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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Loving the new ACOG scope. Finally not a useless upgrade.

Surprisingly, the new ACOG makes the AK47 a very good AR. :)


MrCompletely said:
COD is now rife with snipers post patch, so frustrating.
Which is why I'm now running zig zag patterns everywhere. You definitely have to keep moving in this game now.


This game seems pretty awesome and I'm contemplating getting it. But I have a feeling Ridge Racer 7 is still the better game.


Trucker Sexologist
CHYME said:
Not only is COD 4 easy, it's horribly unbalanced, has terrible map design, and is very noob friendly (i.e. it takes very little skill). I don't understand how anyone in their right mind could call it the best FPS ever. And since a dev member seemingly reads this thread, I'll re-post what I had written in another thread:

If you want to reply to this, argue on the merits of my argument.
I usually ignore posts like these but I'll throw my two cents in.

This is with regard to the core gameplay/gunplay mechanics.

Attacker vs. Camper. Presuppose a 1 v 1 situation

The camper has the advantage.


Headshots are meaningless. If the camper is taking cover behind an object and only exposing his head, he doesn't risk the effect of a headshot (1 hit kill). Most guns require 2 headshots to kill. In this 1 v 1 situation, the attacker will be at a huge disadvantage because whereas he exposes his entire body, the camper only exposes his head. And since 2 shots to the pelvis is as good as 2 shots to the head, and because there's no penalty for exposing such a small target, the camper will come out on top.
Almost every point in the level has two entrances, so a lone camper usually isn't very effective. You can't watch your own back. Using cover is just a good tactic, whether you're a camper or an attacker or whatever category you are putting people in.

Speed of the game. Extremely slow moving targets (when aiming), especially when scoped or using red dot/iron sights. In the PC version, the slow moving speed is often combated by sprinting and jumping into a gunfight (incorrectly termed bunny hopping by noobs). This works to an extent, but it's impractical to use frequently because of the noise made and the immobility acquired when landing.
Funny that you say that, because CoD4 is one of the fastest console shooters I've ever played. But if you want a twitch shooter there is always UT3.

I might as well touch on the absolutely horrible balance between scoping and shooting from the hip. Spraying in this game is far too effective. You'll only truly need to scope when you see someone across the map. Mid-range and even mid-long range gunfights are often won by spraying from the hip, which is pretty absurd. This game rewards spray as opposed to decent aim. That was tangential but still elucidates the imbalance in this game. Spray dominates aim.
The game rewards battlefield awareness and working as a team. If you get sprayed down before you get a chance to aim then you were basically ambushed.

-Shooting through walls. In balanced games, such as Ravenshield for the PC, you could easily scour rooms at the entrance door by peeking quickly or using a quick juke (thanks to the engine, which allowed precise movements, unlike this momentum-based, ice-skating, Madden-type gameplay prevalent in games like CSS, and Cod 4 to a lesser extent). In Cod 4, you can't scour rooms effectively because your gun will show through the threshold, giving the camper the greenlight to anticipate your entrance, or better yet, shoot you through the wall.
Shooting through walls works for the attacker and the defender.

Balanced? I think not. Fun? Somewhat. I've said it before and I'll say it again: This game caters to the lowest common denominator of noobs. It's not very balanced, and it barely takes any skill to kill anyone.
I don't know about that. I think it takes more skill than complaining on a message board.

Edit: I play the PC version, and the gametype that is most competitive is Search and Destroy. I don't know how much the Xbox version differs, but I imagine it's pretty similar.
That really depends on who you're playing against.

I guess Vaxadrin's reply was less snarky, but "Game X sucks because it's not exactly like game Y" arguments rub me the wrong way.


Vaxadrin said:
Ok, I'll bite. I've got nothing better to do at the moment. My responses are bolded.

How'd I do?

That was a great response. I basically had the same thing typed out before I decided not to bother. There are plenty of ways to counter campers, his hip spray comments are totally bogus, and if anything the ability to shoot through walls makes his first comment look worse.

Hunter D

chespace said:
Loving the new ACOG scope. Finally not a useless upgrade.

Surprisingly, the new ACOG makes the AK47 a very good AR. :)
The ak has always been good.

The m14 is much better now thanks to the accuracy increase.


By the by, and this isn't exactly sage wisdom, but for those feeling the burn from m16s and sniper rifles - take Juggernaut. If you've been a Stopping Power whore for a long time, you're going to feel some pain adjusting, as you need to land more hits, and killing moving targets at a distance is considerably more challenging.

