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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


If I ever meet the people responsible for the level design, respawning enemies and annoying AI which makes Veteran pure frustration I'll most definitely stab them. A lot. And then force them to play CoD4 until they can beat the game start from finish without dying a single time on veteran.


cultofweaver said:
If you're still having trouble working out the routes on the maps then I'd highly recommend playing a load of objective games. Domination especially has well chosen spots that teach you the prime battlegrounds on each map quickly. I was getting royally shagged on them just playing Deathmatch the first day, but a few games of objective saw me back up to a respectable, absolutely average, score.

Headquarters on Creek can be absolute carnage too. If the HQ is the cave then it turns into the Battle of the Somme as wave after wave of men throw themselves into a storm of grenades. I think our entire team on one match died about 5 times each trying to destroy that HQ spot. It's great.
Very true. At first I was very overwhelmed by Creek, but after playing a few objective games, it's actually laid out very well with multiple ways to get to some great spots. I also noticed a lot less sniping last night -- I think people are now figuring out where the campers are most of the time.

Chinatown is still a little confusing, but it's fun as hell on S&D. Location B is in a great spot that always creates some chaos.


Problem I have with creek is there's a lack of cover. If yo ucna get to the waterfall you've got some but getting there you're an easy target


Man, I was just watching some gameplay footage of Creek on Gametrailers and that map looks sweet. Looks huge! Can't wait till these maps hit the PS3. I remember someone from IW said before they shipped the game, they wrote some effects stuff to take advantage of the SPUs. I wonder if with this map pack they are using the SPUs even more?
I don't know if it's because people don't expect it, but I found the absolute best tactic for something like Sabotage on Creek is just go Rambo and run around the edge of the map with the bomb stopping for nothing. All our carefully laid out plans with smoke grenades and fire suppression and all that failed miserably, but one dude grabbing the bomb and legging it up the hill worked pretty much everytime.

It's also a lot of fun narrating your experience to your teammates as you hear gunfire pepper the ground around you in your mad dash for the prize. Then get shot with a second to go as you plant it.
So, my copy came in. I've been playing the campaign.

Oh, my fucking God. How did they make this game look so good with such a super silky framerate?

Holy shit!


I dont have any problems with snipers on creek. If you don't try to rambo it up the middle, any sniper spot is fairly easy to approach
Finally got around to downloading the maps. Worth 10 Bucks? Probably not.

3 Fun maps? Definitely. I'll be happy when they get integrated into the main playlists.
This game needs two things fixed for perfection:

1. SPAWNS. They're awful. On Chinatown I got spawned on top of a grenade, under an airstrike, with 2 teammates and 2 enemies surrounding me. What killed me? A knife.
2. Options to silence in-game music. I've put something like 6 days into MP (it's like crack) and being able to have custom playlists at an ideal volume without it being drowned out by in-game music would be awesome.


SolidSquirrel said:
This game needs two things fixed for perfection:

1. SPAWNS. They're awful. On Chinatown I got spawned on top of a grenade, under an airstrike, with 2 teammates and 2 enemies surrounding me. What killed me? A knife.
2. Options to silence in-game music. I've put something like 6 days into MP (it's like crack) and being able to have custom playlists at an ideal volume without it being drowned out by in-game music would be awesome.
Yeah, I've found the spawns for the new maps to be horrible. Far too many times I've been looking an enemy dead in the face right after spawning. Or there's someone already behind me. This shouldn't be happening a second after I respawn.


I still haven't come across Killhouse. Apparently it's not very good, but still.... where the fuck is it?

Creek, Chinatown, and Broadcast are AWESOME. I wasn't too hot on them at first, but now that I've grown to master each I can appreciate the design.

X26 said:
Problem I have with creek is there's a lack of cover. If yo ucna get to the waterfall you've got some but getting there you're an easy target
That's what makes Creek interesting!

Granted I probably say that now since I just got 8 kills from a chopper in Creek. :)


Socreges said:
Granted I probably say that now since I just got 8 kills from a chopper in Creek. :)
On an open map like Creek, taking down the chopper should be priority one. It always is for me. But if the other team doesn't want to shoot down my chopper, I'm perfectly fine with it.

