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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Hey guys. Just a heads-up. COD4 (the original, non-map pack version) is up for sale on Amazon for PS3 and 360 for $35. Hurry hurry hurry if you don't have a copy already.


ElyrionX said:
Does anybody seriously enjoy the low health part of Hardcore? I mean, sure, go ahead and make sniper rifles one shot one kill but don't make it so easy for someone wielding a SMG or even an assault rifle.

Some of my XBL friends only play hardcore. I really don't like it, I usually go 20-10 (on average) playing regular team deathmatch, and when I play hardcore I actually die more times than I get kills. It pisses me off. I have almost completely stopped playing hardcore.


Rayme said:
Hahah; yeah. But you know what he (and others) are getting at, I think.

For me, it's that you're so fragile, but so are they. Margin of error is very tiny. And yeah, if someone flanks you, you're very fucked, but that's kind of the point. Maneuvering and communicating and playing the bigger picture. And a 5-10 sec respawn makes your life even more precious to you.

I can see how Hardcore just isn't for some people, that's totally valid. But for those of us that like it, it's not that we're masochists, honest. =)

The vibe of a Hardcore TDM match is really different from a Standard TDM, in my experience. I like it. Good variety, at least.
Oh, I understand. Plus, I'd rather have the option, than none at all. So, the more modes the better. ;)

On that note. Since the damage zones are already in the game (head/torso/limbs), was there any thought during development into just tweaking it further for Hardcore? As in, 1-2 bullets in the head or body, but 3+ in the limbs? The stance that if anything hits you anywhere, you die, is a bit uhh.. yeah..

SonnyBoy said:
To be perfectly honest, I like hardcore. It's hard to swap back and forth between the modes.
You would... *rollseyes* :p


daw840 said:
Some of my XBL friends only play hardcore. I really don't like it, I usually go 20-10 (on average) playing regular team deathmatch, and when I play hardcore I actually die more times than I get kills. It pisses me off. I have almost completely stopped playing hardcore.

That happened to me at first until I got used to it. If you're consistently getting 2-1 K/D ratios in non-Hardcore, give Hardcore more time and you'll get used to it.

My only advice is that Hardcore places a lot more emphasis on your movement around the map as well as your anticipation of where enemies will come from. Having an insanely fast reaction helps a lot too. My reaction is AWFULLY slow but I can aim well so I tend to do better in non-Hardcore because I can recover from my slow reaction with good shooting but in Hardcore, my chances are far reduced since my slow reaction means I'm dead before I can even pull the trigger.


ElyrionX said:
That happened to me at first until I got used to it. If you're consistently getting 2-1 K/D ratios in non-Hardcore, give Hardcore more time and you'll get used to it.

My only advice is that Hardcore places a lot more emphasis on your movement around the map as well as your anticipation of where enemies will come from. Having an insanely fast reaction helps a lot too. My reaction is AWFULLY slow but I can aim well so I tend to do better in non-Hardcore because I can recover from my slow reaction with good shooting but in Hardcore, my chances are far reduced since my slow reaction means I'm dead before I can even pull the trigger.

That is exactly what bothers me. I mean, I have almost 8 days and 5 prestige modes invested in this game, and I have probably only played 50 hardcore matches. Almost all of which I was last on my team:lol
I try to have good situational awareness when playing in hardcore. Like has been said before, knowing where your enemies can come from is important.

In general, I am playing the game stealthy with a good use of available cover. Sure, I'll try to run and gun from time to time but above all I try to play the game in a realistic manner. I know that it won't get me the most kills but I'll get the most enjoyment out of it.
I find that using a silenced weapon and uav jammer helps a lot on hardcore as well. It took me some time to get used to the iron sights again, but you're completely off the radar and it allows you to get the drop on opponents.

When the enemy's UAV goes up they start moving more freely. I consistently have guys turn the corner without any caution right into my line of fire because I'm not showing up on their HUD. This complete surprise almost always allows me to get the drop on them, even if I'm surprised as well.
joeblackisback said:
I find that using a silenced weapon and uav jammer helps a lot on hardcore as well. It took me some time to get used to the iron sights again, but you're completely off the radar and it allows you to get the drop on opponents.

When the enemy's UAV goes up they start moving more freely. I consistently have guys turn the corner without any caution right into my line of fire because I'm not showing up on their HUD. This complete surprise almost always allows me to get the drop on them, even if I'm surprised as well.

