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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


PedroLumpy said:
I haven't noticed or heard anything. Of course I don't have the new maps, so who knows. I have noticed the chances of getting thrown into the same match over and over again have gone up, no doubt a result of the fractured player base from the maps.
Makes sense. I'm just hoping that they didn't get rid of some of the old maps and sub in the new ones in their places.

As I said, I was playing for a while and in the same room with quite a few of the same people. The new maps, Chinatown and Creek especially, came up quite a bit while some of the older ones never showed up.

Opus Angelorum said:
Overgrown is criminally excluded, it's one of the best maps I ever played.
Exactly. Probably my favorite in the game.


raYne said:
Just got back into this last night after another shitty lag-filled crappy network setup game of GTAIV. Just wanted to play something that actually works well for a change and ended up playing for like 4 hours. :lol Surprisingly, I wasn't as rusty as I thought I would've been and ended up doing pretty much as well as normal.

Anyway, anyone know if IW changed that map rotations in the game modes? For example, Overgrown never came up once for the whole time I was playing...

The problem lies with the host migration feature. While it's a great thing there have been some problems. There have been times that a host has quit after the map has ended resulting in you having to replay the same map again. Or backing out to pick up a friend only to be sent to a room that has started the map cycling from the beginning (annoying).

Chinatown is starting to grow old and stale it comes up for me more than 50% followed by Broadcast. Creek comes up but not as often as the previously mentioned two. It's almost as if those two maps have priority over everything else. Out of the older maps Vacant and Crash come up the most, followed by Countdown. Bloc almost always gets vetoed as does Wetworks (I love 'em all damn pussies for not wanting to play any of the maps)

Backlot comes up a lot too, all the rest kinda show up as normal, save for overgrown. I'll be lucky if I get to play that map once a day.

BTW this is on hardcore as this is the only game type I play so YMMV


raYne said:
Oh, it is. It's way too small for everything. Even with 8 players, having people spawn 2 feet away from you isn't surprising. People will spawn in spawn point that you're already looking at and basically, you won't even get to move 3 feet without running into people.

Eventually, it just gets filled with people throwing random grenades from one side of the map to the other. Or wherever they hear/see gunfire coming from. Then people wil just spawn and camp in locations on either side of the map. Particularly on the stage or the two spawn points on the opposite sides of it.

To make things worse, choppers and airstrikes are pretty much worthless because of the roof cover. So you're stuck in that crap map even longer.

In any case, daw840 said it's available in Team Tac though. So it sould be much better there with a very small amount of people.
Wow, you weren't kidding about Killhouse :( I like the warehouse look of the map but holy s**t is that map tight for space. It showed up in FFA, and I was like yeah, I finally get to try this map then ooohh, is this place cramped. Ouch.....
Why the hell does Bog suck ass on MP :( It's one of my favorite maps and I have never played a game in it where it didn't lag like crazy. Granted, I usually play Ground War but even on TDM or anything smaller, its laggy as hell.

And it's only Bog, too..


Andokuky said:
Juggernaut hate is at an all time high it seems :lol

Can't play a TDM or S&D game without 2 or 3 people on the other side bitching and moaning about juggs, while most of them are rushing with silenced MP5's or P90's with stopping power.

Also, wow, once you hit 55 gold cross, there's not much else to do. I thought I could just go through the guns and unlock everything but of course, head shots will take forever unless I cheat.

Yea, I've been wondering if they might raise the level cap one day. Extra content, guns and what not.


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Andokuky said:
Juggernaut hate is at an all time high it seems :lol

Can't play a TDM or S&D game without 2 or 3 people on the other side bitching and moaning about juggs, while most of them are rushing with silenced MP5's or P90's with stopping power.

I had someone bitching at me because I wasn't aiming down the sights and I killed them five times in one game. You occasionally do get the odd Steady Aim hater. The P90+Stopping Power+Steady Aim setup is now one of my favourites. The amount of headshots you get with it is crazy.

I've never heard anyone complaining about Juggernaut though.

Treo360 said:
Chinatown is starting to grow old and stale

I must be the only guy on the planet who loves this map. Every time it pops up it gets skipped in less than ten seconds.


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effingvic said:
Why the hell does Bog suck ass on MP :( It's one of my favorite maps and I have never played a game in it where it didn't lag like crazy. Granted, I usually play Ground War but even on TDM or anything smaller, its laggy as hell.

And it's only Bog, too..

I generally always play Ground War. Bog can get crazy sometimes as usually everyone is just rushing to B and/or going through the corridor. Sonic Boom + Martyrdom = lotta laughs.


industrian said:
I had someone bitching at me because I wasn't aiming down the sights and I killed them five times in one game. You occasionally do get the odd Steady Aim hater. The P90+Stopping Power+Steady Aim setup is now one of my favourites. The amount of headshots you get with it is crazy.

