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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


I haven't been keeping up with this thread, but are players able to make themselves invincible online now?

I ask because last night I played a round of Domination on Pipeline and saw a guy crawling under a train car at C point. I ran up and stabbed him repeatedly, then shot him and nothing happened. Saw him a few minutes at another location and shot the bejesus out of him, but to no avail.

Part of his name was "[im]Baby". I forget the rest.


nods at old men
I want to know how some players have changed the color of their names.
Some also put pictures of the PS analog sticks in their clan IDs.

EDIT: Just found out.


SaitoH said:
I haven't been keeping up with this thread, but are players able to make themselves invincible online now?

I ask because last night I played a round of Domination on Pipeline and saw a guy crawling under a train car at C point. I ran up and stabbed him repeatedly, then shot him and nothing happened. Saw him a few minutes at another location and shot the bejesus out of him, but to no avail.

Part of his name was "[im]Baby". I forget the rest.

Only thing I can think of is lag. Maybe they are lagging and you are not. Or vice versa.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
captive said:
I know, im already ranked up to corperal II or something. Working on getting the red dot for ak 47.
But it is still annoying, for whatever reason(maybe im an uber newb) assault class with the m16/m4 carbine whatever it is, is only burst fire.

The online is fun though. Now i know why people want a patch for sniping, cause it is kind of broken.

"Only" burst fire? That's why it's the best gun in the game :)


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Grimm Fandango said:
I'm still waiting for the patch... *twiddles thumbs*
What is this patch supposed to fix/change?

I just unlocked the acog scope for the M4 and the Ak47 and i see it makes you less accurate, i would think it would be the opposite.


I kinda wish they would let you change the rate of fire on weapons like the M16, but I suppose that would upset the balance of the game.
SaitoH said:
I haven't been keeping up with this thread, but are players able to make themselves invincible online now?

I ask because last night I played a round of Domination on Pipeline and saw a guy crawling under a train car at C point. I ran up and stabbed him repeatedly, then shot him and nothing happened. Saw him a few minutes at another location and shot the bejesus out of him, but to no avail.

Part of his name was "[im]Baby". I forget the rest.

Did you try bringing up the scoreboard and seeing if he had any deaths? It just sounds like really bad lag to me.


captive said:
What is this patch supposed to fix/change?

I just unlocked the acog scope for the M4 and the Ak47 and i see it makes you less accurate, i would think it would be the opposite.
Long story short, it adds host migration, more killcams (for grenades, airstrikes, grenade launchers, claymores, etc), tweaks the accuracy of sniper scopes and ACOGs (for the better), and some other minor things.


SaitoH said:
I haven't been keeping up with this thread, but are players able to make themselves invincible online now?

I ask because last night I played a round of Domination on Pipeline and saw a guy crawling under a train car at C point. I ran up and stabbed him repeatedly, then shot him and nothing happened. Saw him a few minutes at another location and shot the bejesus out of him, but to no avail.

Part of his name was "[im]Baby". I forget the rest.

I haven't looked into it, but I played a game on Pipeline where a whole other team (some shitty clan that got owned on the previous map by random strangers) went underground into the tunnels and then somehow glitched through the walls and were invincible. Maybe it's related to that. I didn't actually see the other team doing it, but all my dumbass teammates kept running down there and getting killed and said they were definitely going into the walls and cheating. Has anyone else heard of anything like this?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
dallow_bg said:
I want to know how some players have changed the color of their names.
Some also put pictures of the PS analog sticks in their clan IDs.

I noticed that a few days ago. I'll stick to my "GAF" clan tag, thankyouverymuch.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
miyamotofreak said:
The AK47 disagrees. It's versatility is unmatched.

You stand at one end of Crossfire, and I'll stand at the other end. We'll see who kills who first :)

I've started to use only Sniper rifles to mix things up. They are pretty fun. Sometimes I find myself grabbing an m16 off the ground and then playing "normally", as the sniper gun makes me play a much different (and less fun) style. I've never seen my round scores so low as when I snipe.


commish said:
You stand at one end of Crossfire, and I'll stand at the other end. We'll see who kills who first :)

I've started to use only Sniper rifles to mix things up. They are pretty fun. Sometimes I find myself grabbing an m16 off the ground and then playing "normally", as the sniper gun makes me play a much different (and less fun) style. I've never seen my round scores so low as when I snipe.
Same. I started using SRs a few months ago and got addicted to them. I don't use them exclusively much, but I almost always switch over to them to get in a few (especially the final) kills after I build up a lead. *BLAM*... *silence*.. *cue winning music*. :lol

On pure sniping, my scores do take a hit. On average about 5 less kills, but my deaths go way up because I just can't sniper camp. It's impossible for me to sit in the same area that long. Especially if I hear gunfire going on in another area. :lol So I get caught on the transfer a bit.

