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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Geoff9920 said:
As someone who uses the m16 a lot, I've rarely heard this. Although I have heard it, and personally, I don't get it. I guess they think it's noob'ish because it's one of the more accurate assault rifles, and with stopping power you can bring someone down with one well placed burst. That's just a guess though.
Actually, you can kill someone (non-headshot) with one burst even without stopping power. As long as you're close enough that the grouping is solid. So when you combine that with stopping power is when the "omgwtf" comes into play. In that case you can prety much kill anyone from anywhere with one trigger pull.

With stopping power it also negates the handicap that the burst fire would give you vs up close targets as well. 'Cause you can shoot from the hip and still take them down in one to two bursts.

It is a bit too accurate at long range, but so are a lot of weapons.

MaizeRage25 said:
guess some people will find anything to complain about when they start losing.
People complain about everything. Snipers, grenades, shotgun/smg users in certain levels, claymores, M16/G3s at distance, anything with silencers, grenade launchers, LMGs, people not going prestige, campers etc.

If they put in 5% of the effort it takes to bitch at stuff they don't like, they could've found ways to counteract them months ago.


raYne said:
If they put in 5% of the effort it takes to bitch at stuff they don't like, they could've found ways to counteract them months ago.

Exactly! That's why I tend to get on my buds that bitch about martyrdom being the "gayest fucking perk in the game". Yeah it upset me the first couple of times I couldn't get away, but at some point you just gotta stop complaining and find a way around it. A) You have a gun, you don't have to be within 1 foot of the person to kill them. B) if you do have to kill them in close quarters combat, just be prepared to run away, just in case they have martyrdom equiped.


raYne said:
Actually, you can kill someone (non-headshot) with one burst even without stopping power. As long as you're close enough that the grouping is solid. So when you combine that with stopping power is when the "omgwtf" comes into play. In that case you can prety much kill anyone from anywhere with one trigger pull.


No, one well place burst at closer than medium range will kill somebody. Any further, you'll need 2-3+ depending on the range.
Stoney Mason said:
I'm glad they were able to actually implement real host migration. It seemed like they wouldn't from an earlier post. I haven't played in a month because I was waiting on the patch.
Yeah, it's a big help. I haven't played much in the past month or so as well, but since every addition in this patch is awesome, I'm going to start playing again.
Really anticipating this patch considering ever since they opened up the European side to North America on PS3 there has been a flood of absolutely SHITTY hosts.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
raYne said:
People complain about everything. Snipers, grenades, shotgun/smg users in certain levels, claymores, M16/G3s at distance, anything with silencers, grenade launchers, LMGs, people not going prestige, campers etc.

You forgot Poland... er... I meant Martyrdom + Sonic Boom. That's the only thing I've ever bitched about. TBH though, I rarely hear people on PSN complaining about shit like that anymore.


Mugen said:
No, one well place burst at closer than medium range will kill somebody. Any further, you'll need 2-3+ depending on the range.
I'm talking about with SP. The only way you'll need more than one burst at range is if you miss bullets from within the burst group. This is where crouching or prone helps because it steadies the aim. You obviously will need more than one burst from say, the other side of the map, but that's because you missed some bullets. Not because the damage is somehow lessoned.

industrian said:
You forgot Poland... er... I meant Martyrdom + Sonic Boom. That's the only thing I've ever bitched about. TBH though, I rarely hear people on PSN complaining about shit like that anymore.
Well I had the "etc" in there. Still, can't believe I missed martyrdom in the main list. :lol

dallow_bg said:
Hehe, what's the complaint about people not going prestige?
Apparently you wouldn't beat "player x" if you didn't have your perks/items. So I'm guessing the reasoning is that they want you to be an easier target.

Jedeye Sniv

How do you guys go about ranking up your weapons? The first time through I played with each gun whenever I felt like it and ranked them all up eventually, in a trickle through the game. On the suggestion of a friend I've been playing through my first prestige without fully ranking any of the guns up if I can help it, I got to level 43 before I finally started to lock them off, and it's shot me through the ranks up to 49 in around two hours of play after locking off a bunch of guns.

I'd say it's been fun but I won't do it again. The gratification delay is very boring for the first 30 levels and it takes a lot longer to rank up through the early levels without the boosts of a 1000 point bonus every now and then. That said, it's given me a much more nuanced understanding of each gun, even the snipers and shotties which I'd never touched on my first playthrough of the ranking system. I must say that a Druganov with an ACOG scope is utterly godlike, I love it. In my first game I came top of the leaderboard in just gun-kills, it almost felt unfair it was so good.

