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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


I would rate the maps as follows...

Ambush - ***
Backlot - ***
Bloc - *****
Bog - **
Countdown - *
Crash - *****
Crossfire - ****
District - ****
Downpour - **
Overgrown - *****
Pipeline - ***
Shipment - *
Showdown - ***
Strike - ****
Vacant - ****
Wet Work - ***

Only maps I really can't stand are Countdown and Bog. Shipment also, since it's just a big fucking box but it never comes up in S&D and that's pretty much all I play. Wet Work would be a lot better too without so much nade spamming.
Yeah I don't care much for wet work, its just nade spamming. Bloc isn't so bad though, sniper or stealth work out pretty good. I go through a like/hate cycle with bog/countdown.


miyamotofreak said:
Just went prestige again! By the time the next IW CoD game is out I shall be maxed out!

how many prestige there is ?

and does it have different prestige icons everytime i get over 55 ?


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
llTll said:
how many prestige there is ?

and does it have different prestige icons everytime i get over 55 ?

10 Prestiges. The last one is the golden cross. If you're a decent player at search and destroy, could get a prestige over a week playing casuaully
Andokuky said:
I would rate the maps as follows...

Ambush - ***
Backlot - ***
Bloc - *****
Bog - **
Countdown - *
Crash - *****
Crossfire - ****
District - ****
Downpour - **
Overgrown - *****
Pipeline - ***
Shipment - *
Showdown - ***
Strike - ****
Vacant - ****
Wet Work - ***

Only maps I really can't stand are Countdown and Bog. Shipment also, since it's just a big fucking box but it never comes up in S&D and that's pretty much all I play. Wet Work would be a lot better too without so much nade spamming.

I love Bog & Countdown - what's your play style like?


wasn't the last patch supposed to implement host migration or something?

half the games i played ended with a "lobby closed" or "disconnected from the host" message since the patch...



Andokuky said:
Random crybabies on the game.

But I searched google and I see a lot of people talking about them supposedly removing them. Then you go to the COD4 forums on CharlieOscarDelta and I see nothing there so maybe someone started a rumor or something and it went from there.

C'mon man. You should known from your days of playing Socom not to trust any of this nonesense. I really don't have much of a problem with Juggernaut even though I don't use it. It would be nice if they renamed it Body Armor or something and made it so that it doesn't help with head shots or explosives. It's kinda frustrating when an airstrike or a nade hits someone and all you see is that little red cross come up on the HUD.
Ok I just got a new PC a week or so ago, and I attempted to transfer over my old save game file, but it doesn't appear to be working. I'm going from XP to Vista, and I had to create a new folder for the game save. Is it even possible to do this, it worked for HL2:Episode 2...


Manp said:
wasn't the last patch supposed to implement host migration or something?

half the games i played ended with a "lobby closed" or "disconnected from the host" message since the patch...


It did to an extent. If the hosts ends the game it will find a new one in the lobby. It won't migrate mid game.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Ambush - 3/5
Backlot - 3/5
Bloc - 4/5
Bog - 0/5 ewwwwww
Countdown - 3/5
Crash - 5/5
Crossfire - 4/5
District - 3/5
Downpour - 3/5
Overgrown - 5/5
Pipeline - 4/5
Shipment - 4/5(Headquarters:D )
Showdown - 3/5
Strike - 4/5
Vacant - 5/5
Wet Work - 1/5 ewww


llTll said:
how many prestige there is ?

and does it have different prestige icons everytime i get over 55 ?
Yep, different icons for each Prestige level. Here's a list showing all the icons and what Prestige level you get them: http://gamebattles.com/forums/t/1132729.html I'm working through Prestige for a fourth time now, and I find it fun to rank up again. But I think I want to do Prestige till I get to level seven. The Flying Cross symbol looks nice to me, I think I'll stop there.:D
X26 said:
I'd have to say my least favorite map is downpour. The starting points are rediculously unbalanced

This is true, especially if someone gets on the mounted machine gun on the up-hill side, but I really like this map, it's one of the better team work maps, and the dual choke-point design of it works extremely well.... plus, it's one of the few larger maps that hasn't been a complete snipe-fest post-patch.
I'd like to have a chat with the person that decided Shipment was a good idea. The least they could do is leave that map to smaller gametypes, don't make a 12 player Headquarters game play on Shipment, it's such a damn disaster. Everything that's so awesome about most of the other maps in CoD4 is totally destroyed on that map.


I can't stand Bloc....It's the only map that will make me leave a lobby.

I used to hate Bog but now I love it.

Some maps are much better for different game types. I mainly play HQ so Bloc becomes very boring and annoying when everyone is afraid to leave the buildings due to snipers.