I've never heard anyone complaining about Juggernaut though.

I must be the only guy on the planet who loves this map. Every time it pops up it gets skipped in less than ten seconds.

When it seems that it comes up every third map, yeah it grows old (on me)

I remember when they added Showdown to the rotation. It seemed as if that map showed up more than usual.

Overgrown is the most neglected map in the rotation.


raYne said:
'Cept, you know.. play for fun or something. ;)

Of course, I still play every day. I meant in terms of unlocking stuff, etc etc. I mean I have like 40,000 kills and only 3,000 of them are headshots. I need a couple thousand to unlock all the golden guns.

As for the new maps, Chinatown has always been hated in my experience. People still enjoy Broadcast but man, Creek went from being a very good map for most people to seemingly the most hated map on the game. It gets voted off quicker than anything else recently.


industrian said:
I must be the only guy on the planet who loves this map. Every time it pops up it gets skipped in less than ten seconds.
Carentan was my 2nd favorite map in CoD1, but I hate the lighting and how cluddered this remake feels.
industrian said:
I generally always play Ground War. Bog can get crazy sometimes as usually everyone is just rushing to B and/or going through the corridor. Sonic Boom + Martyrdom = lotta laughs.

Yeah, I've noticed that too. Usually, it's just rush to B and followed by fifty names popping up on the lower left corner from grenade deaths :lol

But damnit! I wan't to play a lag free Bog game. I feel like it's some kinda bug or something..


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
effingvic said:
But damnit! I wan't to play a lag free Bog game. I feel like it's some kinda bug or something..

Considering I've got a 512k/256k ADSL connection and have very little lag on Ground War (unless the shit gets really crazy) I'd make sure that there's nothing wrong on your end that's causing problems. Either that or you're constantly getting a shitty host.


dumb question. but is there a way to get more bullets? i once had to resort to knifing a teammate and taking his weapon after I had run out; but I noticed that after i did that, the gun i had run out of bullets with had full ammo.


ethic said:
dumb question. but is there a way to get more bullets? i once had to resort to knifing a teammate and taking his weapon after I had run out; but I noticed that after i did that, the gun i had run out of bullets with had full ammo.

In any case, you simply walk over a dropped weapon that uses the same ammo as the one you're carrying.


raYne said:

Valid military strat. It's a war out there, man; things can get pretty brutal.

In any case, you simply walk over a dropped weapon that uses the same ammo as the one you're carrying.

Sweet. You've single-handedly saved the lives of countless soldiers. Peace on, man.


Played for about 3 hours and here's a quick rundown on my map rotation (not in order)

Chinatown 5 times
Broadcast 4
Creek 4
Showdown 1
Overgrown 1
Crossfire 1
Backlot 1
Downpour 2
District 2

Coincidently Chinatown was vetoed twice not adding to the rotation :\

Yeah something's up here.
industrian said:
Considering I've got a 512k/256k ADSL connection and have very little lag on Ground War (unless the shit gets really crazy) I'd make sure that there's nothing wrong on your end that's causing problems. Either that or you're constantly getting a shitty host.

For what it's worth, I'm playing the PS3 version from Long Island NY using my school's T1 connection. Everything else is buttery smooth except for Bog.

Hell, I've noticed certain maps have been very laggy as of recent as well, and the connection failures have been more frequent. Goddamnit, it's always Bog though :( Shitty Bog always bogged down my gameplay even back in Queens.

Nothing is more annoying when you are JUST about to get the guy, things lag and you end up getting killed. Grrgh.
I play Hardcore Search & Destroy wayyyyy too much.

Luckily all those cheap little bitches who use Juggernaut on it have been somewhat taken down a notch with that new patch.

I don't mind martyrdom, at all...unless I get TK'd with it and we lose the match because of it.
I've had a guy teamkill me and several team-mates with matrydom.
He didn't give us any warning that he had it on, and then went on to blame us for not getting out of the way. :D
ethic said:
dumb question. but is there a way to get more bullets? i once had to resort to knifing a teammate and taking his weapon after I had run out; but I noticed that after i did that, the gun i had run out of bullets with had full ammo.
I just make mine. Because, you know, I'm a real man.
Treo360 said:
Played for about 3 hours and here's a quick rundown on my map rotation (not in order)

Chinatown 5 times
Broadcast 4
Creek 4
Showdown 1
Overgrown 1
Crossfire 1
Backlot 1
Downpour 2
District 2

Coincidently Chinatown was vetoed twice not adding to the rotation :\

Yeah something's up here.