How do you level up then?


raYne said:
I'm talking about with SP. The only way you'll need more than one burst at range is if you miss bullets from within the burst group. This is where crouching or prone helps because it steadies the aim. You obviously will need more than one burst from say, the other side of the map, but that's because you missed some bullets. Not because the damage is somehow lessoned.

Bullets do less damage when the range increases.


I just pick a weapon and max it out. I couldn't hold off the gratification of maxing them out and I'm not entirely what the point would be, heh!

I'm on my second prestige now and I'm trying to max out the weapons I least like first. I am crawling towards 150 kills with the Skorpion. I will also admit that I couldn't resist playing a few rounds with the G3, which along with the first sniper rifle is my favourite weapon in the game.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
zenbot said:
I just pick a weapon and max it out. I couldn't hold off the gratification of maxing them out and I'm not entirely what the point would be, heh!

I stuck with the M4 and Skorpion for a while. Then I discovered the magic that was the RPD. Then I just leveled up every weapon one-by-one (except the shotguns and sniper rifles).


Mugen said:
Bullets do less damage when the range increases.
In my experience it takes the same amount of hits to kill someone from varying ranges, and I'm basing this on non-automatic/burst fire weapons (ie single shots like the G3). So I know how much I fire and it's easier to see/hear if they hit. I guess we'll agree to disagree.

zenbot said:
I will also admit that I couldn't resist playing a few rounds with the G3, which along with the first sniper rifle is my favourite weapon in the game.
NSBrandon said:
Another question then: a lot of times I'll see some guy first and get the drop on him, but he usually kills me easily once he realizes I'm shooting at him. Is this just me having crap aim/different perks/different weapons or is there actually some sort of tactic or strategy for taking on a guy head on?

Could be lag, could be using a better gun for the situation, could have gotten a lucky headshot, it's hard to say.

Best advice I can give is watch the killcam, if it plays out differently then how you saw it (You actually didn't fire first, fired off to his left or right etc..) then it's lag and I would just go find a different match. If the guy is using stopping power, double tap, or juggernaut, and you are NOT using any of those, then that could be a reason he managed to kill you.

Oh, and use the red dots when you get em. Silencers are great too, but I only use em on SMG's but YMMV.

I personally did a bunch of Free for all before jumping into team games. You could try that, there's no pressure, and you'll get used to two guys run into each other firefights. Of course you'll find yourself getting shot in the back alot too. Just how it goes.

As for weapons, pretty much anything is decent. The M16 probably has an edge over other rifles at range, and I've had problems with the Skorpion if the enemy has Juggernaut and last stand. Probably one of the biggest things to consider is how good the iron sights are if you're not using a red dot.


PedroLumpy said:
Best advice I can give is watch the killcam, if it plays out differently then how you saw it (You actually didn't fire first, fired off to his left or right etc..) then it's lag and I would just go find a different match. If the guy is using stopping power, double tap, or juggernaut, and you are NOT using any of those, then that could be a reason he managed to kill you.
Yeah, 99% of the time it's lag and the kill-cam will bear this out. It's frustrating to know that as an Australian playing Americans, I absolutely have to get the drop on enemies because they've got at least a quarter of a second's advantage on me in a fair fight.


marvelharvey said:
Damn you having the PC version Sharkie!

I very much prefer to play all FPS's on the PC I can't stand playing it on most consoles (it also helps with a killer PC :D ), the only one I can stand nowadays is the wii set up.


Had an awesome couple hours playing this a while ago. According to the people in the room at the time I'm "a modder" with the following "cheats":

-I fire too fast.
-I sprint too fast.
-I have too much health (non juggernaut).
-The games are: "Over too fast, like in 5 mins! No one can get 25 kills in 5 minutes!
-I can't die (yet was consistently around my usual 8 deaths w/24+ kills until we started lagging).
-Because of said lag (I'm talking single bar), the host wins a bunch of games. I come in second each time and am urged to "turn my cheats back on".
-I always get headshots (which is false, but apparently they, "see me do it all game!".
-I always know where they are (despite repeatedly telling them I have Dead Silence on, couple w/ surround sound I know exactly where people are coming from. So duh I point over there).
-When I glance while running past the usual camper spots, see someone and kill them I get: See! How did you know I was there! Stop cheating!"
-When I double back and kill someone behind me because I heard 'em coming, same deal.
-I can apparently teleport around the map. Killing them on one side, then be on the complete other side of the map and killing someone else. (err kinda like when you die and respawn?)
-Then they move onto my gamerscore, which I apparently cheated to get cause, "No one has a gamerscore of 30k! That proves it!!11!!1eleven".

I love this game. :D

Oh, and as usual, they were all prestige 1-3 players. Prestige players are whiny babies? The hell you say!?


