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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Calen said:
Try setting your controller sensitivity higher in the options. I am pretty sure you will be able to turn around as fast as you want if you set it to Custom + up the number a bit.


The default setting is 3, yet it goes all the way up to 10.

Insanely fast.

Personally, I have it at 5.


ImperialConquest said:

The default setting is 3, yet it goes all the way up to 10.

Insanely fast.

Personally, I have it at 5.
I thought the default setting was 2 (medium)? I actually had it at 5 like you, then I dropped it to 4 (high), now it's at 3. One notch higher than medium, but one less than high. Feels ok there. But maybe I'll try 4 again...


Junior Butler
Deepblue said:
Because of the endless respawning clones of enemies that you must blow up with C4 placed on cars?

It has something to do with the staged explosions of the cars in single player.

Not sure about the clone part though.
Sushen said:
Does anyone know why the title of the thread is "Exploding Car Clone Wars"?

I think it was a reference to a video Shawn Elliot posted emphasizing the design flaws of the game, how he would camp one area, and just watch soldiers respawn on top of a building over and over again, and then if he tried to approach his destination from a different angle, the AI would magically destroy a car in his path, killing him everytime.


I really like MP, but goddamn this fucking lag (360) makes me want to strangle someone. It turns the game from enjoyable to down right unplayable.

Guy sprinting towards me, I'm already aiming down the sights with RPD+stopping power, pump him with full body shots for two full seconds (literally), guy stops sprint, aims and shoots at me, nearly kills me, I'm seeing red, yet I barely manage to kill him.

I notice guy on radar coming towards an opening on opposite side of wall, I set up ambush behind wall, shoot him with two shotgun blasts to the chest (with stopping power) as soon as I make visual, I somehow die and watch kill cam, apparently he comes through opening, makes a wide turn left turn, shoots, and I never got off a shot.

I see sniper in distance with my sniper scope, he sees me, we aim at each other quickly, I get off my shot aimed at his head, I hear the fucking shot go off, yet again, kill cam shows only his shot.

FUCK! I know this isn't specific to CoD4, but needless to say, it's extremely frustrating when playing with such a disadvantage. I'd be willing to pay more for dedicated servers. I think a game like this, where you can die so quickly from only a few shots, should require them. /rant


fps fanatic said:
I thought the default setting was 2 (medium)? I actually had it at 5 like you, then I dropped it to 4 (high), now it's at 3. One notch higher than medium, but one less than high. Feels ok there. But maybe I'll try 4 again...

I think you're right.

Crazy how 2 is only just medium.


Stantron said:
I'd be willing to pay more for dedicated servers.
In the context you describe, dedicated servers wouldn't necessarily help you. If you have bad ping to the server (any server), you are going to have lag related artifacts like the ones you mention in your post.

I also think you may be underestimating the cost of hosting, bandwidth, etc. for enough machines to run tens of thousands of simultaneous matches.


woah, wtf. I just got kicked out of my game. I was playing online in hardcore TDM, and suddenly, I got sent back to the XMB o_O
Okay, IW seriously needs to patch the PS3 patch and make the mute carry over to the lobby and loading screens as well. What's the point of even having it if you still have to listen to audio spammers during the lobby, which is the noisiest part of the game since you can hear both teams screaming?

I still can't turn my TV volume up now because of that, so I have to pay CoD4 so quiet I can barely hear the footsteps in the game, due to the excessive volume of the voice chat. In-game mute is a step in the right direction, but it's still unfortunately not enough.


Because of the sheer awesomeness of the multiplayer I pretty much ignored the single player past the first 4 or 5 missions. Just played All Guilied Up, WOW. Is there a more amazing level in a shooter? I sure as fuck can't remember one. And then the whole escape and trap setting by the ferris wheel and trying to fend all those soldiers off.. amazing.


ThirstyFly said:
I still can't turn my TV volume up now because of that, so I have to pay CoD4 so quiet I can barely hear the footsteps in the game, due to the excessive volume of the voice chat. In-game mute is a step in the right direction, but it's still unfortunately not enough.
I feel your pain on the lobby blather, but for now, in case this helps you, remember that the PS3 version has a Voice Volume control in the options menu.


Stoney Mason said:
I never used the M16 before until yesterday. I tend to rely more on spray and pray guns but that thing is godly.
hee hee, try using the silencer, while you're at it. I just got 27 kills, 7 deaths, with the second highest person being like 12 kills D:

M16 + silencer + bandolier + uav jammer ftw.


I wish they would come out with some fucking PSN cards in the US. I refuse to put my credit card on it, as I know I'll end up buying a bunch of stupid shit with it. So far I've just been sharing with a friend. I guess I could get one of those pre paid debit cards at Walmart.


Calen said:
Try setting your controller sensitivity higher in the options. I am pretty sure you will be able to turn around as fast as you want if you set it to Custom + up the number a bit.

