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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Okin said:
The only time I've really noticed a framerate drop was when I was essentially standing inside three collective rpg trails, and trying to fight. I've got a pretty keen eye for framerates, and the 360 version is certainly consistent to the point that there's no reason anyone should even be complaining about it.

And the shadows in call of duty 4 are great. Everything has them!
The person you play as doesn't.......and he should.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
anachronous_one said:
Since we're down to nitpicking . . . "CoD4 is not performing any such operations, but there is an example of it performing such an operation"?

Next you're going to tell me that VF5 on the PS3 displays at a higher resolution in 720p mode than in 1080p mode.
That doesn't necessarily mean they are using HDR. Such effects can easily be faked and have been (even on the PSP) in other games. The fact that it only seems to appear in specific locations suggest that it is being faked.


butthole fishhooking yes
Synless said:
If I need to bust out the rain comparison for the first level damnit I will. lol

If you're going to link to that video posted in here earlier, you'll be disappointed. It's not accurate.
Hunter D said:
Saw this posted on beyond3d.

I think it could be caused by how the systems are hooked up to the tv though.


PS3 version has gloves. Superior version confirmed!


butthole fishhooking yes
Metalmurphy said:

PS3 version has gloves. Superior version confirmed!

No. 360 has knee pads ftw!


Synless said:
I know I posted it, what's so inaccurate about it?

Just as the IW programmer stated, the video was not representational of the final output on the 360. There's much more rain effects present in the actual game. In the video, it looks like a sprinkle. In the game, you get dropped into The Perfect Storm.


Metalmurphy said:

PS3 version has gloves. Superior version confirmed!
wierd.......the character's are diffrent the 360 version has a guy with kneepads and the ps3 versions guy has his sleeves rolled up and gloves, lol


butthole fishhooking yes
Metalmurphy said:
Pfff, that means 360 version is inferior. Real man don't need knee pads in war. This ain't a skate game.

Whatsamatter, wittle fingy wingies hurty wurty from holding that rope? Real men got calloused hands.

P.S. This is so said because it's an accurate portrayal of some real shit that goes down around here.


I will say though that IMO the textures on the 360 guys camo looks better.

Actually the more I stare at it, the more it looks the same.....so I stand corrected.


dark10x said:
That doesn't necessarily mean they are using HDR. Such effects can easily be faked and have been (even on the PSP) in other games. The fact that it only seems to appear in specific locations suggest that it is being faked.


Synless said:
wierd.......the character's are diffrent the 360 version has a guy with kneepads and the ps3 versions guy has his sleeves rolled up and gloves, lol
It's not a version difference. Your compatriots' looks & loadouts are often randomized slightly each time they enter a mission. =)


butthole fishhooking yes
And you can hardly see the PS3 caption with that dark blue font. The light green 360 font was a much better choice.


Rayme said:
It's not a version difference. Your compatriots' looks & loadouts are often randomized slightly each time they enter a mission. =)
seriously? wierd, maybe that explains the textures on that guys uniform compared to the other guys, maybe one character model was more detailed then the other.


Not Wario
SaitoH said:
Oh god this thread is falling apart. Where's superman when you need him?

Cause it's getting heavy
Well I thought it was already as heavy as can be

Tell everyone waiting for Superman
That they should hold on as best they can
He hasn't dropped them, forgot them, or anything
It's just too heavy for Superman to lift


Prologue Type S Alpha
dark10x said:
That doesn't necessarily mean they are using HDR. Such effects can easily be faked and have been (even on the PSP) in other games. The fact that it only seems to appear in specific locations suggest that it is being faked.
I see what you're saying now . . . I clearly did not read between the lines of your post. I thought that you were simply making directly opposing statements. It gets a little crazy trying to keep up with a thread while at work.