I don't get the issue people have with sniper rifles. They seem fine to me, and will definitely be overpowered when the patch hits. Or at least people will be bitching a lot more since there will be more snipers, heh.
raYne said:
On pure sniping, my scores do take a hit. On average about 5 less kills, but my deaths go way up because I just can't sniper camp. It's impossible for me to sit in the same area that long. Especially if I hear gunfire going on in another area. :lol So I get caught on the transfer a bit.

I used to get killed while moving about, but once you learn to be one with the pistol, you rarely die.


ShowDog said:
I haven't looked into it, but I played a game on Pipeline where a whole other team (some shitty clan that got owned on the previous map by random strangers) went underground into the tunnels and then somehow glitched through the walls and were invincible. Maybe it's related to that. I didn't actually see the other team doing it, but all my dumbass teammates kept running down there and getting killed and said they were definitely going into the walls and cheating. Has anyone else heard of anything like this?

i have seen one other person crawl into the wall down there but didnt know they were invincible


narcosis219 said:
I used to get killed while moving about, but once you learn to be one with the pistol, you rarely die.
Yeah, it's fine if you get the drop on them or you're at least in close-ish range, but at med range you'll always be outgunned (obviously). So I just drop the pistol and pick up an AR from someone's corpse.

Because of which, Overkill is the biggest waste of a perk in the game.

MWS Natural said:
Player MP with a surround sound system is almost like having an additional perk in this game :lol
Surround + Dead Silence = awesome.

Plus, you can be accused of being a hacker, which is awesome as well. :lol


n1n9tean said:
Which is the most powerful pistol? Anyone know?
Other than the Deagle? Doesn't really matter.

suEcide said:
I'd say the Golden Desert Eagle which is received after you reach Lvl. 55
As far as I know, it's not any stronger than the normal DE, but I don't use either of them that much.


MWS Natural said:
Player MP with a surround sound system is almost like having an additional perk in this game :lol
Omg, I always wondered if people knew which direction I was coming from because of this. Thanks for confirming.


n1n9tean said:
Ahhh. Figured. I don't really like the DE. Too wild for me.
I can understand that, but it's not really supposed to be used like the other handguns. Just fire slower and you'll be fine. Besides, you only have to hit 'em twice. :D

Beezy said:
Omg, I always wondered if people knew which direction I was coming from because of this. Thanks for confirming.
Well it is surround sound. Why would it work differently from any other game/movie/audio source?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Beezy said:
Omg, I always wondered if people knew which direction I was coming from because of this. Thanks for confirming.
Yup. If you're running around where you think enemies are you might as well just be shooting and make a red dot on the radar.


n1n9tean said:
Which is the most powerful pistol? Anyone know?

besides the Deagle, any pistol really. Just depends on how fast your trigger finger is and how good your aim is, makes little difference, as the pistol is generally a last resort, or a "sneak up" weapon


captive said:
Yup. If you're running around where you think enemies are you might as well just be shooting and make a red dot on the radar.
That's where Dead Silence comes into play on my Bond-like class. :D . I call it Agent 19.

I also have Solid Snake, The Professional (Jean Reno :D), 1 Man Army, and Lineman. I've got everything covered.

I put a lot of thought and effort (not to mention time) into creating my classes.


Manp said:
is there still no way to mute other players in the PS3 version? wasn't this supposed to be one of the fixes in the first patch?

The confusion here is because there was a first PS3 patch that just fixed some connectivity and matchmaking issues. The feature patches (new killcams, muting, etc.) are coming really soon now (tm). I don't know what the status is on the PS3 version, but the 360 version was submitted for approval to Microsoft so it won't be long now.


Calen said:
I don't know what the status is on the PS3 version, but the 360 version was submitted for approval to Microsoft so it won't be long now.
Doesn't that normally take like 2-3 weeks?
I can't wait to get my surround sound system done (I just need to buy one cable). My fave combo is
Ak47 (best camo available) with a silencer
Gold Desert Eagle
Smoke (it's seriously underrated especially for tactical game types)
Frag x3
Stopping Power
Dead Silence


Calen said:
The confusion here is because there was a first PS3 patch that just fixed some connectivity and matchmaking issues. The feature patches (new killcams, muting, etc.) are coming really soon now (tm). I don't know what the status is on the PS3 version, but the 360 version was submitted for approval to Microsoft so it won't be long now.

nice to hear... thanks



ShowDog said:
I haven't looked into it, but I played a game on Pipeline where a whole other team (some shitty clan that got owned on the previous map by random strangers) went underground into the tunnels and then somehow glitched through the walls and were invincible. Maybe it's related to that. I didn't actually see the other team doing it, but all my dumbass teammates kept running down there and getting killed and said they were definitely going into the walls and cheating. Has anyone else heard of anything like this?