I wa always afraid of going past 3, but you're right. Moving it up to 4 helps a lot. Now if only I could stop getting stuck on wall, cars, and shite I'd be halfway decent. :lol
Rayme said:
I feel your pain on the lobby blather, but for now, in case this helps you, remember that the PS3 version has a Voice Volume control in the options menu.

Does that actually do anything though? I turned mine all the way down the first day I went online and the voices are still louder than the game's sound effects.


Calen said:
In the context you describe, dedicated servers wouldn't necessarily help you. If you have bad ping to the server (any server), you are going to have lag related artifacts like the ones you mention in your post.

I also think you may be underestimating the cost of hosting, bandwidth, etc. for enough machines to run tens of thousands of simultaneous matches.
Calen, thanks for the reply. Just to be clear, I don't always have the lag problem, but when it happens (maybe 30% if the time) it really sucks. Though, I do realize it's an internet connection issue, not the game.

I was under the impression that dedicated servers would make the game equally across all people connected. Guess not. I think I'll do some research on how to improve my ping (if that's even possible). thanks. Still my favorite 360 fps game regardless. :D
Woohoo! I got my win streak above 49 to 57 and finally got my kill streak above 17 to 18. God the AK 74u is such a beast. What's you guys kill death ratio mines currently 1.45.


karasu said:
I wa always afraid of going past 3, but you're right. Moving it up to 4 helps a lot. Now if only I could stop getting stuck on wall, cars, and shite I'd be halfway decent. :lol
Heh, this is my main issue. I picture my guy bumbling around the battlefield smacking into random things like one of those raccoon tail ball toys.
I'm not going to drag up the backstory on this again, but my control preferences were severely altered some time ago. Based on equilibrium and so forth. Remind me (I got rid of the PS3 version and I regret it), does COD4 have options for inversion of both horizontal and vertical aim? I realized when playing another console FPS that my whole sense of direction in this way has been inverted, not just the vertical look. Anyone know?


Synless said:
I just read that, it's fucking bullshit. I really am starting to hate this timed exclusive shit that's been going on this gen.


Its not like it effects sales of the game since you have to OWN THE FUCKING GAME to download content. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT.

BIG FUCK YOU TO ACTIVISION and to MS if they made this happen.

I swear, if go on XBL and see a vid of fucking Major with his smug ass talking about how this is "Great exclusive content here ON XBL!" I'm going to scream.


Jeez man, I just wanted to play more multiplayer before GTAIV... assholes.


h3ro said:

Its not like it effects sales of the game since you have to OWN THE FUCKING GAME to download content. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT.

BIG FUCK YOU TO ACTIVISION and to MS if they made this happen.

I swear, if go on XBL and see a vid of fucking Major with his smug ass talking about how this is "Great exclusive content here ON XBL!" I'm going to scream.


Jeez man, I just wanted to play more multiplayer before GTAIV... assholes.
You've just summed up everything I wanted to say but couldn't.


WTF is a loot ninja, im going to wait for a legit site to run this... and by legit, I don't mean N4G.

But seriously, what does IW, Activision or any other party involved (Sony and MS) have to gain by delaying the content for those that already own the game?

If you think it will sway those buying the game new, 360 is already get the GOTY edition with all the DLC for FREE. Why delay the content for those who paid full price for the game DAY ONE on PS3? If anything, your losing out on sales for those who will probably move on to GTAIV very quickly.

Dko5 and Calen, whats up with that? Can you please clear this up?


ALeperMessiah said:
So, are these maps going to be factored into certain playlists or what?

fourzerotwo said here that the maps will be integrated into all of the playlists, and that there will be a whole new playlist with just the new maps.
AltogetherAndrews said:
So can anyone answer the look inversion question, does it have vertical and horizontal inversion?

I'll go check the PS3 version for you.

Edit: Nope, not on PS3. It just changes the up/down.


karasu said:
I wa always afraid of going past 3, but you're right. Moving it up to 4 helps a lot. Now if only I could stop getting stuck on wall, cars, and shite I'd be halfway decent. :lol

Yeh I find the walls to be quite sticky aswell


i know how everyone on this board loves pro-gaming...hahah

but anyway you might wanna check out the stream from i33 lan over the next couple of days for the cod4 action to see how the game should be played or just to pick up some tips

mms://stream1.multiplay.co.uk/quadvtv3 <- paste into wmp


Andokuky said:
Because of the sheer awesomeness of the multiplayer I pretty much ignored the single player past the first 4 or 5 missions. Just played All Guilied Up, WOW. Is there a more amazing level in a shooter? I sure as fuck can't remember one. And then the whole escape and trap setting by the ferris wheel and trying to fend all those soldiers off.. amazing.

Yeah, best level on any shooter ever.

Try playing it on Veteran. It's fucking hard.
Andokuky said:
Because of the sheer awesomeness of the multiplayer I pretty much ignored the single player past the first 4 or 5 missions. Just played All Guilied Up, WOW. Is there a more amazing level in a shooter? I sure as fuck can't remember one. And then the whole escape and trap setting by the ferris wheel and trying to fend all those soldiers off.. amazing.

I just finished this level recently. Freakin' awesome!!
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