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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Trucker Sexologist
I didn't notice much difference on the sniper rifles, but I think the submachine guns got an accuracy boost. I was sniping with the MP5.


34 game win streak, bitches.

<3 this game. :D

Yeah, the snipers are much improved. I was hitting some through foliage, through car wreckage, between two boxes, with a hint of smoke left over, headshots on running targets. Pre-patch I wouldn't even have bothered taking the shot, since it'd undoubtedly hit something else along the path.


Best game ever.

I played for about 7 hours today and lost 1 match. One. Once you've got a group of people that communicate well & you have fun playing with, it takes it to a whole new level.


Has problems recognising girls
Bought the game for my brother for his 360. Couldn't stand trying to play it with the control pad :lol

Ah well.


Ramirez said:
I just went 45-7 on Crash and I haven't touched this game in a month or so. :lol

Easiest FPS ever.

Play someone who doesn't suck.

WOW @ sniper rifles now. You can actually use them!


Ramirez said:
I just went 45-7 on Crash and I haven't touched this game in a month or so. :lol

Easiest FPS ever.

This sums up 99% of all posts Ramirez makes about all games. What a fucking stud.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I've been using sniper rifles almost exclusively (map permitting) the last 2 or 3 weeks, and I've gotten pretty good with them. I'm happy to hear they are (or will be, as i'm ps3) improved.


I still haven't had a real chance to get my game on and play since the patch dropped due to work and lack of overall 360 play time.

How is the M16 with red dot shaping up now that the smoke has cleared? Is it still comparable to a sniper rifle for distance or have they really changed up the accuracy from what it was?


Got this game 2 days ago. Have only played it a little but it seems like a lot of fun :)

I do miss the armor types and upgrades from R6 Vegas though.


Rimshot said:
Got this game 2 days ago. Have only played it a little but it seems like a lot of fun :)

I do miss the armor types and upgrades from R6 Vegas though.

I don't think the armor upgrades in Vegas did much of anything. Took for shots to go down wearing the heavy armor, and the same with others... But yeah, I would like customize my character that's for sure.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Andokuky said:
WOW @ sniper rifles now. You can actually use them!
Oh tits, you are correct.

Every mini complaint I had about the game has been fixed in this mini patch. School was really busy for a few weeks and to come back to this is just amazing.

Best FPS ever reconfirmed.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
My major complaint was all the incredibly annoying 12 year olds that repeatedly scream random dick comments, but since they now made the A button an instant mute when the score is up, I can mute everyone except the people in my party from as soon as I enter the match. Takes about 3 seconds to mute all but the people with me.

Fucking awesome.


If you press the back button during the game you can also mute people. Even the ones in your party if I understood it right. At least this is what my friend told me, I haven't muted anyone yet.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Yes, your friends are correct. You use the A button. That is precisely what I was referring to. If people are in my party it means I don't think their an annoying 12 year old who constantly spews out dick jokes, and has some benefit to the team aspect of the game. So I wouldn't be muting them...


vumpler said:
Yes, your friends are correct. You use the A button. That is precisely what I was referring to. If people are in my party it means I don't think their an annoying 12 year old who constantly spews out dick jokes, and has some benefit to the team aspect of the game. So I wouldn't be muting them...

Well me and my friends have very different times of the day we can play so I play mostly random parties, thus geting some annoying people at times.


It doesn't carry over to the lobby though, which is where the bulk of the angry nigger comments show up from the KK|K clan post-match. How I wish I was joking.


Gameplay wise, the best shooter I've played... But the lobby/ community system sucks. Hopefully next patch, they'll allow you to message each other and just add each other as buddies. I've met some real cool people on Resistance due to the community system.
Victrix said:
It doesn't carry over to the lobby though, which is where the bulk of the angry nigger comments show up from the KK|K clan post-match. How I wish I was joking.
At least you can still view their gamer card and mute them there before the match starts so you don't have to hear them afterwards.


womp said:
I still haven't had a real chance to get my game on and play since the patch dropped due to work and lack of overall 360 play time.

