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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


I'm Prestige second time over, level 41 right now, and I'm seriously debating wether to go Prestige a third time. Much less eight times more for the final gold cross symbol. It's nice to look at, but that's a lot of dedication. Plus I kinda like the symbol's look at Prestige 2. :D


fps fanatic said:
I'm Prestige second time over, level 41 right now, and I'm seriously debating wether to go Prestige a third time. Much less eight times more for the final gold cross symbol. It's nice to look at, but that's a lot of dedication. Plus I kinda like the symbol's look at Prestige 2. :D

I won't pass judgment but I certainly won't be doing prestige even once.


ch0mp said:
Cant stand it. Nothing to do but run around spamming nades or hide in a corner, cause theres no way you're going to be getting a flag.
I've gotten the flag in the middle multiple times in a single match. If you got people on your team who know how to work together, it's not that hard. Sounds like you're playing that map wrong if all you do is hide and spam grenades. There's no fun in that.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Beezy said:
I've gotten the flag in the middle multiple times in a single match. If you got people on your team who know how to work together, it's not that hard. Sounds like you're playing that map wrong if all you do is hide and spam grenades. There's no fun in that.

I don't even have to see the original post to know you're talking about Countdown.

Or Bloc. ;p


Outdoor Miner said:
I don't understand why more people don't play Hardcore TDM.

*There's more communication between a team
*Martyrdom is heavily looked down upon
*No grenade spam (well maybe just in the initial 30 secs of a level).
*No crosshairs
*Slower tactical pace
*Friendly fire which alters the way the entire game is approached.

I've played about 300 hardcore matches and only twice have I had team-killing retards and they only lasted for that one match.

I see folks make a billion complaints about the game that are eliminated just from playing a different mode. Do people really need their crosshairs that bad? *shrugs*

I think most people don't play it simply because it's so easy to die. In my experience HTDM is a complete camp fest because it's so easy to kill people.
Andokuky said:
In my experience HTDM is a complete camp fest because it's so easy to kill people.

just like real life :lol

i actually love playing Hardcore Team Deathmatch when i need to feel "relaxed". Slower pace, more tactical, more rewarding for me.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
indi said:
I don't even have to see the original post to know you're talking about Countdown.

Or Bloc. ;p

I'm pretty sure he is talking about Shipment.

I never had problems with nade spam on Bloc or Countdown.
Don't get me wrong, I'm totally going to do Prestige. Hell, it just gives me something to do. I usually roll with the M16 + Stopping Power anyway.


yeah. i love hard core. i just don't like the douches who use martyrdom, killing your teammates

also, it'd be nice to have a timer on the screen without having to press back in hardcore. i realize it's "hardcore", but still.
I'm such a bad ass with sniper rifles. I just had a tom and jerry moment where some guy tried to sneak into my room and I ended up chasing him. When I heard foot steps, I dropped the first c4 and blew, enemy takes small damage, I jump out the window, go back into the room then repeat the whole process until I found the guy and knifed him in the back. wi Tons of lulz were had.

I wish the game wasnt so run and gun. I think it would help if they took out the cross hairs and implemented a free aim system that moves the gun around in a small box so that people cant randomly jump out and get kills.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
I've been playing hardcore TDM exclusively for the past couple weeks. I seriously can't go back to FFA now where it takes more than a few bullets to drop somebody without stopping power and even more if they have juggernaut.

Hardcore TDM is really the only way this game should be played. It's too bad they don't have a hardcore FFA mode, but I understand why.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
commish said:
I'm pretty sure he is talking about Shipment.

I never had problems with nade spam on Bloc or Countdown.

Domination on Countdown is nade spammer's heaven.


Console Market Analyst
Crippled By Pizza said:
I'm addicted to Search & Destroy and Hardcore Search & Destroy. The other modes blow.

Love search and destroy. Hate Hardcore with randos.

Every other Hardcore S&D, some stinkpillow will shoot me in the back of the head to take the package so they can get the bomb setting points.


chespace said:
I've been playing hardcore TDM exclusively for the past couple weeks. I seriously can't go back to FFA now where it takes more than a few bullets to drop somebody without stopping power and even more if they have juggernaut.

Hardcore TDM is really the only way this game should be played. It's too bad they don't have a hardcore FFA mode, but I understand why.

What they don't have Hardcore "free for all" on consoles? PC version has it, so it would be weird for it to be omitted from it's console's equivalent.


Respawn Entertainment
sharkie said:
What they don't have Hardcore "free for all" on consoles? PC version has it, so it would be weird for it to be omitted from it's console's equivalent.