That sounds about accurate. The new Variety Map pack is currently set to appear more frequently than the older maps (3:1).
ethic said:
dumb question. but is there a way to get more bullets? i once had to resort to knifing a teammate and taking his weapon after I had run out; but I noticed that after i did that, the gun i had run out of bullets with had full ammo.

Use the 'bandolier perk'. It'll give you more ammo.


gah i hate china town..still cant get used to it..its too open and hard to survive in there :(

Broadcast is one of my new favs now.Tho i dont had much chance to play it (China Town and Creed is appearing more often).

Creed was fun for a while then i noticed that it forces players to take same route that cave and hill...not much variety in that map.

oh and i HATE the lobby system of COD4.. when it puts u in to a game which had started in a really annoying map.Or hosts keep ending the game just when it starts..

anyone plays Wetworks btw? lol..i tried that map once, everyone skips it.
Just started playing this on the PS3 and I'm getting destroyed on a regular basis. My k/d ratio is @ .80 at the moment and might start sinking even further. Any advice, GAF? I noticed that I rush out too often (I blame Resistance :p) and I'm starting to familiarize myself with the maps rather well. I'm @ lvl 14 I believe.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Freedom = $1.05 said:
Just started playing this on the PS3 and I'm getting destroyed on a regular basis. My k/d ratio is @ .80 at the moment and might start sinking even further. Any advice, GAF? I noticed that I rush out too often (I blame Resistance :p) and I'm starting to familiarize myself with the maps rather well. I'm @ lvl 14 I believe.

Use the Juggernaut perk as a crutch until you learn how to stay alive and to play effectively.

Don't rush. Always find alternative routes to attack the enemy.
industrian said:
Use the martyrdom perk as a crutch until you learn how to stay alive and to play effectively.

Fixed so that we don't keep perpetuating the use of the Juggernaut perk.

Seriously Freedom, you will say "Behold my power". :lol


damn, played for the first time in over 3 months last night. I haven't picked up the new maps yet though, still wondering if it's worth it.

i'm usually on in the evenings from 11PM-2AM EST. PSN id=todahawk
up for any game type...


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Freedom = $1.05 said:
Any advice, GAF?

Another thing to add that I forgot earlier is to make sure you play Mercenary TDM. It's just full of random guys messing about (no clans).

permutated said:
Fixed so that we don't keep perpetuating the use of the Juggernaut perk.

Seriously Freedom, you will say "Behold my power". :lol

I don't see anything wrong with Juggernaut. Just aim for their head.
industrian said:
Another thing to add that I forgot earlier is to make sure you play Mercenary TDM. It's just full of random guys messing about (no clans).

Thats actually good advice. I noticed that I was getting shredded by clan folk more often than not.

Any advice for weapons? I'm currently using the M4 w/ red dot sight and it seems to be a good all around weapon.


Any advice for weapons? I'm currently using the M4 w/ red dot sight and it seems to be a good around weapon.
In terms of assualt rfiles, the M16 is very all-around solid assault rifle. It's got decent stopping power & accuracy and it doesn't kick too much like AK47. My overall preferred assault rifle now though is the G3, but I wouldn't jump into that gun until you get more time in on the game...the single shot aspect of the G3 has a bit of acclimation time to it.

Hate Creek too...
I have yet to figure Creek out...last Creek match I had I camped in the tunnel for the first three minutes of the match :lol


Eccocid said:
gah i hate china town..still cant get used to it..its too open and hard to survive in there :(

Broadcast is one of my new favs now.Tho i dont had much chance to play it (China Town and Creed is appearing more often).

Creed was fun for a while then i noticed that it forces players to take same route that cave and hill...not much variety in that map.

oh and i HATE the lobby system of COD4.. when it puts u in to a game which had started in a really annoying map.Or hosts keep ending the game just when it starts..

anyone plays Wetworks btw? lol..i tried that map once, everyone skips it.

Chinatown is easy. Fighting is usually confined to a small area. If you start as Blue, most of the time people will take the center route (but watch out for those grenades being lobbied over the catwalk) toward the dvd shop or the house with the scaffolding or the house next to it. Or take the street to the right and try and beat red to the Antique Shop

Red usually runs right towards the house that has the machine gun nest,
making sure to lob a grenade over that catwalk, or perhaps run straight at the DVD shop, where one person might go underneath so that they camp the stairs leading up to the street level looking at Blue's center building and the little alley way to the left or the little vegetable stand to the right.

Antique shop usually will have someone there too. Maybe someone (Red) will make it out into the fields and hide in the shrubs?