Let's do this 1UP style:

Ambush - C+
Backlot - C+
Bloc - B-
Bog - B+
Countdown - B+
Crash - A
Crossfire - B+
District - B-
Downpour - B+
Overgrown - B+
Pipeline - B-
Shipment - C-
Showdown - B+
Strike - A
Vacant - A
Wet Work - C-

Vacant was one of my A rated maps, but after some ridiculous grenade infested levels; I changed my mind.


Ambush - 9.2/10
Backlot - 8.5/10
Bloc - 3.0/10
Bog - 9.5/10
Countdown - 8.8/10
Crash - 8.0/10
Crossfire - 7.5/10
District - 7.0/10
Downpour - 7.9/10
Overgrown - 7.6/10
Pipeline - 8.0/10
Shipment - 5/10
Showdown - 6.7/10
Strike - 5.8/10
Vacant - 6.0/10
Wet Work - 6.5/10

Commenting in relation to TDM.

Someone tell me why they hate Bloc as I don't understand the hate. Room clearing plus some long range fights on the outside, seems fine.

I hate Bog and Countdown for the same reason. I don't like the wide open nature of it. Rather than having a couple sort of paths on the map, you can be shot from almost any direction. That being said, I think these are the sort of maps that are meant for organized teams. I could see these being interesting if you can count on your teammates all working together to lock down different directions. With puggers though, you're left to run around and hope you don't get shot from the side.

Wet work is fine, assuming no one grenade spams. Of course most people do, so I usually just leave the match if it starts raining grenades.
Grenade spamming is, I suppose, a reasonable tactic, I just don't find it very fun on that map, so I don't bother.

Downpour I hate due to the really tight bottleneck. Having them all at a parallel location on the map is a really poor decision I think. Anyway, since it's so easy to camp that one area of the map, I don't really like it.

Everything else is more or less fine (Haven't played on Shipment). Some I love, some I like, but I won't get into that.

For FFA, Bog is fine, but Showdown is horrible. Simply not enough space for the spawns.


lionelhutz said:
It did to an extent. If the hosts ends the game it will find a new one in the lobby. It won't migrate mid game.

too bad i've never seen that happen. it just bring me back to multiplayer menu like it always did and is doing this a lot more than it used to before the patch



my grades for the maps

Ambush - C
Backlot - A
Bloc - F
uck this map
Bog - B
Countdown - B+
Crash - A
Crossfire - A-
District - B+
Downpour - B+
Overgrown - B
Pipeline - B-
Shipment - B-
Showdown - D
Strike - A-
Vacant - B
Wet Work - B


Neo Member
Dont know if this is a stupid question but how does one find out who is the host of the match?
And in my opinion host migration really doesnt fix anything since one could just refresh the list and get into a game quicker than waiting again (though host migration isnt in this ps3 patch)


PedroLumpy said:
Commenting in relation to TDM.

Someone tell me why they hate Bloc as I don't understand the hate. Room clearing plus some long range fights on the outside, seems fine.

I hate Bog and Countdown for the same reason. I don't like the wide open nature of it. Rather than having a couple sort of paths on the map, you can be shot from almost any direction. That being said, I think these are the sort of maps that are meant for organized teams. I could see these being interesting if you can count on your teammates all working together to lock down different directions. With puggers though, you're left to run around and hope you don't get shot from the side.

Wet work is fine, assuming no one grenade spams. Of course most people do, so I usually just leave the match if it starts raining grenades.
Grenade spamming is, I suppose, a reasonable tactic, I just don't find it very fun on that map, so I don't bother.

Downpour I hate due to the really tight bottleneck. Having them all at a parallel location on the map is a really poor decision I think. Anyway, since it's so easy to camp that one area of the map, I don't really like it.

Everything else is more or less fine (Haven't played on Shipment). Some I love, some I like, but I won't get into that.

For FFA, Bog is fine, but Showdown is horrible. Simply not enough space for the spawns.

I really hate Bloc because it turns into a sniper-fest. Always. It's almost impossible to play the map unless you choose a sniper rifle because everybody constantly chooses sniper rifles. There is literally no way to have a firefight in the middle of the map because you are unable to take cover and fight due to all the snipers. If it were reasonable say one or two snipers on the map, then it'd be better. Wet Works is terrible because of the grenade spam period. I like Downpour a lot though. Downpour works in every mode that isn't FFA. There's two main bottlenecks in the map and it works well. I agree about camping that one spot with the machine gun. It's my opinion that they should just get rid of the machine guns in those spots in Downpour.
PedroLumpy said:
Commenting in relation to TDM.

Someone tell me why they hate Bloc as I don't understand the hate. Room clearing plus some long range fights on the outside, seems fine.

For FFA, Bog is fine, but Showdown is horrible. Simply not enough space for the spawns.

Bloc can turn into a pure sniper map which is why people dislike it, although I've found there is a killing to be made because there are is always a persistent group of knuckleheads that will try to invade your building so with mines, grenades and good gun work, and I can get kills like a mofo near the entrances of the building.

