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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

Is the sniping in the console version of COD4 more accurate and powerful than the pc version?
I just tried doing the same thing in the video but they keep running away freely.


Not a Jellyfish said:
um that videos not that impressive. mostly playing td and using a .50 cal. not hard to no scope at close range with that gun. i will usually use it as a shotgun.

I must be doing something wrong because even with stopping power I can't hit anyone near me.

I'm baffled as to how hes doing all that wizardry...


pj325is said:
Mile High Club
Sky dive to safety on Veteran difficulty
Acquired 1/19/2008


It's not really about skill at all, it's about luck and memorization.

Mostly luck

There is a fair bit of luck required, no doubt. When you're dealing with AI like there is in this game, you never really know where one guy is or where he will go. As well as shooting from the hip firing you can't be entirely sure you're going to down someone or if they will just crawl around on the ground, impeding your progress.

I do take issue with people saying veteran is broken though. Because I only ever enjoyed the game on veteran, it seemed like the game made sense on that difficulty. Previously playing on hard I felt the game was frustrating and stupid. On veteran it worked like how it should - one shot kills, stealth required, speed required, luck in AI placement required. It was just a hell of a lot more realistic (minus the infinite spawns of guys).

My advice for people having difficulty with it is that you are meant to have difficulty with it, it's the hardest mode on the very last stage. You can't expect to be just handed the reward. Keep trying, watch youtube vids for path tips, and keep trying. It's brutaly hard but amazingly rewarding once completed.
The sniper rifles are fucked up. I fooled around with them tonight and probably 50% of the time I had my crosshairs on someone, fired, and NOTHING HAPPENED. Not even damaged. The target didn't even move, so it couldn't have been lag. Just totally fucked up. How can they make the snipers not deliver the bullet where you're aiming, yet if you can see someone with the M16 w/ red dot, you can kill them.

Mar_ said:
My advice for people having difficulty with it is that you are meant to have difficulty with it, it's the hardest mode on the very last stage. You can't expect to be just handed the reward. Keep trying, watch youtube vids for path tips, and keep trying. It's brutaly hard but amazingly rewarding once completed.

I agree, you guys are complaining like this is the intended difficulty you're supposed to play on. Veteran is there to provide the totally broken, cheap ass, completely unfair challenge that some people love for whatever reason.


Very cool to see COD4 pass up Halo 3 on live. As far as mile high club, it takes some luck but strategy is definitely involved. I passed it with 9 seconds left on veteran. I'm just about to get back into the multi when I'm done with VF5, see you boys online.


Mar_ said:
There is a fair bit of luck required, no doubt. When you're dealing with AI like there is in this game, you never really know where one guy is or where he will go. As well as shooting from the hip firing you can't be entirely sure you're going to down someone or if they will just crawl around on the ground, impeding your progress.

I do take issue with people saying veteran is broken though. Because I only ever enjoyed the game on veteran, it seemed like the game made sense on that difficulty. Previously playing on hard I felt the game was frustrating and stupid. On veteran it worked like how it should - one shot kills, stealth required, speed required, luck in AI placement required. It was just a hell of a lot more realistic (minus the infinite spawns of guys).

Sometimes I can see the greatness in COD4 veteran, when everything goes just right, it's fun. But 99% of the time, when it's just stupid and frustrating, I get really angry and want to take pictures of my facial expressions and email them to infinity ward, to let them know how infuriating their stupid shit is.

My biggest problem with the game is the AI. They have no sense of self preservation, and it's very clear that you are the real target. When I call in a helicopter, they should be taking cover and trying to shoot it, not just standing in the window shooting at ME. They shouldn't be firing RPGs at close range. They shouldn't be able to see me and hit me when 1 pixel of my body is exposed. They shouldn't just stand there and wait for me to pop out for .00002 seconds so they can kill me, they should ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING.

On veteran, the game is basically the world's most advanced version of whack a mole. You just sit somewhere and wait for them to pop out from behind cover and kill enough of them so that you can advance, but not so many that the next wave of guys spawn out of nowhere


PedroLumpy said:
I agree, you guys are complaining like this is the intended difficulty you're supposed to play on. Veteran is there to provide the totally broken, cheap ass, completely unfair challenge that some people love for whatever reason.

I don't buy that at all. It's perfectly possible to make an insanely hard difficulty that's not broken and frustrating. Halo 3 on legendary is great at that. There were a few parts that took me as many tries as any part of cod4 on veteran (except mile high club), but not once in halo 3 was I angry at the game. When I died, it was my fault, and even though I got my ass kicked dozens of times, it was still fun.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Kyoufu said:
I must be doing something wrong because even with stopping power I can't hit anyone near me.

