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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


why the fuck it takes me forever to download game setting ?

it show me the ranks and everything. but when i try to FIND GAME. it says downloading game settings. and it take forever to do so


llTll said:
why the fuck it takes me forever to download game setting ?

it show me the ranks and everything. but when i try to FIND GAME. it says downloading game settings. and it take forever to do so

yep same here, cant even play the game.


i got bored of the old m4 and decided to screw around with new perks and weapons. i found that rpgx2+ sonic boom is amazing. i get spectacular kills and everyone bitches about it.
i got tons of negative rep and menacing messages



will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I've just had my first game of CoD4 for almost two weeks and it just served to ask me the reason why I left it in the first place as it's still fucking awesome. IIRC I was having connection issues a week or so ago, and generally waiting for the patch made me lose interest.

I just dominated a bunch of n00bs (read: prestigers) with my constant flanking and Silenced M4 + Stopping Power + Dead Silence on Bloc. Must have got five or six knife kills in a row.

I'm playing the PS3 version and my ID is "industrian" if anyone's interested.


industrian said:
I've just had my first game of CoD4 for almost two weeks and it just served to ask me the reason why I left it in the first place as it's still fucking awesome. IIRC I was having connection issues a week or so ago, and generally waiting for the patch made me lose interest.

I just dominated a bunch of n00bs (read: prestigers) with my constant flanking and Silenced M4 + Stopping Power + Dead Silence on Bloc. Must have got five or six knife kills in a row.

I'm playing the PS3 version and my ID is "industrian" if anyone's interested.

Yeah, I've noticed that on Bloc. It's so easy to sneak up on people. I go all stealth with silenced SMG and pistol, Bomb Squad + UAV Jammer + Dead Silence or Extreme Conditioning.

It works so well and like you said, you can knife like six people in a row this way.


Anyone having problems getting into a game of Sabotage on 360? Tried a few times and it threw me into TDM. I don't mind that mode but it isn't what I want to play now.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
I've been noticing more and more new people post in the CoD4 topics.

I just completely redid the website at www.clanthree.com. Just think, you might be interested after all
Andokuky said:
Because of the sheer awesomeness of the multiplayer I pretty much ignored the single player past the first 4 or 5 missions. Just played All Guilied Up, WOW. Is there a more amazing level in a shooter? I sure as fuck can't remember one. And then the whole escape and trap setting by the ferris wheel and trying to fend all those soldiers off.. amazing.

I love LOVE COD4 MP but I think the campaign is pretty average. It has its moments for sure but overall it does nothing for me. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........MP.
Multiplayer is becoming a routine of frustration for me.
Gameplay is awesome, but on a technical level it's complete shit, IMHO.

Not being able to kick TK'ers (which I encounter FREQUENTLY), joining games already near the end (and usually get put on the losing side because that's the side where people have quit to open a spot up), deciding to take a loss and quit a game with a TK'er - only to get put right back into the same game when trying to find a new game to play and many more are reasons why I am getting frustrated.

I spend a good amount of time trying to find games to play because between the host quitting and ending a game, the frequent Team Killers and several server disconnects it is hard just to find a server that is problem free and just play for several games.

For me anymore I'm only having a really good time if I am on a team with four or five friends, or am playing on a Private Server.

I really wish this stuff was fixable.
What was the latest patch supposed to fix? I thought it was to stop everyone from getting kicked out when the host quit but that still happens. The only difference I've noticed is the additions to the killcam.
noire said:
Got in some multi today and realized that it was really the first time I've played since the beta :eek:

PSN folks, please add me and save me from listening to 12 year olds.

psn: noiretoile
Did you used to post on 3dnow.net? If so, HI!
Just started playing this last night. Don't think i'm far enough to make a final judgment on it yet, but so far there are some very, very memorable (and depressing) moments.


The depressing moments will rip your heart out.

I think I said it before, but since my 360 is broken, I've dabbled in the PC version and experimented with using a controller there. It worked out great until the game started.

Then I went back to kb/m and am doing pretty decently. My brother comes over sometimes and I set up the controller for him, so my k/d ratio is severly out of whack, but somehow it doesn't matter. I can still hang with the legion of 55-ers (there are a LOT now) with whatever weapon I have at the moment. Current favorite is AK-47 with ACOG scope.

Though I sorta miss the constant chatter; you hardly hear people talk in the PC version. Other than that, sweet.


So I haven't played this game in a while and recently started playing again in anticipation of the new DLC.

