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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


I use the M203 all the time with my M16. I mostly play search and destroy, and until the time comes when I have my nades x 3 perk back, I consider an M203 attachment even grounds with everyone else because almost every opponent has that nades perk for maximum nade spammage. Sometimes I mix it up and put a silencer on the M16 but mostly if I want to go silenced I switch to an MP5.

That said, I've killed people plenty with the M16 and no grenade launcher and had them whine that it's a noob weapon. People will just find any way to both bring down people who are killing them and/or make themselves out to be superior because they use "harder" weapons.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
zenbot said:
Haha, yeah. I was introduced to the term by my girlfriend, of all people, who has turned into a devout COD4 player.

"What the heck is a noob tube?"
"It's, it's, that grenade attachment!"
"Haha! Where did that term come from?"
"I don't know! That's just what it is! GOD IT JUST KILLED ME AGAIN"
It is rather annoying, yesterday in a match this guy was whoring it out, he got me several times and every time i watched the replay, he would just walk around with it set ready to launch and if the battle was currently at a choke point he would sit there and spam it.


SuperEnemyCrab said:
Hahaha thats the one. :lol

Got 2 kills tonight with a flashbang, you will actually see a flashbang icon for the kill. Not that dude thrown back.

Was a great session with my roommate, played for over 3 hours straight. Never got a score lower than 25 - 9. Top score was 36 - 3 :) was pretty happy with that one. And offcourse a carpet bomb of 11 in total. Got killed right after the fifth kill, did a good bomb run (5 kills) right after it another one 6 kills :)


itsgreen said:
Got 2 kills tonight with a flashbang, you will actually see a flashbang icon for the kill. Not that dude thrown back.
Yeah, the flashbang kill is the easy one, 'cause you don't have to actually hit them with it. So you just get someone into last stand and toss one their way.

This one is when you physically hit someone with a thrown grenade/flash etc. You get the same icon as a direct launcher hit in this case.

Other than online co-op, a Halo3-esque theater mode is what COD reallly needs. So many awesome moments go forgotten because you can't share it with others. :/
Most of you probably know, but if you're looking to get the 'Think Fast X' challenges, you can bean people in last stand with any grenade (N.B. never tried smoke) and they will die.

I had one bit where I threw all three of my flash grenades at one guy in last stand and managed to miss all three times. And then he killed me. Keep in mind he's obviously blinded after the first one goes off. His screen was pure white in the killcam, but he kept firing and got me eventually. Probably wondering what the fuck was going on.

I personally haven't found the grenade attachment to be on BF2 levels of cheapness, but I stick to Team Deathmatch only, so maybe it's more popular in other game modes.

Anyone do Team Tactical a lot? I've been wondering what three person Domination is like, but I can't convince my buddies to pull themselves away from Assassin's Creed.


raYne said:
Other than online co-op, a Halo3-esque theater mode is what COD reallly needs. So many awesome moments go forgotten because you can't share it with others. :/

hell yeah. would pay money for that.
ShowDog said:
I haven't looked into it, but I played a game on Pipeline where a whole other team (some shitty clan that got owned on the previous map by random strangers) went underground into the tunnels and then somehow glitched through the walls and were invincible. Maybe it's related to that. I didn't actually see the other team doing it, but all my dumbass teammates kept running down there and getting killed and said they were definitely going into the walls and cheating. Has anyone else heard of anything like this?


The worst glitch is the one on Crossfire where snipers get on the roof of a a building that's outside the map and snipe you.



Day 2

The euphoria of MP has worn off as I am just getting my ass handed to me, my limited knowlege of the maps is one factor, but apparently higher lvl characters get much better skills (duh), I can't count the times I've had the drop on someone only to be taken down.

I'm chalking it up to monday.....:D


zenbot said:
Haha, yeah. I was introduced to the term by my girlfriend, of all people, who has turned into a devout COD4 player.

"What the heck is a noob tube?"
"It's, it's, that grenade attachment!"
"Haha! Where did that term come from?"
"I don't know! That's just what it is! GOD IT JUST KILLED ME AGAIN"

The term came from Battlefield 2 where the M203 grenade launcher was godly. It's not like the COD4 one where it takes a certain distance to arm. You could fire it at close range and kill people quite easily. The best/worst part of it is that you could effectively jump and fire it close-range at an opponent's feet. He dies and because of the height gained by your jump, you suffer no damage at all. It was too easy to use and newbies could learn to use it well very quickly, hence the term "noobtube".

