait, run.stop


DMczaf said:

That is all.
Only level in the game that I had any real trouble with. Breezed through the game on Hardened and smooth sailed on Veteran until I hit this level. Took me like 2 hours just to beat the final push from the tunnels to the war room. :(

Mile High on Vet is a cakewalk compared to that crap.


raYne said:
Only level in the game that I had any real trouble with. Breezed through the game on Hardened and smooth sailed on Veteran until I hit this level. Took me like 2 hours just to beat the final push from the tunnels to the war room. :(

Mile High on Vet is a cakewalk compared to that crap.

Did you ever get another checkpoint in the tunnels before you get to the blastdoor? Thats whats really driving me insane.


DMczaf said:
Did you ever get another checkpoint in the tunnels before you get to the blastdoor? Thats whats really driving me insane.
If I recall, after you head down the stairs, there's none till after you get all the way through either side of the forked path. :( So no, not till you hit the blast doors.

Good luck!


DMczaf said:
Did you ever get another checkpoint in the tunnels before you get to the blastdoor? Thats whats really driving me insane.
Yes, 3 of them, but you have to rush through to get them. Have to be downstairs by 7:30 left and like 6 minutes left before the second tunnels and like 3 minutes left before the fire door, or something like that. Check out xbox360 achievement forums for exact details.


manxor said:
Switch over to normal and you'll be able to actually enjoy this GOTY contender. Veteran is like some wierd mini-game of run, duck, wait, run.stop
Those who're semi-good at MP, shouldn't have problem even at Veteran mode.


Sushen said:
Yes, 3 of them, but you have to rush through to get them. Have to be downstairs by 7:30 left and like 6 minutes left before the second tunnels and like 3 minutes left before the fire door, or something like that. Check out xbox360 achievement forums for exact details.

Get to the 2nd tunnel by 6 mins? Ugh.

I usually get there with 5-5:30 left but thats because I take a minute to snipe the guys in the tunnel so I only have to deal with 3-4 guys on the right side instead of 10+.
Sushen said:
Those who're semi-good at MP, shouldn't have problem even at Veteran mode.
If by "semi-good at MP" you mean "enjoy memorizing every goddamn second of the game" I agree! I got fed up by my fifth "Enemies magically spawn from behind me and squad too stupid to kill them" death.

So uh... how do I change the difficulty?

Dude, I have no idea but boy do I sure wish I knew.


Son of Godzilla said:
If by "semi-good at MP" you mean "enjoy memorizing every goddamn second of the game" I agree! I got fed up by my fifth "Enemies magically spawn from behind me and squad too stupid to kill them" death.

Veteran mode is the test of your reflex. If you're "semi-good at MP", you must have practiced it a lot and pretty good at managing sudden encounters; human players are much smarter flankers and react harder/faster/better when you take on. Yes, SP takes some memorizing, but so does MP. Without knowing your map like the back of your hand, you'll get shot on your back all the time in MP.

BTW go to stage select and you can change your difficulty level all the time, although you'll lose your progress on the stage you're currently working on.
Sushen said:
Veteran mode is the test of your reflex. If you're "semi-good at MP", you must have practiced it a lot and pretty good at managing sudden encounters; human players are much smarter flankers and react harder/faster/better when you take on. Yes, SP takes some memorizing, but so does MP. Without knowing your map like the back of your hand, you'll get shot on your back all the time in MP.

Yes, but the idea that knowing the MP maps translates into knowing the SP maps is nonsense. If anything being heavily invested in the MP makes tackling the SP all the more frustrating as it's even more crap to memorize with significantly less reward.

Also I really disagree with the testing reflexes thing. At least, that's not the crux of the game. I'm not spit's distance into the game and already I've come across many pseudo branches wherein guessing correctly allows me the ability to gun down the bad guy before he kills me (The reflex part you mentioned) and guessing incorrectly gets me killed. Yes, this is distinctly different from the MP where there are better audio/visual cues to help, along with a significantly limited number of possible encounters to have knowledge of. To say nothing of the various types of awareness possible due to the multiplayer aspect of the game.

Anyways thanks for the help though.


h3ro said:
I finished the M16 Challenges today... Trying to decide on whether I should stick with it as my main weapon or should I move on to another Rifle...