I dunno man. UAV jammer is very popular in Hardcore, and when the opposing team uses a UAV and only sees two of 6 people on it, they probably aren't going to pay much attention to their radar. If some guy turns the corner on you and you're waiting there, you're probably would have killed him anyway, UAV or not.

The thing that bugs me about Hardcore is the removal of the map. It's a far better way of communicating who is covering what than having people try and explain. It also marginalizes the silencer.

Hardcore and MLG Halo settings are similar in one respect for me. They both overshoot solving a legitimate problem in the normal game (Killcams and Motion Tracker respectively) and change a bunch of other stuff that didn't really need it.


PedroLumpy said:
Hardcore and MLG Halo settings are similar in one respect for me. They both overshoot solving a legitimate problem in the normal game (Killcams and Motion Tracker respectively) and change a bunch of other stuff that didn't really need it.
This is the perfect summarization of Hardcore.


PedroLumpy said:
The thing that bugs me about Hardcore is the removal of the map. It's a far better way of communicating who is covering what than having people try and explain. It also marginalizes the silencer.

I think you can still see the map + friendlies in the start menu
I'm sorry Call of Duty. I went back to Halo 3 today.

But only for about 20 minutes! I promise, it'll never happen again. You are my true love.


Got in on the Amazon deal today to get this for $35. Can't wait to get it! I suppose I'm gonna be owned severely online after most people having had the game for 5 months.
I could definitely get in on this Amazon.com deal if I wanted to, but I don't think I will. Ugh. I would, but I know that since I'm already playing Bioshock now, and I'll be getting GTA4 soon, I wouldn't have any time to play COD4 anyway. The timing just isn't right for me.


bigmakstudios said:
I could definitely get in on this Amazon.com deal if I wanted to, but I don't think I will. Ugh. I would, but I know that since I'm already playing Bioshock now, and I'll be getting GTA4 soon, I wouldn't have any time to play COD4 anyway. The timing just isn't right for me.

I've played COD4 since the beta, on and off. That's ~5+ months already. It's like slipping into a comfortable robe. Or a worn pair of slippers. Where you shoot people. Ok that one went off the rails, but point is, COD4 has no timing, it is eternal.


he's Virgin Tight™
Victrix said:
I've played COD4 since the beta, on and off. That's ~5+ months already. It's like slipping into a comfortable robe. Or a worn pair of slippers. Where you shoot people. Ok that one went off the rails, but point is, COD4 has no timing, it is eternal.

Exactly like me. I was one of the first 250 to play the Beta with the Family and bla bla bla program thing. Since then... I have played on and off. Once more, I am readdicted. This game will last until COD6 comes on Xbox720!
Had the easiest TDM Ever. :lol

they were basically walking INTO the line of fire. Our team won. what was funny was *I* was in first place with 28 kills and the second person got 8 and I used that M16 and finished the rest with a M9 gun when I ran out of ammo. Got 15 kill streak before dying :D


hide your water-based mammals
MaizeRage25 said:
I'm sorry Call of Duty. I went back to Halo 3 today.

But only for about 20 minutes! I promise, it'll never happen again. You are my true love.
Braylon in your av? And I can hardly play Halo after touching COD4. I never really had a knack for it anyways. BTW any word on PS3 maps anyone? Updates from the front maybe?


Hey guys, i am having a weird bug during splitscreen mode. When i play with 2 other players besides me (a total of 3 players) in splitscreen mode, all of us change our options to enable inverse look in the controls, but for the second player that option never comes to fruition.

Even if you enable it, it still keeps working the normal way. That bug only happens with the second player, when 3 of us are playing.

Thanks in advance.
I can't believe people even consider playing anything other than Hardcore. I don't think I have a single challenge complete for the other modes (aside from the TDM wins you get while finishing your early ranks).

Its just incomprehensible to me that you'd want to go back to a cluttered screen, sprint-and-squeeze, martyrdumbass-laden, juggernaut fest. Hardcore Deathmatch for those who want some realistic squad-based skirmishing, and Hardcore Search and Destroy for tactical objective-based team play. Radar is earned and precious, stealth and cover recommended, and team play and tactics essential. It makes for the most realistic, engrossing team-based shooter experience yet created, and anything less than that is just wasting time IMO.


Ned Flanders said:
I can't believe people even consider playing anything other than Hardcore. I don't think I have a single challenge complete for the other modes (aside from the TDM wins you get while finishing your early ranks).