But in exchange, sniper shots and medium range one-tap m16 kills won't take you down. This makes a huge, huge difference in your overall survivability, since it forces the m16 player to either catch you offguard or stationary (where you'd be dead to any gun anyway), meaning only the better players who can manage to track you while moving and land at least two bursts/shots will take you down.

It also helps with smgs (and somewhat Steady Aim LMGs) up close, though not shotguns (usually). The end result of all this is you frequently last just a bit longer - long enough to get a UAV/Airstrike/heli up.

I generally keep at least Jug build around (non shotgun) for situations where the majority of the enemy team is using m16s. Otherwise it's frequently just too frustrating to attack a defended position, especially in Domination on certain maps where your team is zerging the front and dying in droves. Slipping past the front and eating one sniper shot or burst on the way is often enough to break a siege and flank them, or cap a rear point.


MrCompletely said:
COD is now rife with snipers post patch, so frustrating.
Well, everyone wants to see how it performs now that it's "fixed". Not too surprising.

Hunter D said:
The ak has always been good.
True. Though for some reason I hate using it silenced. Red dot, fine. Ironsight, fine. Hell, it's even pretty good with the ACOG.. but it's like the gun (most likely the silencer itself) always drifts into my line of sight and screws up my aim.

The m14 is much better now thanks to the accuracy increase.
That was going to be my main gun when I originally unlocked it. Took it off a dead guy and went to town.. one to two shot kills from everywhere. :O But the more I used it, the more I hated it. Especially when you run into someone up close. Went to the G3 on one of my customs and never looked back.

CHYME said:
Wow dude, you still aren't over it yet? :lol

PS, 45!
Anyone in Asia playing this post-patch? How's your ping?

Since the patch, I've played around 30-40 matches and only had one single solitary game where my ping was 3-bar green. The rest of the time, the split was 50/50 red/yellow... making my usual kill streaks turn into streaks of megadeath.

Pre-patch, most of my matches were 3 or 4 bar green, and only sometimes yellow or red. To be honest, this has sucked pretty much all the enjoyment out of what has been one of my favorite games in recent history.

I'm hoping this is some sort of teething issue and will not be around too long.
Victrix said:
By the by, and this isn't exactly sage wisdom, but for those feeling the burn from m16s and sniper rifles - take Juggernaut. If you've been a Stopping Power whore for a long time, you're going to feel some pain adjusting, as you need to land more hits, and killing moving targets at a distance is considerably more challenging.

But in exchange, sniper shots and medium range one-tap m16 kills won't take you down. This makes a huge, huge difference in your overall survivability, since it forces the m16 player to either catch you offguard or stationary (where you'd be dead to any gun anyway), meaning only the better players who can manage to track you while moving and land at least two bursts/shots will take you down.

It also helps with smgs (and somewhat Steady Aim LMGs) up close, though not shotguns (usually). The end result of all this is you frequently last just a bit longer - long enough to get a UAV/Airstrike/heli up.

I generally keep at least Jug build around (non shotgun) for situations where the majority of the enemy team is using m16s. Otherwise it's frequently just too frustrating to attack a defended position, especially in Domination on certain maps where your team is zerging the front and dying in droves. Slipping past the front and eating one sniper shot or burst on the way is often enough to break a siege and flank them, or cap a rear point.

Unless you're playing Hardcore then Juggernaut is useless.


OldJadedGamer said:
Unless you're playing Hardcore then Juggernaut is useless.
It's not that usefull on Hardcore either. ;)

Victrix said:
By the by, and this isn't exactly sage wisdom, but for those feeling the burn from m16s and sniper rifles - take Juggernaut. If you've been a Stopping Power whore for a long time, you're going to feel some pain adjusting, as you need to land more hits, and killing moving targets at a distance is considerably more challenging.
You can still kill juggernaut people with the M16 with one burst from close/medium range. You might need stopping power, but I'm not totally sure. As long as the whole burst hits them from that range, they're toast. Plus, they could just headhot you..

I do it all the time on Downpour (The only map I use the M16 on).

I see a bunch of people using Juggs plus Last Stand these days though. Then, at the very least, from long-ish range, or if you have any stray bullets from closer, you'll have to hit 'em with 3 bursts. :lol


OldJadedGamer said:
Unless you're playing Hardcore then Juggernaut is useless.

