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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Wollan said:
Best multiplayer experience I've had this year (which at this date should make it multiplayer goty, even in the face of a excellent (but tired) UT). It feels SO right.

Totally agree. The challenges just want me to play MORE.


CajoleJuice said:
I hate the gaming forum. I really do.
I felt better when I finally realized that it's just some handful of people driving the absurdity, and that everyone else seems happy. =)

What really gave me perspective was the Penny-Arcade posts from the last few days. Gabe isn't too into the game (fair enough) and said as much with some calm, understandable points. Tycho seems to really love it, and made his own points (with his own fair criticisms). Both sound like sane people with different tastes. They didn't start posting 1900x screenshots-of-wall-closeups, call each other fanboys, yell "lazy devs!", cite the $6/mo cost of XBL, or some other pick from the cornucopia of bullshit that I'm almost getting accustomed to. God, it was a relief.


Hammer24 said:
@ J-Rzez
What is it exactly that you think is lacking?
- you can setup privat games any way you want
- in open games, you´ll get matched preferredly with the guys on your friendslist, even more when sharing the same clan tag
Works for me. :)

Um, you can create a party with your friend's so that's not a problem. And I don't care about private games. I'm talking about actually having a legit clan, where you needed to be invited by 1 of the top members. People like to play game competitively and clans to these players are something that shows off your skills. If you're serious about the game, and want to be in an elite clan for bragging rights, or if they're just that good that they got their shit together and mop the floor with everyone, then so be it. You want to be in a clan of friends that are casual, you can still do it.

SOCOM III started it where in conjunction with your invite only clans, you can actually schedule "Clan Battles" through the game where you compete to move up the ladder. This was a great feature so if you screwed around in regular matches, but wanted to take clan battles serious you could.

Yes games are fun, but at the same time they're competitive. Clans bring a lot to the community, as lots of people actually create websites dedicated to it. Be it hardcore or casual you would see these sites around, and it's a cool aspect.

I'm just going to have to wait it out for the 2 SOCOMs to hit to get that experience again.

I can see why some graphics whores would be upset with the textures though, because that's what they do. Personally, I haven't had a chance to notice the difference, as if I were to stare at a wall in mp i'd be dead so fast. I guess people are upset because they know the PS3 is capable of producing some incredible texture quality and they feel short-changed here. Ratchet a lot of the time, and especially Uncharted have the best texture work I've seen out of consoles, why couldn't it be applied to other games is what people are thinking. If "x" game does it, if "y" game doesn't people assume they were cheated.


Wollan said:
Best multiplayer experience I've had this year (which at this date should make it multiplayer goty, even in the face of a excellent (but tired) UT). It feels SO right.

You didn't play TF2, right?


Borys said:
You didn't play TF2, right?

TF2 is cool and all, it's a "fun" game, but this is way more intense and competitve I think. It's between this and Warhawk for Online MP of the year on consoles, because I think UT3 is just going to naturally out-do them both on PC.


Junior Butler
Are people honestly arguing with a developer of the game? What qualifications do the people making asses of themselves have to argue with Calen anyway?

GAF has hit a new low, or at least, some of it's members have.
Borys said:
Well then, I envy you cause I don't have CoD4 yet and I loved BF2.

I think CoD4 MP is kind of similliar?
One of my buddies who loves COD4 had BF2. His words, "This is what BF2 should've been." But he hates vehicles in his FPSs.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Shogmaster said:
Dude... He made the game... Can you go outside and get some fresh air or something?
I wish. I'm banging my head against the wall with server problems here and posting on GAF during reboots. >_<

I sound anal as hell because I'm all jacked up from all of the problems today.

Still, regardless of how they were achieved, the shadows on the 360 version of the game have fewer obvious steps in them (the blocks appear smaller). That's hardly a significant issue, however.

You know, I know he worked on the game as well, but he also failed to point out that the PS3 version uses significantly lower resolution textures. That much is fact.

Except that it isn't different resolutions. The PS3 filtering makes larger, smoother steps with more individual shades in them. If the 360 shot was clearer, you could see that the filtering makes more steps but they're not blended, such that you can see individual blocks of changing color as opposed to a smooth gradient.
Calen, I do want to apologize for sounding like an asshole. I understand the efforts that went into the game and I think, overall, a great job was done on the PS3 version. For most folks, the differences really won't matter. I'm extremely picky about such things and I'll be the first to admit it.

