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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

Rexeverything said:
so how long after level 55 does an option to go PRESTIGE come up?

I've been at 55 for a couple of days... I keep earning xp every game, but it all seems worthless now.. is there something I need to do, or will it come up eventually ?

Go to the Barracks to check. Should be a progress bar on the right side.


RSTEIN said:
What's the GAF verdict? Are the extra maps worth it?
I hate that I got them, every single game I am matched with incredibly good players now all of a sudden. Broadcast is sex though.


I just went online for the first time and I cannot find a game of free-for-all or team deathmatch. It just keeps saying "Getting Match Quality..." What gives? I am on PS3 btw. Are there really no people to play with at a peak hour at night?


Trucker Sexologist
disappeared said:
Is CoD4 worth picking up for the single player alone? I'd like to get into some multiplayer, but I'd need a bunch of GAFfers to play with.
Single player is worth a rent but not a buy. Even pub matches are more fun than the campaign.


disappeared said:
Is CoD4 worth picking up for the single player alone? I'd like to get into some multiplayer, but I'd need a bunch of GAFfers to play with.

I'd say it is. I still play Single Player from time to time despite the fact I beat it on veteran already.


Not really much GAF wise. There is a thread with everyone's psn id's, but not anything organized. I play with a few people from Gaf every once in a while. Feel free to add me if you get it, I still play all the time. Honestly though, playing Mercenary Team Death Match is great, because you don't have to play against clans etc. Also the matchmaking is pretty good after an hour or so. I would highly recommend it.


So apparently if you're winning, you're not supposed to call in a chopper because it isn't "fair". At least that's what I learned from a few gold cross prestigers tonight. I should only use it if I'm in 3-4th place and it's near the end of the match. To try and make a comeback of course.

Limitless fountains of knowledge they are.


I call in my choppa' anytime. They must've been GameBattles players. I can see the sense in that but I prefer gaining a lead then catching up.


we all knew her
disappeared said:
Is there a big GAF community on the PS3 side, or do most guys here play 360?

You can add me to your friends list if you want. My PSN ID is snacknuts. I won't be on much (if at all) this week because of some school stuff I have going on, but I play a few times a week, usually late evening.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
disappeared said:
Is there a big GAF community on the PS3 side, or do most guys here play 360?

I used to play CoD4 religiously on my PS3. I don't know why I suddenly stopped, but once the maps are released then I'll probably jump back in.
raYne said:
So apparently if you're winning, you're not supposed to call in a chopper because it isn't "fair". At least that's what I learned from a few gold cross prestigers tonight. I should only use it if I'm in 3-4th place and it's near the end of the match. To try and make a comeback of course.

Limitless fountains of knowledge they are.


If it was the other way around, you know damn well they'll do the same thing. I have no problem winning a TD with a score of 750-300 with high-level prestiges.


raYne said:
So apparently if you're winning, you're not supposed to call in a chopper because it isn't "fair". At least that's what I learned from a few gold cross prestigers tonight. I should only use it if I'm in 3-4th place and it's near the end of the match. To try and make a comeback of course.

Limitless fountains of knowledge they are.

:lol :lol Seems live I've been missing a lot. There's an honor code among prestigers? :lol F'them. I'm definitely not going prestige now. Prestige doesn't even mean you're all that great, it means your not getting laid and you have entirely too much d@mn time on your hands.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
SonnyBoy said:
:lol :lol Seems live I've been missing a lot. There's an honor code among prestigers? :lol F'them. I'm definitely not going prestige now. Prestige doesn't even mean you're all that great, it means your not getting laid and you have entirely too much d@mn time on your hands.
Hmm. I normally don't respond to such ignorant statements as the ones Ando and I get bombarded with on a daily basis, but this is from a fellow Gaffer so I have to correct you.

1) I'm married to an incredibly awesome wife. (so your claim is out)
2) I'm in a doctorate program so I'm taking 32 credit hours per tri-semester (so school never stops) as well as I have clinical shifts 16 hours a week.
3. I have a 12 hour a week job (moreso a work study)
4. I'm in the gym with my wife 5-6 hours a week.
4. I'm a 10th level prestige. (not level 55 yet though.)

The games been out almost 6 months, so its not unreasonable at all for regular working people, with busy lives and families to be 10th prestige. It just means that they probably don't play any other games and play at least an hour a day. (And probably don't get much sleep :lol )


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
vumpler said:
Hmm. I normally don't respond to such ignorant statements as the ones Ando and I get bombarded with on a daily basis, but this is from a fellow Gaffer so I have to correct you.

1) I'm married to an incredibly awesome wife. (so your claim is out)
2) I'm in a doctorate program so I'm taking 32 credit hours per tri-semester (so school never stops) as well as I have clinical shifts 16 hours a week.
3. I have a 12 hour a week job (moreso a work study)
4. I'm in the gym with my wife 5-6 hours a week.
4. I'm a 10th level prestige. (not level 55 yet though.)