...because a G3 shot to the toe will kill you regardless.

salva said:
i have to say that i'm fucking amazed at the level in chernobyl, where you follow someone with a sniper

holy fucking shit so awesome

This game has a fantastic SP campaign that's still a blast to play. We're all just so in love with MP that we haven't been discussing it lately.
So after playing Domination exclusively since launch I've picked up Headquarters and cannot put it down. The constant pull and push on the maps are great. Also I played 2 new levels I never played before Showdown and Shipment. Shipment is now my favorite for the frenetic fighting. I went 82-33 just now gaining over 1000 points.


Vaxadrin said:
This game has a fantastic SP campaign that's still a blast to play. We're all just so in love with MP that we haven't been discussing it lately.
Yep. I replayed it the other day to get all the intel and get the TV smashing achievement, and it's still excellent. And insanely beautiful.

And all the shit you can do in All Ghillied Up is amazing... instead of sneaking past the guards talking by the barrel, you can grab the silenced P90 from the guy MacMillan (or whoever your superior is called) knocked out and kill them. You can also go to the top of the stairs the lookout guy you sniped was at, fire a rocket at the helicopter that was next to the truck you were under, and have literally dozens of enemies and dogs go up all those stairs for you to kill them with your P90 and the G36C right next to you. It's really amazing.

Also, playing missions with the infinite ammo, slow-mo, cluster bombs, and badyear cheats enabled is really fun. Pitching grenade after grenade in the mission after One Shot One Kill (can't remember what it's named) in slow-mo with every grenade resulting in more, smaller grenades resulting in tires flying everywhere is really cool.


Vaxadrin said:
This game has a fantastic SP campaign that's still a blast to play. We're all just so in love with MP that we haven't been discussing it lately.

veteran was very frustrating............after countless attempts at the ferris wheel i gave up. i haven't touched SP yet and have only played MP


I think I'm falling in love with the pump shotgun. I'm still working on staying over a 1.00 ratio during matches when I use it, but running around with it and picking off people left and right is fantastic. I was playing on Vacant a couple days ago and I was going crazy with it, I think I now have a reason to love that map.


Duck said:
Yep. I replayed it the other day to get all the intel and get the TV smashing achievement, and it's still excellent. And insanely beautiful.

And all the shit you can do in All Ghillied Up is amazing... instead of sneaking past the guards talking by the barrel, you can grab the silenced P90 from the guy MacMillan (or whoever your superior is called) knocked out and kill them. You can also go to the top of the stairs the lookout guy you sniped was at, fire a rocket at the helicopter that was next to the truck you were under, and have literally dozens of enemies and dogs go up all those stairs for you to kill them with your P90 and the G36C right next to you. It's really amazing.

Also, playing missions with the infinite ammo, slow-mo, cluster bombs, and badyear cheats enabled is really fun. Pitching grenade after grenade in the mission after One Shot One Kill (can't remember what it's named) in slow-mo with every grenade resulting in more, smaller grenades resulting in tires flying everywhere is really cool.

Oh shit, I didn't even know about those cheats! I never bothered to collect all the intel. I'll have to hit that up tonight.

I always replayed it in arcade mode doing a score attack, and I too loved picking up the Stinger in All Ghillied Up. I would wait until after you made it through the part with the trucks, take out the sniper on the stairs, wait for MacMillan to be safely inside the building, then start capping terrists. Then, once the multiplier got high enough, take down the chopper for mega points.

I would go so far as to say Arcade Mode, an extraneous mode in the game, does considerably better than what The Club tries to do for a full game.


ETA on the patch for PS3? Was playing again all weekend and it sucks when the host ends the match and I get sent back to the "Find match" screen. :( I'm always discovering new favorites weapons wise. I decided to go Prestige for a third time (so addictive), and each time I've done so, I discover a new set of weapons/perks. I used to always use the MP5 as my main weapon. Then I went with the M4, then I went M16. Now I use the AK-47 silenced. Playing "Old School" mode, I've also discovered the Mini-Uzi. Another new favorite. :D Thank god IW mapped shooting to R1 on the Sixaxis also, no joke. God, I love this game! :lol


I've been playing with Challenges in mind, so that I get the XP reweards and level up quickly. To this end I've earned all the rewards I can on Free-For-All and Team Deathmatch. Now I need to move on to other game styles.

Any advice on how to best play Search and Destroy, Domination, or some of the other modes?

Also, is anyone playing with Overkill? The idea of it is great but it seems like a one weapon game. I could see taking a sniper rifle and a shotgun but any other combo seems redundant.


