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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Calen said:
I don't know, sorry - I'm not a designer. I know they talked about it.

In general guys, please don't be offended if we don't answer a question you ask - some of them we miss, some of them we just can't talk about, and some of them I just don't know. I don't want to clutter any thread with a bunch of "durr, sorry, can't talk about that" or "Dunno! Whee!" type replies.

But... but... the 360 version has kneepads and the PS3 one doesn't... And the PS3 version has gloves and the 360 one doesn't! WHY! I MUST KNOW TO DETERMINE WHICH VERSION IS BETTER! AUGH!
Hey Does anyone know how to get more of those Epilogue levels?

Are there more than that one on the plane because that was one of my favorite missions.
Rayme said:
It's not a version difference. Your compatriots' looks & loadouts are often randomized slightly each time they enter a mission. =)
Whoa thats cool.


Dartastic said:
But... but... the 360 version has kneepads and the PS3 one doesn't... And the PS3 version has elbow pads and the 360 one doesn't!
It's gloves, lol not elbow pads, his sleeves are just rolled up to show how much of a badass he is.


Synless said:
It's gloves, lol not elbow pads, his sleeves are just rolled up to show how much of a badass he is.

Ok, that makes sense then. Edited for accuracy, and PS3 version better confirmed. But there's that whole BJ/kneepad argument...

Seriously, this shit is ridiculous.


he's Virgin Tight™
When I played the MP Beta I was sure this would be a GREAT game. Now that I bought it I have been hooked for over 3 hours, 2 with SP, 1 with MP. Since I was already good in the Beta, owning the new guys on the game is good (last game I had 38 kills 17 deaths on Overgrown, and I am level 7 already).

The graphics are GOOD, but there are quite some fuzzy textures here and there, but the 60FPS, geometry and lighting make up for it. There were many HOLY SHIT moments in what I've played so far... and well, the MP hasn't disappointed me, I knew it would be good, and it is still good. To me, like I said when playing the beta, COD4 would beat Halo 3 in the MP department, and I confirmed it today again. The sound is great, i was very surprised, and mind you I only have a sucky 2.1 system, but it was still awesome.

This game is GOTY Runner up! GREAT GAME IW! I AM HOOKED!


Calen, maybe you can answer this.

I don't mean it as a troll, because I see this in countless games.

But why the hell are the shadows so jagged? If the game is using AA, why don't the shadows get the AA treatment?
Lonesome_Raod said:
Just completed the bog on veteren. No achievement unlocked. Few folk on the cod4 board on gamefaqs report the same. bugger.

Uh, some Veteran achievements have several level requirements to unlock them. I believe 'The Bog' one requires the completion of 'Bog' and 'War Pig'.


Just watched the first mission of COD4 on gamersyde. Sweet merci that looks intense.

I'm definitely gonna pick up COD4 once I've got a PS3 (probably next month). Is the whole game as gripping as the first mission?


Some of you people must find it hard to enjoy a game when you're scouring the levels for low quality textures and spinning in circles to find moments of frame rate drops. I really do pity you.


Mojovonio said:
Calen, maybe you can answer this.

I don't mean it as a troll, because I see this in countless games.

But why the hell are the shadows so jagged? If the game is using AA, why don't the shadows get the AA treatment?
The uber short, cop out, lame-ass answer is "speed tradeoffs." We do filter / AA the shadow edges, but the more you do of that the slower it is.


Law of the West
I haven't had a chance to play multiplayer... any way I get to keep all the cool shit I unlocked in the beta?! :lol


Calen said:
The uber short, cop out, lame-ass answer is "speed tradeoffs." We do filter / AA the shadow edges, but the more you do of that the slower it is.

That's what I thought.

Very good trade-off.


