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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

I decided to go back and play through on Veteran a couple weeks ago. I'm slowly working my way through it. It's rewarding, but extremely frustrating at times. I'm currently stuck on the 4th house on Safehouse, but I'll get it eventually. Just need a good run and a bit of luck. :D

Not sure I'll ever finish off Mile High Club, but I might give it a whirl.
Nice, I'm in my high 50's and going to crack open my 7th prestige level so this will make getting back my claymores a piece of cake. It's all about the HQ when double XP is up.

The Chef

I just started playing online the other night. My god what a great game.
I feel seriously lttp so I wasn't getting irritated when someone would inevitably say "Hey we got a newbie with us!" in the lobby before a game.

Good stuff - im level 5 I think
MP5 is good to start off with. AK47 is also good stuff. AK47 + Silencer + Stopping Power is good for Search and Destroy when you play that someday. Most weapons have shitty sights so you're better off switching to Red Dot when you get it (25 kills with a weapon).
Stoney Mason said:
m16. Stopping power. Deep impact.

That's the best way to learn the game and then branch off into other routes.

Really depends on what kind of playstyle you have. If you're the run and gun type, M16 doesn't work well. Especially considering it doesn't spray, you have to be really slow and accurate with it. On the other hand, M16 + stopping power = insta-kill. I hate the sight so I usually use red dot with it. MP5 is better if you're the type who likes to be faster with your ownage.


purnoman3000 said:
any tips for multiplayer online? I'm just starting out.

AK47 (red dot) + Stopping Power + Steady Aim is good if you just started. Try all weapons, there are many good ones.

Just curious... What system are you playing on?
I'm playing on PS3. Thanks for all the advice guys. Any tips other than weapon/perks configs? Stuff like overall game strategy. I'm playing mostly deathmatch.


Stantron said:
Equip Grenade Launcher, Juggernaut and Martyrdom if you want to be yelled at constantly. :D
:lol :lol That's so damn true. I was playing last night and I remember shooting some people and already turning around when I realized at the last moment I saw the red and white cross perk symbol pop up, and realized "f**k, he's got Juggernaut equipped! That bastard" And somebody just kept tagging me with a grenade launcher and I was just furious! But that's your best bet if you're new to the multiplayer. That perk/equipping grenade launcher will give you at least a fighting chance. I'm also discovering a love for sniper rifles with Acog scope equipped. Particularly the bolt action ones: the MA043 and the R700. I'm loving those now...
Stantron said:
Equip Grenade Launcher, Juggernaut and Martyrdom if you want to be yelled at constantly. :D

I play in hardcore so Juggernaut and stopping power is pretty much worthless... but adding Sonic Boom to your red slot makes your noob toob explosion broader so it does more damage. Also, steady aim is great for your third slot so that you don't have to zoom in when you see someone. That always gets the kids excited.

fps fanatic said:
I'm also discovering a love for sniper rifles with Acog scope equipped. Particularly the bolt action ones: the MA043 and the R700. I'm loving those now...

I love sniping, I constantly max out all my sniper rifles each time I go through my 55's and I LOVE the bolt rifles. R700 is like sex in my hands.

Oh, and if you are new... use the Bomb Squad perk when you get it since pretty much every single sniper in the game will use Claymores and with the Bomb Squad perk you can pick them out like a sore thumb. If you see a Claymore, a sniper can't be that far away...


purnoman3000 said:
any tips for multiplayer online? I'm just starting out.

I won't say use a specific gun
, but whatever you choose, stick with it for an hour or two. Get to know the feel of it. Then try a shorter range, then longer range, etc. Get used to each weapon for each level, then you'll fill out your custom slots easily.
Cornballer said:
I decided to go back and play through on Veteran a couple weeks ago. I'm slowly working my way through it. It's rewarding, but extremely frustrating at times. I'm currently stuck on the 4th house on Safehouse, but I'll get it eventually. Just need a good run and a bit of luck. :D

Not sure I'll ever finish off Mile High Club, but I might give it a whirl.
I always found that the hardest part of safehouse on veteran was just breaching the first house, after that I never have any problems! Maybe I take a different path or something.

Mile High Club is a lot of fun on veteran. There's a trick to it, but the key thing is realising that your squad mates will wait for you to move to certain points before they rush forward (they just hang back otherwise); once you know those points it becomes a lot easier, since your squadmates are invincible killing machines :D


purnoman3000 said:
I'm playing on PS3. Thanks for all the advice guys. Any tips other than weapon/perks configs? Stuff like overall game strategy. I'm playing mostly deathmatch.

