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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Jtyettis said:
You have done this time and time again. Same thing with The Darkness.

Here's a little hint: stopped being duped so you don't have to complain.

This month I'll become a multi-console owner with the purchase of a PS3, but let me say this, I'll never, ever, buy a multi-console game for the PS3 based on what I've seen to date. I'm not sure how you or anyone else can fool themselves otherwise.

Stop doing it. Problem solved.
I do it because I would rather build a library around the PS3. Years down the road, I don't expect the 360 to continue functioning and I will no longer have the option of getting it repaired. I don't want to end up with a large library of worthless games.

I will only select a PS3 version of a multiplatform game when I believe the PS3 version to be the lead SKU. For example, I expect that the PS3 version of Burnout Paradise will be greater than or equal to the 360 version.

You're right, though, I'm through with putting faith in 3rd parties.


AdmiralViscen said:


Why do I feel like drop kicking you in the face?


Mojovonio said:
You missed the revolution.

Its NeoFAQS now.

Nah, it's not the whole forum, it's just a small group of people banding together and being childish.

You know when you go on Xbox Live and you can hear what sounds like a 12 year old boy making stupid noises, talking shit, screaming insults and gereally being a pain in the ass? Well that's what this thread has turned into.


dark10x said:
I do it because I would rather build a library around the PS3. Years down the road, I don't expect the 360 to continue functioning and I will no longer have the option of getting it repaired. I don't want to end up with a large library of worthless games.

I will only select a PS3 version of a multiplatform game when I believe the PS3 version to be the lead SKU. For example, I expect that the PS3 version of Burnout Paradise will be greater than or equal to the 360 version.

You're right, though, I'm through with putting faith in 3rd parties.
if you care so much for your 360 to live forever, why dont you just open it and
remove the clamps, put some proper paste, maybe change the fans.
that should practically guarantee your 360 outliving many other stuff.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
p3tran said:
if you care so much for your 360 to live forever, why dont you just open it and
remove the clamps, put some proper paste, maybe change the fans.
that should practically guarantee your 360 outliving many other stuff.
Well, to be fair, I'm still using a launch unit and haven't had a lick of trouble. I don't really want to open it up knowing that it hasn't failed yet. I may end up considering it, though.

cgcg said:
Dark10x, seriously you don't see the big ground textures difference in this shot?


looks like some stuff are better in the PS3 and vice versa. In other words stop being so fucking anal.
That texture is not superior. It's a lower resolution texture, but it has darker areas present (look at the close-up comparison) so it appears more detailed at a distance.
Mojovonio said:
Holy shit, are you guys even playing the fucking game?
Yeah level 22! or 21 I can't remember :p
Takuan said:
:lol seriously

but :lol @ those PS3 textures
Good god give it a rest they're pretty much identical.
Borys said:
People arguing with dark10x over graphics are officialy dumb.


I'll take one dark10x post about CoD4 graphics (dated, period) over 100s of fanboy ones.
MercuryLS said:
I wish I could call an aitstrike on this thread. You guys are the biggest piles of shit on the Internet, congrats.

and lol at an airstrike on this thread.


So a few bits of shrapnel that you may spend a split second looking at while playing through this game are a tad lower-res on the PS3 version.

But the gun...

Sharper on the PS3 version.

Kabuki Waq said:
When you are a MULTIPLATFORM gamer why should you settle for an inferior/different version regardless of how minute the differenced are?
indeed. i love how people think that this is inherantly SYSTEM WARZ when the ones of us that find this the most useful are the ones that own every system.

thanks to this thread (which i clicked on by accident), if i ever clear my plate enough to pick this up, i'll know which version to get. i'll also know what to advise someone who owns both systems who may ask me which version is better.

games >>> systems. i'll play the game on the system it runs best on every time, whatever system that is.


MercuryLS said:
I wish I could call an aitstrike on this thread. You guys are the biggest piles of shit on the Internet, congrats.

Meh, while I don't agree with the bitching about graphics differences going on - whatever. It's their money and if someone is that much of a graphics whore (unlike me) to notice and be bugged by the differences in ground texture, shadows, etc - let them talk about it. Everyone has small/weird things that bug them and drive them nuts.