I know the thread title alludes to this obviousness (and I am sure everyone and their dog has mentioned it already) but after playing this the last 2 days I must add my discontent to this list. the cloning factories spouting out infinite enemies takes what would have been a fun and enjoyable game and makes it suck. whats wrong with a finite amount of enemies that come in waves. when I have thrown my 4 grenades in a room why is it that I walk in there and there are still guys standing in there? this is how most scenarios go down: you try 40 different way of strategically removing key offenders and getting killed uncerimoniusly every single time, a frustrated dash past all the enemies to a check point is the only sure fire way to get the go ahead. so what if I like to sit back and chip away at something until I feel it safe to charge in. this game is not geared to close quarters combat and I feel like I have to get uncomfortably close to get anything done. clone hordes = lazy AI, or atleast a lazy way to up the difficulty. BLAGH! no replays for me for sure. (maybe once on arcade)
Synless said:
No, thats cool man I was just wondering about it and thought it was odd to have a game with such great shadows and lighting and to not have the character you play as not have those shadow effects when in the light.

Are you a full model animating or just a floating arm with guns? If the latter then I think that would explain why you wouldn't cast any shadows...


frankthurk said:
Not asking for techniques, just if there is any pre-baked lighting or not.
To quote the wikipedia page, then:

* Bright things can be really bright
* Dark things can be really dark
* And details can be seen in both

^^^ we do that.

It's worth pointing out that we went to a lot of effort to give our artists control over the visual composition of the scene, and that does extend to lightening or darkening (or tinting) the overall visual look. It has much the same effect as putting a gel over a movie camera and can have similar impact on the overall contrast of the lighting.

Eric WK

gray_fox224 said:
Is MP working?!

Not for me.

InterMoniker said:
Can some one please tell me whats up with the Epilogue mode? Too much graphics talk and not enough about the game!

It's not a mode. It's an additional level that follows the main story - you know... like an... epilogue.


dark10x said:
Wow, are you serious? The framerate IS nice, but everything else feels less than impressive. I'm not taking a jaded stance on this either as I've been impressed by a lot of other games over the last year.

The textures are somewhat low resolution, the geometry seems very simple, and the overall lighting is a bit flat. It's a nice looking game, but far from the most impressive. It's not even the most impressive 60 fps game I've seen lately (Ratchet and Clank Future looks far more impressive overall, if you ask me).

The original GRAW for XBOX360 wipes the floor with CoD4, visually. Really, it's only claim to fame is its framerate (which is indeed a big deal). I think the game looks great, but it feels like a suped up Quake 3 engine game. I don't even think it looks as good as Resistance Fall of Man let alone Gears of War.

I am enjoying the game a bit more, though. It is indeed a script fest, but there are some pretty enjoyable moments in there.

Glad it's not just me who thinks this. IGN's 10/10 for graphics and the hype in this thread built up an expectation for me that reality just didn't match.


MP on 360 is not working. It keeps freezing my damn 360. I have to reboot it every time. then when it goes thru, it says some stupid message like you must be online for playing multiplayer or some shit like that.

what gives?

btw, dashboard is actin kinda funny too, very unresponsive and freezy too

zomg, its the fall update! its coming !!!:lol


Phoenix said:
For me it was slightly over 7, but yeah the game isn't really that long. Picked it up on Tuesday from Best Buy and with casual play was finished playing it on Wednesday night.

It took me about 8 hours on Veteran (mostly because I kept dying on a few of the missions), but it was put together well enough that it's length didn't bother me. The ending actually made me sad to (which isn't a bad thing). IMO this was one of the better single player FPS's I've played - despite the frustration conjured up by a few of the missions (thanks to Veteran).

Eric WK

Vyse The Legend said:
Did you finish it on Veteran, Eric?

Not yet. Got to the VIP this afternoon and I'm not sure what happened. I went for the terrorist's legs but either missed or time ran out. :( Should've just went for the headshot.

Haven't made it back to him yet, though.
Eric WK said:
Not yet. Got to the VIP this afternoon and I'm not sure what happened. I went for the terrorist's legs but either missed or time ran out. :( Should've just went for the headshot.

Haven't made it back to him yet, though.

Yeah, you HAVE to get a headshot. The game auto-fails you if you don't, and it gives you the message "True Veterans aim for headshots, not flesh wounds."

