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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Ragnarok10 said:
Where the hell are you guys getting the game!?
i got it from a game store here in Kuwait (65$) (even small game shops have the game)
Halo 3 released here 5 days before the launch day
and now we got cod4 5 days before the release day
This sounds corny but it's true: I played about an hour and a half earlier and periodically I felt like standing up and applauding. I know graphics aren't everything, but HOLY MOTHERF*CKING GOD the game looks fantastic and I felt completely immersed in whatever was going on (excellent sound so far too). Can't wait to get deeper into the campaign and then tear into some multiplayer.


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
whatdidyousay said:
This sounds corny but it's true: I played about an hour and a half earlier and periodically I felt like standing up and applauding. I know graphics aren't everything, but HOLY MOTHERF*CKING GOD the game looks fantastic and I felt completely immersed in whatever was going on (excellent sound so far too). Can't wait to get deeper into the campaign and then tear into some multiplayer.
I hope I feel the same way when I get the game:D
whatdidyousay said:
This sounds corny but it's true: I played about an hour and a half earlier and periodically I felt like standing up and applauding. I know graphics aren't everything, but HOLY MOTHERF*CKING GOD the game looks fantastic and I felt completely immersed in whatever was going on (excellent sound so far too). Can't wait to get deeper into the campaign and then tear into some multiplayer.



Big_T said:
I got the game today and the game available since thursday
im going to play it now .
time for some screenshots!


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
whatdidyousay said:
Get going dude. It's not even 7 pm.

About to leave. The guy said he guaranteed they'd still have 'em by 10, and they close at midnight. I love NYC. ^_^
I really don't have time for this game, but I'm convinced I'm going to HAVE to squeeze it in somewhere between Halo 3, Orange Box, Assassin's Creed, and Mass Effect. It must be done.


MINI Member
MaizeRage25 said:
I really don't have time for this game, but I'm convinced I'm going to HAVE to squeeze it in somewhere between Halo 3, Orange Box, Assassin's Creed, and Mass Effect. It must be done.

I hear ya. Squeezing it in between Uncharted, Rachet, Assassins creed, Mario Galaxy and worst of all Pro evo. All in between work and Uni exams.
MaizeRage25 said:
I really don't have time for this game, but I'm convinced I'm going to HAVE to squeeze it in somewhere between Halo 3, Orange Box, Assassin's Creed, and Mass Effect. It must be done.

Shit. Mass Effect + CoD4 + Uncharted + R&C + Dissertation + Job Search = Sad Cap'n


DKo5 said:
As has been stated multiple times (elsewhere and this thread), no online splitscreen whatsoever. There is only 4-player offline splitscreen multiplayer.

Well shit. Why not?


InterMoniker said:
Where'd you find it?
Ragnarok10 said:
Where the hell are you guys getting the game!?

I believe a number of Asian countries had it about 2-3 days ago..

Remy said:
Not only that, there are typos! Check the description of the sprint controls on page 6.

:lol ..You are right!! For anyone that cared, the manual printed
Press and and move forward on the stick to sprint
I noticed that this weeks Wal-Mart ad featured Call of Duty 4 (PS3 version pictured) and said it would be available November 7th. I hope Best Buy gets it in sooner! Or maybe Gameflop will.


hide your water-based mammals
Goreomedy said:
Sold my soul to Gamestop tonight. I just can't let the chance of having it Monday pass me by.
Ditto, well except I didn't pre-order at GS. I went into pay the rest on FRI and the manager told me he would drive to Detroit to pick up the shipment and will be back by 5. Excited is an understatement.


LiquidMetal14 said:
Ditto, well except I didn't pre-order at GS. I went into pay the rest on FRI and the manager told me he would drive to Detroit to pick up the shipment and will be back by 5. Excited is an understatement.
what part of michigan are you from? The manager at our store is doing the same thing, I'm out of Grand Haven.


JB1981 said:
time for some screenshots!

word !!!! I did the same thing, I picked up cod4 from a local shop as well as rachet and naruto...but wtf has time to play naruto or ps3 lol when i have cod4 OMGGGGG game of the year confirmed !!! :lol why am i online w you guys.....

Night vision on !! woot!
I cant believe how good this game looks... my local game shop that does alot of import sales has it running on the 360 in the store. I played on it for about 30 minutes... honestly, this is close to Crysis level graphics..atleast compared to crysis demo running on high settings.. it looks that damn good. its hard to bellieve this is a multi platform game.. Infinity Ward needs to be given lots of credit seeing how good it looks on the 360 and if true the ps3 version has a bit more graphical flair then the 360 version... holy shit and the pc version.. u know if you got the muscle, its gonna looke raw on a pc.

But back about the play time i had with the game.. insane visuals, my jaw hit hte flow more times then i can count during the 30 minutes or so i played it. oh the atmosphere in the game.. wow, it really REALLY sucks you into the game, everything feels real, almost as if your playing a friggen movie.

Also the gun fire, the rumble on the 360 gamepad is perfect, makes the guns feel heavy, hard to explain but when you fire your guns, the rumble some how makes the gun feel heavy while firing the gun..lol..hard to explain but its totally raw..i love it, the graphics are the best i seen in 360.. and yeah, better then Gears... mark my words, when you guys see it in person, you'll agree...

PS, i tried to get the owner to give me the copy early but he wouldnt budge.. ass hole
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