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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


well after looking at that patch i gotta say im glad i traded this game in

its been a tough couple of weeks going cold turkey...but...i think i managed it...


PedroLumpy said:
Man, have you even played with the new patch yet? Give it some time. I think it may take more than a day to see the results of this attempt to balance the game.

I haven't yet, but I will give it some play time tonight. I hope it is not going to turn into a camp fest but if pre-patch non snipers are pulling no hold breath headshots with relative ease now then it doesn't seem too balanced...

At least objective games shouldn't be too affected by this.
They still haven't gotten rid of that cheap-ass martyrdom yet, damn! Game will be 2x better if they did. Still like the fact that you can mute people, but how is it that you can't migrate hosts mid-game? It seems like a good idea to make the scopes more accurate because I've always felt the ACOG was pointless, so a plus there. Although I can imagine camping will be worse now, but you could always counter that. I just hope the regular game doesn't grind down to a hardcore nubfest, where everyone's prone in the grass owning your feet:lol


Juggernaut + sprinting beats sniper camping.

If you do get sniped, grab a noob tube and take out the whole patch of grass they're lying in. ^.^

I'm not too concerned because I mostly play team tactical, and if people decide to lay back & snipe in that mode, they're at a loss.


Vaxadrin said:
Juggernaut + sprinting beats sniper camping.

This actually kind of, sort of, kind of works against the M16 too. It prevents the one shot tap from killing you usually, and if you can close the distance, you've at least got a reasonable chance of coming out on top.

Plus, for whatever reason, juggernaut pisses people off, so there is that too.


Plus, for whatever reason, juggernaut pisses people off, so there is that too.

I use Juggernaut + M16 Red Dot + 3xFrag + Martyrdom, or P90 Silencer + Steady Aim + Juggernaut + 3xFrag. I piss everybody off.

I just need a class with 2 noob tubes & sonic boom.


Can System Link be tweaked in a patch? Really, CoD4 needs proper System Link, it's so dumb how everyone who wants to play needs their own separate Xbox and separate TV. >_> It needs Split-Screen System Link play. Infinity Ward, make it happen. We ended up playing on the big 4:3 downstairs at my friend's house using a blanket attached to a tredmill to cover up the middle line of the screen so there was no screen looking :lol. The top left and bottum left people were on a team and vise-versa. It felt somewhat like the good ole days of Goldeneye though, even though we didn't use anything to prevent screen-looking back then.
Victrix said:
Plus, for whatever reason, juggernaut pisses people off, so there is that too.

I play Hardcore exclusively and I find it amusing when people use Juggernaut. Such a useless perk when playing with the big kids.


Hunter D said:
This is what I was scared of. You could do things like get kills with the sniper without holding your breath, but it took practice. Now it sounds like something that is easy to do. Anyone remember what the beta was like when the sniper was insanely accurate? Overgrown was horseshit because dudes would run around with their sniper out and no scope no problem. Shit, near the end of the beta there were people running around vacant with snipers.

Game will turn into a slow campfest now and will be overrun by snipers and acog m16/G3 and maybe even acog m14.

Yes, you could get kills without holding your breath. But it didn't take practice. It took luck. Snipers were flawed, basically. There are tons of videos out there that show that bullets don't hit where they're supposed. Even IW admitted the problem. As some have said, you could basically aim with an M16 and be more efective at sniping than an actual sniper. That was just... sad.

I still think it takes skill. You still need to take into consideration many things, and given the fast-paced style of the game, finding a good sniping spot isn't that easy. In addition, kKilling without holding your breath only works at close to medium range. At that range, any non-sniper player can kill you.

If you're so worried about snipers, just use Juggernaut. You'll survive most sniper shots quite easily.


Anyone else notice that the ragdoll has more animation to it, maybe it is because I just never played for a while, and generally the game is just more smooth now?


i play on PS3 and the only real thing i wanted was the quick mute...please for the love of god tell me we are also getting a quick mute..

If i have to play another match w/ another little kid who wont stop shouting/whistling/singing/bitching..
Another racist asshat who wont shut the fuck up..
Another dumbass who cant keep the noise down, im gonna need a new tv!

everytime i play online i remember why i hate this new gaming generation -.-


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Bajan32 said:
i play on PS3 and the only real thing i wanted was the quick mute...please for the love of god tell me we are also getting a quick mute..