The COD4 M203 is definitely not a noobtube. You only get to carry two rounds of it and if you meet someone in close quarters, you're screwed more than half the time because it takes an incredible amount of skill to aim the grenade directly at the person to score a direct non-exploding hit. At the mid to long range, it takes quite some skill to do well with it as well and the fact that you've only got one more round to adjust your aim after missing once as well as the power of ARs at that kind of range, it really is a weapon that requires some skill to use effectively.


DeathWasHere said:
Does this have LAN on 360 or PS3 for 8 people split screen?

No which pisses me off, I'm relly tired of the only LAN option (We have 4 TV's and generally 8 people) being Halo3. Why does not other game offer this? This game is so fucking good, I really want the to add this, the splitscreen code is already there.....
Dunlop said:
No which pisses me off, I'm relly tired of the only LAN option (We have 4 TV's and generally 8 people) being Halo3. Why does not other game offer this? This game is so fucking good, I really want the to add this, the splitscreen code is already there.....

warhawk offers this...

thats really annoying though.
Why the hell is it taking so long to release this damn patch. You'd think they were adding Capture the flag with maps to support it. It's a bunch of kill cams and host migration what the fuck.


I'm rolling around in my third or fourth prestige now, and I've been playing since launch, but I recently discovered a technique that raised the mini uzi (and skorpion, to a lesser extent) from 'lolz, I'll fuck around with these guns' to 'holy crap!'

Take Mini-Uzi (or Skorpion, if you must), Stopping Power, and Steady Aim. I sometimes use an ACOG with this, partly for the laughs at sniping snipers, partly for the reasons below. Use whatever you want for perk 1 - I generally take special x3 for room clearing.

Point the first - Never scope! The goal here is killing people at a medium range, on the move, without scoping, which slows your movement.

Point the second - Feather the trigger. Don't tap it like you're burst firing an AR, taptaptaptap it, and whatever you do, resist the urge to spray.

I'm sure some people are doing this already, but it surprised the hell out of me. First, its stupidly accurate at a range where you wouldn't expect it to be. Second, it's *very* ammo conservative. I nailed multiple double kills with the Skorpion with ease, something I found nearly impossible before. The Mini-Uzi is just fantastic. Third, because you don't scope, your movement stays as uninhibited as a shotgun, AND you're frequently giving your opponent a double movement hit.

If they scope, they're already moving slower, but because of the ROF on those guns and the accuracy, it's damn easy to land that first hit while you're still moving, quickly placing them into hitstun, and they usually faceplant shortly after.

Yes, you could just use an m16 or a p90 :p That's not the point! Give it a try. I used it a bunch with good success, as did some friends. Play aggressively, use your movement advantage to stay mobile in combat, and seek out engagement spaces that put you right in the comfortable middle range. Outside instant shotgun death, right around where most smg (and a lot of AR) users scope. Naturally, this isn't ideal for all maps or modes, but it is a lot of fun.

I found this doesn't work too well with the MP5, P90, or AK74, due to either rate of fire or accuracy (some combination of scoping, bursting or spraying with the others worked more effectively for me than feathering the skorpion or mini uzi), and neither double tap nor juggernaut worked as well as SP in my testing, you might find differently.


Not in my experience - random drop outs, 'host has ended game' pretty much after every few rounds and it can sometimes take an age to actually find a game.

It's a world away from the dedicated setups used with Resistance and Warhawk etc. It's actually pissing me off to the point where I may have to trade it in and not bother anymore.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
DenogginizerOS said:
How is the PS3 version doing as far as finding matches? has it gotten better recently?
I got the game last week so i never experienced whatever the issue was. But i havent had a problem finding any matches and i play sabatoge exlusively. It only takes a matter of seconds.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
captive said:
I got the game last week so i never experienced whatever the issue was. But i havent had a problem finding any matches and i play sabatoge exlusively. It only takes a matter of seconds.
As soon as they patch in rumble, I may double dip and pick up the PS3 version.


Victrix said:
Uzi think he is?!

Oh man, this is CHEEKY, I set it to your custom class and got 33 kills to 7 deaths second try. I was holding out a fucking fort in one of Strike's buildings, people poured in again and again, but couldn't hold up to my shotgun-like-uzi.

