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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

_leech_ said:
Some of the starter guns really do suck ass, though (three-shot burst? pfft).

thats actually one of the better guns in the game, the first one you start with ;)

Have fun :)

I can't wait to see the new stuff they have for the PC version :)


_leech_ said:
Multiplayer is fucking awesome.

Agreed. I just got this game last weekend and have been absolutely loving the multiplayer so far. I didn't care for it at first, but now that I am starting to understand the strategy and how to manuver the maps, it's getting great.

Though I do like the leveling system, I wish this game had a ranking system like Halo 3. Ya ya there is "tru-skill", but let's see some actual ranks that you work hard for. The levels are nice, but being 55 hardly reflects on your skill as a player, only your ability to grind out the levels.

Overall though, amazing multiplayer. I will be playing it for a long time to come (with a short detour for GTA4).
i've been playing this game on PS3 long enough that it's time for a headset. Can someone/everyone make me some recommendations in the $40 zone? I hear the Jabra BT125 that comes with warhawk is decent. True?


I have a Prestige question:

How much resets? The whole thing? I understand you start with the basic weapons and perks but do the challenges themselves (Killer, Humiliation, Elite, etc.) also need to be unlocked at their corrisponding level again?

Is bascially all you get the new icon next to your level?


_leech_ said:
Some of the starter guns really do suck ass, though (three-shot burst? pfft).

:lol The M-16 is still my most used gun in MP and I'm level 49, if you put Red-Dot and Stopping Power on that bitch, you're nearly unstoppable.


Even without stopping power on that thing has serious kick. You just need to aim properly, and then youre laughing all the way to an awesome kill/death spread
guise said:
Even without stopping power on that thing has serious kick. You just need to aim properly, and then youre laughing all the way to an awesome kill/death spread

I've noticed I do pretty well with the M16 without stopping power but I'm not sure what perks to use instead. What do you do?


MagicJackBauer said:
I've noticed I do pretty well with the M16 without stopping power but I'm not sure what perks to use instead. What do you do?
Well, it'll depend on what your playstyle is. Though you can't go wrong with UAV Jammer.. especially if you're using the M16 silenced.

You can also go with Juggernaut or Sonic Boom, if you use a lot of explosives (grenades or grenade launcher attachment). Everything else is pretty useless with the M16 though.
raYne said:
Well, it'll depend on what your playstyle is. Though you can't go wrong with UAV Jammer.. especially if you're using the M16 silenced.

You can also go with Juggernaut or Sonic Boom, if you use a lot of explosives (grenades or grenade launcher attachment). Everything else is pretty useless with the M16 though.

Does sonic boom make a big difference with grenades?


MagicJackBauer said:
Does sonic boom make a big difference with grenades?
It amps up everything explosive, so yes. It'll basically extend the kill range of everything explosive, so:
-You don't have to be as accurate with your grenade throws and still get the kill.
-People will think they're safe because they're out of the normal kill zone, but will still die even if the grenade indicator isn't on the screen.

Plus you can use it with everything explosive. Rocket launchers, claymores, martydom etc for maximum annoyance factor.
Did I mention how in love i am with COD4? To be honest I really wasn't expecting much out of the game because shooter + me != love. after a few hours in Online MP I really found myself very addicated to the perk and rank system. I managed to play like 10-12 hours and around lvl 32? Sounds good. I still suck but I can say that it's really fun. I suck really hard at Search and Destroy [I play mostly Domination and Team Deathmatch anyways] But I plan to practice on SAD until I get good at it. But really. COD4 is awesome fun ;3


Aladuf23 said:
:lol The M-16 is still my most used gun in MP and I'm level 49, if you put Red-Dot and Stopping Power on that bitch, you're nearly unstoppable.

I predominantly use the M16 with red dot as well, but I couple it with Juggernaut instead of Stopping Power. Would you say Stopping Power is generally better for this weapon? I don't really take all that many hits anyway as I'm usually sneaky or quicker to the draw than my opponent (though I've had moments where I get a couple good shot in, but end up going down - I'm assuming this is due to weak dmg output by the M16).
notjackbauer said:
i've been playing this game on PS3 long enough that it's time for a headset. Can someone/everyone make me some recommendations in the $40 zone? I hear the Jabra BT125 that comes with warhawk is decent. True?
I'll sell you mine.


Is anyone having trouble with the microphone system on PS3? Before the patch things were ok, but now we can pretty much only talk to each other in the lobby. In games either I can't hear him talk or he can't hear me.
LTTP...But I'm really digging this game. I'm almost at the top, and debating on whether or not to prestige. Probably not since GTA4 is coming out, and I would like to get back to Halo at some point.