How is the M16 with red dot shaping up now that the smoke has cleared? Is it still comparable to a sniper rifle for distance or have they really changed up the accuracy from what it was?
I don't think they did anything to the M16. Still seems to dominate most games I'm in.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Hey guys looking for some good players to party up with sick of joining straight team deathmatch and loosing cause have that teammate who goes 2 and 19. haha my kd ratio right now is 1.84 but thats cause i play a lot of search and destroy if I play team deathmatch from match to match i go with a ratio of 2 or higher always. send me an invite GT is meani pants


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man

I never had much of a problem with annoying people not shutting the fuck up on mic, until this weekend. Yesterday this douche wouldnt shut up about "oh my god i died 6 times that doesnt happen, my game is broken." He proceeded to bitch the rest of the match every time he died and about how his game was broken or something.
Then today just now some ass felt the need to have his mic on and techno very loud. I had to actually mute my home theater just to play in peace.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
captive said:

I never had much of a problem with annoying people not shutting the fuck up on mic, until this weekend. Yesterday this douche wouldnt shut up about "oh my god i died 6 times that doesnt happen, my game is broken." He proceeded to bitch the rest of the match every time he died and about how his game was broken or something.
Then today just now some ass felt the need to have his mic on and techno very loud. I had to actually mute my home theater just to play in peace.
Dude for fucks sake scroll up 7 posts!~@!!


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
vumpler said:
Yes i too find the situation hilarious.

How something like a mute button has to be patched in on a multiplayer game in 2007, now 2008 is beyond me.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
The tree city had mute all along. However it wasn't hot keyed. Now it is and all is great. PS3 on the other hand, I have no idea.


the_zombie_luke said:
At least you can still view their gamer card and mute them there before the match starts so you don't have to hear them afterwards.

It's a huge pain in the ass. That's why I was all excited they were adding quick mute. Which is apparently 'quick half mute'.

Muting via the blade is not a quick process, and doing it for every member of the opposing team, nearly every time you get into a new game is not an enjoyable process.

Thankfully, it *is* possible to mute all non-friends, but if you do that, you're gimping your team if you and 2-3 friends are communicating, but the others are left out.

Granted, 90% of the time you're grouped with people who wouldn't know teamplay if it bit them in their hairy balls, so it's sort of a moot point.


Victrix said:
It's a huge pain in the ass. That's why I was all excited they were adding quick mute. Which is apparently 'quick half mute'.

Muting via the blade is not a quick process, and doing it for every member of the opposing team, nearly every time you get into a new game is not an enjoyable process.

Thankfully, it *is* possible to mute all non-friends, but if you do that, you're gimping your team if you and 2-3 friends are communicating, but the others are left out.

Granted, 90% of the time you're grouped with people who wouldn't know teamplay if it bit them in their hairy balls, so it's sort of a moot point.

Then learn to dish it right back at them, sissy!


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Vaxadrin said:
Then learn to dish it right back at them, sissy!


We always pre-emptively make fun of ourselves. As soon as the other team joins we start making fun of each other (on our own team) saying things like "You losers just play Call Of Duty all day! Get a life!" or "Fucking British! Learn to speak American!" (most of my clan is from the UK) or "Your mother!" Those are the comments most often slung at us if we say little or nothing, and we found that by getting them out of the way first, the dolts on the other side are out of material.

Also, just for fun, if a clan pops in on the other team, we all change our tags immediately to match theirs. That's always good for a laugh.
This is my favorite patch since now everyone *thinks* they can snipe and they stand around in the cliche spots like sitting ducks allowing me to get head shot after head shot after head shot.

I've been sniping for months and since the patch has gone up I'm stunned at the amount of easy pickings there have been.


Ramirez said:
I just went 45-7 on Crash and I haven't touched this game in a month or so. :lol

Easiest FPS ever.
I... think you've said this before.

This isn't SP, genius. If you're winning by that much, then someone else is losing by that much. I'd assume their take-away isn't "easiest fps evahr!".


