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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Multiplayer complaint:

I'm getting tired of people throwing grenades into the air over huge buildings at the start of a round of S&D. Nothing's more annoying than being killed 5-10 seconds into a round. They should add a few invisible walls for god sake.


Oracle Dragon said:
There is actually a checkpoint before the blast doors; but you don't seem to get it if the game doesn't think you have enough to to complete it. Its right before the left/right tunnels of death. I remember, because the checkpoint starts as you turn the corner, and 2 guys run away from you. And no matter how much I shot the one bastard, he would ALWAYS be wounded and crawl on the ground. You don't forget something like that... well that and I did that sequence about 87 times before passing it.-snip-
Right, but all of that stuff is right after you get down the stairs. We were talking about possible checkpoints between there and the blast doors. Of which there are none.
So I'm having this odd glitch. Every now and again, at the start of the match, when I go to shoot my first enemy, my L and R buttons don't work. I have to release and press them again for it to work. It's fine for the rest of the match afterwards. Anyone had something similar?

Suppose it could be the controller, but I haven't noticed problems in any other game.


Quagm1r3 said:
Multiplayer complaint:

I'm getting tired of people throwing grenades into the air over huge buildings at the start of a round of S&D. Nothing's more annoying than being killed 5-10 seconds into a round. They should add a few invisible walls for god sake.
Random grenades ftw!

Speaking of which, I can't wait for the update so we can get grenade path replays. That's going to be awesome.

PedroLumpy said:
So I'm having this odd glitch. Every now and again, at the start of the match, when I go to shoot my first enemy, my L and R buttons don't work. I have to release and press them again for it to work. It's fine for the rest of the match afterwards. Anyone had something similar?

Suppose it could be the controller, but I haven't noticed problems in any other game.
Wow, never heard that before. It being a controller would be the first thing I'd check as well.
raYne said:
Er, people skip maps because, to them, the maps suck. It has nothing to do with how well they play on said maps.

I don't mind Bloc, Countdown, Overgrown or Bog, yet they almost always get veto'd by one or two people in a game. Mostly because they're all good "hide in the corner and snipe like a pansy" maps. Which they obviously don't want to deal with.

Shipment, Showdown and Wet Work (especially Wet Work) are fucking awful though.

I don't really get how people could dislike 99% of the maps in this game though. I used to dislike Shipment because it was just a box, a tiny box cluttered with a few things and a lot of random death. Then I learned how and when to play it. p90, Stopping Power 3xFrag and Martyrdom on Shipment in HQ is retardedly fun. Spawn, spam nades, run into HQ, take some people out with you, die, take out a few more with Martyrdom, respawn, rinse, lather, repeat. It's not a mode or map I play that much of, but every now and then it's a nice change of pace.

That said I don't understand how people could dislike certain maps given how none of them are badly balanced or designed in my opinion. It just gets tedious with people skipping and playing the same few maps adnasuem. It's getting to be like Dust, Dust2, Office and Aztec all over again.

The only times I ever find myself vote skipping anything is when I've played the same map five or six times in a row because every host ends the game and the new one features the exact same map. More often than not I'm just happy to be playing a game these days, but sometimes it's too much.

I guess I would just like it if there were some dedicated servers, or an online mode that ran through a rotation of maps that you couldn't vote skip on and, perhaps more importantly, don't end because of a host leaving to go along side with the standard, current set up.


I can't join any games in the PS3 version tonight. Every mode I've selected to 'find game' has never found one, it just puts me in my own lobby and says 'waiting for x players'. Something is up with the servers I think


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
kbear said:
I can't join any games in the PS3 version tonight. Every mode I've selected to 'find game' has never found one, it just puts me in my own lobby and says 'waiting for x players'. Something is up with the servers I think

Don't wait for that. Immediately back out and try again.


I was having difficulty finding matches for Domination and Headquarters but Ground War was working fine. Strange.