For what it's worth, I LOVE the M14 with stopping power. That gun is like having the finger of God, and being able to just reach out and snuff the life out of someone from almost anywhere on the map.

Has there been any word on whether or not there will be any DLC beside maps? Some things that I think would rock:

Thermal vision - if you can shoot through walls, why not be able to see through them as well.
Ability to have more than one attachment - I got spoiled in the campaign having a silenced/red dot M4.
Unlimited perk gametype - load up with every perk, and be a super bad ass.
More weapons and sights - because ACOG is just a waste.
Ambush - 8.0
Backlot - 8.5
Bloc - 6.0
Bog - 8.5
Countdown - 7.0
Crash - 8.5
Crossfire - 8.0
District - 8.5
Downpour - 7.5
Overgrown - 7.5
Pipeline - 7.5
Shipment - 3.0
Showdown - 4.0
Strike - 7.5
Vacant - 8.0
Wet Work - 6.0

Finally got to 10th Prestige.

Also - anyone know total sales numbers to this point for CoD4?
- Worldwide for both SKU's
- North America for 360, PS3 seperately?



PatzCU said:
I predominantly use the M16 with red dot as well, but I couple it with Juggernaut instead of Stopping Power. Would you say Stopping Power is generally better for this weapon? I don't really take all that many hits anyway as I'm usually sneaky or quicker to the draw than my opponent (though I've had moments where I get a couple good shot in, but end up going down - I'm assuming this is due to weak dmg output by the M16).

IMO Stopping Power is perfect for the M16, in nearly all cases when you shoot someone with it, they die with only 1 burst of the gun.


MagicJackBauer said:
It seems that not many people on here play sabatoge. Personally I love it. I havent played anything else in months. Am I missing out?

I recently started playing sabotage too. It's my new favorite mode. I'm burned out on HQ's. The only problem is people who don't work together. I suppose that could be said of all the modes but I can't tell you how many times people don't work together to plant the bomb. I'm on my 2nd or 3rd prestige and I've quit playing the game for points. I'm playing the modes I enjoy most and with the weapons I like. This is a good time to switch because I've had some rounds end so quickly I only receive a match bonus of 9. :lol


Question: When you get an airstrike, UAV, or chopper, how long does that stay with you? Obviously you can die, but is there a certain amount of time/deaths before you have to use it?


Jtrizzy said:
Question: When you get an airstrike, UAV, or chopper, how long does that stay with you? Obviously you can die, but is there a certain amount of time/deaths before you have to use it?

UAV - 30 seconds
Airstrike - Fly over of 3 planes in succession
Chopper - I think it lasts 1-2 minutes and goes to random places on the map

I have noticed if you get a UAV, don't use it, then get an airstrike you won't be able to call both. It will replace the UAV with an airstrike. It's best to use them ASAP for max points and help for the team.


Aladuf23 said:
IMO Stopping Power is perfect for the M16, in nearly all cases when you shoot someone with it, they die with only 1 burst of the gun.

Personally I use juggernaut and extreme conditioning. If you’re accurate enough you don’t need stopping power to take people down people in one burst, and with my perks if im not, I can just run like the wind getting shot in the back and still survive :lol


MagicJackBauer said:
It seems that not many people on here play sabatoge. Personally I love it. I havent played anything else in months. Am I missing out?

I played sabotage enough to complete all of the related Operational challenges. It's a great game! Team Deathmatch with a football-like objective to complete the game. As well you can earn a lot of XP playing Sabotage. The games can last way longer than team deathmatch and the planting and defusing of bombs adds additional points.

It's a game with A LOT of running, so much that I found the Extreme Conditioning perk to be actually worth it. In fact I think I borked my controller because of the constant pressing down of the L3 button.


Jtrizzy said:
Question: When you get an airstrike, UAV, or chopper, how long does that stay with you? Obviously you can die, but is there a certain amount of time/deaths before you have to use it?

IIRC, UAV & Chopper last for 30 seconds after you launch it. Airstrike kicks in a few seconds after you call them in; there's 3 Payload drops.

Here's the thing with UAV, IIRC UAV's do not stack, meaning if your teammate sets off a UAV, set your UAV off when your teammate's UAV ends...this maximizes your UAV.