I love the addition of arcade mode. Just completed Mile High Club on hardened with one life; felt awesome. Such a nice diversion before putting the game down from some multiplayer.


is there still no way to mute other players in the PS3 version? wasn't this supposed to be one of the fixes in the first patch?



I rock juggernaut (or juggernoob depending on whether you're a whiner or not), silenced M16 and extreme conditioning at all times now. Just prestiged again so I lost the 3 nade perk :(


Manp said:
is there still no way to mute other players in the PS3 version? wasn't this supposed to be one of the fixes in the first patch?


fourzerotwo mentioned this would be in the upcoming patch...


Chili Con Carnage!
I just tried online for the first time yesterday (had loads of connection problems back when the game came out), I really like it, is there some handy guide to custom classes somewhere?


h3ro said:
fourzerotwo mentioned this would be in the upcoming patch...

let's hope it won't take another 3 months -_- i've just been in a match where 2 guys were talking about their shit the whole time.
i'm growing a little tired of people singing and static noises.



so what do you guys consider an average game of team deathmatch?

for me if I get in the high teens or mid twentys in kills I consider that an average game.

a very good game for me would be high 20's or low 30's

I was consistently getting in the 30's last night and even hit 40 once. thats not the first time I hit 40 but its been a while. musta been a lot of noobs on last night.

I remember having one game where I had like 32 kills and nobody on either team had 10.

I pretty much just use stopping power and deep impact and some C4 all the time. right now Im using the M16 exclsively with red dot but for my first two prestige rounds I leveled up as many weapons as I could.

If any of you guys play a lot add me to your friends list.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
So i just started in multi after beating the game a little earlier. Its fun, the leveling up bit is nifty, but nothing earth shattering. Also the default classes suck ass.

PSN captive if anyone wants to play.
Nevermind. Sorry.

Well, as long as I made the post. Any idea if IW plans to fix the bug where it hangs on the setting up game screen? Wouldn't be so annoying, except you can't back out or anything.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
captive said:
So i just started in multi after beating the game a little earlier. Its fun, the leveling up bit is nifty, but nothing earth shattering. Also the default classes suck ass.

PSN captive if anyone wants to play.

Within an hour, you can have the best setup for online play. Default classes do leave a bit to be desired, but you don't have to use them long.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Jedeye Sniv said:
How do you guys go about ranking up your weapons? The first time through I played with each gun whenever I felt like it and ranked them all up eventually, in a trickle through the game. On the suggestion of a friend I've been playing through my first prestige without fully ranking any of the guns up if I can help it, I got to level 43 before I finally started to lock them off, and it's shot me through the ranks up to 49 in around two hours of play after locking off a bunch of guns.

I'd say it's been fun but I won't do it again. The gratification delay is very boring for the first 30 levels and it takes a lot longer to rank up through the early levels without the boosts of a 1000 point bonus every now and then. That said, it's given me a much more nuanced understanding of each gun, even the snipers and shotties which I'd never touched on my first playthrough of the ranking system. I must say that a Druganov with an ACOG scope is utterly godlike, I love it. In my first game I came top of the leaderboard in just gun-kills, it almost felt unfair it was so good.

How do you level up then?

I play headquarters and pray to get a map like shipment. After I get a red scope or silencer, I'll play search and destroy because you get an insane amount of points for playing decent


Anyone feel like playing with me later, add me.

PSN: Wise_

I play in small parties only, usually 1-4 people. Hope to get some PSNs.
MaizeRage25 said:
Had my best game last night on Amubsh with the AK-47 (surprisingly). Went 32-4.

I'm seriously addicted to ranking up.
Ak-47 with silencer is so awesome. I may use the ACOG on it again if the patch improves ACOG enough.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
commish said:
Within an hour, you can have the best setup for online play. Default classes do leave a bit to be desired, but you don't have to use them long.
I know, im already ranked up to corperal II or something. Working on getting the red dot for ak 47.
But it is still annoying, for whatever reason(maybe im an uber newb) assault class with the m16/m4 carbine whatever it is, is only burst fire.

The online is fun though. Now i know why people want a patch for sniping, cause it is kind of broken.


Finally picked this game up. Was all shootered out when it launched (Bioshock, Halo 3 , Orange Box) and purchased AC instead
Big fucking mistake I'm bored out at level 3

I'm like 2 levels in (just saved Nikolai) and foolish played the MP. I fear I might not go back to the SP portion of this game now :D

Holy shit, this game kicks ass.
hgplayer1 said:
so what do you guys consider an average game of team deathmatch?

for me if I get in the high teens or mid twentys in kills I consider that an average game.

a very good game for me would be high 20's or low 30's

I was consistently getting in the 30's last night and even hit 40 once. thats not the first time I hit 40 but its been a while. musta been a lot of noobs on last night.

