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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Art does not make 60FPS @ 1080i with real world physics on the PSf*ckin2.
TheDuce22 said:
If thats real its simply the result of lazy developers. Everyone knows bluray can hold higher resolution textures.

Less available RAM = lower resolution textures.
This is one time people need to drop the "lazy developer" claims. IW deserves better than that for busting their ass.

Unless of course you were being sarcastic.

*Edit* How did my tag disappear the last 2 days but return again today?
Okin said:
Hey Calen,

A question for you, if you have a moment to answer it;

Why did you guys make the decision not to include online splitscreen multiplayer?
I would like to know the answer to this as well. I would've been fine with a drop to 30 fps if it meant been able to play 2-player online.


Okin said:
Hey Calen,

A question for you, if you have a moment to answer it;

Why did you guys make the decision not to include online splitscreen multiplayer?
Finite time + finite resources = not everything can go in.


Rayme said:
...this might be my favorite post, ever.
C'mon Rayme, I know you got at LEAST 3 hours of sleep on more than one occasion! You could have been working that whole time! :lol


CajoleJuice said:
I would like to know the answer to this as well. I would've been fine with a drop to 30 fps if it meant been able to play 2-player online.
It's honestly not a quick feature to implement (though I'd understand if it seems like it should be). Most things come down to "what can we do with the time that is given us?", and though I couldn't say if that's the case here for sure, in general understand that nothing in development is free, and often to gain something, you have to give up something else (or multiple things).

For the record, though: don't assume that if something isn't in the game, that IW was against having it. =)
Rayme said:
It's honestly not a quick feature to implement (though I'd understand if it seems like it should be). Most things come down to "what can we do with the time that is given us?", and though I couldn't say if that's the case here for sure, in general understand that nothing in development is free, and often to gain something, you have to give up something else (or multiple things).

For the record, though: don't assume that if something isn't in the game, that IW was against having it. =)
Yea, I'm sure every good developer wants to get as much as possible into their game. I'm just wondering why having splitscreen multiplayer online wasn't a bigger priority for them.


MercuryLS said:
There's a vid a few pages back that shows how to beat that part quite easily. It pissed me off too till I tried the other (cheaper) method...but some situations in the game are just unfair, so you gotta do what you gotta do.

I cant find vid. I might of got distracted reading the shitty posts in last several pages.


CajoleJuice said:
Yea, I'm sure every good developer wants to get as much as possible into their game. I'm just wondering why having splitscreen multiplayer online wasn't a bigger priority for them.
u seem to think that had they made it a bigger priority, it wouldve ended up in the final game?


CajoleJuice said:
Oh, I missed your earlier post. Still, I would've made it a bigger priority. Tell your higher-ups to get it in the next installment of the series. :p

I hope 4-player online co-op is higher on that priority list for COD6 ;)
adelante said:
u seem to think that had they made it a bigger priority, it wouldve ended up in the final game?
Pretty much, yea. If I would designing a console FPS, it'd be one of the first things I'd make sure is in the game. But that's me. I still love the game to death, as evidenced by my posts in this thread and the amount of time I've already spent playing online in 2 days.

Edit: See, Calen agrees!


haha o well I would've love to have some splitscreen action too (cos it feels kinda weird its the only fps i have that doesn't have that) but that said, its a wellcrafted game as it is :D


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Oh god I cant stand this game anymore. Infinity Ward lied. Media is blind. I'm selling the PS3 version and buying the 360 one tomorrow.
TTP said:
Oh god I cant stand this game anymore. Infinity Ward lied. Media is blind. I'm selling the PS3 version and buying the 360 one tomorrow.
hahahahahahahahahahahah holy shit dude, you are fucking insane
TTP said:
Oh god I cant stand this game anymore. Infinity Ward lied. Media is blind. I'm selling the PS3 version and buying the 360 one tomorrow.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
TTP said:
Oh god I cant stand this game anymore. Infinity Ward lied. Media is blind. I'm selling the PS3 version and buying the 360 one tomorrow.

