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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
WinFonda said:
Please tell me IW plans on a 'mute all voice chat' option for PS3? I've been in too many games where no one is speaking a lick of English, or it's just too noisy or annoying.
Yeah my buddy back home seems to run into a lot more PS3 nonEnglish as first language players than I do on the 360. It would make sense however if they use the same server setup as with the 360.


I was just gona post this in its own thread as I thought it was funny, but nothing new for GAF.


Playstation Fans Jump on FourZeroTwo for criticising the Sony

Playstation Forums


yeah those comments are a few years old yeah? Gota love the internets.

PS nice video blog, will check back.

Getting GTA4 early yeah?! you bastard! :D


PS3 maps incoming this Thursday for U.S AND Europe

The UK release date for the upcoming PS3 Call of Duty 4 downloadable content 'The Variety Map Pack' has been moved forward by a week to April 24. That's this Thursday, folks.

The pack was scheduled for release this Thursday in America only. Europe CoD fans were previously expecting to see the maps on May 4.

The pack includes four new multiplayer maps featuring new locations. It includes 'Creek,' a wide-open village ravaged by combat, 'Broadcast,' an enemy communications building, 'Chinatown' and 'Killhouse,' a desolate warehouse.

In addition, Infinity Ward's Rob Bowling has confirmed on his blog that Double XP day will now be the same day across the globe, kicking off at midnight on Friday.



I'm pretty much done with TDM. The spawn system just sucks too much. Way too often people spawn right behind you or so close to you that when you kill them they skip the kill cam, immediately respawn and run right to where you are, fully healed and fully armed while you're probably still recovering health and reloading :lol

Then on some maps the flow of the map just makes it even worse. Chinatown and Wet Work immediately come to mind, Downpour as well. It really sucks to be paired with people who don't push out of the spawn area on WW or Downpour because then the enemy team is camping and respawning right on top of you and it's a disaster very quickly.

It sucks though because now that I'm maxed on level and prestige the only thing I can do to continue unlocking stuff is get gold weapons and that's going to take months in S&D.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Andokuky said:
It sucks though because now that I'm maxed on level and prestige the only thing I can do to continue unlocking stuff is get gold weapons and that's going to take months in S&D.

That just means we need to focus on gamebattles more as a team. We need to practice more 3 man's You, Bird and Me. Just so we get a core 3 going, so then we can easily incorporate the others one at a time.
guys i need some serious help sniping. for some reason i can't hit noone to save my life. I have someone lined up, i hit L3 to steady my aim and i shoot and i damn near always miss. is there some kinda trick? I'm trying to beat some of these challenges, but it's like i can't hit anybody! i mean the guy could be laying prone and i'm about 30 feet away and i'm shooting and it just whizzes by his head. am i supposed to adjust for the lag? am i supposed to not use the crosshairs?



Practice. Sniping is hard, period.

Otherwise, yes, you do need to compensate for lag. Lead running targets *very* slightly.

Some snipers need to steady fully before they are completely accurate. The R700 seems to need about two full breaths before it settles, vs the M40A3 which is accurate almost immediately.

You need to take Stopping Power if you want one shot kills. You also need to hit higher on the body. Generally, the 'stronger' sniper rifles (ie, those with damage multipliers lower on the body) have worse recoil, or worse recoil plus loud as hell (the .50). The M40 and M21 are what you want if you prefer low recoil, the R700, Drag, or Barrett if you can handle the recoil and steady time.

You also have the option of ACOG sniping once you complete the challenge, which is sort of... goofy slightly-better-than-assault-rifle in terms of engagement range, but not quite as good as a normal sniper scope at extreme distances (which few maps are suitable for anyway).


bdizzle said:
guys i need some serious help sniping. for some reason i can't hit noone to save my life. I have someone lined up, i hit L3 to steady my aim and i shoot and i damn near always miss. is there some kinda trick? I'm trying to beat some of these challenges, but it's like i can't hit anybody! i mean the guy could be laying prone and i'm about 30 feet away and i'm shooting and it just whizzes by his head. am i supposed to adjust for the lag? am i supposed to not use the crosshairs?
You have to lead the target no matter what gun you're using and how much you lead depends on the range and speed the person's running. Just as it is normally. Also, if you actually have a bad connection, you'll have to lead even more because of it.