The games been out almost 6 months, so its not unreasonable at all for regular working people, with busy lives and families to be 10th prestige. It just means that they probably don't play any other games and play at least an hour a day. (And probably don't get much sleep :lol )

That sounds a bit condescending.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
DenogginizerOS said:
That sounds a bit condescending.
I agree, it does. It isn't entirely meant to come off that way but it's those types of ignorant generalizations [aka: not getting laid] that need to be removed from the xbox live community. Even more importantly they shouldn't be brought to gaf. So in a sense it is condescending, but only to make a strong positive statement. Hopefully you can agree with that Denogg. I know you wouldn't want others blanketing you with falsified generalizations on the PSN. Its just something I've had enough of and I'll be damned if its going to happen here at gaf on a regular basis. I'll call them out everytime.


he's Virgin Tight™
Honor Code? Fuck that! I am Prestige 6 and I love kicking people's ass as much as I can. Fuck, and I mean really FUCK, tourney players. I wanna have fun and release my stress. Also, I agree on the point that when you purchase new maps you are ranked with much, much better players, last night we had the VERY SAME PARTY of 12 people for 10 straight games with no one leaving, all games were close and we ended up 5-5. Started an 11th one but host left, was invited by some of the guys playing and joined another room and though we won they were still close games.

I do not see the point of staying at 55 and not doing Prestige. Don't you guys just find it boring? I like to just go back, learn to use some other weapons and perks, always set up my combo (M60+Grip+Stopping+Martyrdorm is sex!) and kick ass as much as I want. Just do the Prestige and re-level up, not big dial. You guys are just... unsure of your skills =O


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
vumpler said:
I agree, it does. It isn't entirely meant to come off that way but it's those types of ignorant generalizations [aka: not getting laid] that need to be removed from the xbox live community. Even more importantly they shouldn't be brought to gaf. So in a sense it is condescending, but only to make a strong positive statement. Hopefully you can agree with that Denogg. I know you wouldn't want others blanketing you with falsified generalizations on the PSN. Its just something I've had enough of and I'll be damned if its going to happen here at gaf on a regular basis. I'll call them out everytime.
Online gaming, in general, is filled with a lot of things that aren't socially acceptable. Ignorance is just one facet. Obscenities, bullying, a total lack of sportsmanship, etc. have been on the rise ever since every person was given a microphone and a degree of anonymity. While I agree that Sonny's statement was a poor one, I am certain that many others found it to be poor as well and probably just ignored it.

I do wish that gamers would not make generalizations about other gamers, especially generalizations that include tired stereotypes such as virgins-for-life who live in a basement and play games all day while their mom is making their bed. But until gamers that work in professional environments and have lives outside of games do more to dispel some of the stereotypes associated with gamers by enlightening others about how games like COD4 can be an effective escape that works as well as a book or a movie, we will continue to have statements like Sonny's being made on more boards than just GAF.


Relix said:
I do not see the point of staying at 55 and not doing Prestige. Don't you guys just find it boring? I like to just go back, learn to use some other weapons and perks, always set up my combo (M60+Grip+Stopping+Martyrdorm is sex!) and kick ass as much as I want. Just do the Prestige and re-level up, not big dial. You guys are just... unsure of your skills =O
To be honest, if you need prestige levels to not find the game boring, you're playing for entirely the wrong reason. That said, I get bored of every game ever made. So in COD4s (and others) case, I'll just not play for a few days to a week+ and it feels fresh and exciting when I get back into it.

Also, if anything, not going prestige is a better argument of "learning new weapons and perks". Since you get to use what you want when you want and combine it with any perk combo you feel like using at the time. On the other hand, you'll always have to work to regain the same stuff you had before, just to get the ability to experiment fully.

Prestige is the equivalent of (needless) RPG grinding. Even worse, you don't get anything from it other than the icons.

SonnyBoy said:
:lol :lol Seems live I've been missing a lot. There's an honor code among prestigers? :lol F'them. I'm definitely not going prestige now. Prestige doesn't even mean you're all that great, it means your not getting laid and you have entirely too much d@mn time on your hands.
:lol This is the first time I've heard it. Maybe there are some other secrets of Prestige that I'm missing out on. Now I'm curious!
Not really. ;)

DenogginizerOS said:
Anyone know if Gamestop will be handing out the new maps for free for the PS3 version like they did for the X360 version?
Gamestop gave out free 360 maps?


Relix said:
I do not see the point of staying at 55 and not doing Prestige.

I'm guilty as charged. I played the 55 levels and then played a bit more because I liked completing some of the more obscure challenges. My challenge pages are mostly complete.

At this point, my interest for the game has waned and I've moved on, playing some of the other games that have come out. In fact, since COD4 has come out I've completed around eight or ten other games. Don't get me wrong, it is still the best multiplayer out there and once or twice a week I'll put it in for a couple hours, but when I do I just want to play with the weapons and perks I like best. I don't love the game so much that I'm going to want to unlock all of the items all over again.

You're mad for the game and therefore you have and will put in the time Prestige again and again. That's totally fine. I on the other hand merely like the game and going through it once was enough for me.


vumpler said:
Hmm. I normally don't respond to such ignorant statements as the ones Ando and I get bombarded with on a daily basis, but this is from a fellow Gaffer so I have to correct you.