It's a lower resolution texture, but it has darker areas present (look at the close-up comparison) so it appears more detailed at a distance.

It's not just the distant textures here, even the ones close to the wall are alot sharper and look higher res. It really doesn't matter how it's achieved. If it looks better in normal game situations then wouldn't that matter more? Unless you keep on staring at the ground the whole game.
as a 360 and ps3 owner, i'm totally getting this shit on ps3. the graphical difference IS NOT huge, and like one poster already said, you'll probably only take about 1 second to stop and look at the floor textures. Besides, the guns look better, and obviously the guns are the star of the show anyways.

and besides, i plan on playing this shit online, and i'd rather play with the ps3 community than the shitty xbox live community.


xS1TH L0RDx said:
as a 360 and ps3 owner, i'm totally getting this shit on ps3. the graphical difference IS NOT huge, and like one poster already said, you'll probably only take about 1 second to stop and look at the floor textures. Besides, the guns look better, and obviously the guns are the star of the show anyways.

and besides, i plan on playing this shit online, and i'd rather play with the ps3 community than the shitty xbox live community.

That should be everyone's reason to get either version. Not. "OH THE GUN MODEL IS SHINIER!"
xS1TH L0RDx said:
...and besides, i plan on playing this shit online, and i'd rather play with the ps3 community than the shitty xbox live community.

Have to say this(COD4) is the best community since Live was introduced.
Lobbys lack any screaming kids. In-game teamwork with strangers. People get their ass handed to them and laugh in the lobby and stay for another ass whoopin. An overall great experience on Xbox Live. The beta was the same way. I thought it was some sort of a fluke but the full game offers the same experience with some cool people on Live.
But go ahead and play in silence.:D


xS1TH L0RDx said:
as a 360 and ps3 owner, i'm totally getting this shit on ps3. the graphical difference IS NOT huge, and like one poster already said, you'll probably only take about 1 second to stop and look at the floor textures. Besides, the guns look better, and obviously the guns are the star of the show anyways.

and besides, i plan on playing this shit online, and i'd rather play with the ps3 community than the shitty xbox live community.

:lol :lol

I love these comments.


dark10x said:
What, like the one that GOT LOCKED? Another thread isn't going to work.

This is CoD4 related and perfectly acceptable discussion. You need not take part in it.

I'm simply upset that I was duped once again into believing that the PS3 port might actually be perfect. It's true that most will never notice a difference, but for someone like me, it can impact the experience greatly. I simply wish people would be honest about it. I hate the fact that they, like Starbreeze, claimed that the PS3 port was exactly the same only to discover that things aren't quite as they seem.


Ok, so, yeah, I'm one of the Infinity Ward programmers. I won't even pretend to be objective about our game, because all of us at IW love it (duh). That said, I see some questions coming up repeatedly in various threads...

1) We don't support keyboard and mouse on PS3, sorry.

2) No rumble (DS3) support - we found out about it too late to add it to this game. Hopefully next time around, though!

2) Yes, the PS3 version does support voice chat (bluetooth and USB mics supported.)

3) There are minor visual differences between the 360 and PS3 versions, due to the platforms being extremely different from an architectural standpoint. This results in us having to make different tradeoffs on both platforms to hit our framerate targets. They're very nearly identical, but you'll be able to pick screenshots in which both versions are "clearly" the better version. They're as close as we could make them without going completely batcrap insane (though whether or not we are already completely batcrap insane is a matter of some debate.)

Tradeoff example: Shadow filtering. We use different techniques on PS3 and 360 to filter shadow edges, which gives them a bit of a different look. I think it's a matter of taste as to which way looks better, but we did it that way because it was the most efficient way to do it on both platforms that yielded a look that was good enough.

Look ... I'm not one to complain normally, but I'm getting so tired of the effect the current system wars are having on threads. While you are perfectly within your right to dicuss the differences, the effect it has on the threads is plain. The last thread being locked should make my point pretty clear.

I think IW has done a excellent job and the game is gorgeous looking, and extremely fun to play ... especially the multiplayer. It's not a perfect game, but if you really scrutinize anything, you'll find faults.