What do you guys think I should do, I've unlocked all the Rifles up to the G3.
The G3 is the only weapon you need. You might run into ammo problems, as no one else seems to want to use the best gun in the game ,so you won't pick up much spare ammo off of dead enemies. But once you get the Bandolier perk (if you don't have it already), you'll never have to worry about ammo. The G3's range and accuracy outguns everything. G3 (red dot, scopes suck) with Bandolier+Stopping Power+Last Stand is usually how I roll.

zam said:
AK-47, even without the silencer it's awesome. M16 and Ak-47 are probably the best assault rifles in the game.
You're doing it wrong. Though I will admit, the M16 is shit hot. Burst fire/single shot>>>>>>>>>>>>>>automatic.
If the last round of Bloc that I just played was any indication of why people don't like the map it's they're own damn fault. Just played a round of Team Deathmatch and the tards I was playing against literally camped one section of the map for 95% of the match. They eventually moved, all in one group, to a new location, directly next to the one they camped. It's almost as if people don't like Bloc because they haven't learned how to play it.

Also I kind of feel sorry for all of the people that just started playing. I've played in quite a few stacked games tonight where one or two Prestige players make one team completely dominant and the other team, filled with new players, just rolls over.
USD said:
The G3 is the only weapon you need. You might run into ammo problems, as no one else seems to want to use the best gun in the game ,so you won't pick up much spare ammo off of dead enemies. But once you get the Bandolier perk (if you don't have it already), you'll never have to worry about ammo. The G3's range and accuracy outguns everything. G3 (red dot, scopes suck) with Bandolier+Stopping Power+Last Stand is usually how I roll.

I love the G3 with a red dot and stopping power, it makes it a simply the most versatile gun in the game in my opinion. Close range can be dice-y, but then I always try and ditch my pistol as soon as possible. Then I use the weapon I just scooped up as a primary and whip out the G3 when the situation calls for it. Since I prefer having Claymore's I have to conserve the ammo. Instead of last stand I use Martyrdom. Makes me giggle when it kills someone.


USD said:
You're doing it wrong. Though I will admit, the M16 is shit hot. Burst fire/single shot>>>>>>>>>>>>>>automatic.
I like the G3 as well but the M16 and Ak-47 are my favorite guns. The AK just takes some getting used to, but once you can handle the kickback it's wonderful. AK with red dot is awesome, but right now I've been playing very stealthy with silenced AK and UAV Jammer, I just love getting the drop on people.

Also 1.89 K/D ratio means that I'm probably doing it right ;)


GameGamer said:
How can you tell who is hosting the current game?

If it's a good host and the connection bars are good, I'm not sure if you can tell. If everyone has 1-2 bars except one dude, that one guy is host.They are also the first to connect so if you see your name connect then 6 others, the dude whose name didn't pop up is host.


jaundicejuice said:
I love the G3 with a red dot and stopping power, it makes it a simply the most versatile gun in the game in my opinion. Close range can be dice-y, but then I always try and ditch my pistol as soon as possible. Then I use the weapon I just scooped up as a primary and whip out the G3 when the situation calls for it. Since I prefer having Claymore's I have to conserve the ammo. Instead of last stand I use Martyrdom. Makes me giggle when it kills someone.
I used to prefer Martyrdom, until I forced myself to use Last Stand and upgraded my pistol skills. I usually rack up more kills with Last Stand than Martyrdom now.

zam said:
I like the G3 as well but the M16 and Ak-47 are my favorite guns. The AK just takes some getting used to, but once you can handle the kickback it's wonderful. AK with red dot is awesome, but right now I've been playing very stealthy with silenced AK and UAV Jammer, I just love getting the drop on people. I usually don't do to bad close range with the G3, I've got a fast trigger finger, but whether this is me being good or the other people sucking, I don't know.

Also 1.89 K/D ratio means that I'm probably doing it right ;)
My K/D ratio is actually pretty ass, 1.2ish, and though I have my excuses, a lot of it was pure suckage (and pre-G3). I've spent half the time getting good, and the other half trying to boost the poor stats of the first half (really wished there were more detailed stats, even if only online).

I just like the point-and-click nature of the G3, the only assault rifle that can do the same thing for me is the M16 at midrange. I love trying to playing stealth, but I usually end up doing only so-so, mostly because I suck at aiming down the ironsights. I usually go with an M16 when I do go stealth.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Match making on this sucks. The game kept matchmaking the best players [3 of them with clan tags!] against weaker teams. Got killed 250-0 three times in a row at HQ.