It really depends on what weapons you use and what type of game you play. If you're just playing TDM, steady aim, stopping power will be fine. Oh, and please avoid using martyrdom when playing a hardcore match. ;) Like I said, try everything. For the beginning, you should "run" around trying to find some good places - if you know the Map, it'll pretty much help you a lot.

Maybe we could play some time - write me am PM if interested. :)


This game would be so much better with dedicated servers. Awesome gameplay, but a terrible net gaming experience. The lag can be attrocious and you shoot some guy for 2 seconds before he shoots you, he turns around and kills you. If you have a bad connection, you have to shoot a guy 3 or 4 times with an m16, etc. The lobby system is absolute garbage. It's nearly impossible to have a group of core guys playing against each other for more than 2 matches because someone leaves and the lobby closes. The matchmaking needs serious work as well. The matches are hardly ever close. The games usually end up 750 to 480.

All the next infinity ward developed cod really needs to do is to improve the net experience. Everything else is where it should be. Don't make the lobby close if 'the host' leaves. Implement real clan structure. custom soundtracks and rumble for the PS3 version. And please leave out martyrdom. That's the only perk that agitates me. Anyone have the ps3 version in here? I'm looking for some new guys to play with. Kevm2 is my psn name.


purnoman3000 said:
I'm playing on PS3. Thanks for all the advice guys. Any tips other than weapon/perks configs? Stuff like overall game strategy. I'm playing mostly deathmatch.

I'm on the PS3 too. My handle is Dynovac. Currently these are my builds. I don't have any favorite weapons. I just pick one in the catagory and work it until I have the 150 headshots and then I move on. I'd be interested to see what other people play with and why. This is one of the best parts of the game to me.

Assault Rifle
M16 with grenade launcher
M1911 with silencer
Stun Grenade

Perk 1 - Grenade Launcher*
Perk 2 - Stopping Power
Perk 3 - Deep Impact

*Usually I equip Bandoleer if I was using the M4, G36c, or AK47 but the M16 conserves so much ammo it isn't necessary.

Submachine Gun
P90 with red dot sight
Desert Eagle
Smoke Grenade

Perk 1 - 3 Frag Grenades
Perk 2 - UAV Jammer
Perk 3 - Dead Silence

Light Machine Gun
M60 with red dot sight
M1911 with silencer
Flash Grenade

Perk 1 - Bandoleer
Perk 2 - Double Tap
Perk 3 - Steady Aim

M1014 with red dot
USP45 with silencer
Smoke Grenade

Perk 1 - 3 Frag Grenades
Perk 2 - Sonice Boom
Perk 3 - Martyrdom

*this build is the Hillbilly Special and is mainly for shits n giggles. Running around like a maniac on a map with lots of indoor areas is always a hoot.

Sniper Rifle
Barrett .50 cal
Desert Eagle
Stun Grenade

Perk 1 - Claymores
Perk 2 - UAV Jammer
Perk 3 - Iron Lungs
Funny enough I finally beat the single player today after nearly a year of owning the game. It was decent considering I generally don't like the campaign in FPS shooters. Some of the scripted missions like the sniper mission are quite cool. Needed more stuff like that and obviously less of the never ending spawning from a room type situations.

Kind of annoys me we get no more maps also after playing the single player and seeing some environments that would have been perfect for it.

Also Infinity War please give us a cover system for COD 5. I hate in single player games where you can see the AI doing all these cover moves that are not available to you.


kevm3 said:
Am I the only one that uses Sleight of Hand here? I love it.
I use it with my Assault Rifle class..

Sleight of Hand
Deep Impact

And like I said before, I'm discovering and loving Sniper rifles. That class' perks I have equipped are...

Stopping Power
Dead Silence

Dyno said:
Sniper Rifle
Barrett .50 cal
Desert Eagle
Stun Grenade

Perk 1 - Claymores
Perk 2 - UAV Jammer
Perk 3 - Iron Lungs

I've found in my thousands and thousands of sniper kills that it's better to have deep impact on then Iron Lungs because when you are sniping, you really don't have that long to hold your breath before you shoot and most people will hide behind walls or crotch down so the deep impact can get them even in hiding.

kevm3 said:
Am I the only one that uses Sleight of Hand here? I love it.

I use it in HQ sometimes when I'm defending the HQ and need to reload super fast when more people are coming. It's comical to see it used on an Uzi. I found with the light machine guns that they have so much ammo that unless you are wasting it and just spraying bullets you usually don't need to reload at all before you die or run around and pick up some one else's gun and you can use the perk elsewhere.


