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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

Ragnarok10 said:
And you're stealth troll was much more subtle I suppose. :lol

Considering VGNY (where I bought it and mentioned above by others) only had the 360 version, of course I got that one.

I just blew your mind, didn't I? Craziness.
Dizzan said:
I hear ya. Squeezing it in between Uncharted, Rachet, Assassins creed, Mario Galaxy and worst of all Pro evo. All in between work and Uni exams.

Life's a bitch, but we'll find away to do it.


Art does not make 60FPS @ 1080i with real world physics on the PSf*ckin2.
Mr.Potato Head said:
. Infinity Ward needs to be given lots of credit seeing how good it looks on the 360 and if true the ps3 version has a bit more graphical flair then the 360 version... holy shit and the pc version.. u know if you got the muscle, its gonna looke raw on a pc.

Has this been confirmed or are you talking about the old rumor?


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
MonkeyLicker said:
Has this been confirmed or are you talking about the old rumor?

Playing both side on the same TV I can say that the only difference I can see is in the shadows. Its not a graphical advantage for either system, more of a design difference.


Router said:
Playing both side on the same TV I can say that the only difference I can see is in the shadows. Its not a graphical advantage for either system, more of a design difference.

What console has better shadows? Just curious not trying to start anything


hide your water-based mammals
Router said:
Playing both side on the same TV I can say that the only difference I can see is in the shadows. Its not a graphical advantage for either system, more of a design difference.
Not that either is better than the other but post some pics. This thread is dry on user pics. Not pics from Google pictures.


Art does not make 60FPS @ 1080i with real world physics on the PSf*ckin2.
LiquidMetal14 said:
Not that either is better than the other but post some pics. This thread is dry on user pics. Not pics from Google pictures.

Yeah, please do.
Try to get take some pics of the shadows so we can see the difference.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Alright, I'm home, got my copy. Feel free to ask away, folks.

Not sure I can manage user pics tonight. At least not from anything but my iSight. :lol


Vyse The Legend said:
Considering VGNY (where I bought it and mentioned above by others) only had the 360 version, of course I got that one.

Actually, they had the PS3 version as well - but they sold through their stock pretty quick. One of the clerks mentioned she was shocked how quick they were going.

Actually, I bought the next to last PS3 copy, called a frend of mine to tell him, he called to hold the last copy and came into the city to buy it...

Someone post impressions of PS3 version. Your own impressions and not some publication.

I played about an hour just now, split between single player and online.

I'll spoiler the single player stuff in case people are antsy about the plot:

First two levels are tutorial-esqe; then you get a really interesting in-engine level where you, er, play as an ousted president. Then you head to Russia with some sniping and night vision. That's as far as I got.

Frame rate is buttery smooth, game looks great, and it plays well with the Sixaxis (not that I noticed any motion controls). It's certainly a hell of a leap from Resistance.

Online, I had no problem jumping on and finding a FFA game with 5 other guys - FFA plays a lot quicker than I've gotten used to (due mostly to Halo3). There's a nice Killcam feature so that when you die, you can see how retarded you were - you get the POV of the guy who shot you up. Voice chat works (it picked up my PS Eye mic and I saw other people talking, at least), the menus reference the XMB friends list (thank god), and there's lots to unlock online.

Pretty happy after the first hour, at least.

Arcade mode only unlocks once you finish the game, by the way.


For overall of the PS3 version is that:
Great graphics although there some bad textures here and there but overall is great.
Smooth framerate.
Online Multiplayer is great.

As for the game story..
Like the OP's post,you will be playing as 3 persons 'Soap' Mactavish , Paul Jackson and Captain Price(15 yesr ago). But majority of the game like 60% you be playing as 'Soap' Mactavish because....
*SPOILERS* Don't highlight unless you want to know!!!
Paul Jackson dies in the middle of the game.


y'all should be ashamed
Router said:
Playing both side on the same TV I can say that the only difference I can see is in the shadows. Its not a graphical advantage for either system, more of a design difference.

