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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


I love this game. Deeply. So don't take this as me slagging a great game, it's just a little bitching.

I really wish IW didn't have the "Die die die die: Oh that's how it works" mechanic. And really.. the Ferris Wheel and Nuclear Bunker sequences are just horrible.
Sushen said:
While I understand your frustration, I would much more prefer my team to stick together than all scattered from the start. Those teams tend to do better, and that way, even if the other team has a crazy stealth dude, he won't get much mileage out of it since the team watches each other's back all the time. Yeah, I prefer/do better in that style wiping out the enemies section by section. Heck, it's called, "Team Death Match", right? ;)

No, no you don't. My frustration is no one likes Bloc. That team I described in the post you quoted got fucking raped. They camped in one spot the entire map and ate it: nade spam, rpgs, grenade launchers, crazy mofos running in and spraying people, martyrdom killing those campers nevermind the choppers and air strikes.

If people hate Bloc because they play it like that, it isn't the map that's shitty. That was my point.


watership said:
I love this game. Deeply. So don't take this as me slagging a great game, it's just a little bitching.

I really wish IW didn't have the "Die die die die: Oh that's how it works" mechanic. And really.. the Ferris Wheel and Nuclear Bunker sequences are just horrible.

I don't mind it as I like old school game mechanics like that but play on veteran then drop back to recruit and your realize how small some of these levels really are. I was picking up intel last night and was amazed how much of the veteran playthrough involved time spent slowly advancing through tiny levels which I thought were so much larger before then.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I started playing it on veteran today and I got through the first few levels without too much trouble, but I cannot clear the TV station. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do.

I know I'm basically aiming for the top row of guys, but I can't see them for shit and I'm getting mauled. And the enemies lob like 3 grenades per second, which is absolute bullshit.


Y2Kev said:
I started playing it on veteran today and I got through the first few levels without too much trouble, but I cannot clear the TV station. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do.

I know I'm basically aiming for the top row of guys, but I can't see them for shit and I'm getting mauled. And the enemies lob like 3 grenades per second, which is absolute bullshit.

What I did was I ran straight to the right, there is a small white box room at the end, I stayed there for a while and cleared the waves of enemies in front of me and then I immediately went to the end of the room so the they would stop coming. Another advantage of staying there is that when they throw grenades there is just enough room to move out of the way without getting stuck somewhere, also its really easy to throw them back.

I got one more day with COD, I'm up to the area where you have to punch in the abort codes before the timer runs out, how far away am I till the end?


See said:
I got one more day with COD, I'm up to the area where you have to punch in the abort codes before the timer runs out, how far away am I till the end?

Pretty darn close hehe, make sure you stay for end of credits though ^.^


Ugh!! My copy keeps freezing up during the Chernobyl stage. The screen freezes up but I can still hear things going on. I know this game is great for its Multi-player but I would like to finish singleplay at least once. Anyone got any suggestions or should I just try to get this returned?


I finally completed Veteran mode (including Mile High!)

I got to the final door on the plane with less than a second left :lol If I would have missed the shot after that, I would have thrown my controller out the window.
Had some fun games tonight, mostly against new players. While the skill was a little uneven at times, the one thing that's great about new players is they don't vote skip maps yet.

Didn't quite go through a full rotation but it was nice to be able to sit through a lobby and not hear "this maps sucks, skip it!", "come on, skip it," "this map is gay", "I hate this map", "skip it, please!", etc.


jaundicejuice said:
Didn't quite go through a full rotation but it was nice to be able to sit through a lobby and not hear "this maps sucks, skip it!", "come on, skip it," "this map is gay", "I hate this map", "skip it, please!", etc.

I hate the skippers. And I find them to be like the Skippers - girls who can't stand playing some maps because they suck on them. I love all the maps, especially Bloc and Countdown - which are being preffered by Skippers.



amar212 said:
I hate the skippers. And I find them to be like the Skippers - girls who can't stand playing some maps because they suck on them. I love all the maps, especially Bloc and Countdown - which are being preffered by Skippers.

Er, people skip maps because, to them, the maps suck. It has nothing to do with how well they play on said maps.

I don't mind Bloc, Countdown, Overgrown or Bog, yet they almost always get veto'd by one or two people in a game. Mostly because they're all good "hide in the corner and snipe like a pansy" maps. Which they obviously don't want to deal with.