OldJadedGamer said:
I've found in my thousands and thousands of sniper kills that it's better to have deep impact on then Iron Lungs because when you are sniping, you really don't have that long to hold your breath before you shoot and most people will hide behind walls or crotch down so the deep impact can get them even in hiding.

I use it in HQ sometimes when I'm defending the HQ and need to reload super fast when more people are coming. It's comical to see it used on an Uzi. I found with the light machine guns that they have so much ammo that unless you are wasting it and just spraying bullets you usually don't need to reload at all before you die or run around and pick up some one else's gun and you can use the perk elsewhere.
I agree on both points you bring up. ;) Funny thing is, I've been using the Sniper Rifles (the bolt actioners) with an Acog scope. That eliminates me needing to use Iron Lungs so I can equip either Deep Impact or to be a sneakier sniper, the Dead Silence perk. Good times!
Most people probably don't have the custom slots to spare, but using extreme conditioning on your first life can be useful, even for sniping. Let's you get in a position where the enemy typically doesn't expect you to be yet.

Probably the best example is running to the dumpster on backlot (marines only). It's the one which lets you hop into the second floor window of the center building. Although I would suggest you just hop over the fence and try and get behind people.

In any case after your first death you would probably want to go back to your normal class with whatever normal perk 3 slot you take. But I imagine most people wish they had more slots, rather than having spare ones.


Well then, after a little bit of an Xbox fiasco I finally got to finish COD4 that Rayme so generously provided me and a few other GAFers with.

First off, I was hesitant to ever pick up COD4 previously. I'm not really a tactical FPS kind of guy but I enjoyed COD4. The gameplay was varied enough from the sniping/stealthing mission to the gunner missions. I would have actually liked to see more of that in the future. I think a lot of other future games have a lot to live up to now that this game is out and that the COD5 team has some large shoes to fill this year.

The graphics were amazing and really puts a lot of other games to shame, mainly Halo 3. Sometimes things were so intense though or there was too much around the area that I couldn't find my objective. While the radar indicator for the most part was helpful, there were times where it just confused me even more. Also sometimes the things they said were too vague. Like the gunner mission I kept hearing "Oh get the guys near the building." and it's like...there's a dozen buildings. Small quirks, but nothing major.

As for the story, I could really care less since I'm not too into war stories, but it was a breath of fresh air to leave the WW2 setting. And I was a little shocked near the middle of the game at the end of the one mission where you're evacuating the city in the helicopter. That made me a little sad.

The multiplayer I couldn't get into. Perhaps it's because it's been out so long and I'm not used to the combat but every game I joined was with players who were way above me in skill level and I rarely ever had the chance to fight back. I'm not sure how steep the learning curve is but it's not fun when you die so quickly. I can understand the appeal if one were to really get into the game. But in this regards I'll stick to Halo 3.


Double XP This Weekend - plus 50% Variety Map Pack


Heads up that this weekend from Friday the 12th - Sunday the 14th on Xbox Live (PS3 event will be later, closer to the 18th), we’ll be having Double XP all weekend long on every playlist. In addition, we’ll be doing some DLC promotion on the Xbox Live Marketplace that will allow you to download the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Variety Map Pack for 50% off, which means you’ll be able to snag all four maps for just 400 MS points.

That’s not all though, thanks to so many of you who have written in and requested; we’ve been able to work it out to get the Prestige Gamer pic pack back on the marketplace for download for all those who missed out on it’s limited offering during our last LIVE fire weekend.

So you’ll be able to grab gamer pics of every prestige rank after downloading the discounted Variety Map Pack.

Some of the IW crew and myself will be jumping on this weekend to prey on all the new Variety Map Pack owners wandering lost in Chinatown, ripe for the picking. Be sure to add the following Xbox Live gamertags so you can join in on some of the games:

Fourzerotwo COD4artistWill COD4qaEd COD4qaJustin COD4designerJon

COD4designer1 COD4designer2 COD4studioVince COD4studioJason

The official Play With Devs time is Noon - 4pm PDT on Saturday, but we’ll be jumping on and off unofficially all weekend long. This is all going down exclusively on Xbox Live this weekend, but don’t worry PS3 players, because we’ll be doing the same for you guys ; but due to schedule conflicts we couldn’t do them back to back so the PS3 weekend will be closer to Sept the 18th (I’ll have a dedicated post for our PS3 users on that event), but you can expect some of the same benefits and festivities.


Damn, now I wish I hadn't bought the map pack before, $5 is such a steal. It's the perfect price for me because I don't really like Killhouse or Creek, but love Broadcast and Chinatown.


Just started playing it on Xbox, so I'm happy.

But what the heck? This is like "f*** you PS3-owners"

but due to the fact that we have some kind of deal with Microsoft we couldn’t do them back to back


but you can expect some of the same benefits and festivities.