Tag of Excellence
The community in the beta was great so I'm hoping it'll be the same once I wrap up single-player.

I'm hoping Halo 3 continues to be the douchebag magnet so CoD4 can remain a more or less pleasant experience on XBL.


xS1TH L0RDx said:
as a 360 and ps3 owner, i'm totally getting this shit on ps3. the graphical difference IS NOT huge, and like one poster already said, you'll probably only take about 1 second to stop and look at the floor textures. Besides, the guns look better, and obviously the guns are the star of the show anyways.

and besides, i plan on playing this shit online, and i'd rather play with the ps3 community than the shitty xbox live community.

Most of the people who say this obviously never played Socom online. PS2 online was ten times worse than xbox live and a lot of them moved to PS3.



So, we can't talk about the game itself then?

Oh yeah I forgot, this is GAF, we're past playing the game already. We're at the bitching/arguing stage over which version is better. And that lasts forever. It started off well, but now this thread is a pile of shit.


I know these have already been brought up but I simply can't be bothered going through twenty pages of people whining about floors.

But did you notice the back of the box says licenced id technology?

and also :lol at the message of the day "EA Chicago: Infinity Ward are hiring jobs@infinityward.com"

Little below the belt?
TeTr1C said:

So, we can't talk about the game itself then?

Oh yeah I forgot, this is GAF, we're past playing the game already. We're at the bitching/arguing stage over which version is better. And that lasts forever. It started off well, but now this thread is a pile of shit.

Don't worry we've moved onto COD4 Live community>COD4 PSN community.:lol


SupahBlah said:
I know these have already been brought up but I simply can't be bothered going through twenty pages of people whining about floors.

But did you notice the back of the box says licenced id technology?

and also :lol at the message of the day "EA Chicago: Infinity Ward are hiring jobs@infinityward.com"

Little below the belt?

Snap :lol


spyshagg said:
x360 =1024x600p
Ps3 =1024x600p


I know the "starting from scratch" was PR stuff, but damn. Gamers sure are dumb and can't figure out stuff. Right iw.

well maybe they used the EDRAM friendly solution for 360 and based on some of the earlier PS3 Multiplat games, I'm guessing the lower resolution was used on PS3 to match frame rate with the 360 version.

that (and less RAM available for textures) , in the past seems to have been the major issue with MP games for PS3.
Er, arguing about minute graphics detail in a game with visuals that are anything but consistently awesome seems like a stretch. At least the bickering about The Darkness had some real substance to it. This? Seems like a fair give and take between [console] versions. That said, it almost makes me wish I had gotten the PC version just so that I could have peed on the whole argument from some ivory tower.

In other news, the game just appeared in my mailbox. Should be a good afternoon, assuming the kid takes a nap.
cicatriz said:
So a few bits of shrapnel that you may spend a split second looking at while playing through this game are a tad lower-res on the PS3 version.

But the gun...

Sharper on the PS3 version.


The gun is not sharper on the PS3 version, that's photoshop fault.

The VIDEO compression artifacts on this wall in the PS3 version completes the "ROFLMAO you are just a hater with crap photoshop skills"-TON

Vaandaviii said:
The gun is not sharper on the PS3 version, that's photoshop fault.

The VIDEO compression artifacts on this wall in the PS3 version completes the "ROFLMAO you are just a hater with crap photoshop skills"-TON


Guy Legend

2) No rumble (DS3) support - we found out about it too late to add it to this game. Hopefully next time around, though!

Next time? Isn't it reasonable to expect that the PS3 version gets updated for Dualshock support? If other games can be updated, I would expect that COD4 does as well.
Metalmurphy said:
as others have said (in criticism of the comparison actually) the PS3 shots appear to have undergone sharpening, when the 360 shots appear to be soft. of course that could be a combination of TV settings on inputs not being the same and so on, or indeed, that the PS3 version is 'sharper' despite running at the exact same resolution.