Hey Commish, stick with me and you will never lose another name again. :lol


Has problems recognising girls
jaundicejuice said:
I don't really get how people could dislike 99% of the maps in this game though. I used to dislike Shipment because it was just a box, a tiny box cluttered with a few things and a lot of random death. Then I learned how and when to play it. p90, Stopping Power 3xFrag and Martyrdom on Shipment in HQ is retardedly fun. Spawn, spam nades, run into HQ, take some people out with you, die, take out a few more with Martyrdom, respawn, rinse, lather, repeat. It's not a mode or map I play that much of, but every now and then it's a nice change of pace.
That's when you turn friendly fire on in the map and watch the spammers cry foul that they're losing their points every time they spawn.
Was the 360 version acting up earlier? I just changed my isp so I'm not really certain if it was me or not. The XBL menu shit took forever to load, but downloading the KUF demo went damn fast.

CoD4 was a freaking mess though, with half minute pauses between menus, never finding matches, and then the one time I did it immediately gave me a connection error. Also it seemed that the population of each playlist was really low, so I thought it might be an issue with XBL/CoD. Like some had less than 300 people, with only TDM having over 10k.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Wickerman said:
I was having difficulty finding matches for Domination and Headquarters but Ground War was working fine. Strange.

Hey Commish, stick with me and you will never lose another name again. :lol

Glad we got at least a few games in together! Then the server closed, and that was that :) They should just keep groups together no matter what. I suck in deathmatch. I don't know how you can go without dying - I only play HQ and Domination, so I'm of the mindset that my life doesn't matter so I tend to be a bit reckless. At least I finished on the positive side of the k/d ratio ;)

We'll have to play again Wickerman. What setup do you use most often? Since I'm ranking up again, I can't use my beloved m14 (though I did just earn my G3 back), so I usually go with the basic m16/claymore/stopping power/last stand (or martydom, depending on map). I never really used last stand much, but I tried it out again today and it's unreal how many kills I get with it. My favorite COD 4 moment came through the last stand. I was the last man alive holding an HQ in a very close match in Countdown. I got shot down, but last stand kicked in. Before they could finish me off, I called in an airstrike on my position. They knifed me to finish me off, but the bombs came down and took out all six before they could capture the HQ and we won :) Martydom is probably more useful, especially on maps where the hq is indoors, but more than a few times I was able to take out my killer and others with last stand. I was even able to capture a few flags with it.

Oh, and I couldn't get on any domination or HQ maps either, so I quit for the night and watched arrested development instead.


I've never seen so many whiny babies online in one night before.

Won 5 games in a row vs four 45-55 Prestige II's (plus other high levels in the room): They decide to try and "vote" me out. Not sure how that was going to work in FFA. So since I didn't comply they decied to send/spam me messages in the lobby since I wasn't wearing my headset teling me to leave. Note, I can still hear them through the speakers.. no idea why they didn't know that. So I win 3 more in a row and they "give up" and leave to play S&D.

First game in the new room, I come in 2nd after coming in late and being 25 points down from the get go. Then win the next three games by at least ten kills each time. Too easy, so I leave the room afterwards: Only to be messaged by someone in the room telling me I'm cheating and to "use a different gun". So I point out the last three maps I used the G3, MP5 and M16.

New room, I lose four in a row. Coming in 2nd each time to the same guy. A Prestige 34. Then win the next four in a row with him coming in second three times and 4th another: I leave for bed and he messages me and tells my I "haxed" game. :lol!

COD is awesome. :D


Unconfirmed Member
Quagm1r3 said:
Multiplayer complaint:

I'm getting tired of people throwing grenades into the air over huge buildings at the start of a round of S&D. Nothing's more annoying than being killed 5-10 seconds into a round. They should add a few invisible walls for god sake.

Frag 3x, Sonic Boom, and Martyrdom should be on the same perk page..really..what kind of idiot approved this in the design stage?!!? The game really feels like its geared towards grenade play, I spend most of my time dodging the hail of incoming grenades...UAV + grenade spam + grenade launcher + airstrikes..play on a map like Wetworks which is just filled with chokepoints, and its just sad sad sad.


Lol at complaints, COD 4 can be hella annoying and frustrating when you tend to suck.

Im not gonna lie here, when i first started playing COD 4 i really sucked, threw my K/D ratio down to 0.84, so i was below average, but then i started to find my ways.