I'm baffled as to how hes doing all that wizardry...

just got to know where the center of your tv is. learned that a lot from playing gears. haha also i don't use stopping power (usually play hardcore) in team deathmatch when using the .50 i would put uav jammer or double tap if i am going to lug it around in close quarters.


Yep something is not right with that sniperrifle....I have the same thing...
I also have it with a scoped M16 but less.
For the rest, the multiplayer is more fun than Halo.
Halo can be more fun if you really work as a team, but you do not find that
much on Da internat :)..So for this moment CoD4 is the game for me to kill
some time.
Also I like the weaponimpact better than with Halo.

Bring on some new maps...


Not a Jellyfish said:
just got to know where the center of your tv is. learned that a lot from playing gears. haha also i don't use stopping power (usually play hardcore) in team deathmatch when using the .50 i would put uav jammer or double tap if i am going to lug it around in close quarters.
Well the 50cal just isnt that accurate unzoomed. I have tested it, well as much as I could with a friend in a private game. Maybe there is a trick to it.

Just so you know, double tap is useless on the 50cal, I dont know if you have tried to shoot it fast with out it, but it can shoot as fast as you pull the trigger. Try it sometime. It sounds hilarious.
pj325is said:
I don't buy that at all. It's perfectly possible to make an insanely hard difficulty that's not broken and frustrating. Halo 3 on legendary is great at that. There were a few parts that took me as many tries as any part of cod4 on veteran (except mile high club), but not once in halo 3 was I angry at the game. When I died, it was my fault, and even though I got my ass kicked dozens of times, it was still fun.

Try Halo 3 on Legendary, with all the skulls on.

But the point of comparing it to other games is moot. If you're looking for something tough but fair like Legendary, maybe Hardened is what you're looking for (or a completely different game IMO). Veteran is what it is. Stupid broken hard. If you don't like it, I can't imagine why you would bother with it. It's there for people who get a kick out of .... well ... whatever it is they see in it.
Not a Jellyfish said:
just got to know where the center of your tv is. learned that a lot from playing gears. haha also i don't use stopping power (usually play hardcore) in team deathmatch when using the .50 i would put uav jammer or double tap if i am going to lug it around in close quarters.
That guy is playing in normal mode.
I was bored so I started screwing around with perks. Double Tap + Uzi is hilarious. There can't be anything stronger close range, there just can't be. And Sonic Boom + Nade Launcher is dumb fun too.


PedroLumpy said:
All I was saying is that being a good player in, say TDM, will have a good K/D ratio. While a good player in HQ, might not have a good K/D ratio. But both players are still good. Hence, K/D ratio is useless. For example, Betahawk is on my friends list. I have a higher K/D ratio than him. I joined one of his games once, it was hardcore TDM. I HATED it, and will hopefully never play it again. Since he plays that mode seemingly all the time (each time I've joined his game anyway), our K/D ratios are not comparable.

I've been trying to find an assault rifle to use with a silencer on mid range maps. I've tried the AK47, G36c, and M16, but they just seem to lose a TON of punch, even at close range. Anyone feel confident about a particular assault/silencer combo?

Also, does double tap give you a noticeable increase in damage over stopping power? I've been thinking of switching over my SMG class to double tap, along with whatever assault/silencer combo I come up with.
I agree... Only the best of the best HQ players I've seen can play "rush" while maintaining his good K/D ratio; many "good" HQ rushers don't have good K/D ratios. But, I believe they'll excel at one-on-one, or even one-on-many after so many "practices". :)

See said:
Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)
1 Call of Duty 4
2 Halo 3
3 Guitar Hero III
4 Gears of War
5 Rock Band
6 Madden NFL 08
7 Assassin's Creed
8 Mass Effect
9 FIFA 08
10 Forza Motorsport 2

Holy crap!

Assassin's Creed? Mass Effect?? They don't even have MP???


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Sushen said:
I agree... Only the best of the best HQ players I've seen can play "rush" while maintaining his good K/D ratio; many "good" HQ rushers don't have good K/D ratios. But, I believe they'll excel at one-on-one, or even one-on-many after so many "practices". :)

Yeah, I've resigned myself to the fact that my k/d ratio will never go higher than 1.5 because of my suicidal tendency to rush into the hq with guns blazing. If your team is good, though, you can get a bunch of kills defending the HQ.


Maggot9 said:
Is it true when you reach lvl 55 you have to get 5000 more exp. points in order to do prestige mode?

Can't remember if it's 5k points, but you need another levels worth of exp to enter prestige mode.


dallow_bg said:
Saw this on a proper PC yesterday..... wow.

Blows my PS3 version away. (and 360 version too presumably)

I'm considering picking up the PC version, but the community seems to be way stronger on the 360. Are there any mods or other incentives to play the pc version (besides the obvious of m/kb, higher res, etc)?


