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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

For some reason, I keep doing really well with the AK47 and the ACOG. I think it's the best weapon for that scope. I've gotten 30+ kills in some games and I rarely do that because I'm probably just an okay player. And I had a question, the leaderboards for accuracy has the top guy as having like 2500% at hits and he has negatives misses. How did he do that? Crazy air raids and shotgun, or what?


Dumb question, but I'll ask anyway out of desperation.

I am the bringing of all that is wonderful in my apartment with the 360 and CoD4. Recently, one of my room mates has taken a liking to the game. Is there anyway at all that he can play online with my Live account without influencing my stats? I don't want my K/D ratio to crash in a fiery wreck.



PatzCU said:
Dumb question, but I'll ask anyway out of desperation.

I am the bringing of all that is wonderful in my apartment with the 360 and CoD4. Recently, one of my room mates has taken a liking to the game. Is there anyway at all that he can play online with my Live account without influencing my stats? I don't want my K/D ratio to crash in a fiery wreck.


I think they would need to pay for separate accounts.


I hit like 2.39 K/D when I was playing the game ALOT way back around Christmas, but now that I only play it every once in a while and I'm usually trying out different guns and perks it's dropped to like 2.4 or something, bah.

I really enjoy using the G3, but I do feel pretty much handicapped going up against someone using the M16. :lol I've been trying hardcore DM lately, and it's a lot better than the regular shit, but I cannot believe there's no way to boot team killers, or at least I didn't see a way. Had like back to back games the other night where guys were just killing teammates, pretty annoying.
Ramirez said:
I hit like 2.39 K/D when I was playing the game ALOT way back around Christmas, but now that I only play it every once in a while and I'm usually trying out different guns and perks it's dropped to like 2.4 or something, bah.

I really enjoy using the G3, but I do feel pretty much handicapped going up against someone using the M16. :lol I've been trying hardcore DM lately, and it's a lot better than the regular shit, but I cannot believe there's no way to boot team killers, or at least I didn't see a way. Had like back to back games the other night where guys were just killing teammates, pretty annoying.
That was happening to me tonight. I was just laughing at the stupidity. I actually knifed one dude in retaliation. Maybe it was the same people.

But yeah, I've been playing a lot of hardcore TDM as well. My ratio isn't all that great (1.6), but I'm pretty much #1 on my team every round nowadays. Plus, I have let my friends play on my account a few times. :p


More than a member.
when i was playing solo (whatever mode) i had 3.50 K/D ratio.
now im playing only with 1 or 2 friends everyday , i am @ 2.0 ratio.
that sux , my friends . :D


PatzCU said:
Dumb question, but I'll ask anyway out of desperation.
I am the bringing of all that is wonderful in my apartment with the 360 and CoD4. Recently, one of my room mates has taken a liking to the game. Is there anyway at all that he can play online with my Live account without influencing my stats? I don't want my K/D ratio to crash in a fiery wreck.
On 360 he'd need his own Gold XBL account. On PS3 he could just make a new one, but on 360 he'll need to pay that $6/mo tax that's always so lively debated. ;)

(Help him set up a Silver account, and tell him to just run out and grab a one-month card or something.... or, wait, Silver accounts get a free month of Gold or something, don't they? Eh, either way.)


I had a kickass idea on my way to work this morning. Imagine if CoD5 came with a bluetooth vest that you wore while playing the game, and anytime you got hit, the impact would be felt in the vest where you got shot.

How f'ing cool would that be.

Edit -- Apparently I was beaten to the punch.


Sigh... I'll never get rich, all the good ideas are already taken.


Any Gaffers went to the COD4 events @ gamestop last night? I went to the NYC one and dominated on the new Creek map :lol (came in third overall @ the end of the night).

Anyone else scored the token to download the maps for free?


works for Gamestop (lol)
I went to the San Jose one. Didnt get the maps for free though, lots of ppl there. Played the tv station/Broadcast map. I won the match but I didnt get enough points to win the grand prize.

I was the winner of the 2nd to last match if anyne was there. I think I acted like an idiot though when the guy was asking me quesitons


Wario64 said:
I went to the San Jose one. Didnt get the maps for free though, lots of ppl there. Played the tv station/Broadcast map. I won the match but I didnt get enough points to win the grand prize.

I was the winner of the 2nd to last match if anyne was there. I think I acted like an idiot though when the guy was asking me quesitons

Elaborate! :lol


I was also at the San Jose Gamestop event. I had the high score (412) in the Bravo Group playing in Chinatown. Left the event with a CoD4 shirt, water bottle, strategy guide, and the all important free map pack token.