Deep impact for those Window Washers, and Claymores for the Stair masters.

I don't think Chinatown is as big as some people think it is.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Freedom = $1.05 said:
Any advice for weapons? I'm currently using the M4 w/ red dot sight and it seems to be a good around weapon.

For your quoted level (14) I recommend:

Assault rifles: AK-47 or M16 depending on whether you're good with short controlled bursts or not.

The M4 is a great all-rounder. One of my recent favourite setups was the M4 w/ Silencer and Stopping Power/Dead Silence. It allowed me to play stealthily (as long as the enemy didn't have a UAV) or as part of a team (when they got a UAV.)


mr_boo said:
In terms of assualt rfiles, the M16 is very all-around solid assault rifle. It's got decent stopping power & accuracy and it doesn't kick too much like AK47. My overall preferred assault rifle now though is the G3, but I wouldn't jump into that gun until you get more time in on the game...the single shot aspect of the G3 has a bit of acclimation time to it.

I have yet to figure Creek out...last Creek match I had I camped in the tunnel for the first three minutes of the match :lol

M16 silent (or any other Silent Assault Rifle) smoke grenade UAV jammer and extreme conditioning.

If you start out Blue instead of running for the tunnel, make a break for the right side toward the outhouse tossing a grenade over to the center. Keep running and jump over the fallen tree (is that a tree by the dried up creekbed?) making a b-line at the blown up jeep (I try to get to the rocky outcrop just above said jeep) Then wait for the sniper/gunner that will be over the cave entrance over on the "Goat Path" Usually hiding by the big rock. Take him out.

Proceed to the rocky outcrop above the jeep (if you haven't before) There will be a sniper taking a position by the mossy rock above you in front of the Gazebo. Take him out quietly. Scan the rooftop for any other snipers and the Goat Path as well, by this time if you're still alive some of your teammates will start spawning next to you. Stay by the over turned boat to catch any stragglers that try to come around the house. From there you should start "flipping" the spawn.


Treo360 said:
M16 silent (or any other Silent Assault Rifle) smoke grenade UAV jammer and extreme conditioning.

If you start out Blue instead of running for the tunnel, make a break for the right side toward the outhouse tossing a grenade over to the center. Keep running and jump over the fallen tree (is that a tree by the dried up creekbed?) making a b-line at the blown up jeep (I try to get to the rocky outcrop just above said jeep) Then wait for the sniper/gunner that will be over the cave entrance over on the "Goat Path" Usually hiding by the big rock. Take him out.

Proceed to the rocky outcrop above the jeep (if you haven't before) There will be a sniper taking a position by the mossy rock above you in front of the Gazebo. Take him out quietly. Scan the rooftop for any other snipers and the Goat Path as well, by this time if you're still alive some of your teammates will start spawning next to you. Stay by the over turned boat to catch any stragglers that try to come around the house. From there you should start "flipping" the spawn.
Thanks for the tips...I'll give that a go next time I hit Creek.
greenjerk said:
damn, played for the first time in over 3 months last night. I haven't picked up the new maps yet though, still wondering if it's worth it.

i'm usually on in the evenings from 11PM-2AM EST. PSN id=todahawk
up for any game type...

I have 8 days of playtime logged and have to say, I hate the map pack. I feel like a paid $10 bucks for broadcast since that is the only map IMO that is worth a damn. The map pack really took a lot of steam out of my sails since it took them sooooooooooooooo long to release them in the first place and when they did 3/4 of them were bad, then that means we won't get new maps until Christmas.

My favorite maps are still some of the originals. Ambush, Overgrown, Downpour, Vacant, and my all time hands down favorite... Crash.


OldJadedGamer said:
I have 8 days of playtime logged and have to say, I hate the map pack. I feel like a paid $10 bucks for broadcast since that is the only map IMO that is worth a damn. The map pack really took a lot of steam out of my sails since it took them sooooooooooooooo long to release them in the first place and when they did 3/4 of them were bad, then that means we won't get new maps until Christmas.

My favorite maps are still some of the originals. Ambush, Overgrown, Downpour, Vacant, and my all time hands down favorite... Crash.

thx for the info... i'll hold tight for a bit. I had a blast last night just playing hq for a few hours.
Does anyone actually enjoy playing Search & Destroy on Wet Work? I've actually started to get used to it.

In all honesty it's a worthless Death Match map. If you get a helicopter or an air strike people just camp in the ends of the ship.


fourzerotwo said:
That sounds about accurate. The new Variety Map pack is currently set to appear more frequently than the older maps (3:1).
Tell them to up the amount of times Overgrown shows up in the rotation.

You know you want to... /hypnosis.
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