If i have to play another match w/ another little kid who wont stop shouting/whistling/singing/bitching..
Another racist asshat who wont shut the fuck up..
Another dumbass who cant keep the noise down, im gonna need a new tv!

everytime i play online i remember why i hate this new gaming generation -.-

I've stopped using the headset a loooong time ago. It's not really needed when playing with random people as everything you need to know/do is very well communicated by the game it self.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
TTP said:
I've stopped using the headset a loooong time ago. It's not really needed when playing with random people as everything you need to know/do is very well communicated by the game it self.
Right, but the problem is that even with voice level all the way down you can still hear people.

And every time there are people who wont shut the fuck up i think to myself why people say "lolz no one has headsets on ps3 that is huge disadvantage."


Bajan32 said:
If i have to play another match w/ another little kid who wont stop shouting/whistling/singing/bitching..
Another racist asshat who wont shut the fuck up..
Another dumbass who cant keep the noise down, im gonna need a new tv!

I thought those were all unique to Xbox. I guess it was just a timed exclusive.


Of course the day the patch goes up is the same day as my gold account expiring, now to rummage around and try to find that 48hr trial that came with Halo 3 so I can play


Respawn Entertainment
Bajan32 said:
i play on PS3 and the only real thing i wanted was the quick mute...please for the love of god tell me we are also getting a quick mute..

If i have to play another match w/ another little kid who wont stop shouting/whistling/singing/bitching..
Another racist asshat who wont shut the fuck up..
Another dumbass who cant keep the noise down, im gonna need a new tv!

everytime i play online i remember why i hate this new gaming generation -.-

The PS3 patch does have muting, and its currently in the Sony certification process.


Vaxadrin said:
I thought those were all unique to Xbox. I guess it was just a timed exclusive.

Nah, from what i heard they got the patch to Sony for certification later than the patch for the 360 to microsoft.
Im not clear on when the PS3 patch will be ready, i just didnt know if they were doing the exact same changes as the 360.
Guess we'll find out soon.


DKo5 said:
The PS3 patch does have muting, and its currently in the Sony certification process.

Sweet that is awesome to know.
Didnt wanna sound like i was bitching..
I'm just at the end of my rope when it comes to dealing w/ inconsiderate idiots when im trying to play a game =)


Bajan32 said:
Nah, from what i heard they got the patch to Sony for certification later than the patch for the 360 to microsoft.
Im not clear on when the PS3 patch will be ready, i just didnt know if they were doing the exact same changes as the 360.
Guess we'll find out soon.

That's not what I meant...


borsdy said:
Anyone else notice that the ragdoll has more animation to it, maybe it is because I just never played for a while, and generally the game is just more smooth now?
Nothing changed with ragdoll, but the new killcams do tend to show you different views of your corpse than you might be used to. Could that be it?


So, the new patch has tweaked the m16, the p90, martyrdom, last stand, improved eavesdrop, cuddled kittens, AND

Has apparently completely screwed up hosting/joining games in the lobby. I played several rounds earlier with friends and we were constantly having issues joining games. Additionally, inviting some friends caused some 'Failed to join host' nonsense on their end, something I've never seen happen before.

Anyone else having issues? Pretty annoying :( In a few cases, I'd form the party, find match, and it would stick me at the lobby staring at Matched Player x2-4 while my party members were nowhere to be seen, I'd have to disconnect and reinvite them.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Anyone having problems since the patch? I cant join any matches anymore. Its effectively turned into the PS3 version now. :(


Router said:
Anyone having problems since the patch? I cant join any matches anymore. Its effectively turned into the PS3 version now. :(
PS3 version runs much better than it did when the game was first released. I used to always have problems joining games but lately it's been fine.
Just played a few matches (xbox 360) and got in just as quick as ever, team death match/mercenary. Ran smooth, but it usually did anyway. ACOG on the ak47+double tap was pretty sweet. The airstrike kill cam was awesome as well. :D


Seems like everything's against me using the new stuff.

-Used the Snipers, didn't really notice a change, but I didn't get to try it much against fast moving targets.
-Games were smooth, but they were almost always smooth for me pre-patch.
-Never got killed with either a grenade or an air strike. :/
-No hosts quit in 5+ games. WTF people!?