Also, I didn't know that my own streak and my chopper's streak are separate. I've gotten back-to-back UAVs and airstrikes several times while playing on Creek. Never really noticed before.


USD said:
On an open map like Creek, taking down the chopper should be priority one. It always is for me. But if the other team doesn't want to shoot down my chopper, I'm perfectly fine with it.
Yeah, good point.

I mean, I'm on the ledge in the middle, not really doing much since the opposition is holed up in the barn. +20...... +20...... +20, etc. After a while, you kinda, begin to pity them. Didn't they learn the first time??


Frillen said:
Finally!!.... Oh wait, I have the 360 version and I already have the maps...

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Oh, I'm sorry: didn't know this thread was labeled "Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread of Xbox 360 version". Sure, my bad.
PS3 COD4 not getting a rumble patch:

fourzerotwo // April 7, 2008 at 11:48 pm

@ Those Asking About Rumble: As I’ve said, there are no plans to add rumble to CoD4 PS3, the Rumble tech / support for the PS3 came way to late in Call of Duty 4 to be implemented, we’re almost half a year out since launch and it would require a major code overhaul to add that sort of feature in now.

Source: http://iamfourzerotwo.com/2008/04/07/ps3-dlc-in-certification/

I think its comment #23.

IW sucks for not making a rumble patch. blah.


AmericanNinja said:
PS3 COD4 not getting a rumble patch:

Source: http://iamfourzerotwo.com/2008/04/07/ps3-dlc-in-certification/

I think its comment #23.

IW sucks for not making a rumble patch. blah.
We've been saying that for a while now. Hell, it's been said many times by IW reps on these boards as well. Yet the asking persists.

U K Narayan said:
Shouldn't you be blaming Sony? The very fact that they didn't initially include rumble is absolutely absurd.

Infinity Ward shouldn't receive flak for Sony's mistake.
Plus, this.
U K Narayan said:
Shouldn't you be blaming Sony? The very fact that they didn't initially include rumble is absolutely absurd.

Infinity Ward shouldn't receive flak for Sony's mistake.

They couldn't they were in the middle of a lawsuit with immersion. If other companies can patch in rumble there is no reason IW cant for COD4. Just MHO.


I used spectator mode for the first time, and wow. In Creek, there's a whole graveyard area behind the high side of the map that's blocked off.


Ok well, after returning to this game for a month or so from a short hiatus, I think the respawning methods the game employs has finally gotten to me enough to stop playing. The next time the game respawns me right in front of a member of the opposite team, I'm going to shoot someone, in real life. Thankfully, that won't be the case though if I stop playing. :)


Is this thread about single player, too?

Anywho, I just finished the single player mode and I have
to say that it ranks up there with Half-Life 2 as one of the
finest single player FPS experiences I've ever had.

I keep trying to get into multi-player, but I always end up
killing a teammate, at which point I quickly exit the game
out of embarrassment. Never to return again.
ethic said:
I keep trying to get into multi-player, but I always end up
killing a teammate, at which point I quickly exit the game
out of embarrassment. Never to return again.

Friendly fire is off unless you are playing hardcore.


yesterday, i was playing this hardcore search and destroy match.

it was in chinatown, which i love, so i was looking forward to it.

except one of my teammates, at the beginning of every round, would just fire a rocket that would kill all of us. wtf

and last stand really pisses me off in hardcore. i don't like how the other team doesn't lose points for killing their teammate in last stand (only the individual loses points)

but man, broadcast and chinatown are so awesome.
ethic said:
Is this thread about single player, too?

Anywho, I just finished the single player mode and I have
to say that it ranks up there with Half-Life 2 as one of the
finest single player FPS experiences I've ever had.

I keep trying to get into multi-player, but I always end up
killing a teammate, at which point I quickly exit the game
out of embarrassment. Never to return again.

I agree with you about the singleplayer campaign. Loved it from start to finish and am always surprised at how many people complain about it.

As far as multiplayer goes - you WILL get used to spotting friend from foe - it can just be a pain in the ass in the beginning. Give it a little bit of time and you'll have no problems. You'll also get to enjoy the finest next-gen multiplayer FPS on any console.
NullPointer said:
I agree with you about the singleplayer campaign. Loved it from start to finish and am always surprised at how many people complain about it.