Now my Custom Build is: M4 + Red dot sight, stopping power, claymore and last stand(though i dont really like last stand, but i hate martyrdom even more, and the rest of the perks are pretty useless)

Now im pretty good, i pretty much always get in the first two spots of my team, you just have to find your personal feeling to the game i think. But when you dont, everything just seems to suck, either its grenades, or campers, or snipers or lag ...


raYne said:
I've never seen so many whiny babies online in one night before.

Won 5 games in a row vs four 45-55 Prestige II's (plus other high levels in the room): They decide to try and "vote" me out. Not sure how that was going to work in FFA. So since I didn't comply they decied to send/spam me messages in the lobby since I wasn't wearing my headset teling me to leave. Note, I can still hear them through the speakers.. no idea why they didn't know that. So I win 3 more in a row and they "give up" and leave to play S&D.

First game in the new room, I come in 2nd after coming in late and being 25 points down from the get go. Then win the next three games by at least ten kills each time. Too easy, so I leave the room afterwards: Only to be messaged by someone in the room telling me I'm cheating and to "use a different gun". So I point out the last three maps I used the G3, MP5 and M16.

New room, I lose four in a row. Coming in 2nd each time to the same guy. A Prestige 34. Then win the next four in a row with him coming in second three times and 4th another: I leave for bed and he messages me and tells my I "haxed" game. :lol!

COD is awesome. :D
People with sore butts are sore losers :D

The other day I had a guy on the opposing team message me in the middle of a Headquarters game on Crash telling me to "stop camping so much". So I'm not supposed to defend the HQ when we've captured it? :lol


I really wish COD 4 had a similar site like Halo 3, id really like it if i could check my stats, my kills etc, i had a few games where i had 30+ kills, been meaning to check up on it ever since.
Raiden said:
I really wish COD 4 had a similar site like Halo 3, id really like it if i could check my stats, my kills etc, i had a few games where i had 30+ kills, been meaning to check up on it ever since.
You can check your stats in the barracks.


All of the really good perks seem to be in slot 2. Slot 1 is terrible and slot 3 is just gimmicky stuff like Last Stand, Martyrdom, Iron Lungs, Eavesdrop, etc. I dunno what they were thinking... I guess for balance issues.


kbear said:
All of the really good perks seem to be in slot 2. Slot 1 is terrible and slot 3 is just gimmicky stuff like Last Stand, Martyrdom, Iron Lungs, Eavesdrop, etc. I dunno what they were thinking... I guess for balance issues.

Deep Impact is awesome. I used to use martyrdom then I went prestige and losing that perk I went to DI and it's just so helpful

Iron Lungs I use for my sniper class because really what other slot3 perk is helpful for a sniper build

Other than that, yea most of slot3's perks are useless
kbear said:
All of the really good perks seem to be in slot 2. Slot 1 is terrible and slot 3 is just gimmicky stuff like Last Stand, Martyrdom, Iron Lungs, Eavesdrop, etc. I dunno what they were thinking... I guess for balance issues.

Err, slot 1 = Claymore, slot 3 = Deep Impact. Those are some fine perks.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
kbear said:
All of the really good perks seem to be in slot 2. Slot 1 is terrible and slot 3 is just gimmicky stuff like Last Stand, Martyrdom, Iron Lungs, Eavesdrop, etc. I dunno what they were thinking... I guess for balance issues.

Couldn't disagree more, to be honest. Not sure how someone could call 3 frags or claymores terrible, since they are so useful for HQ. And the only useless thing in slot 3 is eavesdrop. Extreme conditioning, for example, along with a sub machine gun like an MP5, allows me to reach flag b in domination games before anyone else, or to reach the HQ's faster than other people. Invaluable!


commish said:
We'll have to play again Wickerman. What setup do you use most often? Since I'm ranking up again, I can't use my beloved m14 (though I did just earn my G3 back), so I usually go with the basic m16/claymore/stopping power/last stand (or martydom, depending on map). I never really used last stand much, but I tried it out again today and it's unreal how many kills I get with it. My favorite COD 4 moment came through the last stand. I was the last man alive holding an HQ in a very close match in Countdown. I got shot down, but last stand kicked in. Before they could finish me off, I called in an airstrike on my position. They knifed me to finish me off, but the bombs came down and took out all six before they could capture the HQ and we won :) Martydom is probably more useful, especially on maps where the hq is indoors, but more than a few times I was able to take out my killer and others with last stand. I was even able to capture a few flags with it.