There is no specific HC FFA playlist on the console, no, but you are free to create your own custom match with whatever settings you prefer if you so desire.
DKo5 said:
There is no specific HC FFA playlist on the console, no, but you are free to create your own custom match with whatever settings you prefer if you so desire.

I understand that there can't be playlists for everything, as unpopular ones would be empty, and too many would split the community up.

But being able to make a custom game is nothing like a playlist.


Weird thing has been happening (PS3) lately. It happens when I join Merc. team deathmatch. I click "Find Game", Click "MTD" but always seemed to join a match already in progress. Then when that match is over, the game lobby almost always closes. Was rare to join a match at the same time as others in the lobby first, then to the match. Maybe just my luck? Free for All matches were no problem, as Team Deathmatch. Weird...On another note, what sensitivity are you guys playing at? I once was playing at 5 sensitivity, then I dropped to 4 (high) then I dropped to 3. I dropped it down to 2 (medium) but sometimes it felt too slow. The tighter sensitivity feel a bit better for aiming headshots but it seemed too slow for quick turn reacting. I've since went back to 3. Seems from the Killcam replays most people play at the default medium setting...


I've been rocking the silenced MP5 with 3 nades, XTREME!!!!! conditioning and juggernaut the last few days. Man... people fucking HATE juggernaut online :lol What I think is funniest about it is 99% of the people who complain are using stopping power. What's the difference?


Respawn Entertainment
PedroLumpy said:
I understand that there can't be playlists for everything, as unpopular ones would be empty, and too many would split the community up.

But being able to make a custom game is nothing like a playlist.

I fully agree, private custom games are not a replacement for a full on playlist - but I was just letting sharkie know that it wasn't "omitted", its just not a playlist.


chespace said:
Hardcore TDM is really the only way this game should be played. It's too bad they don't have a hardcore FFA mode, but I understand why.
TDM maybe, but not hardcore. I like playing hardcore every now and then, but it reduces the effect of too many of the really balanced choices that the game asks you to make. Example: your choice of weapon among the games sub-types becomes fairly redundant, given that shooting a dude in the foot with pretty much anything in hardcore will kill him.

And hardcore is just so damned slow!


3 ft, coiled to the sky
So I'm one of your dreaded new players to the game here, coming from Halo 3 (which was getting rather boring) and despite me getting utterly obliterated in every match I play by people 40 levels higher than me I am having a blast.

HOWEVER, I have a few questions that people can't answer in games cause they're too busy telling racist jokes:

1) After a match, what are the little dogtags that appear next to some players' names in the list that shows your kills/deaths/assists?
2) Is it just me or is it actually impossible to throw a grenade back after someone insta-drops it when they die or hucks one at you? It says to PRESS RIGHT BUMPER TO THROW BACK or whatever but when I do that my dude just pulls a pin on his own grenade, starts to throw it, and then blows up.
3) In team deathmatch games, is it possible for me to damage my teammates by shooting them? I have heard conflicting reports (and am a little uncomfortable testing it out on my random teammates).
4) Coming off the Halo style of play, how is it that I might stop sucking at this game?

Thanks all.


1) After a match, what are the little dogtags that appear next to some players' names in the list that shows your kills/deaths/assists?
2) Is it just me or is it actually impossible to throw a grenade back after someone insta-drops it when they die or hucks one at you? It says to PRESS RIGHT BUMPER TO THROW BACK or whatever but when I do that my dude just pulls a pin on his own grenade, starts to throw it, and then blows up.
3) In team deathmatch games, is it possible for me to damage my teammates by shooting them? I have heard conflicting reports (and am a little uncomfortable testing it out on my random teammates).
4) Coming off the Halo style of play, how is it that I might stop sucking at this game?

1. I think when you're playing games in hardcore mode (where you have to wait to respawn) it indicated the people who were dead at the time the round finished.

2. You have to be standing right ontop of the grenade to toss it.

3. You can only dammage your teammates (on the console version at least) when you play hardcore mode.

4. Using proper perks with your weapon layout is essential. Double tap for machine guns, iron lungs for sniper rifles and the sprinting bonus when using shotguns for example. Nothing is more fear instilling than some guy running full speed straight towards you with a shotgun in their hands.