As far as multiplayer goes - you WILL get used to spotting friend from foe - it can just be a pain in the ass in the beginning. Give it a little bit of time and you'll have no problems. You'll also get to enjoy the finest next-gen multiplayer FPS on any console.
Put me on the list of people who thought the SP was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

As to determining friend from foe, it's only in the 'Hardcore' games that you can hurt your team mates, and newbies won't (or at least shouldn't) be playing those anyway. So the worst thing that can happen is that you distract your teammate by opening a full clip into them by mistake - embarrassing, but hardly fatal :lol

Sectus said:
If I ever meet the people responsible for the level design, respawning enemies and annoying AI which makes Veteran pure frustration I'll most definitely stab them. A lot. And then force them to play CoD4 until they can beat the game start from finish without dying a single time on veteran.
If you could beat the game without dying a single time on veteran, then it would be time to add a harder mode! Personally I played veteran because it was a challenge; if it isn't challenging then what's the point?

I found the level design to be some of the best I've ever come across, with the sole exception being
the missile silos
. Respawning enemies were only a problem for me when I didn't realise they were respawning: there were actually times when I hung back for ages taking out endlessly respawning enemies just because it was fun (e.g. start of War Pig). And the AI never gave me any dramas, unless you're referring to the fact that your teammates do nothing on veteran? Personally I liked that fact (more action for me), except on Heat.
AmericanNinja said:
They couldn't they were in the middle of a lawsuit with immersion. If other companies can patch in rumble there is no reason IW cant for COD4. Just MHO.

Who's fault that they were in the lawsuit to begin with? They violated a patent, then denied that they did, then a court of law confirmed that they were in the wrong. You act like Sony is the victim here. They could have settled like Microsoft.

NullPointer said:
As far as multiplayer goes - you WILL get used to spotting friend from foe - it can just be a pain in the ass in the beginning. Give it a little bit of time and you'll have no problems. You'll also get to enjoy the finest next-gen multiplayer FPS on any console.

Unless you run into the bug where it doesn't show your team mates name above their head in hardcore and you accidentally shoot them. I can't tell how many times I've heard someone say "sorry, I didn't see your name".

Stoney Mason said:
Doesn't it say next week on that Call of Duty news thing when you load the game?

Yesterday on iamfourzerotwo.com he said:

Come Tuesday morning Double XP will be gone for good and the new maps will be added to ALL playlists, so get your last bit of XP whoring in and try to reach that level 55 of the prestige you promised you wouldn’t do again before you realized it was double XP!"

So they *should* be up now.
AmericanNinja said:
If other companies can patch in rumble there is no reason IW cant for COD4. Just MHO.
raYne said:
Yeah, that's not how game development works.
There is no reason that IW can't add rumble. They just don't seem to have a strong enough economic incentive to do so. That's how game development works.

The writing was on the wall when Grant Collier was asked who his main competition was on the PS3, and he smugly said "I'll have to get back to you on that one".


endlessflood said:
There is no reason that IW can't add rumble. They just don't seem to have a strong enough economic incentive to do so. That's how game development works.

The writing was on the wall when Grant Collier was asked who his main competition was on the PS3, and he smugly said "I'll have to get back to you on that one".
I never said it wasn't possible to do so. The IW guys said they could, but it'd require a lot of code/engine modification. So it's just not in the cards for it to happen.

I'm just saying that just because another dev team did it on a completely different game, doesn't mean that IW will. ie You don't just do stuff because someone wants it. It's still business.. and as you said, incentive etc.
Started playing CoD4 again in the last week, and I'm really not feeling a lot of the maps anymore. Quite a few of them are just too similar, and the glitches and cheap hiding spots people have found over time definitely aren't helping.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I can't wait for the new maps to hit the PS3. Sucks to not get rumble, but it's no great loss.

blindrocket said:
As for rumble, I bet SOCOM will have it when it releases on PS3. ;)

Not to derail the thread or anything, but I don't see the appeal of SOCOM. I take it that it's big in North America though.


industrian said:
Not to derail the thread or anything, but I don't see the appeal of SOCOM. I take it that it's big in North America though.