I remember having one game where I had like 32 kills and nobody on either team had 10.

I pretty much just use stopping power and deep impact and some C4 all the time. right now Im using the M16 exclsively with red dot but for my first two prestige rounds I leveled up as many weapons as I could.

If any of you guys play a lot add me to your friends list.

same thing for me man. an excellent game for me would be in the 40s, happened only 5 times though.

add me if you want - MR BLACK 07 (360)


MaizeRage25 said:
I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to get bitched at for using the M16.

Am I missing something or is it really a n00b-cannon?

Just ignore the whiners. They complain about everything and anything. The developers will decide what needs tweaking and what doesn't. If something is made to be used in the game, feel free to use it.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Foil said:
Just ignore the whiners. They complain about everything and anything. The developers will decide what needs tweaking and what doesn't. If something is made to be used in the game, feel free to use it.
Often times its the whiners that developers change things for. Reference, see whatever is the latest WoW communities deemed "needs a nerf" class.
Does anyone here forgo the "Prestige" option? ..I've been lvl 55 for some time now anddd.. I would like to invest in "Prestige", but I don't know what it is offering.. More EXP? New Weapons? cup holder?..maybe?
Assembly Required said:
Does anyone here forgo the "Prestige" option? ..I've been lvl 55 for some time now anddd.. I would like to invest in "Prestige", but I don't know what it is offering.. More EXP? New Weapons? cup holder?..maybe?
A new icon. That's it.


captive said:
Often times its the whiners that developers change things for. Reference, see whatever is the latest WoW communities deemed "needs a nerf" class.

Totally agreed, and they can let the devs know via their feedback forums, emails and whatnot. They don't need to scream at every random person online who is using a weapon that they consider to be a "n00b" gun. Most random people online have no idea anything is considered cheap and are just playing to have fun. I have yet to find a weapon or perk in the game that can't be stopped by somebody using a little skill or thought. From my experience most of the whiners are the hardcore players who are never happy unless they're destroying everyone else in the game.

The M16 and the grenade attachment aren't cheap at all imo. Anybody can take them down just as they could if they used any other weapon. I have no problems if a weapon is super cheap and taken out, like the one sniper rifle in Rainbow Six 3 on Xbox. That was ridiculous, but nothing in COD4 is anywhere near that bad. Atleast that I've seen.
Does anyone else do way better in Free-For-All than in team based games?

I dunno what I'm doing wrong, but I can usually score in the top 3 in FFA but in team games (aside from normal Team Deathmatch) I'm usually near last, if not last.

I like to consider myself a decent player since my kill count is always much higher than my death count, but lately I've been playing a lot of HQ to upgrade my weapons quickly and I'm almost always dead last. Oddly enough, if I'm not dead last, I usually place first. It's weird.


I'm getting kinda tired of this game now. I've been playing it for maybe about two months. The joy is running thin at this point. When it was great it was great; and I LOVED the campaign. But there seems to be no lasting substance. Especially without an online community. Sure people are playing, but it's so difficult to make arrangements so they can play together that they play by themselves or in groups of about 4 at most; whereas on Resistance I was regularly in 20 person parties.

What it comes down to is that...I need my FUCKIN' SOCOM PS3!!!!!!!!! I only got COD4 to hold me off until the new Socom is released. But I don't know if it's even got enough longevity for that purpose. I wish I had Battlefield: Bad Company. Then the wait wouldn't be so hard. I loved the beta of Battlefield: Modern Combat on PS2 (yet, I never bought the retail game when it was released). I was playing that around the same time Socom 3 came out.

I'll probably sell COD4 soon.
n1n9tean said:
I'm getting kinda tired of this game now. I've been playing it for maybe about two months. The joy is running thin at this point. When it was great it was great; and I LOVED the campaign. But there seems to be no lasting substance. Especially without an online community. Sure people are playing, but it's so difficult to make arrangements so they can play together that they play by themselves or in groups of about 4 at most; whereas on Resistance I was regularly in 20 person parties.

What it comes down to is that...I need my FUCKIN' SOCOM PS3!!!!!!!!! I only got COD4 to hold me off until the new Socom is released. But I don't know if it's even got enough longevity for that purpose. I wish I had Battlefield: Bad Company. Then the wait wouldn't be so hard. I loved the beta of Battlefield: Modern Combat on PS2 (yet, I never bought the retail game when it was released). I was playing that around the same time Socom 3 came out.

I'll probably sell COD4 soon.
I'm in same boat right now. Probably going to trade it for Uncharted.
I downloaded the PS3 patch last night and the only thing that has changed is the match making speed.

1.10 patch (EU) 11MB

Do you need to unlock the new features by getting a higher ranking level?
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