Stupid PS3 bug. I have to do prestige because the game never gave me access to the Uzi or to the red dot sight on the M14. :/
Call of Duty 4 Xbox 360 feature patch heads to Microsoft for Certification
The new feature patch fourzerotwo talked about last week (with new Kill Cams, Host Migration, and other new features) for the Xbox 360 has finished it’s internal testing and development and has officially been sent off to Microsoft for Certification. It’s only a matter of Microsoft putting it through the certification paces and it will be available for download for all Xbox 360 players.




will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Andokuky said:
I've been rocking the silenced MP5 with 3 nades, XTREME!!!!! conditioning and juggernaut the last few days. Man... people fucking HATE juggernaut online :lol What I think is funniest about it is 99% of the people who complain are using stopping power. What's the difference?

Speaking as someone who always used Juggernaut and then changed to Stopping Power I've got to say that the latter is much better. Juggernaut is a good crutch for newbies who die a lot (like myself when I started), but once you get better and can evade/dodge attacks more, you're best trading in that extra health for extra power for your guns.

And yes, Silenced MP5 + UAV Jammer = bliss. I've jumped to using the Silenced AK + UAV Jammer though.


Rapping Granny said:

Thx for the info, here's the full text of the post from CharlieOscarDelta:

Great News! The new feature patch I talked about last week (with new Kill Cams, Host Migration, and other new features) for the Xbox 360 has finished it’s internal testing and development and has officially been sent off to Microsoft for Certification. It’s only a matter of Microsoft putting it through the certification paces and it will be available for download for all Xbox 360 players.

If you forgot, keep reading to re-cap on all the new features this patch brings to players.

As for the Playstation 3 version of this patch, it’s currently finishing up it’s final internal testing (which I’m expecting to go very quickly) and should be heading off to Sony for it’s own certification in the near future, I’ll post that and full details on what that includes when that time comes.

New Kill Cams
We’ve added new Kill Cams for everything. So now those “WTF!” grenades that seemingly come from no where, you can see that a guy threw it over the house, it hit a tree branch, bounced off a rock, into a tiny window, where you happened to be pointing out of, and say…… whoa. Follow behind RPGs and M203’s kill cams, claymores, Airstrikes where you can follow the bomb from the plane until it hits you.

Host Migration:

Now you won’t have to be dropped back by yourself when a host leaves. Instead, everyone will stay together, a new host will be assigned, and the game will auto-start back up. Keeping everyone together, no more re-inviting, re-joining games because some host leaves. This has been a tall order and something that we’ve put a lot of work into which has allowed us to really optimize online play all around not just specifically with Host migration.

Improved Sniper / ACOG Accuracy:

Sniper and ACOG scopes have been tweaked and are really improved. I use to not snipe at all (mainly because I’m a horrible sniper), but now it’s so much more fluid and natural, while still having the same difficulty to use, it has no more “WTF I know I hit that guy!” moments.

Upgraded Spectator Cam:

Now when you’re in spectator mode you can follow them in 3rd person, switch to their first person view, or rotate the camera in a full 360 degrees around whoever you’re watching.

Quick Mute Option

Users will now be able to quick mute players on the fly by pulling up the scoreboard in-game or via the lobby by simply going to their name and hitting the mute assigned button. As quickly as calling in and designating an airstike. So no longer getting killed while trying to make your way through the Xbox blades for the mute option so you can shut up the guy who always seems to find it funny to sing into his mic or cover up for his lack of skill by telling you how to play Domination his way.
Infinity Ward: Community Relations Manager
NSBrandon said:
4) Coming off the Halo style of play, how is it that I might stop sucking at this game?

Thanks all.

The game doesn't have the whole how good are you at throwing grenades/reading the motion tracker/whoring power weapons that Halo has, so I think it's much simpler

I would suggest stopping power or UAV jammer (<-- team games only) in perk 2. Other than that, just shoot people when you see them.

Oh and remember when you kill someone, he knows exactly where you were, and is probably a little pissed. If he spawns near you, he's likely to come after you, so it's probably good to move after each kill. You don't have to move far, just don't be in the EXACT same place.

IW said:
Quick Mute Option

Users will now be able to quick mute players on the fly by pulling up the scoreboard in-game or via the lobby by simply going to their name and hitting the mute assigned button. As quickly as calling in and designating an airstike. So no longer getting killed while trying to make your way through the Xbox blades for the mute option so you can shut up the guy who always seems to find it funny to sing into his mic or cover up for his lack of skill by telling you how to play Domination his way.

Oh thank god.