I want thoe maps now!

My K/D ratio sucks. That's because this is my first online FPS though. I can win quite a few matches nowadays however. :D


Rayme said:
On 360 he'd need his own Gold XBL account. On PS3 he could just make a new one, but on 360 he'll need to pay that $6/mo tax that's always so lively debated. ;)

(Help him set up a Silver account, and tell him to just run out and grab a one-month card or something.... or, wait, Silver accounts get a free month of Gold or something, don't they? Eh, either way.)

More like $3.33 a month. Thats cheaper than Starbucks at times. I don't drink coffee but lump it in with your daily latte or something.

Look around, you can get 12 or even 12+1 (13!) month Live subscriptions for $39.99 from sites such as buy.com or amazon all the time.

Not even a debate IMO. :D


works for Gamestop (lol)
Ramirez said:
Elaborate! :lol
uhm, the guy was asking me where i was from and i said san jose (the place is alreayd in fucking san jose), then he said what i think about the place and i said "pretty cool"...i dont know, I wasnt paying attention lol.

i was in Juliet.


My assignment was Golf 12. I wasn't even supposed to be Golf.

Actually when I arrived ( a little after 7) there was already at least 150 people in line already. I decided to still get in the line; at the very least I get to check out the new maps. During the time I was there I was talking with some of the guys in the line and the Ghillie suit guys would stop and chat with us, even giving us dogtags.

About.. 10pm or so (still in the line outside mind you) one of the guys come right up to us and asks who wants to play. Without hesitation I answer :lol (the guys ahead of me didn't even realize what he asked till they pulled me from the line). Went inside, signed up and got my token :D

Sadly, the tokens were out by the time the other guys came in. I played - and dominated - in the creek map; the indoors one pretty much makes air-strikes and helicopters moot (you can go outside, but 90% of the stage is indoors). Noob-tube + Chinatown = how the 1st place guy ($1000 giftcard) won.

It sucked that I was told to wait around to the end of the event to claim a prize.. then to find there wasn't any runners-up prizes. Fourzertwo cheering me on probably was the highlight of my night.
Hate to double post but I found some really good stats for guns and perks. You can find out more about them here. Probably old but Ive never seen it before still helpful though.




A lot of good info there. These guides prove what I already knew. The G36c does crappy damage while the AK47 is just as strong as the M16. It also shows that reloading before you completely run out of bullets is ideal. Still trying to figure out the bullet penetration part.


I just KNEW that the AK and Skorpion does more damage than their counterparts.

Also, what's the goddamn point of carrying a Barrett over a Dragunov if they do the same damn damage but the Dragunov has less recoil?
ElyrionX said:
Also, what's the goddamn point of carrying a Barrett over a Dragunov if they do the same damn damage but the Dragunov has less recoil?

Increased bullet penetration according to the grid. Doubt people use that as a reason though. It's probably used more because it sounds like fuckin cannon going off.

Also look how close you have to be to take advantage of the increase in damage for the scorpion. The range on that thing is just shitty compared to everything else. I'll take a very small hit on damage for increased range.


IcebergSlim3000 said:
Increased bullet penetration according to the grid. Doubt people use that as a reason though. It's probably used more because it sounds like fuckin cannon going off.


THAT'S the reason I use it. It sounds FANTASTIC when firing. That and the fact that I saw it featured on Discovery's Futureweapons and jesus christ, that is one hell of a sniper rifle. The rounds it fires are HUGE. And I mean, it's not just HUGE, it's HUGE HUGE.

I'm also currently using Stopping Power and Steady Aim with my M16 along with either the ACOG or RDS (ACOG most of the time). But I'm reading that Steady Aim may not be that useful for the M16 as compared to a fully automatic weapon like the M4. So, instead of Steady Aim, which other perk is worth using? I'm considering Deep Impact since I've read that it does boost damage a little. And I'm not interested in Extreme Conditioning at all.


What the hell? It's impossible that the Barret doesn't do more damage than the Dragunov. I've tried both snipers a lot, and I always go back to the Barret because I usually need two shots with the Dragunov even if I have Stopping Power. In fact, there's many times when I can kill with just one Barret shot even if I don't have that perk.


New maps this week! <3 <3

ElyrionX said:
THAT'S the reason I use it. It sounds FANTASTIC when firing. That and the fact that I saw it featured on Discovery's Futureweapons and jesus christ, that is one hell of a sniper rifle. The rounds it fires are HUGE. And I mean, it's not just HUGE, it's HUGE HUGE.

