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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


ElyrionX said:
So I just played a round of Domination and tried listening for footsteps but I just can't get it. At first, I tried it with my surround setup but it's late and I can't turn up the volume much so it doesn't really work out. I can't hear a single footstep and the fucking 360 and its jet engine is not helping either. So I switched to headphones and it doesn't work too. Yes, if I try really hard I can make out the footsteps but most of the time, you have airstrikes, choppers, grenades and guns going off all over the damn place in addition to your team's default chatter, it's really hard to make out footsteps at all.
Oh well.. You did say you had poor hearing.

More Dead bodies Silence for me then. :D

TimeLike said:
That's odd. I've got a crap stereo pushing the sound, and I can clearly hear people walking or running. I play almost exclusively free for all. So EVERY time I hear a footstep, I know it's a nearby enemy.

I don't think it helps as much during team games, cuz your teammates are always making such a racket. Any footfalls you hear are just as likely to be friendly as they are enemy.
Exactly. *shrug*


Hmmmmmm, it might be my HTiB receiver's processing that's causing the footsteps to be inaudible since my headphones were fed into it as well. I'll try hooking up the cable to my TV and see if I get a better result.
I have an "aging" (four or five year old) Aiwa HtiB 5.1 setup and I clearly hear footsteps.
There are many times I can pinpoint where an unseen enemy is by hearing him run/walk while I lie in wait.
And I pull my hair out while ghosting a teammate, hearing the enemy run around and I yell out "TURN AROUND, HE'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" and then must watch helplessly as he gets shot in the ass. So many people don't hear the footsteps of enemies but I always just assumed it was because they were using crap TV speakers.

The audio is hooked up via optical connection between the Aiwa receiver and my Playstation 3.


Neo Member
ElyrionX said:
So I just played a round of Domination and tried listening for footsteps but I just can't get it. At first, I tried it with my surround setup but it's late and I can't turn up the volume much so it doesn't really work out. I can't hear a single footstep and the fucking 360 and its jet engine is not helping either. So I switched to headphones and it doesn't work too. Yes, if I try really hard I can make out the footsteps but most of the time, you have airstrikes, choppers, grenades and guns going off all over the damn place in addition to your team's default chatter, it's really hard to make out footsteps at all.

I hear foot steps clearly with all of that going on, I put on my surround sound, I hear it real good. Im tucked in a corner, i hear footsteos getting closer and closer, i dont know if its friend or foe. I really didnt notice foot steps till i got the suround sound.


Neo Member
[So many people don't hear the footsteps of enemies but I always just assumed it was because they were using crap TV speakers.

The audio is hooked up via optical connection between the Aiwa receiver and my Playstation 3.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I have mine hooked to optical too. U hear that shit nice
TimeLike said:
That's odd. I've got a crap stereo pushing the sound, and I can clearly hear people walking or running. I play almost exclusively free for all. So EVERY time I hear a footstep, I know it's a nearby enemy.

I don't think it helps as much during team games, cuz your teammates are always making such a racket. Any footfalls you hear are just as likely to be friendly as they are enemy.


I too only play FFA so every step I hear I know is an enemy. Also using sound to find your enemy can also be map specific. It works great on smaller maps like Block and Strike when theres only 8 people spread out. On more close quarters maps like Wetworks it pretty useless since you should be able to find people easily.
Some people only use the radar. You'll be following right behind them and they won't turn around. That's why I always try to get my back to wall so if I don't hear some guys coming I won't be caught by surprise as much. Also, I love the M14. It's so awesome and I always liked the Garand in Call of Duty 2. It's a super Garand. :D
I want to make this bumper sticker.