1) I'm married to an incredibly awesome wife. (so your claim is out)
2) I'm in a doctorate program so I'm taking 32 credit hours per tri-semester (so school never stops) as well as I have clinical shifts 16 hours a week.
3. I have a 12 hour a week job (moreso a work study)
4. I'm in the gym with my wife 5-6 hours a week.
4. I'm a 10th level prestige. (not level 55 yet though.)

The games been out almost 6 months, so its not unreasonable at all for regular working people, with busy lives and families to be 10th prestige. It just means that they probably don't play any other games and play at least an hour a day. (And probably don't get much sleep :lol )

Wow, awesome, i bet you have a 12 inch penis too.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
SonnyBoy said:
I apologize if I have hurt anyone's emotions. :lol
No emotions hurt on my end. I think you generalized too much about other gamers, but hey, to each his own.

raYne said:
Weird, first time I've heard of it. What did they give them out for? What was the criteria?
The only criteria I could ascertain was they had a bunch of them in a drawer and they knew I liked the game. Other than them being a day late on offering them (since I had purchased them the day before on my now defunct X360) it looked like they were just giving them out as a promotion.


SonnyBoy said:
:lol :lol Seems live I've been missing a lot. There's an honor code among prestigers? :lol F'them. I'm definitely not going prestige now. Prestige doesn't even mean you're all that great, it means your not getting laid and you have entirely too much d@mn time on your hands.

No difference between a prestige 10 with a ton of days played time and somebody who stayed at the first 55 and has just as much playtime under their belt. I'm really confused as to why you sound so insecure about the whole thing.


SonnyBoy said:
:lol I hope you go prestige by mistake. :lol

I've almost done that twice now as a matter a fact. Screwing around with the clan tag/barracks/creating customs and trying to finish before the timer runs out and the new match starts isn't a good idea.

You should've seen how wide my eyes got the first time when I realized what I pressed. (O_O) Thank the IW Gods for the Yes/No screen that comes up right afterwards! :lol
raYne said:

I've almost done that twice now as a matter a fact. Screwing around with the clan tag/barracks/creating customs and trying to finish before the timer runs out and the new match starts isn't a good idea.

You should've seen how wide my eyes got the first time when I realized what I pressed. (O_O) Thank the IW Gods for the Yes/No screen that comes up right afterwards! :lol

I can only imagine:lol

Did it yesterday...on purpose. I was surprised by the amount of restrictions you get when having to start anew.
Relix said:
I do not see the point of staying at 55 and not doing Prestige. Don't you guys just find it boring?
Been at the original 55 for months. I don't see the point of going prestige. Been there done it. I get more of a kick out of raising my k/d ratio or win% than my rank.


raYne said:
IfYou should've seen how wide my eyes got the first time when I realized what I pressed. (O_O) Thank the IW Gods for the Yes/No screen that comes up right afterwards! :lol

If I had been there, I would have had the courtesy to mute my mic while I laughed at you. :lol


The XBL maintenance is supposed to be done already, but they ended up fucking up COD4 again. I started getting the "you must have an active network connection to play online or systemlink matches" notice again, and I can't join matches.


Please tell me IW plans on a 'mute all voice chat' option for PS3? I've been in too many games where no one is speaking a lick of English, or it's just too noisy or annoying.


I'm starting to feel the map pack isn't worth it for me as much now. I love Broadcast and Chinatown. However, I'm not a sniper and I'm not a fan of big maps (at least in this game), so I'm not into Creek. Killhouse is just crap or at least not fun unless you're playing 3v3 objective or something.

It sucks cause I may have to double dip on the PS3 version as well, since I've never heard of Activision making maps free in their other CoD games.
USD said:
The XBL maintenance is supposed to be done already, but they ended up fucking up COD4 again. I started getting the "you must have an active network connection to play online or systemlink matches" notice again, and I can't join matches.

Im getting that to
It's all cyclical. Every now and again we have to argue about the whole prestige thing again. To each their own!

What was really strange is that some guy wrote in some thread her "I hit 10th prestige, so now I need a new game" or something to that effect. Why would you play for that long if you didn't actually find the game fun? So strange that after all that he was like 'Gold Cross finally, now this game is 100% not worth playing.' Makes no sense.


I just started playing online and I'm getting wrecked, as expected. People know the maps far too well. A lot of my deaths are people randomly throwing grenades through windows where they suspect someone is or what have you.

Also, why the fuck am I getting matched up in games with level 55 people? I just started and I really don't need to get owned so hard I don't feel like playing any longer. :lol


xabi said:
I just went online for the first time and I cannot find a game of free-for-all or team deathmatch. It just keeps saying "Getting Match Quality..." What gives? I am on PS3 btw. Are there really no people to play with at a peak hour at night?

same thing again tonight...anyone know why this would be happening?


Defcon, you have to play for an hour or two before the matchmaking kicks in. If you guys want to play, add me--Jtrizzy. I'm on right now.

Also, the servers have been acting a little weird. I had a similar problem the other night at a time when you know there are tons of people playing. I'm sure this is some weird server problem, there is no way the game all of the sudden became unpopular. I haven't been having the issue tonight though.
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