By the way, if you hold your breath and fire imediately, you're doing it wrong. You need to be in the action of holding the breath, not inhaling if you want the best accuracy. You also can't move at all before you fire, since it'll send to bullet way off target.
when i meant adjust for lag, i meant when me and my target are not moving at all. i just cant seem to hit someone. i always shoot for the head, but i guess i should just start aiming for the chest instead. ive been using the dragunov, but ill try the .50 cal since thats what i read was good on various forums.

when i hold my breath i don't really wait long, maybe about a second. i guess thats what one of my problems are. i try not to move, but im not the most patient person in the world....which is probably why i suck so much at sniping lol

thanks for the help im gonna try again with the .50 cal this time and hope for the best.


That'll also be a problem since the .50 cal has shitty accuracy in general. Worst sniper in the game when you add the fact that it's accuracy is coupled with ridiculous kickback. If you actually saw someone say it's a good gun to use, you can tell them I said they're borderline insane and have no idea what they're talking about. Never listen to those people again. ;)

But if you really want to use it, it'll be easier if you don't use it from very long range. In which case, the ACOG is your friend.

..and no amount of lag in the world is going to stop you from hitting a non-moving target. So in this case, it's either you or the gun.


Well..COD4 officially broke my SIXAXIS :(

All the sprinting fucked my left anologue stick so much, i couldnt even move anymore. So then i tried a little DIY...broke the damn thing even more and now it is on my desk in about 50 pieces. Right before the map pack and GTA IV too...bastard :lol


Roxas said:
Well..COD4 officially broke my SIXAXIS :(

All the sprinting fucked my left anologue stick so much, i couldnt even move anymore. So then i tried a little DIY...broke the damn thing even more and now it is on my desk in about 50 pieces. Right before the map pack and GTA IV too...bastard :lol
Time to get a DS3!:D
Roxas said:
I'm in Euroland. DS3 still doesnt even have a release date here :(

what did you guys do to the gaming gods? it seems like everything is always months to years later getting to you all. and when it does come, its so overpriced that noone can even afford it


Does anyone know if you will be able to share the DLC maps on PS3? I know you can do it with most games, but I don't know about the policy on DLC.
I think sniping in cod4 is broken or there are more hackers than i thought. Some guy jumps in the air and snipe while his cross hair isnt anywhere near the victim yet they die in one hit.

In normal mode some guy dies from a foot shot dies instantly.

When I shoot someone they live even though their only exposed body part is their head....
If they die it doesn't register as a headshot....

Then theres the knifing bugs.
There are multiple times when I knifed someone that was close by but it didn't register the hit. The problem shows up more with the silenced G3.

I also remember a moment where I tried knifing someone that was in front of me but it didnt register yet someone the guy knifed me while not looking at me at all. How are people able to knife when their back is turned?
I'd like a skill system somewhere bewteen COD4's and Halo 3's.
In Halo 3, you get to a point that you can't level up without investing too much time and effort.
In COD4, anyone can reach the highest skill, it will just take them longer than the better players.

I'm nearly up to 3rd prestige, and I'm losing interest in repeating it over and over again.
With GTAIV coming, COD4 won't get as much as attention.

I used to hate Shipment.
But when my form on it changed, so did my opinion of it. :D


he's Virgin Tight™
GeneralIroh said:
I think sniping in cod4 is broken or there are more hackers than i thought. Some guy jumps in the air and snipe while his cross hair isnt anywhere near the victim yet they die in one hit.

