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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

Danj said:
Does anyone else with the PC version of COD4 get a problem where it either just kind of stops/lags for a couple of seconds or it churns the hard drive a shedload (thus causing lag)? I'm just trying to figure out if this is a COD4 problem or a not enough RAM problem. I have 2 gigs, you'd think that'd be enough...

Sounds like you may need to de-frag your hard drive.


Stoney Mason said:
I can't believe we've gone this entire month without the patch :(

Pretty sad when you think about it. IW announced the patch a month and a half ago and it still isn't done. Meanwhile the PC version is on it's 3rd or 4th patch.
Danj said:
Does anyone else with the PC version of COD4 get a problem where it either just kind of stops/lags for a couple of seconds or it churns the hard drive a shedload (thus causing lag)? I'm just trying to figure out if this is a COD4 problem or a not enough RAM problem. I have 2 gigs, you'd think that'd be enough...

I thought someone else posted a similar issue earlier in the thread.
TheKurgan said:
Pretty sad when you think about it. IW announced the patch a month and a half ago and it still isn't done. Meanwhile the PC version is on it's 3rd or 4th patch.

Yeah it's quite annoying. I wish they just hadn't said anything and just dropped it when it dropped. I think in this time we should have had 2 patches. I know they have to go through Microsoft but if it takes this long, this is something they need to take up with Microsoft because the process is broken if it takes this long for something to get approved and put up.


MrCompletely said:
Sounds like you may need to de-frag your hard drive.

I already defragged the COD4 directory, and I checked the swap file and that is in 1 fragment so doesn't need defragging. So it's not that.

Stoney Mason said:
I thought someone else posted a similar issue earlier in the thread.

Any idea what page it is on?


Stoney Mason said:
Yeah it's quite annoying. I wish they just hadn't said anything and just dropped it when it dropped. I think in this time we should have had 2 patches. I know they have to go through Microsoft but if it takes this long, this is something they need to take up with Microsoft because the process is broken if it takes this long for something to get approved and put up.

lol this reminds me of several months after live first was launched, tons of people were complaining about Unreal Championship and Digital Extremes said they would come out with a patch soon, and it took some 4 months for it to come out :lol
So what is this new patch going to fix?

I thought I heard someone saying that it'll get rid of the "Host Ended Game"

Maybe now if you quit and you are the host the game won't end and someone else will be the host...
InterMoniker said:
So what is this new patch going to fix?

I thought I heard someone saying that it'll get rid of the "Host Ended Game"

Maybe now if you quit and you are the host the game won't end and someone else will be the host...

All the info was detailed pages back. And unfortunately as I interpreted it, that isn't the fix. I believe the game will still end but you will be dumped back to the lobby with your party intact. That is what I gathered from the info presented last time.
Stoney Mason said:
All the info was detailed pages back. And unfortunately as I interpreted it, that isn't the fix. I believe the game will still end but you will be dumped back to the lobby with your party intact. That is what I gathered from the info presented last time.
Thanks man.
I guess I'm a bit LTTP but I just got this and I'm having a blast online. Headquarters is really fun! I'm around level 13, and I'm not very good, but this game sure is addicting..


Danj said:
Does anyone else with the PC version of COD4 get a problem where it either just kind of stops/lags for a couple of seconds or it churns the hard drive a shedload (thus causing lag)? I'm just trying to figure out if this is a COD4 problem or a not enough RAM problem. I have 2 gigs, you'd think that'd be enough...

probably punkbuster :s

try joining a server not running punkbuster and see if its ok or load it up and type /pb_system 0 or 1 whichever one its not currently set to, you can also try /pb_sleep 500
Things that need fixed in the patch:

People using a keyboard to do some obnoxious looking clan tags/usernames on the PS3 version.

Glitching on levels, getting behind walls you shouldn't be able to and becoming invisible, etc. There are a few.

Team balancing. I've seen teams with seven players quite a bit. This can be the winning factor on game types that don't have respawns.

When a player willingly leaves a game and take the LOSS it gives you for doing so, don't put the player right back on the same server when they search for a new game!

Dedicated servers on the PS3 version, please. ;)

Gimp the grenade launcher. Yesterday I was on a team where a guy with a grenade launcher took out the ENTIRE enemy team within three seconds of the match starting.