I'm doing the sniper mission and I'm waiting at the extraction point after carrying the other guy after the helicopter nearly hit him, 11 minutes have passed and no enemies have come while I wait with this cripple for evac, is this some sort of glitch?
This is getting stupid. You guys need to quit bitching about the graphics. The difference is minimal at best, end of discussion. There are people here who want to talk about the game, but you fuckers are ruining their experience with your idiotic bitchfest. Take it to private chat or STFU.


TTP said:
It's not just some low res textures. It's lower frame rate as well. And lower image quality.
In a post that got copied into the OP, I mentioned that you would be able to find shots that "prove" that both versions are superior. It's also not true that the 360 has better framerate or image quality across the board. I'm really not sure where people are getting that one from - we spent an unbelievable amount of time and effort making sure that both versions were up to the same level of quality. You can't tell any difference between them in the side to side videos.

The platforms are seriously different, guys. You can't take the same chunk of code and just run it on both and have it behave the same. I'm really not sure at all why people WANT our game to be crap on the PS3.


Not Wario
Cedeo said:
I'm doing the sniper mission and I'm waiting at the extraction point after carrying the other guy after the helicopter nearly hit him, 11 minutes have passed and no enemies have come while I wait with this cripple for evac, is this some sort of glitch?

Did you take him to the spot of grass you're supposed to? Check your compass.


Cedeo said:
I'm doing the sniper mission and I'm waiting at the extraction point after carrying the other guy after the helicopter nearly hit him, 11 minutes have passed and no enemies have come while I wait with this cripple for evac, is this some sort of glitch?

Did you set him in the right area in the grass, north of the ferris wheel? Did you take his Claymores and then plant them everywhere?

If so, and enemies still aren't coming, then I don't know...it must be a glitch or something.
Calen said:
In a post that got copied into the OP, I mentioned that you would be able to find shots that "prove" that both versions are superior. It's also not true that the 360 has better framerate or image quality across the board. I'm really not sure where people are getting that one from - we spent an unbelievable amount of time and effort making sure that both versions were up to the same level of quality. You can't tell any difference between them in the side to side videos.

The platforms are seriously different, guys. You can't take the same chunk of code and just run it on both and have it behave the same. I'm really not sure at all why people WANT our game to be crap on the PS3.

Dude, the moment any pics that show some PS3 assets slightly better than another 360, after looking at the opposite all it would do is confound them and spin people into an internal hell that will never be satisfied. Good job IW, I like your style.
Calen said:
In a post that got copied into the OP, I mentioned that you would be able to find shots that "prove" that both versions are superior. It's also not true that the 360 has better framerate or image quality across the board. I'm really not sure where people are getting that one from - we spent an unbelievable amount of time and effort making sure that both versions were up to the same level of quality. You can't tell any difference between them in the side to side videos.

The platforms are seriously different, guys. You can't take the same chunk of code and just run it on both and have it behave the same. I'm really not sure at all why people WANT our game to be crap on the PS3.

It works both ways here; not sure if you remember this, but prior to the game being released, there was talk from the other "camp" about their version being superior. And in some cases, these comparisons make sense, say like in the case of The Darkness where one version was actually missing certain rather important visual features. Here, on the other hand, things don't seem to warrant this type of bickering. I may be viewing it through my own fanboy goggles, but it looks like it's not quite as easy as one version being in all ways superior to the other. Which of courses only works to increase the level of bickering.

A better question is, how many SAS missions do I have to look forward to? Lots, I hope, because that's why I bought the game in the first place.
I just finished the single player mode. GOTY with ease. I don't like war games but this is basically the blueprint to making them. And while it's been criticized for how short it is, it's shows how you're able to pack a ton of variety in a game without ever making you feel like you're doing the same thing again and again.


Junior Member
HomerSimpson-Man said:
Dude, the moment any pics that show some PS3 assets slightly better than another 360, after looking at the opposite all it would do is confound them and spin people into an internal hell that will never be satisfied. Good job IW, I like your style.
Or you get people crying Photoshop.
I just finished playing that
gunship level last nite. Thought it was pretty cool but it was kinda weird going from insane gun fights to this lull. Im guessing it was intentional by the devs to give gamers a break? If so, then the effort wasn't that bad, but it could have used way more enemies, especially tanks or other vehicles. It was fun, but it felt a bit out of place.
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