Its just incomprehensible to me that you'd want to go back to a cluttered screen, sprint-and-squeeze, martyrdumbass-laden, juggernaut fest. Hardcore Deathmatch for those who want some realistic squad-based skirmishing, and Hardcore Search and Destroy for tactical objective-based team play. Radar is earned and precious, stealth and cover recommended, and team play and tactics essential. It makes for the most realistic, engrossing team-based shooter experience yet created, and anything less than that is just wasting time IMO.

You made me all wet for some COD4, but I have to work!
Ned Flanders said:
I can't believe people even consider playing anything other than Hardcore. I don't think I have a single challenge complete for the other modes (aside from the TDM wins you get while finishing your early ranks).

Its just incomprehensible to me that you'd want to go back to a cluttered screen, sprint-and-squeeze, martyrdumbass-laden, juggernaut fest. Hardcore Deathmatch for those who want some realistic squad-based skirmishing, and Hardcore Search and Destroy for tactical objective-based team play. Radar is earned and precious, stealth and cover recommended, and team play and tactics essential. It makes for the most realistic, engrossing team-based shooter experience yet created, and anything less than that is just wasting time IMO.

Well, since you asked:

Cluttered screen? You mean the exp numbers popping up? Or the grenade indicators? Anyway, doesn't really bother me.

I kinda like 'sprint and squeeze'. I find it absolutely no fun to sit around waiting. If everyone just camps, then no one is going to kill anyone. On an aside, I just hate this attitude by campers. They mock us for our run and gun playstyle, but if no one did it, they would have no one to shoot, and would have no fun at all. Have some respect campers, we're here for you.

Martyrdom is annoying, and is very rare in Hardcore. But TKing is very annoying, and is not found in Normal.

NOTHING IS WRONG WITH JUGGERNAUT. My god, I think everyone was probably taking you more or less seriously until this point. How can extra health be rigged but not extra damage? I have never seen someone dominate a round thanks to Juggs.

Radar is earned in normal as well, stealth and cover are also still important.

Teamplay and tactics still work in normal.

More realistic? Sure. But most people are looking for a fun game, not a realistic game. Realism at the cost of fun (obviously opinions of fun vary from person to person) is not good in many peoples eyes.

Now I'm not going to be an ass and say you're wasting your time in Hardcore. Essentially more choice is better.


Regular TD is my bread and butter but it definitely is nice to jump into some of the other types for a change of pace.

I too come from the school of hating camping snipers, and most of the time all I want to do is run and gun – but to say there are no tactics involved in that is pretty funny. Extreme conditioning helps running and looking for cover, knowing where enemies are likely to see/shoot you from etc, its basically all the same things you need to consider for hardcore except much more fast paced because there is less a fear of death.

The main difference in hardcore for me is that you are much more reliant on your team mates skill/tactics, you cant lone-wolf it like you can in regular modes


Crisis said:
Hey guys. Just a heads-up. COD4 (the original, non-map pack version) is up for sale on Amazon for PS3 and 360 for $35. Hurry hurry hurry if you don't have a copy already.

This would piss me off, but luckily I got mine last month with Gamestop's $39 deal... but still, these kinds of deals make you never want to pay full price for anything.
lawblob said:
This would piss me off, but luckily I got mine last month with Gamestop's $39 deal... but still, these kinds of deals make you never want to pay full price for anything.

wat. Game came out over half a year ago. You're surprised by this?


Hardcore and realism. :lol I remember when Alex Ward was giving an interview with GameTrailers and one of the reasons Hardcore mode was added because a lot of members from the mod community would make realism mods like Revolt from Call of Duty 1. I knew from day one it was going to be a half ass job, they tried but you can never beat the mod community on something like realism.


VaLiancY said:
Hardcore and realism. :lol I remember when Alex Ward was giving an interview with GameTrailers and one of the reasons Hardcore mode was added because a lot of members from the mod community would make realism mods like Revolt from Call of Duty 1. I knew from day one it was going to be a half ass job, they tried but you can never beat the mod community on something like realism.

I heard there is a mod where, for example, your claymores explode even if someone from your team steps on them. If that's the realism you're talking about, I'll take IW's Hardcore, thank you.


we all knew her
Is there any chance that IW patches the PS3 version to add rumble support? I searched the thread and couldn't find anything suggesting this was going to happen, but wanted to double-check.
zesty said:
Is there any chance that IW patches the PS3 version to add rumble support? I searched the thread and couldn't find anything suggesting this was going to happen, but wanted to double-check.

I thought an IW rep came in this thread (or maybe someone posted a quote) and said that they weren't going to spend the resources to patch-in rumble. Something about it requiring too much work and there not being enough benefit.