Thanks, this is helping me get some mad XP, seeing as I never use the Uzis.


IcebergSlim3000 said:
Why the hell is it taking so long to release this damn patch. You'd think they were adding Capture the flag with maps to support it. It's a bunch of kill cams and host migration what the fuck.
Host migration is a rather major (in effort) feature to add. The concept is simple, but the realities of Les Internet Terrible makes implementation a sort of hell on earth.


I a couple of questions, if anyone can kindly help:

1- how do you create open matches? the 'create a game' option only lets you play with friends and it has no XP. do you need to reach a certain level or something to unlock such a choice?

2- I can create a clan, but how do I invite people to join? also, how can I ask a clan to add me to theirs? I can't message in game, and I don't have a list with names of people I recently played with. it seems like a problem jotting a PSN name and sending them an invite, then - if they accept- you can send them a message just to learn they can't do that and you need to talk to another guy that can add and delete names for their clan.

3- isn't their a spectator mode for non players, or if you can quit a ame and watch someone else play? is so, how do you do it?



RiverBed said:
I a couple of questions, if anyone can kindly help:

1- how do you create open matches? the 'create a game' option only lets you play with friends and it has no XP. do you need to reach a certain level or something to unlock such a choice?

2- I can create a clan, but how do I invite people to join? also, how can I ask a clan to add me to theirs? I can't message in game, and I don't have a list with names of people I recently played with. it seems like a problem jotting a PSN name and sending them an invite, then - if they accept- you can send them a message just to learn they can't do that and you need to talk to another guy that can add and delete names for their clan.

3- isn't their a spectator mode for non players, or if you can quit a ame and watch someone else play? is so, how do you do it?

1) When you join a matchmaking playlist, if there are no suitable games for you, you automatically create a new open game and will see people start to join it. There is no way to specifically say "Hey I am in a game by myself, come join me now!"

2) Clan tags are just a visual feature in front of your name - there's no real clan support apart from that. No need to email that clan you want to join, just set your tag to their name...heh. We've added support for the PSN recently met players feature in the PS3 patch which should be coming out really soon now (tm).

3) There is a spectator mode in the delayed or no-respawn gametypes such as Search and Destroy, where you will spectate while you wait to respawn. You can't join matches to just watch (the justification here is that it is nearly as expensive on net traffic and such to spectate vs. play, and we'd rather use that CPU and bandwidth to let other actual players into the match.)

Hope that helped!


Victrix - nice post.

Victrix said:
I sometimes use an ACOG with this, partly for the laughs at sniping snipers, partly for the reasons below.

You don't mention why you use the ACOG. Is it purely for the bling, or is there some implicit modifier to hip-shooting that the ACOG gives?

I'm definitely a fan of SMG run-and-gun - another secret advantage is that you can get "Dead Silence On Demand" by walking through a room whilst L-trigger aiming (your FOV and sensitivity are constrained, but it's great for being sneaky in a pinch).

Skorpion with Double Tap is particularly fun as a "stick-and-move" type playstyle.


thanks very much for answering. I never had an official response before. I feel special. hehe.

looking forward to the patch. and if I may say, CoD4 is the best FPS I have ever played- not to mention the most intense one- whether it is online or off. it seriously put a damper on every other FPS I was looking forward to in 08. I just got CoD4 a few weeks a go.

seriously, other FPS games coming out have to show me such intensity and crazy firefights or there is absolutely no reason for me to play their offering.



Kordos said:
Victrix - nice post.

You don't mention why you use the ACOG. Is it purely for the bling, or is there some implicit modifier to hip-shooting that the ACOG gives?

Ah, I didn't spell it out - basically, because you're never scoping, you don't *need* a red dot. As a result, why not use an ACOG? Your damage is pure crap at a distance due to damage falloff, but at the distances you'll be using it at, it doesn't matter much. Plus, typically, the targets you do pick out with it are snipers or M16 users, and if there is something more satisfying than killing a red tiger M16 camper with an ACOG'd skorpion or mini uzi, I don't know what it is. Extra bonus in Sabotage, where players frequently watch killcams. You can hear their screams of disgust from a mile away.

This setup, for me at least, occupies a curious space. I've found that it generally dies to the usual up-close culprits (shotguns, double tapped p90s on full auto, general spray and pray smgs, or that god damned m16 killing you in one shot, etcetc), but, at close-medium to medium range, it shines. You kill quickly, you're accurate, and most importantly, you're fast and mobile.