Did anyone have a multi-player match freeze up on them last night? (PS3 version). It was really weird. Playing Team Deathmatch on the way to a win, and completing another challenge for the blue camo for the M4, it just froze. Had to reset my PS3, but then it played just fine. Weird...


out of curiosity does anyone really use the ACOG scope? I find it nearly worthless. Why would you want to sacrifice accuracy for range? It seems counter-intuitive.
Insaniac said:
out of curiosity does anyone really use the ACOG scope? I find it nearly worthless. Why would you want to sacrifice accuracy for range? It seems counter-intuitive.
I tried the ACOG when I first got it, realized it was terrible and haven't used it since.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
HAHA. Wickerman and I and some other dude just killed in team deathmatch. It was 6 on 3, of course the game doesn't adjust for that fact, and we still won. Wickerman did the most damage though.


reilo said:
Match making on this sucks. The game kept matchmaking the best players [3 of them with clan tags!] against weaker teams. Got killed 250-0 three times in a row at HQ.
They were most likely a party, which I've only seen split once.


jaundicejuice said:
If the last round of Bloc that I just played was any indication of why people don't like the map it's they're own damn fault. Just played a round of Team Deathmatch and the tards I was playing against literally camped one section of the map for 95% of the match. They eventually moved, all in one group, to a new location, directly next to the one they camped. It's almost as if people don't like Bloc because they haven't learned how to play it.
While I understand your frustration, I would much more prefer my team to stick together than all scattered from the start. Those teams tend to do better, and that way, even if the other team has a crazy stealth dude, he won't get much mileage out of it since the team watches each other's back all the time. Yeah, I prefer/do better in that style wiping out the enemies section by section. Heck, it's called, "Team Death Match", right? ;)


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Sushen said:
While I understand your frustration, I would much more prefer my team to stick together than all scattered from the start. Those teams tend to do better, and that way, even if the other team has a crazy stealth dude, he won't get much mileage out of it since the team watches each other's back all the time. Yeah, I prefer/do better in that style wiping out the enemies section by section. Heck, it's called, "Team Death Match", right? ;)

My hands twitch when I see a team moving together as a group. It's like a dream come true. I got four with one noob tube nade earlier today. Fun times :)

So, I hit 55, then immediately (after the 6k xp or whatever) did the prestige thing. I will miss my m14/g3 for a while, but the M16 is an almost perfect weapon.


I'm enjoying the game alot less now, the network code is really bugging me. I think I might sell this (haven't sold a game in ages) before DMC4 comes out.


commish said:
My hands twitch when I see a team moving together as a group. It's like a dream come true. I got four with one noob tube nade earlier today. Fun times :)
You mistaken good solid teams with noob teams who doesn't even know how to keep nade distance, nor check all surroundings.


Son of Godzilla said:
Also I really disagree with the testing reflexes thing. At least, that's not the crux of the game. I'm not spit's distance into the game and already I've come across many pseudo branches wherein guessing correctly allows me the ability to gun down the bad guy before he kills me (The reflex part you mentioned) and guessing incorrectly gets me killed. Yes, this is distinctly different from the MP where there are better audio/visual cues to help, along with a significantly limited number of possible encounters to have knowledge of. To say nothing of the various types of awareness possible due to the multiplayer aspect of the game.
To be decent in MP, you should know a few basic things (not to poke your head out, minimize exposures, not to camp at one spot for long, be at better spot (= knowing maps) and so on) and be good at few essential skills (one-on-one techniques, how to get out of near death situation, and be patient, flank, out-flanking flankers...). Those things immediately translate into valuable assets in SP. Yes, you have to learn a few uniquely SP stuffs, but you can't use the same tactics for CountDown when you play Shipment, right? HQ requires different approach to TDM, either. But, the fundamentals stay the same, and I can't see being good at one while totally sucking at the other.
Grumble, grumble. The matchmaking servers seem to be down yet again. I guess this will give me time to check out Team Fortress 2 which I have't even tried yet.


reilo said:
Match making on this sucks. The game kept matchmaking the best players [3 of them with clan tags!] against weaker teams. Got killed 250-0 three times in a row at HQ.

Yeah, when that happens you can pretty much say goodnight. A well coordinated team with at three decent clan members can own headquarters matches easily.

reilo said:
HAHA. Wickerman and I and some other dude just killed in team deathmatch. It was 6 on 3, of course the game doesn't adjust for that fact, and we still won. Wickerman did the most damage though.

That was great, 3 v. 6 and we won it handily. :lol
I'll be on tomorrow so invite me.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Sushen said:
You mistaken good solid teams with noob teams who doesn't even know how to keep nade distance, nor check all surroundings.

In other FPS's, perhaps... but in COD 4, there are far too many different avenues of attack on some levels. Traveling in a group of 6 is just too easy a target. Besides, I haven't seen a public group work that well together. Working well as a team doesn't have to mean traveling together in a group.


Yeah I never stick with teamates. Sticking with a team member is like basically saying "Fuck you UAV Jammer, I'm going to stick next to a sitting duck so I can get killed too".

No point having a UAV Jammer+silencer if you're next to people who aren't invisible too.
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