And as for maps, I'd like LARGER maps that aren't so predictable and not something where half of the people die within the first ten seconds of the game by blind grenades and grenade launchers.
blindrocket said:
Gimp the grenade launcher. Yesterday I was on a team where a guy with a grenade launcher took out the ENTIRE enemy team within three seconds of the match starting.

And as for maps, I'd like LARGER maps that aren't so predictable and not something where half of the people die within the first ten seconds of the game by blind grenades and grenade launchers.

Not to be a dick or anything, but if you're getting killed on things like that more than twice in a row, you're doing something wrong, not the game. Stop running into high traffic areas at the start of the match if you know they're going to get blindly bombed.
ThirstyFly said:
Not to be a dick or anything, but if you're getting killed on things like that more than twice in a row, you're doing something wrong, not the game. Stop running into high traffic areas at the start of the match if you know they're going to get blindly bombed.

Yes, it's fairly easy to avoid, but this is the game doing something wrong. You really think this is a good feature that based on knowing where the other team spawns, and how fast they can move, you can lob a grenade to where they'll be at the start of the match? I am frankly quite happy I haven't seen this is in other games.
ThirstyFly said:
Not to be a dick or anything, but if you're getting killed on things like that more than twice in a row, you're doing something wrong, not the game. Stop running into high traffic areas at the start of the match if you know they're going to get blindly bombed.
Nope, not on Bog or Ambush in particular. I've seen entire teams wiped out TWO SECONDS into the game. Tell them how to avoid that.
FACT: It's a flaw of the game.


miyamotofreak said:
Nothing announced but I think they really should get some DLC out. New maps seem inevitable.

The IW message of the day is for a map builder. Maybe something in the next few months once the contest is over.


blindrocket said:
Nope, not on Bog or Ambush in particular. I've seen entire teams wiped out TWO SECONDS into the game. Tell them how to avoid that.
FACT: It's a flaw of the game.

Uh... don't have the entire team run the exact same way every round would be my first piece of advice. I have never seen someone take out people instantly on Ambush with the grenade launcher. Is this deathmatch? If so, who cares. It's not possible to do that in S&D.

Now, S&D on Bog is an entirely different story. But there is still an easy way around it. Just don't dart out to the left if someone is shooting M203's there. All it takes is a couple seconds of taking cover and then the other guy is out of grenades.

Every time I prestige I use the default Assault class with the M16 and grenade launcher on a couple maps until I unlock the 3 nade perk and I blind fire grenades to that spot on Bog all the time. After 1 round of getting 1 or 2 people the team will adapt and no one will run out there. It's no different than spamming thrown grenades at choke points on a map or taking a sniper rifle, spawning, running 3 steps then sniping at choke points.
Andokuky said:
Uh... don't have the entire team run the exact same way every round would be my first piece of advice. I have never seen someone take out people instantly on Ambush with the grenade launcher. Is this deathmatch? If so, who cares. It's not possible to do that in S&D.
Not TDM, I only play Hardcore S&D and yes it is very possible. I've seen it more than once. While attacking on Ambush the guy took out the entire defending team, and while defending on Bog he nearly took out the entire attacking team.
Andokuky said:
It's no different than spamming thrown grenades at choke points on a map or taking a sniper rifle, spawning, running 3 steps then sniping at choke points.

No different except you are throwing these grenades based on the knowledge that you KNOW where they are, and you KNOW how far they can move. It sort of breaks the fourth wall if you will. Which is different from spamming a choke point based on the hopes that someone is there.
Oh, I nearly forgot to mention that I've seen a defender take out multiple attackers on the map Pipeline. He didn't move an inch other than to look up into the air with his grenade launcher and pull the trigger. It's stupid.
Some more things I'd like in the patch:

I way to vote TK'ers off. It can be pretty bad in Hardcore S&D. I've seen a Team Killer take out an ENTIRE team with one blast from a rocket launcher.

Filters on what map you want to look for. Nothing like searching for a game only to be put on something you HATE and have to take a loss just to get out of it, which if you look for another game right away you take the chance of being put right back into the same server with the same map.

They already said a mute feature would be in the next patch (PS3).

There seems to be a bug that I can hear dead people while I am still in the game, or vice versa.


blindrocket said:
Things that need fixed in the patch:

People using a keyboard to do some obnoxious looking clan tags/usernames on the PS3 version.

Glitching on levels, getting behind walls you shouldn't be able to and becoming invisible, etc. There are a few.

Team balancing. I've seen teams with seven players quite a bit. This can be the winning factor on game types that don't have respawns.