Didn't try out the ACOGs, but will later.

What I did notice though were the new spawns. People are coming from directions that I'm not used to seeing them come from. As a result, it's way more hectic and I had a bunch more deaths.


Took a while for me to get a game going tonight, and I've been having this weird stop and go lag. Fine for 20 seconds, then a pause, then 10, pause, 15, pause...etc... I didn't have any issues with the game pre-patch. Hopefully this is just isolated to tonight.


Just played a few hours with the new patch. Ak+Acog seems very powerful. Seem to be getting sniped A LOT more than usual on the run. I'm usually fairly lagged - 2 yellow bars (wireless internet) - but it seemed a little smoother, though that might just be my imagination. Host leaving fix worked 2 times, the 3rd time it failed. Bomb cam is pretty cool from the jets.


Just noticed the win streak in the barracks actually works now. That used to bother me to no end. Got myself a nice 21+ game win streak before I called it a night. :D

Used the ACOG a bit, meh.. it's ok. Better than I remember it being, but I still don't like it all that much. Still didn't get killed with a 'nade or airstrike OR have the host quit mid-game. :/
I'm pretty sure the ACOG's are better now. The sniper rifles are definately better. I actually got shot by some snipers today. No matchmaking problems for me. Still getting people spawning behind me in TDM games.

I wonder if Showdown is playable in FFA with the new spawn points.


Ok, so the patch isn't really a problem for a non-sniper like me. I played some free-for-all with some buddies on Crash, and did my usual anti-sniper schtick with a silenced p90, bomb squad, dead silence, UAV jammer, etc etc. Kicked ass.

However, they matchmaking/party system is still a glitchy pile of shit. Jesus christ. My clan is mostly people from the UK, and it takes like 30 tries just to get in the damn game.


I actually went 17-6 using nothing but the M40 sniper. Pretty awesome when the bullet goes where your cross-hair is aimed.


Decided that maybe I should actually play the SP portion of the game.

That sniper level has to be the coolest level I have played in a FPS....bar none


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
played the game again today, server issues still present.

Hunter D

comrade said:
I actually went 17-6 using nothing but the M40 sniper. Pretty awesome when the bullet goes where your cross-hair is aimed.
I could get 20-25 kills a game with the M40A before patch. All the devs did was allow players to shoot faster when they push the stick in to hold their breath.


Wait, they buffed snipers? Why? Out of all of the things I hated about the games MP, the snipers power wasn't one of them, it actually took a lot of skill to snipe effectively in the game I thought.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Well, I can get into matches again. Whatever the problem was right after the patch seems to have gone.


Ramirez said:
Wait, they buffed snipers? Why? Out of all of the things I hated about the games MP, the snipers power wasn't one of them, it actually took a lot of skill to snipe effectively in the game I thought.
The issue was your crosshairs could get out of synch with your actual aim (lag made this much worse), and that's just not fair. If snipers are still unbalanced, that should be addressed, but they were honest-to-goodness getting hit with a bug, not underbalanced.


So tonight we were playing some Team Tactical and ran into a clan of 10 year olds. Now, normally I use the phrase "10 year old" as an exaggeration to describe XBL users, but these kids' voices were so high, the frequency was piercing our ears through our headsets. I always get upset when I encounter kids this young in Rainbow Six & CoD, because it really just seems like ignorant parenting to buy a kid that young a game like this, or even let them play it.

The game was headquarters. We managed to get the score to 230-0 with 12 minutes to spare, then just camped outside the last HQ spawn, killing them repeatedly for the next 11 minutes. In the post game lobby, one of them said "I don't want to play this anymore", and they backed out. We successfully did the job their parents should have. ^.^


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
MaizeRage25 said:
I sure hope so, I was having all kinds of problems the past few days.

Yeah, I can get into matches again but playing against any Americans results in really bad lag. :(


Hunter D said:
I could get 20-25 kills a game with the M40A before patch. All the devs did was allow players to shoot faster when they push the stick in to hold their breath.
I must admit I don't think I ever used a sniper the entire game pre-patch. I'd use it for a few rounds then switch to the M16.
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