Yeah you can glitch into the pipes down there but you aren't invincible.


Level 8 Boss said:
Since when is the M16 the 'noob tube'? I just prestiged for the third time, and I was getting verbally gunned for using it. Stupid noobs.
They probably mean the M203, not the M16. I love it, myself :D
As a terrorist its probably not the smartest thing to be taking pictures of you drinking beers and discussing plans with your other terrorist friends. And then to carry to the picture around so its like "hey if they kill me why don't I let them figure out who my other buds are so they can kill them". Genius!!!


Calen said:
They probably mean the M203, not the M16.
Haha, yeah. I was introduced to the term by my girlfriend, of all people, who has turned into a devout COD4 player.

"What the heck is a noob tube?"
"It's, it's, that grenade attachment!"
"Haha! Where did that term come from?"
"I don't know! That's just what it is! GOD IT JUST KILLED ME AGAIN"


Level 8 Boss said:
Since when is the M16 the 'noob tube'? I just prestiged for the third time, and I was getting verbally gunned for using it. Stupid noobs.

If somebody called it that (and I've never heard the expression) then I disregard any motherfucker telling my in any game in the future that I'm a noob for using a gun I like. I mean back in the Socom days I used to comply with the majority of the room if they said "let's agree not to use noob cannons or M14's." So I didn't. I actually didn't like using those guns in Socom anyway. I was an M16 guy. But now they're calling the M16 a "noob toob?" Fuck that. Basically, people will say that about any gun they're sick and tired of getting killed with. Just tell them to deal with it. :lol

The M16 isn't even especially easy to use in COD4. It requires the skill of good timing. I'll use whatever gun I want from now one regardless of whether or not it's considered a noob cannon/noob toob by the majority.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
zenbot said:
Haha, yeah. I was introduced to the term by my girlfriend, of all people, who has turned into a devout COD4 player.

"What the heck is a noob tube?"
"It's, it's, that grenade attachment!"
"Haha! Where did that term come from?"
"I don't know! That's just what it is! GOD IT JUST KILLED ME AGAIN"

Before they "fixed" the noobtube in Battlefield 2, I used to whore it out to no end. Was so overpowered. It's not as powerful in COD 4, but I still get annoyed when I get hit with one. I DO love when someone is too close to me and the nade cant' arm properly that close. They look so sad, being so defenseless :)


Oh, okay you mean the grenade launcher. I fucking HATE IT! It seems so cowardly. But, whatever. I mean, you do have to switch to it on the d-pad. That balances things a little bit I guess.

I just get so pissed when I step out from behind cover to confront some guy for a face-to-face fight and he pulls the trigger on a fucking grenade launcher. Pathetic. Whaaaaatever. :lol

I have only used it ONCE ever when I first got the game and that was just because it was on one of the default classes (with the M16). Right after that I made my own classes.


Calen said:
They probably mean the M203, not the M16. I love it, myself :D
n1n9tean said:
I just get so pissed when I step out from behind cover to confront some guy for a face-to-face fight and he pulls the trigger on a fucking grenade launcher. Pathetic. Whaaaaatever. :lol
I loooove when someone has it equipped and you meet each other head on, but you get in a bullet hit first and their grenade goes flying 30 feet over your head. 'Cause now, they're definitely screwed and will die before they get to reload/switch back to normal fire etc.

Always brings a smile to my fact and a, "whoops, you fucked up" thought to my head.

I've used it a few times, but mainly for support. ie I never ran around with it in grenade mode constantly for no reason, but I'd switch over if they dove behind cover (especially a car lolers) or ran around a corner/inside a building. I'd just smile and fire a grenade through the opening. :D
I admit I am a grenade launcher whore sometimes, but I love to get kills by hitting someone with a non-armed 'nade, the kill-icon for that cracks me up.


SuperEnemyCrab said:
I admit I am a grenade launcher whore sometimes, but I love to get kills by hitting someone with a non-armed 'nade, the kill-icon for that cracks me up.
By non-armed, you mean a thrown grenade right?

Done that a few times, and yes.. that's funny. :lol



SuperEnemyCrab said:
I admit I am a grenade launcher whore sometimes, but I love to get kills by hitting someone with a non-armed 'nade, the kill-icon for that cracks me up.
Yea, I admit it. That is funny as hell. I can forgive someone if they kill me like that. :lol
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