It's generally an awkward distance for most guns - most people quickly bring up their sights at that distance, and while you can be hit by the usual fire-scope-continue firing (and you will die to this), it isn't a given that your opponent is perfectly accurate, whereas shooting from the hip while tapping is dead easy - keep your crosshair on center mass, and your target tends to fall over.

Plus, at worst, up close you're a skorpion or mini uzi spraying, which isn't half bad - though I've found I tend to taptaptap even at pretty close range, just because the ammo conservation is so awesome, its great to finish a fight with two dead bodies and enough shots to finish a third without reloading, vs the usual mini uzi BRAAAAAAAAAAAPT click click faceplant.

You're not going to win any fights coming up in the open against someone behind hard cover with the barrel of their AR pointed at you, but you will win a lot of fights while moving around from place to place, which is generally what I use SMGs for. If I want to cover an area or fight at a distance, that's what ARs or LMGs are for.

Of the two, the Skorpion is stronger up close (highest damage at close range of any of the guns iirc), weaker at a distance, and the ammo capacity, while less of a liability tapping than normal, is still a bit painful. I generally prefer the mini-uzi, both due to ROF and clipsize, but both worked well when we tested them.

Something else funny - I've found I get MORE headshots shooting this way than I do aiming. Headshots with SMGs in a practical timespan are a bitch, unless you're willing to accept deaths to whiffing their head completely. A funny side effect of hip shooting is that the spread *helps* you quite often, as a stray bullet impacts the head. For reference, I don't think any of my SMGs went over 25 headshots on my way to 150 this run, and the mini uzi was around 50 by the time I had it capped on this prestige.


RiverBed said:
thanks very much for answering. I never had an official response before. I feel special. hehe.

looking forward to the patch. and if I may say, CoD4 is the best FPS I have ever played- not to mention the most intense one- whether it is online or off. it seriously put a damper on every other FPS I was looking forward to in 08. I just got CoD4 a few weeks a go.

seriously, other FPS games coming out have to show me such intensity and crazy firefights or there is absolutely no reason for me to play their offering.

Best multiplayer FPS I've played, leveling up is so damn fun.


X26 said:
small SMG's + ACOG = looks like you're killing people with an old school video camera

I'm pretty sure the acog is bigger than the skorpion. Game needs pistol whipping.

And dogs at 15 kills. And ion cannon at 20.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
RiverBed said:
thanks very much for answering. I never had an official response before. I feel special. hehe.

looking forward to the patch. and if I may say, CoD4 is the best FPS I have ever played- not to mention the most intense one- whether it is online or off. it seriously put a damper on every other FPS I was looking forward to in 08. I just got CoD4 a few weeks a go.

seriously, other FPS games coming out have to show me such intensity and crazy firefights or there is absolutely no reason for me to play their offering.


I can get behind the idea that COD 4 is the best console FPS ever...but there are better PC FPS's. Personally, I think Battlefield 2 is online FPS perfection.

Anyway, I don't think I've used the Mini-Uzi or Skorpion for more than 2 minutes combined out of my 120 hours of online COD 4.


Calen said:
3) There is a spectator mode in the delayed or no-respawn gametypes such as Search and Destroy, where you will spectate while you wait to respawn. You can't join matches to just watch (the justification here is that it is nearly as expensive on net traffic and such to spectate vs. play, and we'd rather use that CPU and bandwidth to let other actual players into the match.)
Hmm.. I've forced spectator mode in FFA a bunch of times. Before the match starts and you're supposed to pick your setup, I just back out like I'm going to leave the match but cancel. It gets rid of all the menus, puts you as a spectator and you can scroll between all the available players.

I usually do it if I'm in a room with a particularly good connection, but have something to do for a few seconds and don't want to give up the space.

commish said:
Anyway, I don't think I've used the Mini-Uzi or Skorpion for more than 2 minutes combined out of my 120 hours of online COD 4.
Same. The only SMG I used regularly is the MP5, but I haven't used that in months.

Im going to use it every single game and Kill you with it. Why? Because Im a rusher and love to charge in. Why not the extra HP if Im going to your face?

Its in the game and its intended for use , why does everyone hate it? Stopping power lol? yeah thats fair.

Im sick of this fad, fucking get over it and learn 2 play.