More than a member.
These comparaison pics are everything but reliable , its like sharpness is 100 on ps3 and 0 on 360. pure bullshit
f@luS said:
These comparaison pics are everything but reliable , its like sharpness is 100 on ps3 and 0 on 360. pure bullshit

Seriously. You can tell right away just looking at the guns barrel. 360s one is all blurry and PS3s is ultra sharp.


Bebpo said:
CoD4's lighting is the exact same as Resistance's lighting...it's totally faked. That's the reason the game can keep 60fps. If it had real lighting I'd be surprised if it could hold 30fps. Still, they do a daaaaamn good job at faking it and it looks really nice in some missions like the daylight ones.

The fake lighting is pretty much the only reason I like the graphics but aren't "wow, best looking game ever!" about it. Halo 3 and Bioshock were more impressive framerate aside.

Anyhow, game is great. After doing a few missions on regular I restarted on hardened and it seems about the same for the most part difficulty-wise, so I'll stick with hardened for the rest of the way.
How do you define "fake" lighting? We do full shadowing from nearly every object in the game (except your player character and a couple of other select things, for gameplay reasons not for performance) in real time. Check the bullets on top of the
nuke-in-a-box in the Cargoship level
or the
Chessboard in one of the guardhouses in Blackout.
They're not pre-baked, we can and do move the whole sun around during the game plus shadows from moving spotlights etc etc etc.


Calen said:
How do you define "fake" lighting? We do full shadowing from nearly every object in the game (except your player character and a couple of other select things, for gameplay reasons not for performance) in real time. Check the bullets on top of the
nuke-in-a-box in the Cargoship level
or the
Chessboard in one of the guardhouses in Blackout.
They're not pre-baked, we can and do move the whole sun around during the game plus shadows from moving spotlights etc etc etc.

Haha Dev-ownd!

As for those comparison shots on teamxbox... come on guys, the 360 shots look like they were taken by a professional and the PS3, by a guy have a seizure while dropping the camera.

If the difference was that apparent, websites would have called out IW and the PS3 for being inferior. We've seen that they have no problem doing so when it came to Madden and EA. Hell, we've already gone through the GT trailer with no conclusion! Just enjoy the game...


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
I love when developers come in here and just start owning people who have no idea what they're talking about.


Calen said:
How do you define "fake" lighting? We do full shadowing from nearly every object in the game (except your player character and a couple of other select things, for gameplay reasons not for performance) in real time. Check the bullets on top of the
nuke-in-a-box in the Cargoship level
or the
Chessboard in one of the guardhouses in Blackout.
They're not pre-baked, we can and do move the whole sun around during the game plus shadows from moving spotlights etc etc etc.



Sorry about the bold, but can anyone confirm if the game has global online play?. I won't buy the EU version tomorrow if it doesn't. :D


Ceb said:
Sorry about the bold, but can anyone confirm if the game has global online play?. I won't buy the EU version tomorrow if it doesn't. :D
It does use your relative network performance to each other to try to pick better matches, so I would expect you to see more matches made with others in your locale just from that standpoint. There's no region lockout though.


Calen said:
How do you define "fake" lighting? We do full shadowing from nearly every object in the game (except your player character and a couple of other select things, for gameplay reasons not for performance) in real time. Check the bullets on top of the
nuke-in-a-box in the Cargoship level
or the
Chessboard in one of the guardhouses in Blackout.
They're not pre-baked, we can and do move the whole sun around during the game plus shadows from moving spotlights etc etc etc.
I just wanted to point out exactly what I said about the players not casting shadows like I said for those of you who thought different.....but why did you guys do this?


Getting bogged down in the whole graphics argument is nuts. The game looks phenomenal. Sure it has skyboxes and such but that hardly matters in a game of this nature. Episode Two has the same skyboxes. Neither are any where near as annoying as Quake IV's.

Eric WK

Nothing like getting to the VIP on The Epilogue (Veteran, of course) and not finishing the job. (Is there a time limit once you reach him? Because I went to take out the dude's legs and failed. Not sure if I hit the VIP or there was a time constraint.)