OldJadedGamer said:
This is my favorite patch since now everyone *thinks* they can snipe and they stand around in the cliche spots like sitting ducks allowing me to get head shot after head shot after head shot.

I've been sniping for months and since the patch has gone up I'm stunned at the amount of easy pickings there have been.

"Hey, I'm gonna hide in the building at the bottom of the street in Crossfire! I'll get tons of kills and nobody will see me!"


Andokuky said:
Play someone who doesn't suck.

WOW @ sniper rifles now. You can actually use them!

I can control who I play?

You could use the snipers pre patch just fine.

Rayme said:
I... think you've said this before.

This isn't SP, genius. If you're winning by that much, then someone else is losing by that much. I'd assume their take-away isn't "easiest fps evahr!".

Looks like I hit a nerve. Aren't you on the dev team? Lighten up, I fail to see how what I said could be taken as anything negative.

This sums up 99% of all posts Ramirez makes about all games. What a fucking stud.

That's odd, considering I only ever posts about sports games, this game, and Halo. Never seen you in any of those threads, nor do I make comments like that. HMMMMMMMMMMM.

I actually left out the best part about that game, we lost. :lol


Not only is COD 4 easy, it's horribly unbalanced, has terrible map design, and is very noob friendly (i.e. it takes very little skill). I don't understand how anyone in their right mind could call it the best FPS ever. And since a dev member seemingly reads this thread, I'll re-post what I had written in another thread:

This is with regard to the core gameplay/gunplay mechanics.

Attacker vs. Camper. Presuppose a 1 v 1 situation

The camper has the advantage.


- Headshots are meaningless. If the camper is taking cover behind an object and only exposing his head, he doesn't risk the effect of a headshot (1 hit kill). Most guns require 2 headshots to kill. In this 1 v 1 situation, the attacker will be at a huge disadvantage because whereas he exposes his entire body, the camper only exposes his head. And since 2 shots to the pelvis is as good as 2 shots to the head, and because there's no penalty for exposing such a small target, the camper will come out on top.

-Speed of the game. Extremely slow moving targets (when aiming), especially when scoped or using red dot/iron sights. In the PC version, the slow moving speed is often combated by sprinting and jumping into a gunfight (incorrectly termed bunny hopping by noobs). This works to an extent, but it's impractical to use frequently because of the noise made and the immobility acquired when landing. I might as well touch on the absolutely horrible balance between scoping and shooting from the hip. Spraying in this game is far too effective. You'll only truly need to scope when you see someone across the map. Mid-range and even mid-long range gunfights are often won by spraying from the hip, which is pretty absurd. This game rewards spray as opposed to decent aim. That was tangential but still elucidates the imbalance in this game. Spray dominates aim.

-Shooting through walls. In balanced games, such as Ravenshield for the PC, you could easily scour rooms at the entrance door by peeking quickly or using a quick juke (thanks to the engine, which allowed precise movements, unlike this momentum-based, ice-skating, Madden-type gameplay prevalent in games like CSS, and Cod 4 to a lesser extent). In Cod 4, you can't scour rooms effectively because your gun will show through the threshold, giving the camper the greenlight to anticipate your entrance, or better yet, shoot you through the wall.

Balanced? I think not. Fun? Somewhat. I've said it before and I'll say it again: This game caters to the lowest common denominator of noobs. It's not very balanced, and it barely takes any skill to kill anyone.

Edit: I play the PC version, and the gametype that is most competitive is Search and Destroy. I don't know how much the Xbox version differs, but I imagine it's pretty similar.

If you want to reply to this, argue on the merits of my argument.
EDIT: I was going to reply to the post above, but it all seems pointless now. Often forget this is neogaf.. points don't get 'across' here.

But I would like to know, is the M16 as effective in both Range and Accuracy in the PC version as in the 360/PS3 version? ..I know for a fact that one burst to the face is enough to take a person down. But ehh..
Ramirez said:
I actually left out the best part about that game, we lost. :lol

Arrr that hurts. Nothing like trying to carry an entire team on your back. Great when you succeed, annoying as fuck when you fail.