When a player willingly leaves a game and take the LOSS it gives you for doing so, don't put the player right back on the same server when they search for a new game!

Dedicated servers on the PS3 version, please. ;)

Gimp the grenade launcher. Yesterday I was on a team where a guy with a grenade launcher took out the ENTIRE enemy team within three seconds of the match starting.

And as for maps, I'd like LARGER maps that aren't so predictable and not something where half of the people die within the first ten seconds of the game by blind grenades and grenade launchers.
Why just the PS3 version?
miyamotofreak said:
FIX THE FRIENDS SYSTEM on the PS3 should be priority uno. It's ridiculously broken.
IW can do that? Or do you mean do something like what Resistance does?
I have no problem getting a party together and fragging it up online in CoD4.

"Host Quitting" is the biggest problem with the game to me. It seriously needs some kind of dedicated server.
Deepblue said:
Incorrect. Any developer that wants to have dedicated servers for there game is welcome to do so.
Developer? I said people, as in the gamers running their own dedicated servers.
So tell me, still incorrect?
bjscott05 said:
I think he means the "reconnecting to party" which doesn't work a lot of the time.
I think if the host of the party backs out too soon or something it screws the party up. That would be nice if they fixed that.

Usually what we do if a host quits the game or something happens and the party gets broken up, whoever was hosting the party sends out invites again right away and we usually get the party back in less than 30 seconds.


blindrocket said:
I think if the host of the party backs out too soon or something it screws the party up. That would be nice if they fixed that.

Usually what we do if a host quits the game or something happens and the party gets broken up, whoever was hosting the party sends out invites again right away and we usually get the party back in less than 30 seconds.

I've noticed that too. I usually do the exact same thing. It just gets frustrating when you have to do this countless times if you play for a few hours at night.


Danj said:
Does anyone else with the PC version of COD4 get a problem where it either just kind of stops/lags for a couple of seconds or it churns the hard drive a shedload (thus causing lag)? I'm just trying to figure out if this is a COD4 problem or a not enough RAM problem. I have 2 gigs, you'd think that'd be enough...

Yeah. I get a lot of lag spikes on the pc version, mostly since the 1.4 patch, which was a travesty. I don't know whether it stops for seconds at a time, but I definitely get major lag spikes now and then.
miyamotofreak said:
Hit detection is off too. I just saw a kill cam where a sniper didn't even come close to me and I got instantly killed.

Man I hate this. I've gotten some random kills from this problem, but overall I would be so much happier if the bullet just went where I was aiming.


Yeah, sniper rifle hit detection is completely horrible. The only sniper rifle that feels even close to accurate for me is the very first one. That I need to lead people when using the sniper rifles, but not the assault rifles, is wrong, wrong, wrong.


miyamotofreak said:
Hit detection is off too. I just saw a kill cam where a sniper didn't even come close to me and I got instantly killed.

it's the Coriolis effect... and the tides... or maybe the ozone hole



Santa Monica, CA – February 4, 2008 – Fresh intel from Activision headquarters (Nasdaq: ATVI) reports that new global conflicts are planned in the form of downloadable multiplayer maps for the award-winning Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare™. In development for both Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, the upcoming downloadable content will thrust gamers into a hot zone of added combat across a variety of intense multiplayer locales.

“We’ve demonstrated our commitment to delivering the best multiplayer experience in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and that continues with our plans for new downloadable content,” explains Infinity Ward’s Community Manager, Robert Bowling. “We’re excited about the new maps, and the added gameplay variety, and we can’t wait to wrap things up and get online with everyone.”

The worldwide best-selling game in units of 2007, according to The NPD Group, Chart Track and The GFK Group, and winner of more than 40 editors’ choice and game of the year honors, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is rated “M” (Mature) by the ESRB for Intense Violence, Strong Language, Blood and Gore. The new downloadable content is scheduled for release this spring, and will be available on Xbox LIVE® and PlayStation Network.


PedroLumpy said:
No different except you are throwing these grenades based on the knowledge that you KNOW where they are, and you KNOW how far they can move. It sort of breaks the fourth wall if you will. Which is different from spamming a choke point based on the hopes that someone is there.

No... people run and throw nades almost instantly after they spawn because they know there is a chance people are running towards a certain spot. That's no different than shooting an M203 to the same spot. Maybe someone is there, maybe not. Neither player knows.
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