Well, you have to semi good to actually kill people in Socom.

I throw up a little in my mouth every time I see someone's killcam show them full sprinting, coming to a stop with their LMG and hip firing and some how havin the accuracy to kill me. :p

I need to buy the new maps...


I just wrote a review of the maps on my website. Instead of just spamming with a link, instead, here is the full thing because this is pretty much only the second review I've written so if you care to judge me please do:


Though sadly some people are still waiting for the release of new maps for Call of Duty 4 (Infinity Ward and Sony are on it!), 360 owners are enjoying a ‘Double XP’ weekend (IW’s weekend lasts until Wednesday btw). I bought the pack on day one, but have been so addicted I forgot to write up a review. I think for the most part I can leave out the graphics and gameplay since the game is already out, rather these will just be my impressions on the new maps and some thoughts on your weapon choice and what to expect.

For the low low cost of $10, you get yourself 4 maps on top of three new playlists to ensure you can get the most out of these specific maps, a Variety Pack Team Deathmatch, Team Objective, and Team Hardcore. You all know the variations on the game types, but let’s delve into the maps themselves.


After buying the maps, I quickly jump into Team Deathmatch for starters. Broadcast is my first map, AWESOME (it was personally the one I have been waiting for the most), I have a shotgun ready. This was not my best weapon choice. This map is bigger than one would think. Lots of places to go outside as well as nicely designed and sized inside. The building is three levels high (counting the roof), where a ton of action ends up taking place. Whether it is from people coming from the three different entrances to the top of the building or from being sniped from across the way where you can find some abandoned buildings, there is few times where you won’t be firing a gun, which is such a pleasure on a fairly good sized map like this.

My Weapon of choice: LMG - load up some perks that will make your bullets hard enough to kill superman and you will end up getting kills from people trying to hide behind walls and desks.


Next up, Creek. I heard this is a sniper level, so I decide a shotgun may not be my best bet here. The level is filled with so many random houses that can be used for cover. As I kept dying, I keep spawning in different areas. Huge map here. There is even a little cave to run through that almost becomes a mini-game of sorts, either taking over the cave or trying to hold it down could easily entertain someone for a whole match. I did explore more, I’m not a great sniper, so I found myself lying low quite a lot or hiding behind trees when possible. Noteworthy: If you still need to get your five kills with an airstrike challenge, this is the level to do it in, wide open spaces here.

My Weapon of choice: Sniper - An obvious choice, but.. obvious for a good reason.


Chinatown time. Looks like a shotgun level (since my first match I have been waiting to use my shotgun). Boy was I wrong. Though there is many opportunities for close range battle. For the most part you will find yourself looking out the many windows in all the buildings. This level puts me on edge like a mo fo. From the start, I recommend finding a building a holding it up. There is a dvd store that has many entrances and exits, but with that it comes with having the best views of most of the level. Airstrikes a nearly useless on this map, but a good helicopter will easily help your team spot out enemies running like wild. Find a buddy, have one person watch the door and the other a window, and you are set (yeah, its cheap, but its strategy!)

My Weapon of choice - SMG or Assault - Use perks to make your bullets strong as hell and have some fun, lots of thin walls to go through.


Killhouse. All I can think of is this is like a paintball arena. This doesn’t seem to come up in any of the playlists (that I played at least), so I loaded up a custom game to check it out. It is the smallest of the four maps, possibly the smallest of all the maps (not counting Shipment.. which I am not sure if you can really even consider it a map).

My Weapon of choice - Shotgun - Well, I assume the shotgun would be good, haven’t really got to get my playtime in the map, just enjoyed the sites.

For those thinking about waiting on these maps to become free, well I directly asked Mr FourZeroTwo himself on the matter, and he said, “We don’t know any of that yet, we’re currently talking all that out with the respective partners involved (i.e. Activision / Microsoft / Sony )” So though possible, I honestly wouldn’t wait up to get these free, these maps are easily worth $10 if not more. In fact, even if you aren’t bored of the current maps, you will not regret picking the new ones up, highly recommended.
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