In normal mode some guy dies from a foot shot dies instantly.

When I shoot someone they live even though their only exposed body part is their head....
If they die it doesn't register as a headshot....

Then theres the knifing bugs.
There are multiple times when I knifed someone that was close by but it didn't register the hit. The problem shows up more with the silenced G3.

I also remember a moment where I tried knifing someone that was in front of me but it didnt register yet someone the guy knifed me while not looking at me at all. How are people able to knife when their back is turned?

That is called... LAG!
Mmm... I hate shooting at someone for ages, my shots not registering and then they turn around and kill me with ease.

I hope future games give you the option of searching for games in your region.
Playing with fellow aussies is bliss.


bdizzle said:
guys i need some serious help sniping. for some reason i can't hit noone to save my life. I have someone lined up, i hit L3 to steady my aim and i shoot and i damn near always miss. is there some kinda trick? I'm trying to beat some of these challenges, but it's like i can't hit anybody! i mean the guy could be laying prone and i'm about 30 feet away and i'm shooting and it just whizzes by his head. am i supposed to adjust for the lag? am i supposed to not use the crosshairs?

I'm a alright sniper in COD4, at least I think I am.

You have to lead your target a bit, and unless they are moving very slowly I usually go for body shots. I've always found the key to using the breathing is only use it a split second before you shoot, so it suddenly goes still then you can fire a couple of shots off.

I've found sniping in COD4 relatively easy, great fun though.
I think I'll approach weapon challenges in order.

I just got the ACOG scope for the M16A4.

If I'm to place so much effort, I don't think I'll be entering Prestige mode. You lose all of your weapons, yes? Doesn't seem worth it - in my opinion.


he's Virgin Tight™
I went 30-9 in a Team Hardcore last night with M16 with Red Dot, Stopping Power and Last Stand. One of the few times I ever use the M16, and heck, one of the first times I kick so much ass in THDM.

BTW... why people whine so much about the M60? It's my fucking gun, I like using it. M60 + Grip + Stopping Power (Double Tap is even better) + Martyrdom FTW!!!!!
It's because when most people use it (myself included), accuracy takes a back seat to spraying and praying. :D
It's just too easy to kill with it lol.

The M60 has high damage, high power and high accuracy.
The recoil is a bitch but grip helps that.
I used to hate the iron sights but they have grown on me.


he's Virgin Tight™
roosters93 said:
It's because when most people use it (myself included), accuracy takes a back seat to spraying and praying. :D
It's just too easy to kill with it lol.

The M60 has high damage, high power and high accuracy.
The recoil is a bitch but grip helps that.
I used to hate the iron sights but they have grown on me.

I can't stand the M60 without Grip anymore. It's like shooting a car right in front of you and missing. Iron Sights are good, I cannot use the M60 with Red Sight anyway =P. It just doesn't fit. I heard Steady Aim helps even more with Acurracy, so I might just make a new combo = Double Tap + Steady Aim (wait, I can do this right?)


I think the new patch added host migration on PS3 version.


EDIT: It seems host migration doesn't work when server connection is lost, like it does on 360 version.


My profile appears to be broken :(. My stats are no longer getting saved — for the past couple of weeks I've been stuck at 504 experience points away from level 34 (of prestige 3, I think?). I can play a couple of games okay, but as soon as I leave a lobby and try to rejoin I get the usual "You must be connected..." error messages, and then if I sign out and back in again it's like the games I've played never happened. Every time I sign back in again I'm 504 points away from level 34.

Anybody else had similar issues? I'd like to be able to start leveling again!
I've had that happen once.
It was yesterday or the day before.
I think it was because of the problems with Live after the down time.

The only reason I noticed is because I had unlocked Red Dot Sight for a weapon and it said I hadn't unlocked it yet. Only ever happened once and it was fine the next game.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
zesty said:
Any PS3 owners get the new maps and want to play this weekend? Add me to your friends list. PSN ID: snacknuts
I am tempted to buy them but haven't decided. If I do, I will send you a PSN invite.