Shipment, Showdown and Wet Work (especially Wet Work) are fucking awful though.
raYne said:
Er, people skip maps because, to them, the maps suck. It has nothing to do with how well they play on said maps.
I don't mind Bloc, Countdown, Overgrown or Bog, yet they almost always get veto'd by one or two people in a game. Mostly because they're all good "hide in the corner and snipe like a pansy" maps. Which they obviously don't want to deal with.

Shipment, Showdown and Wet Work (especially Wet Work) are fucking awful though.
Wet Work + Sabotage = Super long games that annoy the shit out of me.


Gattsu25 said:
I can't play online anymore on my PS3 version...CoD4 hangs up 'Downloading Game Settings' when I try to retrieve the list of playlists. It's been this way ever since the patch.
Just turn your modem off then back on and it should work. This solves the problem for me anyway..... Also, I don't have any problem finding games like many of you guys do. If it tries to make me a host, I just quit and try again. Never takes more than a minute to get in a good lobby. I only play Ground War and Sabotage though(ps3 vers.).


Gold Member
Y2Kev said:
I started playing it on veteran today and I got through the first few levels without too much trouble, but I cannot clear the TV station. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do.

I know I'm basically aiming for the top row of guys, but I can't see them for shit and I'm getting mauled. And the enemies lob like 3 grenades per second, which is absolute bullshit.

Just camp in the server room leading to the main TV room. The only tricky part is that you'll need to walk half way into the main room to trigger the assault (no, a grenade won't do) and then you are in quite a hurry to get back to the server room.

In the server room, hang left of the door close to the wall, you can take out the guys in the middle from there. They keep on coming for a long time. With them done, you can get the guys from the second floor too.

Watch for grenades and bullets coming through the wall and back further along the wall in the server room any time you get a hit.

Wait until you get to the "helicopter searchlight" mission, that's when the fun really starts...
darkressurection said:
Wet Work + Sabotage = Super long games that annoy the shit out of me.
Shipment + Headquarters = Super stupid games that drive me insane. WTF made somebody think that Shipment was good for Headquarters? It's horrible
raYne said:
Shipment, Showdown and Wet Work (especially Wet Work) are fucking awful though.

You should play Ground War.
Shipment, Showdown and Wetwork aren't rotated as the maps are too small for 18 player team match
So I swapped it to Normal after getting fed up with Veteran on Charlie Don't Surf (Hay, that gay ass TV room got to me too!) and proceeded to beat the game in a single sitting. Very good stuff, but the marine stuff sucked ass. I can't fathom doing any of the tank defense shit on Veteran without going insane. But aside from those two tank levels and the stupid CDS level the game is freaking golden. The gunplane bit really creeped me the fuck out.

Also the penetration shit is so broken in single player, it might as well not exist. I was using the Russian sniper rifle I can't remember the name of (Third you unlock in MP) and couldn't shoot through a freakin wooden crate. That's just one example, pretty much object in the game seemed to be impenetrable. Except of course when I wanted some goddamn cover.


Has problems recognising girls
So I got a bit tired of running around with rockets, hitting players from down the street away.

Switched over to silencers, 3 x stun grenades, UAV hack and extreme conditioning. Rarely use my pistols at all, throw the stun, run and knife. So far I am enjoying it to the point where I can throw a nade down at one end of a large room hitting them in the legs, then duck and weave while they are trying to shoot me. Most responses go "ffs" when the stun hits and then "FUCK OFF!" when the knife goes in :lol

Of course some maps that strategy rarely works.. funnily enough it's more in the open areas that help a lot more since you don't really want to get yourself stunned. Long as there are buildings to hide in and sneak along you're fine. Circling a map and killing the remnants of the opposition from behind is satisfying - just gotta watch out for those spawns :|


DMczaf said:
I finally completed Veteran mode (including Mile High!)

I got to the final door on the plane with less than a second left :lol If I would have missed the shot after that, I would have thrown my controller out the window.

After repeated attempts on Veteran on Mile High I finally got to that door and DID miss that first shot and luckily had just enough time to get another in. My controller was about to make that journey across the room though.....

First time I really feel satisfied to have all achievements for a game.
Shipment is the best map ever. I've had my best games on that map, and it's just intense fun. As long as you dodge the random grenades and throw a bunch of your own, it's great.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
tootthekazoo said:
Shipment + Headquarters = Super stupid games that drive me insane. WTF made somebody think that Shipment was good for Headquarters? It's horrible

I found Shipment/Headquarter games VERY entertaining, it makes CoD4 feel like a different game. I like how crazy and super fast pace it is.

