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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Lionheart1827 said:
Thanks for those. :D Unfortunately I cant read them at work since its blocked. :(

But I'll read when I get home.

Ok, I'll be willing to type it out for you. :)

The following types are in the process of testing and after some patching, may go live.

Hardcore Free For All: Standard FFA rules but with the addition of hardcore rules (limited HUD, extra damage, apparently no health regen, Friendly fire.)

Hardcore HQ: Standard Headquarters but with hardcore rules noted above.

Multi-bomb Search and Destroy: S&D where every member of the attacking team starts with a bomb.

Second Chance Search and Destroy: Standard S&D but with 1 respawn.

Bare-bones Team Deathmatch: TDM rules, but without the use of perks and kill streak rewards.

Team Elimination: 3 round Team Deathmatch w/ no respawns. Switch sides each round.

Hardcore Ricochet: Hardcore rules, but now no friendly fire, you can only kill yourself rather than your teammates with grenades, etc.

Sudden Death Sabotage: Sabotage with no respawns. You get increased EXP compared to normal Sabotage.

I believe that's all of them.
Strider2K99 said:
Ok, I'll be willing to type it out for you. :)

The following types are in the process of testing and after some patching, may go live.

Hardcore Free For All: Standard FFA rules but with the addition of hardcore rules (limited HUD, extra damage, apparently no health regen, Friendly fire.)

Hardcore HQ: Standard Headquarters but with hardcore rules noted above.

Multi-bomb Search and Destroy: S&D where every member of the attacking team starts with a bomb.

Second Chance Search and Destroy: Standard S&D but with 1 respawn.

Bare-bones Team Deathmatch: TDM rules, but without the use of perks and kill streak rewards.

Team Elimination: 3 round Team Deathmatch w/ no respawns. Switch sides each round.

Hardcore Ricochet: Hardcore rules, but now no friendly fire, you can only kill yourself rather than your teammates with grenades, etc.

Sudden Death Sabotage: Sabotage with no respawns. You get increased EXP compared to normal Sabotage.

I believe that's all of them.

Ahh awesome. Thanks. :D


nelkon and parker said:
Have I got it wrong, or was there some mention of another map pack coming out in the future? Just wondering, seeing as its getting pretty close to COD 5 release.

No there is only the original map pack. They're halving the price.
nelkon and parker said:
Have I got it wrong, or was there some mention of another map pack coming out in the future? Just wondering, seeing as its getting pretty close to COD 5 release.

I wish there was. Like I said in my earlier post, a game played by so many people you'd think there would be more than just 4 new maps, but then again its only been close to a year since it came out so.


Stoney Mason said:
The new playlists didn't make it for the double XP weekend right?

Doesn't look like the case. IW has been very unsure as to when the playlists are releasing. It's already been quite awhile since these playlists were mentioned in production.

The problem is, some of the gametypes such as Bare-Bones TDM had glitches that needed to be patched, so that means it takes certification time and all that.
Strider2K99 said:
Doesn't look like the case. IW has been very unsure as to when the playlists are releasing. It's already been quite awhile since these playlists were mentioned in production.

The problem is, some of the gametypes such as Bare-Bones TDM had glitches that needed to be patched, so that means it takes certification time and all that.

I think one of the IW guys made a post like they were trying to get them in with the promotion but it wasn't guaranteed. I figured it was unlikely.
Hmm, out of town and my box is red ringed anyway. I looked around on Xboxlive.com, but I couldn't see a way to buy the maps outside the Xbox dashboard. Anyone know otherwise?

It is too bad the playlists have taken so long. And I guess with COD 5 on the way, we will not see anymore DLC for COD4. I would imagine they will want everyone to move on to COD5 once that comes out. Makes me sad though.

I still wish I could slap the gold camo on whatever gun I want once I earn it.
USD said:
Does anybody know when the double XP starts? Just played a test game, no signs of extra XP yet.

The thread on that blog posting is misleading. It says 12th-14th but then in the description it says 13th-14th.

So double xp will be 12:01am pacific time tonight.
industrian said:
I shouldn't have prestiged. I miss my G36c already. :(

If you play HQ this weekend, you'll have it back in a hour or so. I played last night and was getting Showdown map after map after map. It was so bad that I thought it was a bug. The one time everyone veto'd Showdown then Wetwork showed up. I got up, turned the power button off and went to bed.

Maybe tonight I can play more then one map... what do you say IW?


industrian said:
I shouldn't have prestiged. I miss my G36c already. :(
I could get a G36c in like a few hours after I prestige.

For those of you who want to know the best Setup:

If its a good no lag match (and you feel like it), then: M40a3 ACOG'd, stopping power, deep impact

Otherwise your main one should always be: M4 Red dot, stopping power, deep impact

Or if your not very good, go stealth, with: AK47 silenced, stopping power, deep impact on larger maps, MP5 silenced for smaller, or if your really really bad also add UAV jammer for extra protection.


industrian said:
I shouldn't have prestiged. I miss my G36c already. :(
This is really why that Double XP weekend for PS3 next week will be kinda meaningless to me :( It's great that IW are doing this again, but I topped out at the seventh level Prestige (flying cross symbol) and I'm having fun getting red tiger camo for almost all my weapons :D So far I have it for the MP5 and M4. I'm about maybe 50-60 headshots away from getting red camo on the AK-47, and less than that for the M40A3 sniper rifle. I don't wanna start all over again...