And that does mean that you'll likely not get the same "benefits and festivities"!?

Not so good, imo. Actually pretty cool for me as I'm going through prestige, but I'm really not having a good feeling about this. Everyone who bought it for the PS3 should get the same stuff at the same time.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Is the map pack worth it ? I still havent bought it. But people say only 1 or 2 maps are decent, and they dont show up quite often.

Didnt think twice for 800, but for 400, i might bite.
Are they supposed to play on both consoles at the same time? So they cater to their biggest cash crop first. Welcome to the world of business.

I'm already level 55 gold cross and have the variety pack. Personally I don't think it's even worth $5. They need to put out a newer, better one. I love this game but the maps are starting to get really old.
Nice double XP.

So here's a story that a lot of you may be familiar with. My main setup (which I call Old Faithful :lol ) is M16 with ACOG, Deagle, stun/frag, stopping power, RPG x2, and last stand.

Now I use Last Stand because I think using martyrdom is way cheaper, but still it seems WAY more people complain about last stand then martyrdom. Anyway, I was destroying these two clan members in team deathmatch, and they kept on complaining that I had last stand and juggernaut on and how thats the only reason I beat them. So I told them "uhh I'm not using juggernaut, but i'll take last stand off if you want" and they're like "we'll be watching the killcam" :lol

Still kicked their ass regardless of last stand. Then they were all upset that I was using M16 and that its too easy to get kills, so I asked them "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO USE!!!" so they told me to use the G3. Ok.

Kicked their ass, again.

Seriously these people get all upset over little shit, but they just need to improve their game instead of complaining about perks and shit.

Oh yeah if anybody wants to play, send me a message on Live, its Lionheart1827.


Bumblebeetuna said:
Are they supposed to play on both consoles at the same time? So they cater to their biggest cash crop first. Welcome to the world of business.

I'm already level 55 gold cross and have the variety pack. Personally I don't think it's even worth $5. They need to put out a newer, better one. I love this game but the maps are starting to get really old.

The PSN Store won't get updated until thursday the 18th with the new price.


Tagged as I see fit
Nobody likes to use Extreme Conditioning? It's great. Claymores, Stopping Power, Extreme Conditioning = Perfect.

Super stealthy and great in Hardcore is Claymores, UAV Jammer, Silencer, and Extreme Conditioning.


Respawn Entertainment
snap0212 said:
Just started playing it on Xbox, so I'm happy.

But what the heck? This is like "f*** you PS3-owners"

And that does mean that you'll likely not get the same "benefits and festivities"!?

Not so good, imo. Actually pretty cool for me as I'm going through prestige, but I'm really not having a good feeling about this. Everyone who bought it for the PS3 should get the same stuff at the same time.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

M$ keeps lining our pockets!

Come on man, get over it. There is no conspiracy against PS3 users, its just things like this can't aways happen at the same time. We love each and every one of you :)


I use extreme conditioning for all my kits, while everyone in SD is too fat to get to the objective with a grenade stuck up their butt.
DKo5 said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol

M$ keeps lining our pockets!

Come on man, get over it. There is no conspiracy against PS3 users, its just things like this can't aways happen at the same time. We love each and every one of you :)

Aren't you typing this post from Microsoft Operating System???? HMMM? I smell conspiracy!!!


DKo5 said:
Come on man, get over it.

I already am. :) Like I said, I'm currently playing on Live, so everything is perfect for me. It just seems like everything you guys did after the release of the game got a fat "Xbox first"-Stamp on it. Actually, it's no big problem since IW never promised such things like double XP and half price for maps...

DKo5 said:
We love each and every one of you :)


Well I guess my weekend is all booked up now! :D

My gamertag on Live is CerebusAardvark if anybody wants to add me. I pretty much only play HQ, but I always seem to just join random games. Would be cool to play with a bunch of other Gaffers.


Seriously though, more maps. It's a good game, it deserves them and so do we.

Don't you want to support the troops?
Dyno said:
Seriously though, more maps. It's a good game, it deserves them and so do we.

Don't you want to support the troops?

Yeah they should release something new for the COD4 1 year anniversary. For all the success COD4 had I'm surprised there hasn't been more extra stuff.


I don't care too much about new maps, but the new playlist updates are huge for me.

If anyone wants to add me for CoD4, my Live gamertag is Strider2K99.
Strider2K99 said:
I don't care too much about new maps, but the new playlist updates are huge for me.

If anyone wants to add me for CoD4, my Live gamertag is Strider2K99.

What are the updates? I havent been following this thread at all really.
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