Sniper rifles are f'ing awesome with the ACOG scope. Those are the only weapons the the game that actually benefit from their usage (to me of course).

Sure I had to lose like 15 games and be called a "sniper whore" lolers, but the payoff is awesome. Upgraded the 50cal and the M40A3 with the scopes. It almost takes them to run and gun levels.

Plus, when you get the drop on someone from mid range and scope 'em in the spine? *drools* Hell, I was 3 feet away from someone with the 50cal while he was shooting at someone else. Zoomed in and waited 'till he looked at me, *BLAM*. Then he apparently watches the killcam and gives out a, "You've got to be kidding me?" :lol!

PS: Sniper whores do suck. :D


I have just discovered C4

holy shit its so fun once you know how to use it

im using a Uzi, sleight of hand and C4 and im taking down all these uncreative fuckers that use M4 + red dot + stopping power


Pharmacy said:
I have just discovered C4

holy shit its so fun once you know how to use it

im using a Uzi, sleight of hand and C4 and im taking down all these uncreative fuckers that use M4 + red dot + stopping power

C4 + Ceilings + Fun


raYne said:

= funniest deaths ever. some guy ran in, knifed but missed then i hit the C4 and he went backwards with his legs dragging in the air :lol

goddamn this game is at crystal meth addiction levels for me


Pharmacy said:
= funniest deaths ever. some guy ran in, knifed but missed then i hit the C4 and he went backwards with his legs dragging in the air :lol
I still haven't messed around with that stuff, and I've had the game since launch.. Plus I was in the Beta. :/

I see the appeal and the possible fun, but it just doesn't fit with my playing style. Same with the claymore/smoke/shotgun/snipers etc. Who knows, I'll probably just start screwing around with them for the hell of it.

As a bonus, at least the C4 isn't as obvious as the claymore. People use it so much that, unless it's placed at the top of a ladder or in dense grass or something, it's really obvious. Even without the bomb detector perk.

goddamn this game is at crystal meth addiction levels for me
Pretty much the same here. Only thing I bother to play online regularly.

Shadow Moses said:
:lol I'd like to know too
I know! How do I learn math? /meme


Besides the M4A1, does anyone find the Acog sight useful on anything else? In my opinion it is useless for the M16A4 because it makes the groupings looser and that's the selling part of the M16.
VaLiancY said:
Besides the M4A1, does anyone find the Acog sight useful on anything else? In my opinion it is useless for the M16A4 because it makes the groupings looser and that's the selling part of the M16.

Good for Ak, but I don't use it.
Funny enough I just discovered claymores for the first time recently. So fun although it is hampering my Kill count because I often just camp out and wait for people to get killed.


Also I'm experimenting with an ACOG attached to a sub machine gun (I never used the ACOG before on any weapon because I tend to get snipe happy and I'm not a good sniper) and on certain maps with very specific perk layouts it's pretty useful.


VaLiancY said:
Besides the M4A1, does anyone find the Acog sight useful on anything else? In my opinion it is useless for the M16A4 because it makes the groupings looser and that's the selling part of the M16.
That, and it makes close fighting with the same setup pretty useless.

It's mostly useless with all ARs for the same reason, but it actually helps snipers because: It's easier to use, doesn't zoom in as far, rotates faster, gives you better view of your surroundings.

The only thing you lose with snipers is the range/breath holding. But you don't need to hold your breath anyway because you won't be using it at really long range (& would need to steady the scope) anyway.


Rapping Granny said:
Good for Ak, but I don't use it.


I'm not a sniper, I detest the DMR's(M21 & SVD) because of their "user friendliness". I thought it would be more ideal to see the Acog to be useful on battle rifles like the M14 and G3A4. I think the G3 and the Acog was the next best thing after the M4.


Pharmacy said:
I have just discovered C4

holy shit its so fun once you know how to use it

im using a Uzi, sleight of hand and C4 and im taking down all these uncreative fuckers that use M4 + red dot + stopping power
I should start using C4, since no one else seems to use it. I think I've seen C4 a grand total of once (and killed the guy throw it at me with his own C4, lolz).


VaLiancY said:
I'm not a sniper, I detest the DMR's(M21 & SVD) because of their "user friendliness". I thought it would be more ideal to see the Acog to be useful on battle rifles like the M14 and G3A4. I think the G3 and the Acog was the next best thing after the M4.
Perhaps, but the scope will turn you into a sniper. You'll always be at a disadvantage vs people with a similar weapon but with the red dot or even iron sights. Not to mention those with better close up weapons such as the SMGs, shotguns or even the Light Machineguns will have HUGE advantages over you.

In addition, the red dot is arguably better in terms of accuracy when it comes to long range. So, yeah.