The scrub gun

Everyone uses this gun , its the easiest to kill someone with.

This should be the fad , not juggernaut.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
SuperAndroid17 said:

Im going to use it every single game and Kill you with it. Why? Because Im a rusher and love to charge in. Why not the extra HP if Im going to your face?

Its in the game and its intended for use , why does everyone hate it? Stopping power lol? yeah thats fair.

Im sick of this fad, fucking get over it and learn 2 play.


The scrub gun

Everyone uses this gun , its the easiest to kill someone with.

This should be the fad , not juggernaut.

Lemme get this straight. You think it's okay to use juggs because "its in the game and its intended for use", yet you don't think they should use the m16, which, interestingly enough, is also "in the game and intended for use."


Yeah, seems kind of silly to say juggernaut is ok because "its in the game" but the M16 is cheap. And this is coming from someone who uses juggernaut all the time myself. Each gun has their strengths and weaknesses, M16 is no exception. It might be the most well balanced gun in the game but it's only good if you play the right style with it. My style is a little bit of rush but also a little bit of caution. So the M16 works great. If I rush in and get the drop on someone or get in their face, 1 or 2 bursts and they are dead. I can also play cautious and hang back and pick people off from a good distance.

Imho it's no different than rushing right in with a P90 or something and just laying waste to people. You use that gun in that style and your strengths are mobility and rate of fire. But if someone can get you from afar because you're close enough to do anything with your close combat weapon, you're screwed. That's where the balance comes in. Used in the right style, every gun in the game is great and seems overly effective.

Like I said I use juggernaut all the time. I used to use stopping power but I've realized that if you know where to run and how to move, you can get drops on people and drop them easily enough without stopping power. The main thing juggernaut does for me is eliminates people killing me from behind or from some camping spot while I run by. With juggernaut on I can sense I'm getting shot and find cover. I would say a good 90-95% of the people who complain are people who are using stopping power. Not a single one of them have been able to explain to me the difference in using a perk that makes you take more bullets to die and a perk that makes you kill people with less bullets. People just get used to killing people their way and when they shoot someone a few times with their stopping power equipped gun and that person turns around and caps them it just pisses them off. The M16 hate though, I can't see wtf people are getting at. Complaining about that is just stupid.
I never hear people complaining about juggs or the M16. The only one I've heard A BIT is the grenade attachment. Which is of course not unbalanced.

I suppose I do think it is a little lame how the M16 seems to eclipse the G3 in almost every way. I personally think the burst is probably more effective killing people at any range the G3 can, and naturally the burst is better than the semi automatic fire of the G3 in close. But it's such a small difference that I wouldn't kick up a fuss. Maybe the iron sights on the G3 are better.


Victrix said:
Awesome Uzi class

Just tried that. What an awesome setup! :lol

Also I'd like to know why when I'm playing in Cage Match everyone assumes I want to do fucking challenges? If you want XP kill me, stop whining! The last match I've played this kid comes in and ask if I want to do challenges. I answer by killing first. His response?

"Imma go all out on you fool!"

Final score? 10/3 for me. Loved it. :lol


I had a nice string of about 8 consecutive free-for-all victories in a row tonight before I decided to go to bed. I didn't have my headset, but I could hear all the idiots cursing me out madly every time I killed them and talking shit the few times they managed to kill me. The average match had me at 25/7 and second place at 10/14.

At the end of the last match in the lobby, some guy said I must be some 35 year old unemployed loser who had nothing else to do but play COD4. The rest agreed with bitter tears. Funny when I was the only non-prestiged player in the group. I knew at that point that it was time to quit for the night lest I risk losing a match.

Edit: I was just running around madly with MP5/Deadly Silence/Stopping Power the whole time.


Victrix said:
This setup, for me at least, occupies a curious space. I've found that it generally dies to the usual up-close culprits (shotguns, double tapped p90s on full auto, general spray and pray smgs, or that god damned m16 killing you in one shot, etcetc), but, at close-medium to medium range, it shines. You kill quickly, you're accurate, and most importantly, you're fast and mobile.

Got it. It sounds like this playstyle is built around the "hitstun" mechanic - taking an approach that both causes more hitstun to the enemy (many small projectiles, fired from the hip for better response time) and less hitstun to you (not relying on L-trig zoom, and better mobility and fire avoidance due to same).