Dyno said:
I've been playing with Challenges in mind, so that I get the XP reweards and level up quickly. To this end I've earned all the rewards I can on Free-For-All and Team Deathmatch. Now I need to move on to other game styles.

Any advice on how to best play Search and Destroy, Domination, or some of the other modes?

S&D - Claymores, scopes, camping, setting up ambushes, memorizing spawns & paths needed to be taken to the targets

Domination - Grenade spam


Thanks! That's helpful.

Looks like I'm going to have to finally start picking sniper rifles for S&D. I've been avoiding them seeing as I'm never very good with them.


Yea there's a lot more snipers now but that's only because of the patch, everyone wants to try out being "teh wickd awsum snipur". It'll even out. Since the patch I've been on a lot of teams that have been like 75% sniper and it didn't matter how I did, we got crushed. You cannot win if the majority of your team is trying to be the hero sniper.


USD said:
Can anybody direct me to a list of all the changes that were made with the patch?
Addition of Host Migration

* If Host of lobby leaves, all players will be deposited back to the lobby where next best host will be selected before new game restarts. Players will no longer be kicked out of game entirely.

Improved Network Performance For Larger Games

* 18 player games now require more bandwidth to host, resulting in smoother performance for players.

Optimized Server Selection for First Match

* Server selection is now optimized to select best bandwidth servers associated by LSP.

Updated Spectator "Chase Cam"

* Change Spectator Mode: Switch between First Person and Third Person.
* 360 Degree rotation around character you're spectating.

Fixed "Playlist Older Than Host" Error

* Player will no longer get error when entering games.

Optimized Corrupt Create-a-Class Handling

* Players will no longer be kicked from game when their create-a-class data is corrupted.

Added Kill Cam To Everything

* Kill Cam view Added: Air Strike Bombs (Follows bomb from plane to target)
* Kill Cam view Added: Grenades (Follows frag from hand to ground, then rotates to view target)
* Kill Cam view Added: RPGs (Follows RPG from launch to target)
* Kill Cam view Added: M203 Rounds (Follows round from launcher to target)
* Kill Cam view Added: Claymores (Views from behind claymore until explosion)
* Kill Cam view Added: C4 Packs (View from pack rotating to watch target)
* Kill Cam view Added: Martrdom (View from grenade rotating to watch target)

Optimized Old School Experience

* Added Unlimited Sprint
* Doubled Magazine Size
* Added Ragdoll Cam

Additional Start Spawn Locations in All Maps

* Added a minimum of 9 extra start spawns on each side of all maps.

Optimized Sniper Rifle / ACOG Scope Accuracy

* Sniper Rifles and ACOG scope accuracy improved due to fix.

Fixed Weapon Sprint Bug

* Bug which gave players more sprint when using particular weapons.
Was posted in this thread earlier, can't remember who exactly :(


Vaxadrin said:
Ok, I'll bite. I've got nothing better to do at the moment. My responses are bolded.

How'd I do?

The 360 version is obviously different in that it has less recoil and sway, but also in the inherent lack of competition (that is, barely any leagues/ladders like CAL and CEVO). Thus, our perspectives stem not only from the the game itself (and the variations between the 360 and PC version), but also from the way the game is played. I can assure you that PC players play COD 4 considerably differently from 360/PS3 players. On that note, I don't know how meaningful or beneficial it is to argue the following points, considering the platforms make a substantial difference with regard to gameplay. But here goes:

Originally Posted by CHYME:
- Headshots are meaningless. If the camper is taking cover behind an object and only exposing his head, he doesn't risk the effect of a headshot (1 hit kill). Most guns require 2 headshots to kill. In this 1 v 1 situation, the attacker will be at a huge disadvantage because whereas he exposes his entire body, the camper only exposes his head. And since 2 shots to the pelvis is as good as 2 shots to the head, and because there's no penalty for exposing such a small target, the camper will come out on top.

First off, if this bothers you that much, why don't you play hardcore? Secondly, using any kind of automatic weapon & getting a headshot will essentially be 2 headshots, so that's not really a problem. Not to mention, there's very few spots where one can successfully camp and stay hidden. Most people learn all the camping spots after a while, and with a little intelligence you can easily figure out how to flush someone out. I can even begin to count the number of times I've stabbed snipers in the back, or hit them with a stun/frag combo.