I'm hooked up via optical as well and my surround really does work because in games like Oblivion, I can clearly hear when enemies are coming from behind but just not in COD4. Maybe it's because I'm always distracted by all the gunfire and explosions.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
So after many tears being shed and contemplating suicide, I finally managed my way through 'One shot, One Kill' on Veteran difficulty last night. Funny how after carrying MacMillan to the rescue chopper seemed to make you invincible, the entire screen seemed stained in red from being shot a billion times while carrying him 20 feet. Thank god too, I couldn't handle the hell that was that checkpoint ever again.

Now I'm stuck on this damn level where I have to kill a tank under cover from smoke grenades. I can't even walk 3 feet before getting taken out, smoke or no smoke...So close, I can taste the end of this game finally! So many months of pain...


I'm having a hell of a time on the PS3 with this "downloading settings" shit. It did it about a month ago too, then just stopped one day. It hasn't let me sign on for three days now, and I'm getting kind of pissed.

What the hell do I have to do to get back online? I've deleted the update patch and reinstalled it. I even deleted my game save just to see if that would fix anything, but I still can't get online.


GQman2121 said:
I'm having a hell of a time on the PS3 with this "downloading settings" shit. It did it about a month ago too, then just stopped one day. It hasn't let me sign on for three days now, and I'm getting kind of pissed.

What the hell do I have to do to get back online? I've deleted the update patch and reinstalled it. I even deleted my game save just to see if that would fix anything, but I still can't get online.

It may be your ISP blocking you. I remember reading something about certain ISPs blocking the CoD4 servers from connecting to the PS3 or something similar. Not sure if a fix was made available.

Does backing out of the "downloading settings" screen and going back in help?


How prevalent is cheating of any form in PS3 version?

I am currently a level 28, and up until this point never sensed too much 'suspicious behavior' from other players, but it seems like as I move up in rank I am having more odd encounters. Granted, this is partly due to my use of the M4, which I understand has weaker bullets, so in some firefights I just get out-gunned, But there are other times where I feel like something is going on.


Second-rate Anihawk
After having the game out for Gamefly for about 3 weeks, I'm thinking about buying this game. I am wondering which version I should buy, 360 or PC. My PC meets the minimum requirements, but not much else. The demo ran pretty smoothly at low settings, but I would get a few frame rate hiccups. I currently use a SDTV on my 360, so graphics really don't matter much. I was wondering if the PC community was fairly active and if there is alot (or any) user made content.


I sent friend invites to a few you who listed your handles in the PSN COD4 round up thread. If you have room please accept. Or if anyone else has room send me an invite. Right now I only have 2 or 3 people on my list who play this, which sucks because I play all the time. My PSN ID is the same as my GAF username.


Jtrizzy said:
I sent friend invites to a few you who listed your handles in the PSN COD4 round up thread. If you have room please accept. Or if anyone else has room send me an invite. Right now I only have 2 or 3 people on my list who play this, which sucks because I play all the time. My PSN ID is the same as my GAF username.
You can add me I'm on often enough.

Wise_ is my PSN. Usually run with my clan, lately been playing customs. Dont add me if your easily upset though :\ If we do customs and your not very good, chances are we'll blame losing on having a new person on our team when we talk trash. But its all in fun, not anything else.

Although, I would love to play in some randoms with ya.


x3sphere said:
Yes, I posted that article. It's April 10 now. An Activision rep confirmed it.

I even double checked since it still says April 3 on XBL, but they confirmed to me it was delayed.
It still says 2 minutes till April Fools on my part of the world.
im very suspicious about this supposed delay since no other blog sites or anyone else has posted it yet. If it is a joke, god help you from the wrath of the mods.


SuperEnemyCrab said:
im very suspicious about this supposed delay since no other blog sites or anyone else has posted it yet. If it is a joke, god help you from the wrath of the mods.
I'll bet my account on it, k? :p


SuperEnemyCrab said:
Is the delay fo' real?
We sent it off to cert awhile ago, and I haven't heard of any issues coming back our way. But cert; she eez eh fickle and mysterious mistress, so who knows.