Are you serious?
jet1911 said:
Hmm, wow. Is it really that bad?

Nope, just TTP being TTP.

I shall trade this game because of some low res textures...for another with er...slightly less low res textures all up in your face for the exact gameplay experience that I can't stand because of low res textures!!


^ 360 version also has satisfying rumble.

Not saying he should sell the PS3 version though. He's only going to get half of what he paid back (if he's lucky).


beerbelly said:
JB1981 wasn't lying :-O


I think people are more concerned about the opposing team calling in a ground strike then texture resolution.
The one thing I'd like to see adjusted in CoD4 multiplayer thus far...

- Give Martyrdom about another half-second to second delay. Often times, you don't have a chance to get away or react and throw it away.

I finished the single-player on Normal today.
What is the point of the Epilogue mission? It was pretty damn cool, but is it hinting at something for the future? Or is it just something cool that they couldn't fit within the game's story?


ToyMachine228 said:
The one thing I'd like to see adjusted in CoD4 multiplayer thus far...

- Give Martyrdom about another half-second to second delay. Often times, you don't have a chance to get away or react and throw it away.

I finished the single-player on Normal today.
What is the point of the Epilogue mission? It was pretty damn cool, but is it hinting at something for the future? Or is it just something cool that they couldn't fit within the game's story?

I don't get the significance of that mission either, but it was pretty cool. I wish they'd have made a long mission around that.


Cerrius said:
What's up with the message of the day on CoD4?

"EA Chicago: Infinity Ward is hiring. jobs@infinityward.com"

Is that an insult? Is Activision OK with using EA's name on CoD4? :lol

seems odd...
EA Chicago was shut down, that's why. Still seems a little weird to put it there though.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Not the one I had hoped for most my adult life, but I have joined a Mile High Club.



Everything is tsundere to me
you know, i think its a bit of a disservice to the game that the campaign is so short. this game would be sooooo much better if the single player was focused on a bit more. not to say that the multiplayer isn't important, it's just that a game that has this level of presentation is more deserving of plot. great game though. people down the hall rock.


Hey Calen, thanks for the answers. I want to say that the game is incredibly awesome as well, and I've spent more time playing it than sleeping.

Sorry to keep bugging you with questions, but would it be impossible to patch online splitscreen into the game? Do you think there will be any future downloadable content?


Quick question for AussieGAF. How does the game play with American / European hosts? Is the latency still bad? In the beta it ran like ass, which has made me reconsider purchasing the game (while it costs $110).

While I really want to get this, it's not worth it if all I do is lag. Oh, this is the Xbox version, if it helps. Cheers in advance.


Whats up with the host ended session stuff. We ran to it a ton tonight. The team hits the lead and session ends and we get the loss? :(


This game is absolutely stunning and running at a good framerate? WTF? I thought next gen was all about 30 fps and "almost HD"?!

Awesome awesome and I haven't even touched MP yet!


Hmm, it seems like SNIPING was nerfed a bit since the 360 beta. On many occasions I shoot someone dead to rights with the Barrett w/stopping power and it won't drop them? Maybe hit-detection needs some tweaking? You're honestly better off going with a M16 with ACOG.

Either they need to put the power back into the snipers (I understand the M21 getting nerfed, but the M40 and Drag are noticeably weaker) or nerf the AR's with their rediculous ranged accuracy.

As of now, sniping seems broken.


Kritz said:
Quick question for AussieGAF. How does the game play with American / European hosts? Is the latency still bad? In the beta it ran like ass, which has made me reconsider purchasing the game (while it costs $110).

While I really want to get this, it's not worth it if all I do is lag. Oh, this is the Xbox version, if it helps. Cheers in advance.

I played with some yanks earlier and it was fine, and I'm in NZ.
Hey Calen,

Is COD4 720p native? On PS3 and 360? Playing in 1080p is upscaled right?

Since it defaulted to 720p I'm assuming its 720p native. Just wondering if 1080p is upscaled or not.
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