I'm also currently using Stopping Power and Steady Aim with my M16 along with either the ACOG or RDS (ACOG most of the time). But I'm reading that Steady Aim may not be that useful for the M16 as compared to a fully automatic weapon like the M4. So, instead of Steady Aim, which other perk is worth using? I'm considering Deep Impact since I've read that it does boost damage a little. And I'm not interested in Extreme Conditioning at all.
It's true. The sound was the only reason I used it as well. :lol It certainly wasn't for the performance, because the kickback is ridiculous and the accuracy was crap even on non-moving targets at distance.

So.. I just coupled it with the ACOG and used it as a mid range weapon. Then added Dead Silence so I could get the drop on people and shoot them in the back at mid-range. BLAM! I used to sneak around and take out whole teams with one clip. BLAM!BLAM!BLAM!BLAM!.... BLAM!

..and don't get me started on the smile that'd come across my face if I downed someone into Last Stand. "I'm gonna shoot you in the face!"

As for what perk you should use with the M16:
Deep Impact only adds damage after penetration, not added damage in general. Not that you need it. So, Dead Silence would be my pick my a far margin.


IcebergSlim3000 said:
Hate to double post but I found some really good stats for guns and perks. You can find out more about them here. Probably old but Ive never seen it before still helpful though.




A lot of good info there. These guides prove what I already knew. The G36c does crappy damage while the AK47 is just as strong as the M16. It also shows that reloading before you completely run out of bullets is ideal. Still trying to figure out the bullet penetration part.
So with all weapons save sniper rifles it doesn't matter at all where you hit someone unless it's the head? Kind of lame.
ElyrionX said:

THAT'S the reason I use it. It sounds FANTASTIC when firing. That and the fact that I saw it featured on Discovery's Futureweapons and jesus christ, that is one hell of a sniper rifle. The rounds it fires are HUGE. And I mean, it's not just HUGE, it's HUGE HUGE.

My brother told me during training at boot camp there was an instance where the snipers were using a 50. Barret. He said you could literally hear the bullet going over head. He says that snipers actually dont like using the thing because it is so fucking loud. It's meant to take out engine blocks for christs sake.


To those using/suggestin Dead Silence, does it really add that much? I have a 5.1 sound system and I rarely (if ever) pick up on footsteps to detect enemies. And I doubt the majority of gamers out there have decent sound setups in the first place for such a perk to matter.
ElyrionX said:
To those using/suggestin Dead Silence, does it really add that much? I have a 5.1 sound system and I rarely (if ever) pick up on footsteps to detect enemies. And I doubt the majority of gamers out there have decent sound setups in the first place for such a perk to matter.

If your not using sound as a means to find people/knowing when to camp you're missing a major piece of the puzzle. I play with headphones on so I can hear everything. Sound is one of the best ways to find people on maps like Bloc. Using sound is essential in winning a 1 on 1 match. In fact I dont play any 1 on 1 matches until I unlock the Dead Silence perk.


ElyrionX said:
To those using/suggestin Dead Silence, does it really add that much? I have a 5.1 sound system and I rarely (if ever) pick up on footsteps to detect enemies. And I doubt the majority of gamers out there have decent sound setups in the first place for such a perk to matter.

Your system (or your hearing?) must be pretty terrible if you don't hear the direction people are coming from on it. Especially if they're running. Hell, I've used it on standard stereo setups and you can plainly distinguish whether a guy is coming from your left or right and what surface he's running on. So you can determine his location and if he's inside a building or upstairs.

Even if you're guessing that, "enough people don't have the setups to take advantage of it", it still takes your own footsteps out of the equation. Making it even easier to take advantage of the situation.


raYne said:

Your system (or your hearing?) must be pretty terrible if you don't hear the direction people are coming from on it. Especially if they're running. Hell, I've used it on standard stereo setups and you can plainly distinguish whether a guy is coming from your left, right and what surface he's running on. So you can determine his location and if he's inside a building or upstairs.

Even if you're guessing that, "enough people don't have the setups to take advantage of it", it still takes your own footsteps out of the equation. Making it even easier to take advantage of the situation.

Hmmmm, I do have pretty poor hearing to be honest, :lol. However, I just haven't noticed it that much. Maybe I'll try to be more conscious about it the next time I play and see if I can pick up anything.


ElyrionX said:
Hmmmm, I do have pretty poor hearing to be honest, :lol. However, I just haven't noticed it that much. Maybe I'll try to be more conscious about it the next time I play and see if I can pick up anything.
I'd even go as far as saying it's the best Perk in the game. It, and Stopping Power, make every custom setup better and should be the mainstays of all of them.