Well, I'm working on completing the Assault Challenges so right now I'm using the G3, 3x Stun Grenade, UAV Jammer, and Deep Impact. My favorite setup is : AK-47, 3x Stun Grenade (I may switch to Claymores in the future), Stopping Power, and Deep Impact. I don't die often so I find the 3x Stun very useful.

I really beginning to dislike Headquarters. It's like one huge nade fest, especially in Bog. With that said, I really love Domination, Ground War, and Sabotage. Game modes that force the action is where the fun is.

I don't know how you can go without dying - I only play HQ and Domination, so I'm of the mindset that my life doesn't matter so I tend to be a bit reckless.

Experience is key. When you constantly peek at the UAV, listen for footsteps, learn all the hiding spots, sniper locations, and paths that players frequently take, then you won't die often.


So does anyone here actually play this on PC other than me? If so, is there any kind of GAF Steam group or something for COD4 players?


raYne said:
I've never seen so many whiny babies online in one night before.

Won 5 games in a row vs four 45-55 Prestige II's (plus other high levels in the room): They decide to try and "vote" me out. Not sure how that was going to work in FFA. So since I didn't comply they decied to send/spam me messages in the lobby since I wasn't wearing my headset teling me to leave. Note, I can still hear them through the speakers.. no idea why they didn't know that. So I win 3 more in a row and they "give up" and leave to play S&D.

First game in the new room, I come in 2nd after coming in late and being 25 points down from the get go. Then win the next three games by at least ten kills each time. Too easy, so I leave the room afterwards: Only to be messaged by someone in the room telling me I'm cheating and to "use a different gun". So I point out the last three maps I used the G3, MP5 and M16.

New room, I lose four in a row. Coming in 2nd each time to the same guy. A Prestige 34. Then win the next four in a row with him coming in second three times and 4th another: I leave for bed and he messages me and tells my I "haxed" game. :lol!

COD is awesome. :D

I sooo wish I had been around for that.:lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
raYne said:
I've never seen so many whiny babies online in one night before.

Won 5 games in a row vs four 45-55 Prestige II's (plus other high levels in the room): They decide to try and "vote" me out. Not sure how that was going to work in FFA. So since I didn't comply they decied to send/spam me messages in the lobby since I wasn't wearing my headset teling me to leave. Note, I can still hear them through the speakers.. no idea why they didn't know that. So I win 3 more in a row and they "give up" and leave to play S&D.

First game in the new room, I come in 2nd after coming in late and being 25 points down from the get go. Then win the next three games by at least ten kills each time. Too easy, so I leave the room afterwards: Only to be messaged by someone in the room telling me I'm cheating and to "use a different gun". So I point out the last three maps I used the G3, MP5 and M16.

New room, I lose four in a row. Coming in 2nd each time to the same guy. A Prestige 34. Then win the next four in a row with him coming in second three times and 4th another: I leave for bed and he messages me and tells my I "haxed" game. :lol!

COD is awesome. :D

You sure you weren't playing Counter-Strike? :lol
Epix said:
Does anyone have a link to what each of the Prestige Mode insignias look like.

Found it on another forum. As far as I can tell, it's correct.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Wickerman said:
Well, I'm working on completing the Assault Challenges so right now I'm using the G3, 3x Stun Grenade, UAV Jammer, and Deep Impact. My favorite setup is : AK-47, 3x Stun Grenade (I may switch to Claymores in the future), Stopping Power, and Deep Impact. I don't die often so I find the 3x Stun very useful.

I really beginning to dislike Headquarters. It's like one huge nade fest, especially in Bog. With that said, I really love Domination, Ground War, and Sabotage. Game modes that force the action is where the fun is.

Experience is key. When you constantly peek at the UAV, listen for footsteps, learn all the hiding spots, sniper locations, and paths that players frequently take, then you won't die often.

If there weren't so many more points in HQ, I'd *never* play it how it is set up now. The spawn system is just too broken. I only play because I can clear 1k points on a map if we win, and even in defeat, I get more points than I would in most Domination matches. Whenever I reach 55 again, that's it for me - no more leveling. In fact, once I unlock my m14, I'll play stop playing HQ until the patch, when I think there are going to be more spawn points on most maps (if not for HQ, at least for the players so no team spawns right on the HQ).