It would be frustrating for me, since all of my friends are expecting that we'll play the new maps @ retail on the 3rd. Arg. =p

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Finally finished Veteran! Now this Mile High Club level is ridiculous. I thought One shot, one kill was rough, but this...

Also, how do you get the achievement for shooting down the chopper with an RPG? Is that part of the final level in the truck? I dont recall ever seeing a moment in the campaign otherwise where you have the option to do so?


Brandon F said:
Finally finished Veteran! Now this Mile High Club level is ridiculous. I thought One shot, one kill was rough, but this...

Also, how do you get the achievement for shooting down the chopper with an RPG? Is that part of the final level in the truck? I dont recall ever seeing a moment in the campaign otherwise where you have the option to do so?

Uhh, when you get to the bog with the tank (in the Daytime, after you beat it at night) you get some RPGs next to a bus (I think) and a chopper will appear. You can take it out with the RPGs.
well, my crew and I LOVE sabotage, but more and more, it's a RUINED mode.

In a lot of games, more often than not these days, some douche from the other team will grab the bomb, and hide in a glitch on the map, essentially creating a 15 minute long deathmatch round. If there is no glitch, they'll do their best to just camp somewhere with the bomb.

This happens in Pipeline, Assault, Crossfire, Backlot the most.

Why don't these people just play deathmatch if that's what they want to play? Why must they ruin an awesome game mode ????

Please IW, fix the glitches on these maps, especially Assault and Pipeline, the glitching is out of control.

The gamertag of the person who was cheating throughout our sabotage games is h8tfreak


Brandon F said:
Also, how do you get the achievement for shooting down the chopper with an RPG? Is that part of the final level in the truck?
I've always done it on "Warpig" (escorting the tank in the daylight in the Mideast). If you advance up to the bus quickly, there are some RPGs leaning against things (the bus itself and/or cargo containers?) that you can use to take down the incoming choppers, the ones that fastrope baddies down.


Archie said:
After having the game out for Gamefly for about 3 weeks, I'm thinking about buying this game. I am wondering which version I should buy, 360 or PC. My PC meets the minimum requirements, but not much else. The demo ran pretty smoothly at low settings, but I would get a few frame rate hiccups. I currently use a SDTV on my 360, so graphics really don't matter much. I was wondering if the PC community was fairly active and if there is alot (or any) user made content.

The PC community is very active in COD 4. There are over 10,000 servers, and you can play it just like these XBox/PS3 gamers do (just for fun) or in a competitive arena like CAL, TGL, or CEVO. I don't really like the game much, but my suggestion would be to get the Xbox version if you just want something to pick up and play, or the PC version if you want to play in competitive leagues and ladders. Of course, KB+M is always preferable.


Rayme said:
I've always done it on "Warpig" (escorting the tank in the daylight in the Mideast). If you advance up to the bus quickly, there are some RPGs leaning against things (the bus itself and/or cargo containers?) that you can use to take down the incoming choppers, the ones that fastrope baddies down.
I love waiting until there are like 4 guys on fastropes before doing this.


Hey guys, how is the development for the PS3 versions of the maps coming along? Also, did the revamp of the PSN store play into the timing of the map's release?

Thanks for the updates in this thread.


any of you guys came across the SLAG clan yet in team DM or in Headquarters

just wondering if ive played some gaffers with out knowing it
Firebrand said:
I love Dead Silence, I'm using it on every setup as I tend to stick to smaller servers. They can't hear you, which makes it easier to stab people, and you hear them better. I find it really hard to hear which direction they're coming from though with my stereo headphones. I can't find any options to enable EAX or similar fancy 3D sound stuff.

Like has been said before. Many people don't even hear footsteps. Maybe this is more the case with the console version than the PC version, but I really don't need it. Currently I use headphones because it makes me hear footsteps almost too well. When putting sound on the speakers I don't hear them nearly as good. I think it has to do with the way the sound is being mixed by my receiver.
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