Ned Flanders said:
I can't believe people even consider playing anything other than Hardcore. I don't think I have a single challenge complete for the other modes (aside from the TDM wins you get while finishing your early ranks).

Its just incomprehensible to me that you'd want to go back to a cluttered screen, sprint-and-squeeze, martyrdumbass-laden, juggernaut fest. Hardcore Deathmatch for those who want some realistic squad-based skirmishing, and Hardcore Search and Destroy for tactical objective-based team play. Radar is earned and precious, stealth and cover recommended, and team play and tactics essential. It makes for the most realistic, engrossing team-based shooter experience yet created, and anything less than that is just wasting time IMO.

I agree with most of your points but Hardcore definitely takes away one key element of COD4's gameplay: the gun fights.

It's a fact that COD4 has a really nice variety of weapons and some very good shooting mechanics to go along with it. It takes skill to master a weapon such as the M14 and to be able to hold your own with it against a P90 in close quarters. It takes experience to judge the distance at which hip firing is more effective than shoulder firing. It also takes skill to be able to pull off a circle strafe to win a gun fight.

All of that is lost in Hardcore because you go down so fast that the only thing that matters is who pulled the trigger first.


ElyrionX said:
All of that is lost in Hardcore because you go down so fast that the only thing that matters is who pulled the trigger first.

You're not getting it if you think that it boils down to that.

Forget about grenade spamming, jackasses who can only get kills by running and gunning, maps always full of people because of the instant respawn or seeing five air strikes and three helicopters in a row. The point of hardcore is to make the game more tactical, inciting you to rely less on your aiming skills and more on listening and observing your surroundings. And I love the fact that I have that alternative to regular Team Deathmatch, which, honestly, has more things that annoy me than Hardcore does.


SMZC said:
I heard there is a mod where, for example, your claymores explode even if someone from your team steps on them. If that's the realism you're talking about, I'll take IW's Hardcore, thank you.

No, not that. At the same time you have to give up some realism for gameplay. I can't imagine a development team doing something that drastic without a HUD warning, that is kind of shitty. :lol I just dislike the lack of recoil in Hardcore(and the whole game).


VaLiancY said:
No, not that. At the same time you have to give up some realism for gameplay. I can't imagine a development team doing something that drastic without a HUD warning, that is kind of shitty. :lol I just dislike the lack of recoil in Hardcore(and the whole game).

Yeah, I agree with that. And it's not just recoil, it's many things about how the weapons behave. I find ridiculous that you can aim with an M16 and do just fine, but then aim with an M4 and see how the sight moves, even though both weapons are extremely similar (in fact your character should handle the M4 better, since it's a lighter weapon, but they did this because everyone was complaining in the beta about how broken the M4 was).


Looks like the PS3 map pack is no longer coming out next week. The community blog says things are taking longer than expected. There is no confirmed date, even though the pack is through Sony certification.

Between the Metal Gear beta (4/21), GTAIV(4/29), the release of MGS4(6/12), I'm having trouble justifying this purchase. Maybe the MP in GTA will suck and I'll have some incentive to buy this, but I kind of doubt that.


Jtrizzy said:
Looks like the PS3 map pack is no longer coming out next week. The community blog says things are taking longer than expected. There is no confirmed date, even though the pack is through Sony certification.

Between the Metal Gear beta (4/21), GTAIV(4/29), the release of MGS4(6/12), I'm having trouble justifying this purchase. Maybe the MP in GTA will suck and I'll have some incentive to buy this, but I kind of doubt that.
The blog only indicates that there is a small delay finalizing the details of the release, not that the release itself is delayed. To the best of my knowledge it is not delayed.


Calen said:
The blog only indicates that there is a small delay finalizing the details of the release, not that the release itself is delayed. To the best of my knowledge it is not delayed.
It'll give me time to get a PSN card. :D


Cool. I hope they can make it by next Thursday. I have my doubts as to whether I'll actually like MGO enough to make it my main multiplayer addiction. I'm almost to level 55 and I'm definitely ready for some new maps.

fps fanatic said:
It'll give me time to get a PSN card. :D

Yeah it would be nice if the cards are out in time for this, On the Playstation blog today Peter Dille said that they would be out in the Spring in $20 and @50 dollar increments. It's Spring now though, so who knows.
My final word on the Hardcore versus regular is just different strokes. I can see why people enjoy both and they each have certain aspects to them that I like. For instance regular death match tends to have a pace and flow to it that spreads all over the map where as hardcore tends to take place in concentrated areas. It's all in what appeals to the type of player you are.
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