3xgrenades / martyrdom are ruining this game.

did play testers really find these things fun?

1 frag is plenty of grenade given their relative power/usefullness
I don't know what it is about this stupid game, but the multiplayer just feels right. I tried getting into UT3, and I kept thinking back to the last skirmish in COD4 and how I'd rather play that... so I did. Nothing wrong with UT3, but when a game feels right it's hard to get into anything else.


Dirtbag 504 said:
3xgrenades / martyrdom are ruining this game.

did play testers really find these things fun?

1 frag is plenty of grenade given their relative power/usefullness

Martyrdom is pretty stupid, but fragx3 is okay.


Junior Member
I've been having a great time with this game lately. We had a whole lot of noobs playing on one team for a while and even getting owned is fun, to a point.

The only thing I'm disliking is the whiners. All the "veterans" who keep complaining about bad teams and bad maps and bad kills. Just STFU already and play the game!


Kyoufu said:
Martyrdom is pretty stupid, but fragx3 is okay.

no its really not, all it promotes are people lobbing grenades across the map randomly and praying for kills. The grenades are just to powerful to give you 3 of them. it breaks the gameplay.
AltogetherAndrews said:
I don't know what it is about this stupid game, but the multiplayer just feels right. I tried getting into UT3, and I kept thinking back to the last skirmish in COD4 and how I'd rather play that... so I did. Nothing wrong with UT3, but when a game feels right it's hard to get into anything else.
CoD4 completely killed all my interest in TF2.
i wish everyone would just stop complaing about Martyrdom. Just shoot the fucker until he drops, pump a few more rounds into him when hes down to make sure and run like hell. Wetworks and the indoor map (forgot name) is a little tight on space, but you just gotta run n gun through those maps


Hi, my name's Mash and I've been using martyrdom since the launch of CoD4. But, with the peer pressure of people on the internet, I hope eventually to stop it's just the satisfactory feeling is just overwhelming.


blindrocket said:
You can check your stats in the barracks.
He meant stats of individual games. Not just your total stats.

reilo said:
You sure you weren't playing Counter-Strike? :lol
I know, right!? :lol

Son of Godzilla said:
CoD4 completely killed all my interest in TF2.
COD4 Beta completely killed my interest in Halo 3 mp. I never bothered to even play one game post H3 Beta.


nods at old men
Dirtbag 504 said:
no its really not, all it promotes are people lobbing grenades across the map randomly and praying for kills. The grenades are just to powerful to give you 3 of them. it breaks the gameplay.
Just move.
away from the grenade


If you dont understand how martyrdom breaks the gameplay, you haven't played headquarters (the best gamemode in the game), or have no skill yourself and rely on it for shameless kills. It's not a matter of avoiding it, its only in the game to frustrate. It's just a lame way to get a kill.

dallow_bg said:
Just move.
away from the grenade

Brilliant advice, hadn't thought of that yet.

USD said:
Avoiding Martyrdom is easy: just assume every enemy has it.

Its only an assumption if it's wrong. It's the truth otherwise.


Kyoufu said:
Martyrdom is pretty stupid, but fragx3 is okay.
I went through my own love-hate relationship with martyrdom, and now I use it to my advantage. When I get one-on-how many in a room, I try to block the door myself so that even if I lose the shoot out, the killer has no place to run or more-often-than-not run into his own death trying to get out of the room. It works out pretty well. Another funny thing I tried is to sit on clamore and purposely lure enemies into knifing me. The fun never ends. :D


Kyoufu said:
Martyrdom is pretty stupid, but fragx3 is okay.
Martyrdom + Sonic Boom is a hair pulling experience. Ran into someone using that setup for the first time is ages. You're nowhere close enough to even have the grenade indicater activate and you still die. :(

I thought it was a network glitch the first two times. Then the third, I noticed it was the same guy each time and went. "Ooooohhh"... :lol

SonnyBoy said:
I sooo wish I had been around for that.:lol
Welcome back. :)
I really wish you could search for games based on the map. I assume this feature is in the PC version? Why wouldn't be included in the console versions?
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