Wetworks is just a Terrible map altogether, the worst in the game

Crash is my favority map


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
tootthekazoo said:
Shipment + Headquarters = Super stupid games that drive me insane. WTF made somebody think that Shipment was good for Headquarters? It's horrible

It's great for getting points though. My only problem with the map is the grenade spam. I got fed up with it, so I decided to join them - 3 frags with the sonic perk. The map is really no good for headquarters, as you say, but I like it. My most hated map for headquarters is, by far, wet work.


Ok, I'm getting this really annoying glitch.

I'm on the silo level where you've gotta get the abort codes inside 11 minutes. Anyway, at about 3-4 minutes Price says "Move move move" and you run down this hallway, but all he does is stand in the doorway moving his hand. You can't progress any further, because no doors are open. At first I though it was because I ran ahead, but he did it the 2nd time when I stayed back. It's like he hasn't recognized that I come through the door, but I have

Long spoiler tag :lol


I was in a Team Deathmatch game and this clan called BBO or BOB with Russian names had 3 or 4 clan guys on their side. Our random group of stragglers were kickin their ass and then all of a sudden, "host ended game". What exactly does this accomplish? Don't we still win the game? Don't the stats still count? The Victory screen came up


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This SP is so....lololol

edit: I just ran to the end of the room to stop the spawns and then let the AI do the work.


finally managed to start dominating with the shotty

Sleight of Hand
Extreme Conditioning

means i can sprint and flank the enemy, pop a couple of people down, reload in a flash, take out stragglers, rob an M4 or something off someone to get back to my team. rinse and repeat.
kbear said:
I was in a Team Deathmatch game and this clan called BBO or BOB with Russian names had 3 or 4 clan guys on their side. Our random group of stragglers were kickin their ass and then all of a sudden, "host ended game". What exactly does this accomplish? Don't we still win the game? Don't the stats still count? The Victory screen came up

Even though the screen says Victory, if you go check ur stat, u will see that you got 1+ in your LOSS count.
Anytime game ends b/c of hosting quitting or server connection problem, it will count as a LOSS on your stat.
Best thing to do is just sign out of Xbox Live when that happens and sign back in. You will not gain the exp. from the previous match but u won't get a LOSS in your stat.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
BruceWayne said:
Even though the screen says Victory, if you go check ur stat, u will see that you got 1+ in your LOSS count.
Anytime game ends b/c of hosting quitting or server connection problem, it will count as a LOSS on your stat.
Best thing to do is just sign out of Xbox Live when that happens and sign back in. You will not gain the exp. from the previous match but u won't get a LOSS in your stat.

Didn't know that. I didn't think I lost as many times as it said on my stat page.

On another note, the grenade launcher with the sonic perk is a little ridiculous.


BruceWayne said:
Even though the screen says Victory, if you go check ur stat, u will see that you got 1+ in your LOSS count.
Anytime game ends b/c of hosting quitting or server connection problem, it will count as a LOSS on your stat.
Best thing to do is just sign out of Xbox Live when that happens and sign back in. You will not gain the exp. from the previous match but u won't get a LOSS in your stat.
Ugh.. disgusting. I've gotten "Host Ended Game" so many times... probably upwards of 15 times in my 17 hours of play. I've got the PS3 version but I assume it's the same.


Pharmacy said:
finally managed to start dominating with the shotty

Sleight of Hand
Extreme Conditioning

means i can sprint and flank the enemy, pop a couple of people down, reload in a flash, take out stragglers, rob an M4 or something off someone to get back to my team. rinse and repeat.

Try Dead Silence instead of Extreme Conditioning :)


Kordos said:
Try Dead Silence instead of Extreme Conditioning :)

no point, not many people have good audio setups with their PS3s so they can't hear footsteps anyways. Well, at least thats what I've always thought :\


commish said:
In other FPS's, perhaps... but in COD 4, there are far too many different avenues of attack on some levels. Traveling in a group of 6 is just too easy a target. Besides, I haven't seen a public group work that well together. Working well as a team doesn't have to mean traveling together in a group.

Agreed. The problem I have with COD4 MP is mainly with the various access points to all areas of the level. Normally this is something that would be seen as plus - as it is a good way of preventing sitting - requiring the person to keep on the move. But in COD4, the pace of the game in MP is pretty fast paced and to the point where dying - even in a good run - is an inevitability.

What they need to do is make a new game mode where teams are split into groups (2, 3 or 4 to a group) who communicate on the same channel, have access to each others radar and line of sight. Looking at the map - the player will see the locations of each of his friends (within certain distance range) and will also see the direction in which the teammate is facing. Basically with that, you'll see which areas are being covered by your fellow teamates and react accordingly.