Eric WK

Vyse The Legend said:
Yeah, you HAVE to get a headshot. The game auto-fails you if you don't, and it gives you the message "True Veterans aim for headshots, not flesh wounds."

Blah. That explains it. I vaguely remembered someone mentioning the leg strategy, but obviously they were confused and it doesn't work on Vet.

CajoleJuice said:
Damn, I'm gonna be on in a little while to try MP...I guess if it doesn't work I'll actually have to get started in the SP.

You have a friend request awaiting you, by the way.


Eric WK said:
Not yet. Got to the VIP this afternoon and I'm not sure what happened. I went for the terrorist's legs but either missed or time ran out. :( Should've just went for the headshot.

Haven't made it back to him yet, though.

Yep you need to take a headshot (at least on Veteran). Shooting other parts of his body won't do shit. Just wait for the fucker to peek his head out (he did it right before I ran out of time) and pop him. I know some people have struggled with the plane mission, but personally it wasn't that difficult or as frustrating as some of the other missions.


dark10x said:
Reading TTP's impressions continues to make me wonder if I made a poor choice going with the PS3 version of the game. It doesn't drop framerate to 30 fps as much as he makes it seem (very rarely, anyways) but it does drops frames on a pretty constant basis (whenever you are facing a large area). Is this not true of the 360 version?

The 360 version was pretty rock solid in that section that TTP mentions. It seems to be 60 more often than not.

Eric WK

Pakman said:
Yep you need to take a headshot (at least on Veteran). Shooting other parts of his body won't do shit. Just wait for the fucker to peek his head out (he did it right before I ran out of time) and pop him. I know some people have struggled with the plane mission, but personally it wasn't that difficult or as frustrating as some of the other missions.

Thing is, I don't find it frustrating. There were two or three parts of the campaign where I wanted to break my TV, but this I just find fun. It's definitely challenging, but once you know what you're doing and develop a system through each section, it becomes easier.


SP and MP mode are incredible! I can't get enough of this game. I'm just wondering does anyone else have a problem inviting friends to party? It hasn't worked even once for me. I'm playing the ps3 version.
The single player campaign is amazing, some very powerful moments throughout.

The multiplayer is where its at though. The weapon balance seems a little off for me though, SMG's and Shotguns seem fairly useless because the maps are so sprawled. Also, i'd say the M4 Carbine is the best weapon of the lot (or at least, the easiest to use). You can use it fully automatic and nab plenty of kills.

I still prefer the M16, but thats an observation i've made, and the vast majority of players seem to be using it once they unlock it.


Eric WK said:
Thing is, I don't find it frustrating. There were two or three parts of the campaign where I wanted to break my TV, but this I just find fun. It's definitely challenging, but once you know what you're doing and develop a system through each section, it becomes easier.

I agree. But the first 3 or so times I ran through this, I didn't realize there was a 2nd floor. I remember thinking, "holy shit, I can't even clear the first floor in 60 seconds." But then I started toying with my flashbangs, and that changed things. :p


JB1981 wasn't lying :-O






HybridXL said:
MP on 360 is not working. It keeps freezing my damn 360. I have to reboot it every time. then when it goes thru, it says some stupid message like you must be online for playing multiplayer or some shit like that.

what gives?

btw, dashboard is actin kinda funny too, very unresponsive and freezy too

zomg, its the fall update! its coming !!!:lol
XBL has been having some nasty hickups, today & yesterday.


I dont get One shot one kill. This is first part that has actually frustrated me. Part where you're waiting for helicopter.


Quazar said:
I dont get One shot one kill. This is first part that has actually frustrated me. Part where you're waiting for helicopter.

There's a vid a few pages back that shows how to beat that part quite easily. It pissed me off too till I tried the other (cheaper) method...but some situations in the game are just unfair, so you gotta do what you gotta do.


Hey Calen,

A question for you, if you have a moment to answer it;

Why did you guys make the decision not to include online splitscreen multiplayer?
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