Oddly enough, that's exactly what the devs said would be different on both systems...each has their own design that will "vary on which is better by person."


Defuser said:
For overall of the PS3 version is that:
Great graphics although there some bad textures here and there but overall is great.
Smooth framerate.
Online Multiplayer is great.

Are the bad textures any worse than the ones in CoD2?


Defuser said:
Great graphics although there some bad textures here and there but overall is great.

Bah, so it's like the beta was then... That's ok, in MP you don't have time to stare at the walls :p

def sim

Because there isn't any problems with the framerate in either games it seems.

Hell, doesn't this one run at a stable 60fps? I know the multiplayer beta did and it was very stable.


J-Rzez said:
Bah, so it's like the beta was then... That's ok, in MP you don't have time to stare at the walls :p
More like I'm staring at the ground :lol

Bailey's Dad said:
Hard to take GAF's opinion on framerate when most couldn't see the problems Halo 3 had.
The game is smooth,never experience any framerate problem so far.

As long there is little/no framerate problem,GAF wouldn't give a shit.
rance said:
Because there isn't any problems with the framerate in either games it seems.

Hell, doesn't this one run at a stable 60fps? I know the multiplayer beta did and it was very stable.
Yea, it was almost disorientating playing a 60fps FPS for the first time in a while. It's soooo smooth.


rance said:
I figured this would be out by Wednesday. Did that change or what?

Some places are selling it early it seems. You'll probably be able to find it on Tuesday from EB/Gamestop.


I live in michigan as well, about 40 mins from both ann arbor and lansing, you guys close to the south? I would be willing to take a little road trip tomorrow to pick this up! please tell me you're close! . . .guess I could always try taking the hour drive to detroit hmmm can't wait for this game!


Got this game yesterday and played a bit of the SP campaign. I'm playing on Hardened difficulty which is a notch above Regular. Jesus, this game is shit hard. When you expose yourself to fire, you get hit by bullets and your screen turns blood red and you can't really respond to the enemy threat effectively. That means you're forced to get back in cover and to try again. In plenty of situations, enemies are difficult to make out and they come at you literally from all sides. Also, at my difficulty level, enemies are CONSTANTLY lobbing grenades at you. It's getting quite frustrating because I'm stuck at this office in a TV station and enemies are coming from all directions. Maybe I should tone down the difficulty a notch.


ElyrionX said:
Got this game yesterday and played a bit of the SP campaign. I'm playing on Hardened difficulty which is a notch above Regular. Jesus, this game is shit hard. When you expose yourself to fire, you get hit by bullets and your screen turns blood red and you can't really respond to the enemy threat effectively. That means you're forced to get back in cover and to try again. In plenty of situations, enemies are difficult to make out and they come at you literally from all sides. Also, at my difficulty level, enemies are CONSTANTLY lobbing grenades at you. It's getting quite frustrating because I'm stuck at this office in a TV station and enemies are coming from all directions. Maybe I should tone down the difficulty a notch.
I hope it's the ps3 version you're playing so I would like to have a good match with/against you.
Man, people are leveling up fast. I saw a few 30s already. Anyway, played 3hrs of MP (got to rank 14-15) and a couple of SP. So far, I'm very impressed.

The framerate has never dipped for anyone wondering, even in big matches with tons of smoke grenades and airstrikes. Also, there are alot of maps, and most are fun.


Vyse The Legend said:
Man, people are leveling up fast. I saw a few 30s already. Anyway, played 3hrs of MP (got to rank 14-15) and a couple of SP. So far, I'm very impressed.

The framerate has never dipped for anyone wondering, even in big matches with tons of smoke grenades and airstrikes. Also, there are alot of maps, and most are fun.
which version


Defuser said:
I hope it's the ps3 version you're playing so I would like to have a good match with/against you.

Unfortunately not. No PS3 at the moment. I'm thinking of picking up one by the end of the year. But I think that really depends on how good Uncharted turns out to be.
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