Sounds really cool, I'll definitely have to try it. Even with my SMG builds, I have the tendency to "home in" on my target with L-trigger once I have the aim lined up. Seems like this isn't really necessary due to the surprising low-to-mid range hip-fire accuracy combined with the advantages of staying un-zoomed and mobile.

You didn't mention silencing the Uzi - any reason? I'd think that the "sweet spot" distance of this style could be within the threshold of Uzi silencer damage falloff (<~12.5 meters, vs ~20 meters unsuprressed), and since you are always shooting from the hip, the presence of iron sights wouldn't be much of a downside.


That's a good point, I hadn't considered that - I'll fool around with it tonight and see how it does. I don't have a good grasp of how the ranges from the stats translate to in-game distances, so I'm not sure it'd be within the butter zone 100% of the time. If it *is*, then this style is even nastier, because a silenced mini-uzi is quiet, and the way you'll be shooting it, it's even quieter.

I was taking the ACOG specifically because it gave me a way of dealing with long-range threats (albiet very poorly), in addition to the hilarity. However, if the silencer works, that will make this build even better for flanking, as most players are terribly unalert to silenced weapons.

Still, if you haven't yet, definitely go give it a shot, jet said it worked for him, but I'd like to hear from more people to see if it holds up. The trick really is in the finger, so to speak. Just spraying with steady aim as you can do with the mp5 or p90 doesn't really work particularly well with the mini-uzi or skorpion, but tapping seems to remove the accuracy problems, and conserves ammo, while still killing fast enough to be dangerous.


raYne said:
Hmm.. I've forced spectator mode in FFA a bunch of times. Before the match starts and you're supposed to pick your setup, I just back out like I'm going to leave the match but cancel. It gets rid of all the menus, puts you as a spectator and you can scroll between all the available players.
Hmm, I was under the impression that this would punt you after a minute or so of not picking a class. Maybe FFA is different that way, I'll have to look into it.


Victrix said:
I don't have a good grasp of how the ranges from the stats translate to in-game distances, so I'm not sure it'd be within the butter zone 100% of the time.

Me neither.

Allegedly, 1000 "weapon distance units" is equal to 25 meters (which would put the falloff range of the Silenced Uzi from 8m - 17.5m; 350-700).

Wikipedia says that an M1 Abrams tank is just under 10 meters long. Assuming the tanks in the middle of "Ambush" are of similar dimensions, 10-15 meters seems like it's probably along the lines of the sweet spot you're referring to.

Suppressed with Stopping Power, the Uzi would be at 34-28 damage in that range, whereas unsuppressed (again with SP) would be 39 damage flat out til almost 20 meters.

Taking the min-maxing further, that's a tricky spot because it's right on the 3/4 shot threshold - at 34 damage, it would only take 3 hits to kill, but at 28 damage, would take 4 hits. Spraying and praying, I have the feeling that 3 hits is much easier to get than 4.

However, you mentioned that the Skorpion works with your build - suppressed or not, does a flat 24 damage per hit in that 10-15 meter range, so you're looking at 5 shots with the Skorpion either way.

Seems like the only way to find out for sure is to test it, but I can't do that while I'm at work, so I'm stuck crunching numbers instead :).


So is there no matchmaking in this game? I like the MP, other than the stupid martyrdom perk, which is bullshit. I just got the game and would like to play with some people on my skill level, as opposed to people who've been playing 24-7 since launch and have better weapons than I do.


Jtrizzy said:
So is there no matchmaking in this game? I like the MP, other than the stupid martyrdom perk, which is bullshit. I just got the game and would like to play with some people on my skill level, as opposed to people who've been playing 24-7 since launch and have better weapons than I do.

Don't think so, I'm in the same boat. You will get PWNED until you learn the maps as it is pretty much a 1 hit kill game, that's why the level ranking would have been nice.

Ran into a couple of matches last night where the entire fucking opposite team would instantly drop a grenade on their death taking you out with them, so learn to kill from afar :D
Incoming gripe: I joined 7 matches in a row in team tactical where I was put on the losing team with no hope of winning. After sticking with the first 5 matches I just quit out of the last 2. I have never run into this problem until last night. WTF? Does this game need a team balancing option now?

I almost never drop out of a match but last night made me furious. Who wants to be put into a Headquarters match when the other team is up 175-30? Nothing you can do but suck it up I guess.
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