Pharmacy said:
no point, not many people have good audio setups with their PS3s so they can't hear footsteps anyways. Well, at least thats what I've always thought :\

I've got some 4 year old stereo setup with three speakers & a subwoofer and I have no problems hearing footsteps. If you don't move around, they can be heard on normal tv speakers.
kbear said:
Ugh.. disgusting. I've gotten "Host Ended Game" so many times... probably upwards of 15 times in my 17 hours of play. I've got the PS3 version but I assume it's the same.

It's same on PS3 version.

When that happens, I press the PS button and quit the game. That way the previous match isn't counted against you.

For Xbox, press the xbox button and press X and sign out and sign back in.

Also it's not just host quitting. If you get server probem and get disconnected, it's counted as a LOSS as well.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Wickerman, every time I (tigerheli) try to join your group, I get a connection error :\

Wow, 4 host ended games in a row, this is awesome fun.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
The spawn points of the HQ blow my mind, really. A team plants, they all die, we capture HQ. HQ spawns aqain, right next to the team that just captured it last time, we run over there, kill them all, it respawns next to them again, etc etc. We just end up running back and forth across the map to take back their HQ. Repeat until 250-0. I've seen this way too many times. It's impossible to win sometimes if the HQ spawns by your opponent every time. So dumb. Even worse, my team is always so dumb that when we have them all killed, EVERYONE must run to capture HQ. Hello, we only need 1 person, the rest of you spread out to get/defend the next HQ. EVERY TIME, my entire team tries to capture, and for what? Only the first gets extra points, you dumb fuckers, so move on.

I'm annoyed :)


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
commish said:
The spawn points of the HQ blow my mind, really. A team plants, they all die, we capture HQ. HQ spawns aqain, right next to the team that just captured it last time, we run over there, kill them all, it respawns next to them again, etc etc. We just end up running back and forth across the map to take back their HQ. Repeat until 250-0. I've seen this way too many times. It's impossible to win sometimes if the HQ spawns by your opponent every time. So dumb. Even worse, my team is always so dumb that when we have them all killed, EVERYONE must run to capture HQ. Hello, we only need 1 person, the rest of you spread out to get/defend the next HQ. EVERY TIME, my entire team tries to capture, and for what? Only the first gets extra points, you dumb fuckers, so move on.

I'm annoyed :)

I've had that happen three maps in a row, and I was on the losing team each time. All rounds were lost 250-0 because the spawn points for the HQ were too far away for the capture team.


commish said:
Wickerman, every time I (tigerheli) try to join your group, I get a connection error :\

Sorry, I think the room was full. Just keep sending invites to me and eventually I get into your room.
raYne said:
If I recall, after you head down the stairs, there's none till after you get all the way through either side of the forked path. :( So no, not till you hit the blast doors.

Good luck!

There is actually a checkpoint before the blast doors; but you don't seem to get it if the game doesn't think you have enough to to complete it. Its right before the left/right tunnels of death. I remember, because the checkpoint starts as you turn the corner, and 2 guys run away from you. And no matter how much I shot the one bastard, he would ALWAYS be wounded and crawl on the ground. You don't forget something like that... well that and I did that sequence about 87 times before passing it.

Anyways, I keep remembering that I thought there was a checkpoint there, because on regular mode there was. However, when I finally managed to get that far with above 5 minutes remaining, then I got the checkpoint.

After many more tries, I managed to breach the firewall and get into the control room. I remember yelling at Price as he was telling me to place the explosives, as you can't do that until he says go ahead (precious seconds gone!). I entered the control room with less than 17 seconds on the clock, had one hell of an intense firefight, and input the codes with 2.7 seconds remaining. I remember jumping out of my chair and yelling about it, my wife was shouting down the stairs "whats going on, are you ok?!" :D

For those of you also foolish enough to try this level on Vet, heres a tip that saved my sanity... ESPECIALLY on the death tunnels. GO PRONE, and edge towards the doors. Do that for every door in this section. It makes it 10X easier to not get killed. Also if you still have a rifle with a grenade launcher, this was AMAZING for taking out the guys at that first intersection. Go prone, slide to the bare edge of the door, and you won't see the enemy. But you WILL see the giant round pillar in the middle of the room. Shoot a grenade at it, and it will take out the enemy soldier to.. fastest way to do it that I have found.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Wickerman said:
Sorry, I think the room was full. Just keep sending invites to me and eventually I get into your room.

I didn't want to overload you with requests :) I'm teaching my brother how to play atm. He won't try anything but light machine guns :(
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