GAF's Ed McMahon
Barkley's Justice said:
i am so hesitant to buy the map pack this weekend cause once cod4 starts it doesnt stop...i've been cod4-free for months now

I was about to buy it, but tons of games are going to come out soon, wont play CoD4 like now. Im happy with regular maps.
At half price I don't see how you could choose to NOT buy the map pack but then I have no reservations about buying map packs given that I'll probably play CoD4 more than any other game I buy for the rest of this year.
Which weapon is better? The M4 or G36C? I figure that they're comparable since they're both fully-automatic weapons with an emphasis on mid-to-long range.


Jack Scofield said:
Which weapon is better? The M4 or G36C? I figure that they're comparable since they're both fully-automatic weapons with an emphasis on mid-to-long range.
Between the two, I prefer the G36C, but the two weapons feel pretty similar to me.


Jack Scofield said:
Which weapon is better? The M4 or G36C? I figure that they're comparable since they're both fully-automatic weapons with an emphasis on mid-to-long range.

It's all about preference. I prefer the M4 personally. The M4 has range, which is something G36 lacks. But in terms of power, G36 > M4.
I created something fun for hardcore by accident.
Overkill: G36C + G3
Steady Aim
Both attachments are Grenade Launchers, giving you four (4) toobs !
Good for shits and giggles in HC.


M4 has range. G36 is a more 'mobile gun' I believe you can turn quicker with it. G36 always gave me a submachinegun vibe for some reason.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Oh man, first time on CoD4 in a few months. Either I got worse or people got a lot better. I spent the whole time getting my ass handed to me. :(


Man I love this game. I prestiged for the first time recently and after being a medium ranged rifle guy that would cover lines of sight (im a search and destroy guy) I switched recently to the Skorpion with 3x stun grenades, increased bullet damage and extreme conditioning. Completely different type of play, basically rushing and using shock and awe tactics with the stun grenades before taking enemies at close quarters on or trying to flank them.

Does anyone play Search and Destroy regularly btw? Be cool to get some people to play with reguarly.

Also I really want to get the new maps but the COD 4 GOTY site is down does anyone know how long its been down for?
Router said:
Oh man, first time on CoD4 in a few months. Either I got worse or people got a lot better. I spent the whole time getting my ass handed to me. :(

If I go more than 3 days w/o playing it takes me 1/2-1 hour before I get into a groove. I can't imagine how bad I'll be on the PS3 weekend.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
If I go more than 3 days w/o playing it takes me 1/2-1 hour before I get into a groove. I can't imagine how bad I'll be on the PS3 weekend.

I just started a week ago only get about an hour a day in and it's brutal. Just did a Domination game on the small crate map and thought I was doing great with 27 kills till it turns out I ranked lowest in the game on both teams :(
Killa Sasa said:
I created something fun for hardcore by accident.
Overkill: G36C + G3
Steady Aim
Both attachments are Grenade Launchers, giving you four (4) toobs !
Good for shits and giggles in HC.
people have been doing this a while now
Router said:
Oh man, first time on CoD4 in a few months. Either I got worse or people got a lot better. I spent the whole time getting my ass handed to me. :(

People are generally better nowadays. I've noticed I'm much more likely to have an average or even a bad game than I use to.


I hope to fvck they sort out the team balancing issues in COD5, also Host ending game and joining a match like 3/4th the way through and your team's loosing 500-950 and both count as a loss for you, thats just B.S!

Again this last issue is another sympton of the team balancing issues, people wouldnt quit (and thus you join a match at that stage) if 90% of games weren't a cakewalk for one team.
I've played this game way more then I should have and have a couple of things that still piss me off like:

If I get dumped into a HQ game right when I search and it's a Wetwork game and I'm automatically losing 0-200, there is helicopter out when I first spawn... and I leave the game (the game counts it as a loss), then I search for another game, DON'T PUT ME IN THE SAME F'ING GAME I JUST QUIT OUT OF!!!!! I quit for a reason ok?

And this one goes with the first one... don't put in a match where the score is so obvious unbalanced against me. If you want to do this, at least put me on the winning team.

When people vote to veto a map and the host leaves before the match starts... why are the veto votes reset and everyone has to vote again?

Again, if the host leaves the game and you can't do host migration... then make it a draw automatically so people don't get it counted as a loss unfairly. Oh, and bonus points if you tell me who it was that quit so I can leave them bad feedback for quitting early.

Oh, and one last positive thing. Give the guy who does the Marines guitar thing at the beginning of the match a big raise. That gets me pumped!
OldJadedGamer said:
Again, if the host leaves the game and you can't do host migration... then make it a draw automatically so people don't get it counted as a loss unfairly. Oh, and bonus points if you tell me who it was that quit so I can leave them bad feedback for quitting early.

You know, I don't know why they don't just tell everyone who the host is. I don't get made host very often, but I have caused I think two games to end early. If I had known I was host, I probably would have just dropped the controller and answered the phone/door/person or whatever else, rather than quitting out and ruining everyone's fun.

Probably would cut down on the head scratching if I knew I was getting killed by the host, rather than going 'OMGWTF was that?' to myself.


lynux3 said:
Is the Double XP weekend for Xbox Live only or PlayStation Network as well?

The PSN weekend will be next weekend, along with the same price drop on the maps in the PSN Store...
Slayer-33 said:
Didn't they say a while back that they where going to make these maps free?

I believe that it was confirmed when the NEXT map pack launches that this one will be made free, much like what they did with the Halo 3 packs.
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