PSN: Denogginizer
U K Narayan said:
I think I'll approach weapon challenges in order.

I just got the ACOG scope for the M16A4.

If I'm to place so much effort, I don't think I'll be entering Prestige mode. You lose all of your weapons, yes? Doesn't seem worth it - in my opinion.

Some weapons are only good with red dot or acog. Some are just as good without. Going prestige hasn't really altered my way of playing the game because of the awesome m16 ironsight.
I've been playing with the new maps for a few hours now so can someone explain to me why I've yet to get a crack at Killhouse yet? It has never shown up in either TDM or Team Objective modes. The only time I've seen it is when I set a private match to look around by myself. Just bad luck so far or what?


Rice-Eater said:
I've been playing with the new maps for a few hours now so can someone explain to me why I've yet to get a crack at Killhouse yet? It has never shown up in either TDM or Team Objective modes. The only time I've seen it is when I set a private match to look around by myself. Just bad luck so far or what?

ive only ever had it in free-for-all

Eric WK

Rice-Eater said:
I've been playing with the new maps for a few hours now so can someone explain to me why I've yet to get a crack at Killhouse yet? It has never shown up in either TDM or Team Objective modes. The only time I've seen it is when I set a private match to look around by myself. Just bad luck so far or what?

It's small. You'll probably only see it in FFA.


zenbot said:
My profile appears to be broken :(. My stats are no longer getting saved — for the past couple of weeks I've been stuck at 504 experience points away from level 34 (of prestige 3, I think?). I can play a couple of games okay, but as soon as I leave a lobby and try to rejoin I get the usual "You must be connected..." error messages, and then if I sign out and back in again it's like the games I've played never happened. Every time I sign back in again I'm 504 points away from level 34.

Anybody else had similar issues? I'd like to be able to start leveling again!

Happened to me just last night (or really a little after midnight, so today!). I noticed right away my custom tag was gone. Then I seen all five of my custom slots were back to the default name "Custom 1" or whatever it says... but.. all the slots had my five setups all ready, I just had to add the name back (which I didn't, seeing if it will reset when I play tonight).

I did not notice however, my points. I will definitely be checking that out tonight.


PacoDG said:
Happened to me just last night (or really a little after midnight, so today!). I noticed right away my custom tag was gone. Then I seen all five of my custom slots were back to the default name "Custom 1" or whatever it says... but.. all the slots had my five setups all ready, I just had to add the name back (which I didn't, seeing if it will reset when I play tonight).

I did not notice however, my points. I will definitely be checking that out tonight.
Which version are you and Zenbot using?

Eric WK

Rice-Eater said:
That sucks, it could have been the next coming of Shipment. Just total madness at every turn with abundant amount of grenade whores.

Yeah, that's a fair point. If Shipment is in Headquarters, I don't see why Killhouse doesn't show up in team games.


Eric WK said:
Yeah, that's a fair point. If Shipment is in Headquarters, I don't see why Killhouse doesn't show up in team games.

This really pisses me off, I have yet to play a real game in killhouse :(

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Creek is so Shit....urgggh
Chinatown, so pretty, so guey

if i could just buy individual maps, i'd take Broadcast and the small one and leave the store

Hunter D

raYne said:
That'll also be a problem since the .50 cal has shitty accuracy in general. Worst sniper in the game when you add the fact that it's accuracy is coupled with ridiculous kickback. If you actually saw someone say it's a good gun to use, you can tell them I said they're borderline insane and have no idea what they're talking about. Never listen to those people again. ;)

But if you really want to use it, it'll be easier if you don't use it from very long range. In which case, the ACOG is your friend.

..and no amount of lag in the world is going to stop you from hitting a non-moving target. So in this case, it's either you or the gun.
The 50 cal with stopping power and acog is ownage.
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