With regards to how long they stay with you, as mentioned by lionelhutz, getting an Airstrike will over-ride your UAV, and getting a Chopper will over-ride your Airstrike...I'm not sure if getting an UAV will over-ride your Chopper though.

Regarding Choppers though, depending on circumstances, you may or may not want to try to chain your Chopper calls...meaning once you get a Chopper, you can call in the Chopper whenever you feel like, even after you die (assuming it can not be over-ridden by a UAV). In general, what people (including me) tend to do is get the Chopper, die (either kill yourself (cook a frag, jump off a roof) or go Gung-Ho), and then call in the Chopper when you re-spawn. If you can keep yourself alive, the Chopper kills will count towards building your next UAV-Airstrike-Chopper count.

Edit: Re-reading your post, it seems like you may already know this...apologies...I'll leave the post intact as is, in case it helps others.
mr_boo said:
Regarding Choppers though, depending on circumstances, you may or may not want to try to chain your Chopper calls...meaning once you get a Chopper, you can call in the Chopper whenever you feel like, even after you die (assuming it can not be over-ridden by a UAV). In general, what people (including me) tend to do is get the Chopper, die (either kill yourself (cook a frag, jump off a roof) or go Gung-Ho), and then call in the Chopper when you re-spawn. If you can keep yourself alive, the Chopper kills will count towards building your next UAV-Airstrike-Chopper count.

If anyone didn't know this, this is very important. Although I don't condone killing yourself.


PedroLumpy said:
If anyone didn't know this, this is very important. Although I don't condone killing yourself.
lol...why not kill yourself? IIRC, it does not count towards the other Team's total kill count, and thus you're not hurting your team or helping the other team; stat wise, you are hurting your KD ratio. It all depends on the circumstances, but I do think killing yourself is a viable option.


mr_boo said:
lol...why not kill yourself? IIRC, it does not count towards the other Team's total kill count, and thus you're not hurting your team or helping the other team; stat wise, you are hurting your KD ratio. It all depends on the circumstances, but I do think killing yourself is a viable option.

Equip martyrdom and run in guns blazing.


miyamotofreak said:
I think UAVs stack.
They don't.

If someone calls a UAV with 15 seconds left on the previous, it'll just send the time back to 30 seconds. Not add 30 seconds to the previous 15.


dresses business casual
How do you plant the bomb in hardcore search & destroy? I tried it out for the first time last night, but hardcore doesn't tell you how to do it. :lol


LunaticPuma said:
How do you plant the bomb in hardcore search & destroy? I tried it out for the first time last night, but hardcore doesn't tell you how to do it. :lol

I think "X" plants and defuses in all modes.


I bought this for PS3 two weeks ago and am loving the online.

I just got the motion-activated C4. Damn I love planting one of those at the top of a ladder!


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
lionelhutz said:
Equip martyrdom with sonic boom and run in guns blazing.


I used to do that on The Bog when everyone tries to rush through the corridor. Ultra lulz.

lawblob said:
I just got the motion-activated C4. Damn I love planting one of those at the top of a ladder!

Do you mean claymores?


CitizenCope said:
Choppers seem to be out much longer than 30 seconds.

I've seen some choppers stick around for a good two minutes if they aren't shot down. I've heard people say that having a UAV called while a chopper is in the air helps to up the number of kills that it gets. Can anyone speak to the truth in this? I've had a mixed bag, sometimes it'll get a ton of kills...sometimes it won't.


f3niks said:
I've seen some choppers stick around for a good two minutes if they aren't shot down. I've heard people say that having a UAV called while a chopper is in the air helps to up the number of kills that it gets. Can anyone speak to the truth in this? I've had a mixed bag, sometimes it'll get a ton of kills...sometimes it won't.

I'd like to know this as well. My choppers never seem to get many kills.
f3niks said:
I've seen some choppers stick around for a good two minutes if they aren't shot down. I've heard people say that having a UAV called while a chopper is in the air helps to up the number of kills that it gets. Can anyone speak to the truth in this? I've had a mixed bag, sometimes it'll get a ton of kills...sometimes it won't.

It's true. While having UAV on, the chopper gets kills alot faster than without the UAV. There are plenty of times I called a chopper without the UAV and either get 1-2 kills or the other team shoots it down quickly (because the chopper doesn't know where the enemies are to shoot at).


lionelhutz said:
I'd like to know this as well. My choppers never seem to get many kills.
To conclusively test this would be a daunting task. Based off of my own experiences, I've called in "Dud Choppers" before where they don't seem to do anything at all. I'll try to be more of aware of concurrent UAV and Choppers...
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