First, hardcore is bad. It's essentially COD 4 catering to the Rainbow Six players but doing a horrible job at it. Secondly, I'm not bothered. I'm simply explaining the imbalance prevalent in this game. If it doesn't apply to the 360 version, that's one thing. Don't dismiss my post as a rant. You see, Search and Destroy is all about camping-- camping the bomb site and whatever position(s) you sprint to and move from. In the PC version, it’s mostly about being silent, camping, and maneuvering quietly. You’re speaking from a TDM, pubbing perspective, where everything is about chaos, with airstrikes and helicopters and upwards of 20-30 players in a server. I already told you to presuppose a 1 v 1 situation, so I don’t understand why you talk about “learning camping spots” and “flushing someone out.” This is irrelevant to the situation I proposed. I certainly am not impressed that the stun nade is one of the most useful tools in a 1 v 1 situation, nor am I impressed that you’re able to use that nade. Like I said, it takes very little skill to kill anyone in this game, and using stun nades to win a 1 v 1 just proves my point. Let me rephrase the situation in a way that might be easier for you to understand. The map: Vacant. Gametype: Search and Destroy. The bomb has been planted. There are 2 players, 1 on each team still left. There are 30 seconds left. Both players know where the other is (due to noise made, let’s say). The person camping the bomb site is taking cover behind a barrel with only his head exposed, while the person attempting to defuse is at the threshold of a doorway. Now you can use the first example/explanation I gave. It’s not enough to say that it’s smart to use cover. Balance in an FPS dictates that the advantage gained by exposing such a small part of the hitbox is offset by the effect of a headshot. Now, you suggest that any automatic weapon has no recoil and no sway, and judging by videos of the Xbox360 version, you’d be right. Thus, for console versions, the headshot argument I’ve made may not apply. It does apply for the PC version, however. There’s noticeable sway and some recoil on most guns. It turns out that the sway of the gun was merely a graphical enhancement; that is, the bullets would hit at the center of the screen no matter where the gun swayed. This is just another example of a fuckup by IW. CAL’s solution was to eliminate sway altogether, because IW wouldn’t fix this oversight with a patch. In the competitive arena, Cal has changed a lot to attempt to make the game more balanced. In some ways, they’ve succeeded. Inherently, though, the game is still unbalanced.

-Speed of the game. Extremely slow moving targets (when aiming), especially when scoped or using red dot/iron sights. In the PC version, the slow moving speed is often combated by sprinting and jumping into a gunfight (incorrectly termed bunny hopping by noobs). This works to an extent, but it's impractical to use frequently because of the noise made and the immobility acquired when landing. I might as well touch on the absolutely horrible balance between scoping and shooting from the hip. Spraying in this game is far too effective. You'll only truly need to scope when you see someone across the map. Mid-range and even mid-long range gunfights are often won by spraying from the hip, which is pretty absurd. This game rewards spray as opposed to decent aim. That was tangential but still elucidates the imbalance in this game. Spray dominates aim.

I want to come up with a good counter-argument to this, but quite frankly, none of the things you are stating in a matter-of-factish way have I observed personally in the game. Granted, I'm playing the 360 version, but, unless you have steady aim equipped, firing from the hip is a pretty big gamble at any distance greater than 10 in-game feet. Maybe it's different in the PC version.

I’ve used an uzi to kill people on Overgrown, from window to window. That about says it all. It’s far too easy. Spray dominates aim. And IW has uniquely managed to almost eliminate aim on red dot and acog scope shots because of unnecessary graphical enhancements like muzzle flash on red dot and acog scopes. Too often I see people spraying a certain enemy because he can’t see where the hell he is due to muzzle flash. Sure, it looks pretty, but it doesn’t do anything except make gameplay worse.

-Shooting through walls. In balanced games, such as Ravenshield for the PC, you could easily scour rooms at the entrance door by peeking quickly or using a quick juke (thanks to the engine, which allowed precise movements, unlike this momentum-based, ice-skating, Madden-type gameplay prevalent in games like CSS, and Cod 4 to a lesser extent). In Cod 4, you can't scour rooms effectively because your gun will show through the threshold, giving the camper the greenlight to anticipate your entrance, or better yet, shoot you through the wall.

Shooting through walls is one of the ways to counter those aformentioned campers you hate so much. If you want to clear out a room, throw a flash or stun in before going in. Comparing the gameplay to Raven Shield is pretty ridiculous, as Call of Duty and Rainbow Six games are pretty opposite ends of the shooter spectrum in terms of how to approach a multiplayer match. I haven't personally played Madden, but I'm pretty sure that's a football game, not a shooter. Also, I would describe the movement in a game like Half Life as ice-skating in that you move at ridiculously fast speeds and can stop & start on a dime. CoD4's movement has much more weight to it, and you have to balance walking & sprinting accordingly. Then again, maybe it controls differently with WASD. I wouldn't know.