Jesus christ, people are STILL camping their asses off. I just played one game of Team Deathmatch on that downed chinook chopper map (can't remember the name) and the entire fucking team of five or six guys were sitting their asses in this one building by a corner of the map and covering all approaches from the balconies. They did that the ENTIRE match. Even after we flushed them out of the building, they went back immediately after respawning. What the fuck is going to happen if two teams did the same thing? Is one team ever going to move?
If that happens you use a sniper rifle or you make a move. It takes a certain level of skill to hold a building. Throw a grenade through a window and then a flash grenade and storm the building. Just because people don't play a game how you do doesn't mean they are doing it wrong.


ElyrionX said:
So I haven't played this game in a while and recently started playing again in anticipation of the new DLC.

Jesus christ, people are STILL camping their asses off. I just played one game of Team Deathmatch on that downed chinook chopper map (can't remember the name) and the entire fucking team of five or six guys were sitting their asses in this one building by a corner of the map and covering all approaches from the balconies. They did that the ENTIRE match. Even after we flushed them out of the building, they went back immediately after respawning. What the fuck is going to happen if two teams did the same thing? Is one team ever going to move?

On that stage in particular camping is rewarded, IMO. With so few shots required to kill opponents in COD4, anyone with a little experience in the game is going to avoid the open areas, but I do think a few stages provide too good of cover by hiding in buildings, especially if you have a teammate who can watch the door for you while the other player does nothing but snipe from the rooftop.


Bearillusion said:
If that happens you use a sniper rifle or you make a move. It takes a certain level of skill to hold a building. Throw a grenade through a window and then a flash grenade and storm the building. Just because people don't play a game how you do doesn't mean they are doing it wrong.

The thing is that yes, you can take them down but inevitably you tend to lose out because you die a lot more often in the process of taking them out assuming that both team of players are evenly matched in terms of skill. After all, the campers are the ones in a defensive position. And let's face it, we're talking about public games here, it is A LOT harder to coordinate a successful tactical attack against a camping team than it is for the campers to gather at a single building and hold it against waves of enemies.

I wouldn't be bitching so much if we're talking about Domination here but it's Team Deathmatch. The idea isn't for a single team to take a single building for the entire match and end up winning the match simply because they're in a far better and defensible position. After all, there wouldn't be any match at all if BOTH sides were to start camping. If that's the case, whichever team that gets bored first and heads off to attack the other camping team would lose out.

No, they may not be doing it "wrong" but they are certainly being cheap about it and it does spoil the game for other people.
Bearillusion said:
Which is? I've completed the game and I have know idea what you're talking about.
When SGT Jackson dies when the nuke goes off and how most of the SAS guys die at the end of the game after saving the U.S. and the world has NO idea what really happened. I thought that was pretty sad.


Yea it's pretty common for an entire team to hole up in the 3-story building on crash. So satisfying though when you manage to rush in and wipe out all three levels.
I just got this game a couple of days ago. And the first day online was fine but since then ive been getting EXTREME lag my connection is always red and the game is unplayable. And then i started getting DNS errors and would disconnect from PSN. but now those are gone.

But my connection still shows are red and i dont know what the problem is. I have been playing resistance and warhawk before without any lag so i dont know what i am doing wrong. I even put my ps3 on DMZ but that did not seem to help.
DemonSwordsman said:
I just got this game a couple of days ago. And the first day online was fine but since then ive been getting EXTREME lag my connection is always red and the game is unplayable. And then i started getting DNS errors and would disconnect from PSN. but now those are gone.

But my connection still shows are red and i dont know what the problem is. I have been playing resistance and warhawk before without any lag so i dont know what i am doing wrong. I even put my ps3 on DMZ but that did not seem to help.

Silly question, but are the correct UDP ports open?


Is it true that they are removing Juggernaut and Martyrdom? If so they should remove Stopping Power as well since Juggs is pretty much the only way to not be killed by 1 or 2 bullets since everyone and their mom runs around with SP equipped.


he's Virgin Tight™
Andokuky said:
Is it true that they are removing Juggernaut and Martyrdom? If so they should remove Stopping Power as well since Juggs is pretty much the only way to not be killed by 1 or 2 bullets since everyone and their mom runs around with SP equipped.

World would be a better place but I doubt it.


Andokuky said:
Is it true that they are removing Juggernaut and Martyrdom? If so they should remove Stopping Power as well since Juggs is pretty much the only way to not be killed by 1 or 2 bullets since everyone and their mom runs around with SP equipped.
Probably no.
DemonSwordsman said:
Sorry I have no clue what your talking about lol.