Calen, if you don't mind answering, I'm wondering if I can filter out servers with radar enabled on PC. I know that its a server option, but is it a search option? Thank you.
Calen said:
How do you define "fake" lighting? We do full shadowing from nearly every object in the game (except your player character and a couple of other select things, for gameplay reasons not for performance) in real time. Check the bullets on top of the
nuke-in-a-box in the Cargoship level
or the
Chessboard in one of the guardhouses in Blackout.
They're not pre-baked, we can and do move the whole sun around during the game plus shadows from moving spotlights etc etc etc.

So does the game have 0% pre-baked lighting? Does it do HDR lighting?


Calen said:
It does use your relative network performance to each other to try to pick better matches, so I would expect you to see more matches made with others in your locale just from that standpoint. There's no region lockout though.

Thanks for confirming. :) My 100mpbs connection will ensure I won't get a bad ping.


Blader5489 said:
So what's the consensus on the SP length? Is it really 5-6 hours?

For me it was slightly over 7, but yeah the game isn't really that long. Picked it up on Tuesday from Best Buy and with casual play was finished playing it on Wednesday night.


Ceb said:
Thanks for confirming. :) My 100mpbs connection will ensure I won't get a bad ping.

You have 100Mbps connection to the internet itself and the parties on the other end do to? If not, you can get bad ping just like everybody else as its interface to interface back to original interface that determines ping - not your console to the interface out of your house.


frankthurk said:
So does the game have 0% pre-baked lighting? Does it do HDR lighting?
I can't talk about our implementation techniques, but I am curious. What's your definition of HDR?


PS3 version here. Played the 360 beta.

Online: smooth 60fps with some aliasing. Clear difference between this and the 360 beta IQ-wise.

Offline: dunno how the 360 runs, but to say this is a 60fps game is totally wrong. I'd call it a 30fps game with some peaks at 60fps. Basically, is 60fps when nothing is happening. 30fps when in a firefight. I've just finished the fight at the television studio and man did the frame rate drop a lot in there. Especially in that room filled with computer and monitors and RPG equipped enemies on second floor. Aliasing, shimmering (expecially on vegetation), bad shadowing is all there.

I gotta say, I kind of agree, and it's dissapointing after how hyped up the framerate was. From the previews to beta impression, hell, even the devs went on record on the msg boards and podcasts saying how 60fps was absolutely the development mantra from the start, that it was a 'minimum' base target, and anything that brought the framerate down was optimised/redesigned untill it was sorted. Obviously that's not quite true... PS3 version definitely slows down a fair bit during some major firefights and has some wierd 'stuttering' going on that isn't limited to just the check-point saves... all in all not as polished as we were led to believe. I think a lot of the framerate/hitching problems are caused by the scripting...seems that way anyway. Fortunately the online mode runs flawlessly.


Calen can you tell us why you guys made the decision to not include shadows for the person you play as? what kind of gameplay hinders did this cause?


Well, I tired to rent both versions to do an HD capture comparison but my Blockbuster is full of failure and hasn't even got any versions in stock. :(


Synless said:
Calen can you tell us why you guys made the decision to not include shadows for the person you play as? what kind of gameplay hinders did this cause?
I don't know, sorry - I'm not a designer. I know they talked about it.

In general guys, please don't be offended if we don't answer a question you ask - some of them we miss, some of them we just can't talk about, and some of them I just don't know. I don't want to clutter any thread with a bunch of "durr, sorry, can't talk about that" or "Dunno! Whee!" type replies.


Calen said:
I don't know, sorry - I'm not a designer. I know they talked about it.

In general guys, please don't be offended if we don't answer a question you ask - some of them we miss, some of them we just can't talk about, and some of them I just don't know. I don't want to clutter any thread with a bunch of "durr, sorry, can't talk about that" or "Dunno! Whee!" type replies.

No, thats cool man I was just wondering about it and thought it was odd to have a game with such great shadows and lighting and to not have the character you play as not have those shadow effects when in the light.
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