USD said:
I should start using C4, since no one else seems to use it. I think I've seen C4 a grand total of once (and killed the guy throw it at me with his own C4, lolz).
I haven't seen one person use it in months. If I recall, he tried to throw it at me over a car during a standoff we were having, but I killed him before he could set it off. I think that was the only time he even used it in that match.


Rapping Granny said:
Good for Ak, but I don't use it.

Yes, lets cripple the AKs accuracy even further

Seriously, ACOG is the worst worst thing you can put on an AK

Stoney Mason said:
Funny enough I just discovered claymores for the first time recently. So fun although it is hampering my Kill count because I often just camp out and wait for people to get killed.


Also I'm experimenting with an ACOG attached to a sub machine gun (I never used the ACOG before on any weapon because I tend to get snipe happy and I'm not a good sniper) and on certain maps with very specific perk layouts it's pretty useful.

ACOGs on Uzis and MP5s can be pretty devastating at the right range. Though I still prefer the default iron sights on all the sub machine guns, the Uzis looks baaaaallin

USD said:
I should start using C4, since no one else seems to use it. I think I've seen C4 a grand total of once (and killed the guy throw it at me with his own C4, lolz).

since ive started using it, despite the flashing light, people still run past it. People assume the persons C4 it is is halfway across the map and not sat in the next room waiting to detonate

raYne said:
I see the appeal and the possible fun, but it just doesn't fit with my playing style. Same with the claymore/smoke/shotgun/snipers etc. Who knows, I'll probably just start screwing around with them for the hell of it.

Hmm, see thing is you can use C4 like a grenade. In firefights i'll often run, aim high, throw, detonate and pray. It usually does take someone out, you just gotta predict enemy movements. If you can see where someones running on the UAV you can always get in their path and lay some down. For silencer + UAV jammer classes its amazing


Pharmacy said:
Hmm, see thing is you can use C4 like a grenade. In firefights i'll often run, aim high, throw, detonate and pray. It usually does take someone out, you just gotta predict enemy movements. If you can see where someones running on the UAV you can always get in their path and lay some down. For silencer + UAV jammer classes its amazing
Welp, that settles that.

*Mental note*: Make custom C4 + Sonic Boom setup.


*Mental note2*: Tee hee


raYne said:
Perhaps, but the scope will turn you into a sniper. You'll always be at a disadvantage vs people with a similar weapon but with the red dot or even iron sights. Not to mention those with better close up weapons such as the SMGs, shotguns or even the Light Machineguns will have HUGE advantages over you.

Nah, when I do use the Acog I just use it to kill snipers and keep it moving. I can't stand being in one spot the whole time and having the thought that everyone knows where you're at. I go apeshit with the MP5 when I want a kill frenzy, I can't recall when the last time I use ironsights with the sub-machine guns, I never use Martyrdom with those weapons.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I just broke off the piece of plastic between the L1 and L2 button by throwing the controller at my subwoofer.

When I fucking shoot someone three times, they shouldn't be fucking able to just casually walk up to me and kill me with a knife. It's called physics: every action has an opposite and equal reaction. MEANING, when a bullet hits a guy, HE SHOULD FUCKING MOVE BACKWARDS.


I've seen C4 used a lot in S&D.

At the beginning of the round, the defender would put C4 on the target. If the bomb is planted, the voice would say "The bomb has been planted". Now the defender can just blow up the C4, killing the person who planted the bomb. In hardcore, there isn't enough time to escape from the C4.

Also one time someone tried to throw the C4 at me, I blew it up in mid air, killing both of us. :lol


MP_Village by Paulo88, a conversion from the single player.







Night Version



(WIP) by Mapicted




Airport WIP by openfire



Conversion from COD2 (WIP) by 4mori_rabbit


MP_Icewold converted by Chandler


What else?

A Aim_Shotty map conversion has been done (Haven't seen it yet)

Zombie MOD has been done, but it's in early stages. Infected turn into terrorists. (Played a bit the other day) I'm sure better versions will come out.

A gungame mod is also apparently being worked on.













USD said:
I should start using C4, since no one else seems to use it. I think I've seen C4 a grand total of once (and killed the guy throw it at me with his own C4, lolz).
C4 is a perfect weapon for domination. Once you hear "A is being taken!", you click your button..."BOOM"...not any more.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
so far i've mastered:


working on M16, Both Shotties, that mini AK:lol , and the god awful sniper Riffles,

the LMGs suck imo


~Devil Trigger~ said:
so far i've mastered:


working on M16, Both Shotties, that mini AK:lol , and the god awful sniper Riffles,

the LMGs suck imo

lmgs suck huh? :lol :lol

you must not be very good at the game.
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