Shooting through walls doesn’t really do anything except emphasize more of the spray-all-over retarded spam that IW has carefully and thoughtfully implemented into this game. It doesn’t counter any camper with a half a brain. Too often in the PC version, you’ll see retards spamming walls hoping to kill someone. Once again, this is proof that something as easy as spamming walls with gunfire can net you some kills. Now, you say that clearing out a room is as easy as throwing a flash or a stun before going in. That’s silly. First, you’re assuming that each player has an unlimited supply of nades. Second, you’re assuming that each player even has a chance to use those special nades. Many times, the situation doesn’t call for a special nade. And lastly, insofar as it pertains to the points I made, you’re assuming that it takes skill to stun or flash someone. On all three assumptions, you’re wrong. The special nade limit in competitive play is 1, flashes (allowed) and stuns (not allowed in comp play) may do nothing in certain situations, and kills with special nades are some of the easiest you’ll get. Now, generally you can say I was comparing Raven Shield to COD 4, but more specifically I was contrasting one particular facet of each game. You are right, though--they’re on opposite ends of the shooter spectrum. Raven Shield was a fairly realistic shooter that, whether by brilliance or happenstance, turned out to be extremely balanced. Its goal was balance before realism, and skill before cute but horrendous graphical enhancements. COD 4 is merely an unbalanced, arcade shooter masked as a realistic shooter. Btw, I’m aware that Madden is a football game. But it suffers from the same lame physics model that practically eliminates precise movements. I’m not too fond of this type of pseudo-momentum. And I only used the ice-skating analogy because I thought it’d be easy to understand. Apparently, I was wrong. Next time you see an ice-skater stop on a dime, post the video here.

In all honesty, this is a lost cause. Me talking to a bunch of console gamers about first-person shooters is like an NBA player talking to a bunch of streetballers about the game of basketball. They’re playing the same game, but the rules are different, the gameplay isn’t exactly the same, and the experiences and perspectives are different. This says nothing necessarily about raw skill, so nobody should construe it as such. ;)

I also agree with this
Assembly Required said:
Often forget this is neogaf.. points don't get 'across' here.


since the game has been out for a while, i find that people has accustomed to reading their radars, you can exploit this by using silencer and UAV jammer, it's awesome when picking off a group of campers from behind with a silenced skorpion and your trusty knife, people really don't notice much.

The M16 is still a beast, i cannot go head on with it, even with juggernaut there isn't much difference since anyone who uses M16s will definitely have stopping power, one burst one kill is pretty much the key to M16, it's ridiculously accurate at all ranges.


Protip: When a conversation degenerates to giant walls of text where you're quoting each other's every little point, no one else gives a shit any longer

You fail at forumwarz


Victrix said:
Protip: When a conversation degenerates to giant walls of text where you're quoting each other's every little point, no one else gives a shit any longer

You fail at forumwarz

Protip #2: If you don't give a shit, don't post.

And ummm, I don't know, this isn't supposed to be a forum war. I'm trying to elucidate my opinion with arguments. I know you'd rather have a bunch of 2-word posts saying "fuck you" or "I'm good" or whatever dumb, retarded shit that holds your interest.


You like me, you really really like me!
first DLC pics?





Fuck yeah! I was just thinking today of how awesome a TV station multiplayer level would be. Preferrably with an HQ spawn in the center of all the explosive TV's.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Just a reminder to all X360 Gaffers:

If you are interested in competing in game battles, consider joining Clan Three. You can view our website at www.clanthree.com

I had to take a month off as I was preparing for part one of the nation board exams for me to graduate. Anyway the rest of the clan was trucking right along and things are well. We have 8 dedicated members and are looking for 7 more.

Your tryout is just playing with us and making sure you can follow strats and are a decent player. We have our first match set for March 18th.

With any questions, checkout the FAQ on the main page or go ahead and fill out an application on the forums.

Shoot me a PM with any questions.


You like me, you really really like me!
Kibbles said:
Weren't those leaked a few weeks ago and everybody thought they may be fan-made?

Don't know, this is the first time I've seen these. It's from a third rate site so they may be fake, not sure.


Yeah, they look fake. The maps are supposed to be entirely new, not from the campaign (like pic #3), and pic #1 looks fake anyhow.
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