ElyrionX said:
To those using/suggestin Dead Silence, does it really add that much? I have a 5.1 sound system and I rarely (if ever) pick up on footsteps to detect enemies. And I doubt the majority of gamers out there have decent sound setups in the first place for such a perk to matter.

The sound is the greatest part. I get o many 7 kill sprees now thanks to listening for footsteps!


womp said:
More like $3.33 a month. Thats cheaper than Starbucks at times. I don't drink coffee but lump it in with your daily latte or something.

Look around, you can get 12 or even 12+1 (13!) month Live subscriptions for $39.99 from sites such as buy.com or amazon all the time.

Not even a debate IMO. :D

was the starbucks quote really needed. not every one drinks coffee, not everyone has to pay for online. there is a debate, when there or other sevices doing the samething online for free. not to menetion when im playing cod 4 on ps3, im doing the samthing your doing on live, only my service is free, and yours is not. its as simple as that.


GottiDC said:
was the starbucks quote really needed. not every one drinks coffee, not everyone has to pay for online. there is a debate, when there or other sevices doing the samething online for free. not to menetion when im playing cod 4 on ps3, im doing the samthing your doing on live, only my service is free, and yours is not. its as simple as that.

It's an example based on something that many people do every day and don't really notice. Purchase a daily service...Buy donuts, buy McDonalds, buy coffee etc etc. My wife EVERY weekday buys a bagel with cream cheese and a medium tea at Dunkin Donuts. It's $2.25.

There was a price point mentioned and I was just kinda sorta correcting plus giving insight on how I feel about people who complain about the fee to begin with.

We all know that the precious PSN is free. Fine, fantastic, great to hear you play online for free. On a same note was your quote about that necessary in return? However guess what, by your example not everyone owns a PS3 either.

And as a side note I don't know anyone that not only does NOT own a PS3 but COD 4 for the PS3 for that matter.

It's a 360 COD 4 situation personally so PSN's free online doesn't do squat for me. In the long run I'm not bitching and I don't honestly care because $3 a day over a $39.99 yearly fee isn't an issue for me.

MS with the 360 was the first console to really take the whole online thing and run with it in terms of an overall self enclosed user interface system. I finally broke down and got one last September and was very impressed with it. The XBOX and PS2's were sloppy. 360 improved on it immensely and PSN is a huge step in the PS3's direction but at the end of the day it's about competition and that is a good thing by anyone's standards. Hopefully eventually when MS feels the heat enough we'll get free LIVE service on the 360, I'd love that, but in the meantime I'll pay to play with my buddies (And I'm not talking random internet forumites necessarily) because it isn't something I can do with a PS3. Free or not.


ElyrionX said:

THAT'S the reason I use it. It sounds FANTASTIC when firing. That and the fact that I saw it featured on Discovery's Futureweapons and jesus christ, that is one hell of a sniper rifle. The rounds it fires are HUGE. And I mean, it's not just HUGE, it's HUGE HUGE.

I'm also currently using Stopping Power and Steady Aim with my M16 along with either the ACOG or RDS (ACOG most of the time). But I'm reading that Steady Aim may not be that useful for the M16 as compared to a fully automatic weapon like the M4. So, instead of Steady Aim, which other perk is worth using? I'm considering Deep Impact since I've read that it does boost damage a little. And I'm not interested in Extreme Conditioning at all.



I love Dead Silence, I'm using it on every setup as I tend to stick to smaller servers. They can't hear you, which makes it easier to stab people, and you hear them better. I find it really hard to hear which direction they're coming from though with my stereo headphones. I can't find any options to enable EAX or similar fancy 3D sound stuff.


So I just played a round of Domination and tried listening for footsteps but I just can't get it. At first, I tried it with my surround setup but it's late and I can't turn up the volume much so it doesn't really work out. I can't hear a single footstep and the fucking 360 and its jet engine is not helping either. So I switched to headphones and it doesn't work too. Yes, if I try really hard I can make out the footsteps but most of the time, you have airstrikes, choppers, grenades and guns going off all over the damn place in addition to your team's default chatter, it's really hard to make out footsteps at all.


That's odd. I've got a crap stereo pushing the sound, and I can clearly hear people walking or running. I play almost exclusively free for all. So EVERY time I hear a footstep, I know it's a nearby enemy.

I don't think it helps as much during team games, cuz your teammates are always making such a racket. Any footfalls you hear are just as likely to be friendly as they are enemy.
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