Once the new patch hits I'm going to start sniping more. I like it but it's so silly how half the time the bullet doesn't go where your crosshair is pointed at. Of my close to 20K kills, maybe 300 are with sniper rifles


3 ft, coiled to the sky
PedroLumpy said:
Oh and remember when you kill someone, he knows exactly where you were, and is probably a little pissed. If he spawns near you, he's likely to come after you, so it's probably good to move after each kill. You don't have to move far, just don't be in the EXACT same place.

Another question then: a lot of times I'll see some guy first and get the drop on him, but he usually kills me easily once he realizes I'm shooting at him. Is this just me having crap aim/different perks/different weapons or is there actually some sort of tactic or strategy for taking on a guy head on?


Good news on the patch but what COD4 really needs is some DLC (maps, weapons and perks) ASAP. I have put 40+ hours into this game online and I am really starting to loose interest.


Another question then: a lot of times I'll see some guy first and get the drop on him, but he usually kills me easily once he realizes I'm shooting at him. Is this just me having crap aim/different perks/different weapons or is there actually some sort of tactic or strategy for taking on a guy head on?

Don't take him head on? Seriously, a large majority of my close range kills come from seeing a guy near me, popping a few rounds off, running away and finding another way to get to the location he's at. If you do it fast enough, he still thinks you're at point A when really you've got a knife in his back at point B.


3 ft, coiled to the sky
I think it might kind of boil down to me just needing to play the game a ton and learn the levels. As is I can't even remember one level from another... I start to recognize features of them but can't remember where or how they're laid out (another pitfall of coming from the relatively simplistic geometry-wise Halo mindset). Thanks for the tips.


PedroLumpy said:
The game doesn't have the whole how good are you at throwing grenades/reading the motion tracker/whoring power weapons that Halo has, so I think it's much simpler

I would suggest stopping power or UAV jammer (<-- team games only) in perk 2. Other than that, just shoot people when you see them.

Oh and remember when you kill someone, he knows exactly where you were, and is probably a little pissed. If he spawns near you, he's likely to come after you, so it's probably good to move after each kill. You don't have to move far, just don't be in the EXACT same place.

Oh thank god.


xemumanic said:
Quick Mute Option

Users will now be able to quick mute players on the fly by pulling up the scoreboard in-game or via the lobby by simply going to their name and hitting the mute assigned button. As quickly as calling in and designating an airstike.
This better be in the ps3 patch.


3 ft, coiled to the sky
MaizeRage25 said:
I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to get bitched at for using the M16.

Am I missing something or is it really a n00b-cannon?

Perhaps it's just me but it seems like if the weapon's good enough for new players than it should be good enough for veterans.


I don't consider any of the weapons to be overpowered and cheap. The M16 is horrible at close range and not very useful if you're in a firefight with two people at the same time. On the other hand it's an excellent weapon for impromptu sniping, and the grenade launcher is good for charging.
I'm glad they were able to actually implement real host migration. It seemed like they wouldn't from an earlier post. I haven't played in a month because I was waiting on the patch.


MaizeRage25 said:
I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to get bitched at for using the M16.

Am I missing something or is it really a n00b-cannon?
As someone who uses the m16 a lot, I've rarely heard this. Although I have heard it, and personally, I don't get it. I guess they think it's noob'ish because it's one of the more accurate assault rifles, and with stopping power you can bring someone down with one well placed burst. That's just a guess though.
MaizeRage25 said:
I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to get bitched at for using the M16.

Am I missing something or is it really a n00b-cannon?

Are you using the grenade launcher attachment? That's what always gets called the n00b-cannon in my experience.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
MaizeRage25 said:
I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to get bitched at for using the M16.

Am I missing something or is it really a n00b-cannon?

Lot of ppl bitch about the M16, because in all honesty, it's almost perfect. At range, IMO it's the best gun in the game. If I see you, I will win that battle 90% of the time, regardless of distance or what gun you are using. At mid-range, a burst will take out most people faster than they can get you. At close range, other guns have an advantage, but you'll learn to adapt and won't have as much a problem in close quarters with it. The 3-shot burst is supposed to be a negative, I guess, since it's not as "easy" as full auto, but that 3-shot burst is what makes it better than every other gun. Master the burst, and you'll mow ppl down.

Depending on the map, I'll still use the M16, but on other maps (shipment, bloc, etc), other guns are better. I use the silenced MP5 most of the time, however.
No, my M16 set-up is with Stopping Power and usually Steady Aim. No grenade lauchner attachement.

Glad I'm not going crazy since I fiugred that if you start the game with it, I really should be able to use it at any time without people complaining. It's not like I'm using a high-level gun to just decimate lower ranked players or anthing. I guess some people will find anything to complain about when they start losing.
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