Assembly Required said:
EDIT: I was going to reply to the post above, but it all seems pointless now. Often forget this is neogaf.. points don't get 'across' here.

But I would like to know, is the M16 as effective in both Range and Accuracy in the PC version as in the 360/PS3 version? ..I know for a fact that one burst to the face is enough to take a person down. But ehh..

The m16 is a pretty solid AR and one of the better guns in the PC version, but not to the extent that it seems to be for the 360. As far as assault rifles go, most people would probably rank it 3rd behind the AK-47 and the M4. It's actually quite rare to see anyone with a rank of 55 using it.

And a burst with an m16 shoots 2 or 3 bullets, I believe. An m16 headshot would be instant death for this very reason. The point still stands.


Ok, I'll bite. I've got nothing better to do at the moment. My responses are bolded.

CHYME said:
- Headshots are meaningless. If the camper is taking cover behind an object and only exposing his head, he doesn't risk the effect of a headshot (1 hit kill). Most guns require 2 headshots to kill. In this 1 v 1 situation, the attacker will be at a huge disadvantage because whereas he exposes his entire body, the camper only exposes his head. And since 2 shots to the pelvis is as good as 2 shots to the head, and because there's no penalty for exposing such a small target, the camper will come out on top.

First off, if this bothers you that much, why don't you play hardcore? Secondly, using any kind of automatic weapon & getting a headshot will essentially be 2 headshots, so that's not really a problem. Not to mention, there's very few spots where one can successfully camp and stay hidden. Most people learn all the camping spots after a while, and with a little intelligence you can easily figure out how to flush someone out. I can even begin to count the number of times I've stabbed snipers in the back, or hit them with a stun/frag combo.

-Speed of the game. Extremely slow moving targets (when aiming), especially when scoped or using red dot/iron sights. In the PC version, the slow moving speed is often combated by sprinting and jumping into a gunfight (incorrectly termed bunny hopping by noobs). This works to an extent, but it's impractical to use frequently because of the noise made and the immobility acquired when landing. I might as well touch on the absolutely horrible balance between scoping and shooting from the hip. Spraying in this game is far too effective. You'll only truly need to scope when you see someone across the map. Mid-range and even mid-long range gunfights are often won by spraying from the hip, which is pretty absurd. This game rewards spray as opposed to decent aim. That was tangential but still elucidates the imbalance in this game. Spray dominates aim.

I want to come up with a good counter-argument to this, but quite frankly, none of the things you are stating in a matter-of-factish way have I observed personally in the game. Granted, I'm playing the 360 version, but, unless you have steady aim equipped, firing from the hip is a pretty big gamble at any distance greater than 10 in-game feet. Maybe it's different in the PC version.

-Shooting through walls. In balanced games, such as Ravenshield for the PC, you could easily scour rooms at the entrance door by peeking quickly or using a quick juke (thanks to the engine, which allowed precise movements, unlike this momentum-based, ice-skating, Madden-type gameplay prevalent in games like CSS, and Cod 4 to a lesser extent). In Cod 4, you can't scour rooms effectively because your gun will show through the threshold, giving the camper the greenlight to anticipate your entrance, or better yet, shoot you through the wall.

Shooting through walls is one of the ways to counter those aformentioned campers you hate so much. If you want to clear out a room, throw a flash or stun in before going in. Comparing the gameplay to Raven Shield is pretty ridiculous, as Call of Duty and Rainbow Six games are pretty opposite ends of the shooter spectrum in terms of how to approach a multiplayer match. I haven't personally played Madden, but I'm pretty sure that's a football game, not a shooter. Also, I would describe the movement in a game like Half Life as ice-skating in that you move at ridiculously fast speeds and can stop & start on a dime. CoD4's movement has much more weight to it, and you have to balance walking & sprinting accordingly. Then again, maybe it controls differently with WASD. I wouldn't know.

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