You might have to open certain ports on your router. I'm not going to be home for quite a while, but I can PM what they are later. You could probably even google it. It's annoying. I had to open more ports to get R6V2 to work right too.
Choke on the Magic said:
You might have to open certain ports on your router. I'm not going to be home for quite a while, but I can PM what they are later. You could probably even google it. It's annoying. I had to open more ports to get R6V2 to work right too.

hmm ok i will try to do this right now. And is there a GAF clan for the Ps3 version?
Choke on the Magic said:
You might have to open certain ports on your router. I'm not going to be home for quite a while, but I can PM what they are later. You could probably even google it. It's annoying. I had to open more ports to get R6V2 to work right too.

Edit: Did some digging. Found what I was looking for.
Andokuky said:
Is it true that they are removing Juggernaut and Martyrdom? If so they should remove Stopping Power as well since Juggs is pretty much the only way to not be killed by 1 or 2 bullets since everyone and their mom runs around with SP equipped.

What? Where did you hear this? I seriously doubt it. Martyrdom is annoying, but I can live with it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Juggs.

Purely hypothetical, I do not endorse this.
If they really wanted to shake things up they could take away stopping power. Although then everyone probably would take Juggs, so you would have to take out that too. Then you would probably see a good mix of UAV jammer, overkill, and sonic boom.
Assembly Required said:
Retarded question but.. how does one go about opening ports on their router?

I have a Linksys wrt54g and it's under applications and gaming in my router settings. I'm not sure if it's like that on other router brands. Youtube has some helpful router fixes on them. That's how I fixed mine actually.
Andokuky said:
Is it true that they are removing Juggernaut and Martyrdom? If so they should remove Stopping Power as well since Juggs is pretty much the only way to not be killed by 1 or 2 bullets since everyone and their mom runs around with SP equipped.

ElyrionX said:
The thing is that yes, you can take them down but inevitably you tend to lose out because you die a lot more often in the process of taking them out assuming that both team of players are evenly matched in terms of skill. After all, the campers are the ones in a defensive position. And let's face it, we're talking about public games here, it is A LOT harder to coordinate a successful tactical attack against a camping team than it is for the campers to gather at a single building and hold it against waves of enemies.

I wouldn't be bitching so much if we're talking about Domination here but it's Team Deathmatch. The idea isn't for a single team to take a single building for the entire match and end up winning the match simply because they're in a far better and defensible position. After all, there wouldn't be any match at all if BOTH sides were to start camping. If that's the case, whichever team that gets bored first and heads off to attack the other camping team would lose out.

No, they may not be doing it "wrong" but they are certainly being cheap about it and it does spoil the game for other people.

We use to have these debates and I just simply can't agree for the most part. I find nothing wrong with a team taking an advantageous position on the map and holding it. You have so many weapons and grenades at your disposal that I find there is almost always a counter for these situations although I'll admit the very very tall building on that map is a bit of a challenge against a good team that knows how to hold it. Of course there is always Team Mercenary Deathmatch where you are less likely to encounter very good team co-ordinated tactics.


What was the latest patch supposed to fix? I thought it was to stop everyone from getting kicked out when the host quit but that still happens. The only difference I've noticed is the additions to the killcam.

Exactly, i'm sill getting this. wtf.


Stoney Mason said:

Random crybabies on the game.

But I searched google and I see a lot of people talking about them supposedly removing them. Then you go to the COD4 forums on CharlieOscarDelta and I see nothing there so maybe someone started a rumor or something and it went from there.
Andokuky said:
Random crybabies on the game.

But I searched google and I see a lot of people talking about them supposedly removing them. Then you go to the COD4 forums on CharlieOscarDelta and I see nothing there so maybe someone started a rumor or something and it went from there.
I'd be stunned if they removed any of the perks. Now I've always thought some of them could use tweaking but to up and remove them seems overly reactionary.
Stoney Mason said:
Of course there is always Team Mercenary Deathmatch where you are less likely to encounter very good team co-ordinated tactics.

Exactly. If you go into Normal Team Deathmatch, you gotta accept the possibility of running into a team that operates like a well oiled machine. I have never ran into a group of puggers in MercTDM that could hold a position on a map without getting owned. I have seen teams get boxed in though.
I think they should allow everyone to play all the game types. Right now its pretty retarted that you have to level up to play any of the other ones. Right now im trying to play new game modes i unlocked but it never finds a game for them. So i end up having to play Deathmatch or domination.


aka Ryder
There were three moments in particular that made me shit my pants in awe, as I was totally not expecting them from a Call of Duty game (my experience with the series was negligible).

1.) The aforementioned "All Gillied Up" mission. Some of the coolest, most intense shit I've ever seen. I actually drew a crowd of about 6 people in my dorm, it was magical!

2.) The part where you finally find Al-Asad and Cpt. Price busts out some of the most bad ass moves in video game history. At that point I was sort of zoning out, but nothing has gotten my attention back that quickly.

3.) The nuke, from detonation to Jackson's death. :*(
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