I hate Showdown though. The worst map imo.


i HATE the shitty party system in this game. All the level 55's are in one team, and all the Level 10's are in the other. And sticking with the same teams after Team Deathmatch? Who's shitty idea was this?


Roxas said:
i HATE the shitty party system in this game. All the level 55's are in one team, and all the Level 10's are in the other. And sticking with the same teams after Team Deathmatch? Who's shitty idea was this?
They were probably a party. Team balancing works pretty well, but it won't split a group (as far as I know).
Roxas said:
i HATE the shitty party system in this game. All the level 55's are in one team, and all the Level 10's are in the other. And sticking with the same teams after Team Deathmatch? Who's shitty idea was this?

There is merc team death match. That should solve this issue I would think at least for the death match play-type. .


Roxas said:
i HATE the shitty party system in this game. All the level 55's are in one team, and all the Level 10's are in the other. And sticking with the same teams after Team Deathmatch? Who's shitty idea was this?
It does swap players from one team to the other.. unless they were in the same party before matchmaking.. So chances are, they knew each other.

As for 10's being matched matched up with 55's in general:
-People are matched up via Truskill, not game rank.
-It takes a bunch of games to properly find someone's "level". So low levels playing high levels isn't uncommon.

So, play Mercenary TDM if you want to avoid your first problem.
Stoney Mason said:
Bloc can turn into a pure sniper map which is why people dislike it, although I've found there is a killing to be made because there are is always a persistent group of knuckleheads that will try to invade your building so with mines, grenades and good gun work, and I can get kills like a mofo near the entrances of the building.
Crisis said:
I really hate Bloc because it turns into a sniper-fest. Always. It's almost impossible to play the map unless you choose a sniper rifle because everybody constantly chooses sniper rifles. There is literally no way to have a firefight in the middle of the map because you are unable to take cover and fight due to all the snipers. If it were reasonable say one or two snipers on the map, then it'd be better. Wet Works is terrible because of the grenade spam period. I like Downpour a lot though. Downpour works in every mode that isn't FFA. There's two main bottlenecks in the map and it works well. I agree about camping that one spot with the machine gun. It's my opinion that they should just get rid of the machine guns in those spots in Downpour.

Well that would explain it. I've never had it turn into a big sniper fest when I've played. Must be due to different playlists or something.

One thing about Pipeline bugs me, It seems really strange that one team starts in the middle of nowhere and has to run such a huge distance to get to the buildings where all the action is. That huge section of the map isn't used for the rest of the game. It might be balanced I guess, but it just reeks of bad design.
So is Prestige mode just a new set of icons? Is there really a point to it? Considering there are ten levels of it, I feel like I wasted all my exp and challenges getting just to the first level knowing I will never play enough to get much higher...
chespace said:
Welcome, and enjoy your stay.

Oh I WILL. Playing it now, I really don't get all the early controversy about the leveling up system. I'm not a master at console FPSs but I can hold my own against level 30-ish players. The level up system is actually what's keeping me so interested. Some of the starter guns really do suck ass, though (three-shot burst? pfft).

Can't wait to unlock Dominator mode. I love control-point, Battlefield-style multiplayer.
Why are people worrying about Bloc when there's a map that's 10x as shitty?

Wet Works... HQ on that map is the worst thing ever. The spawns are always ridiculous. Plus, it's hard to see, there's way too much contrast.

I'm ok with Bloc... It's just important to never go out into the middle if there's more than two enemies alive.

I used to hate Bog with a passion, but I've kinda grown to like it now that I'm good at sniping. It seems every time I play TDM on there I get a chopper once or twice. Countdown also isn't too bad anymore, you just have to learn to stay to the edges of the map.

Best maps are the still original three... Crash, Overgrown, and Vacant.

Oh, and nade spamming is getting more and more awful. In S&D I always sit around for 30 seconds or so before going anywhere. People memorize crazy grenade paths and nothing sucks more than a random toss killing you.


PedroLumpy said:
One thing about Pipeline bugs me, It seems really strange that one team starts in the middle of nowhere and has to run such a huge distance to get to the buildings where all the action is. That huge section of the map isn't used for the rest of the game. It might be balanced I guess, but it just reeks of bad design.
I dunno, I find that the back of the trainyards and that weird area of nothing that the other side starts in see about the same amount of action (that is to say, none). I find the start points either side to be pretty balanced, as it takes about the same amount of time to reach the middle of the map from either.

One map that I do find to be deeply unbalanced is Bog. The wall starting side is just so, so much better than that little shop area.

Crash and Crossfire are my favourite maps: both are perfect mixes of long, short and mid-range fighting.

Bloc is my least favourite map, and I'll back out of a game if I have to play it. My problem with it is that it's really only suited to sniping, and sniper-hunting. There's not a lot of mid-range game there.
Not sure the name of the level, but I really like the one with the road that splits a city in half, with a tunnel going under it and a tank on the topside. Probably my favorite in the game.
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