The game has grown on me and I'm having a good time. Believe it or not, I somewhat enjoy these arguments. I'm disappointed in the lower resolution textures and additional framerate issues, but it isn't a deal breaker by any means. At least the PS3 version offers better rain effects. :)


I'm hearing that if you play on a unranked server, it'll wipe your stats. Yes, they'll be erased even if you go back to ranked servers. I haven't tried it, but just a heads up.
I don't get it. I've yet to have any problems connecting or playing games, at all. The only thing that doesn't work is the population counter for each playlist. It always shows -1 for me.
RavenFox said:
If you ever seen footage of this in reality this is very similar to how its played out.

Oh, I know. It was just that after the incredible firefights as a SAS and a Marine, I get this stage, which has no danger factor at all and a I felt disconnected from the fight. It was still a great bit and very representative of what the military does, but when compared to the other portions of the game, it just seems out of place.


belvedere said:
No offense intended, but how in the hell can you compare COD4 with BF2?

They both have guns and military theme but only one have this.


Clearly COD4 wins.


Junior Butler
CajoleJuice said:
Same setting? They looked similar to me.

I've never played BF2, so I'm only going by my buddy.

I guess you could compare the ground combat aspects. The strategies and scenarios made possible by all of the vehicles in BF2 makes everything else much, much different though.
Quellex said:
I'm hearing that if you play on a unranked server, it'll wipe your stats. Yes, they'll be erased even if you go back to ranked servers. I haven't tried it, but just a heads up.
I played a custom game last night and that didn't happen.


Granted, I don't read the OT, but this might be the worst thread in the history of GAF.

But in a vain attempt to actually talk about the game, how in the hell do you complete the Epilouge on Veteran? I mean there's just no way. I took a vacation with an ex-girlfriend to Denver, so I already had the achievement. But it would've been cool to rescue those hostages.


dark10x said:
You know, I know he worked on the game as well, but he also failed to point out that the PS3 version uses significantly lower resolution textures. That much is fact.
Saying the PS3 version uses significantly lower resolution textures as a global, blanket statement is not true. This would be one reason I didn't say it. Oh, that and because if I were to enumerate the specific differences and tradeoffs involved in making both consoles run well and look good it would bore everyone to tears, me included. (Edited to add, it would also get me fired.)

Making out like this is some kind of conspiracy of mine to mislead you guys is ridiculous.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Calen said:
Saying the PS3 version uses significantly lower resolution textures as a global, blanket statement is not true. This would be one reason I didn't say it. Oh, that and because if I were to enumerate the specific differences and tradeoffs involved in making both consoles run well and look good it would bore everyone to tears, me included. (Edited to add, it would also get me fired.)

Making out like this is some kind of conspiracy of mine to mislead you guys is ridiculous.
I'm not suggesting that you are misleading us.

The shadows really aren't the issue for me, however (overall, I think they look just fine). The textures are. Were you aware of the texture downgrades?

Again, as I said above, I apologize for sounding like an asshole here. I really do appreciate the work you've done but am simply disappointed that something like this slipped through. The texture work really did take a significant hint and it is something I did notice before the comparisons even started (but I wrongly assumed it was the same on 360).
Calen said:
Saying the PS3 version uses significantly lower resolution textures as a global, blanket statement is not true. This would be one reason I didn't say it. Oh, that and because if I were to enumerate the specific differences and tradeoffs involved in making both consoles run well and look good it would bore everyone to tears, me included. (Edited to add, it would also get me fired.)

Making out like this is some kind of conspiracy of mine to mislead you guys is ridiculous.

This is Neogaf. You should just quit arguing with these guys and just ignore them because they will not change their minds, even though you did help make the game. Let them feel like they got cheated while the rest of us sane gamers enjoy and discuss your product and its greatness.


dark10x said:
I wish. I'm banging my head against the wall with server problems here and posting on GAF during reboots. >_<

I sound anal as hell because I'm all jacked up from all of the problems today.

Still, regardless of how they were achieved, the shadows on the 360 version of the game have fewer obvious steps in them (the blocks appear smaller). That's hardly a significant issue, however.

You know, I know he worked on the game as well, but he also failed to point out that the PS3 version uses significantly lower resolution textures. That much is fact.

Calen, I do want to apologize for sounding like an asshole. I understand the efforts that went into the game and I think, overall, a great job was done on the PS3 version. For most folks, the differences really won't matter. I'm extremely picky about such things and I'll be the first to admit it.

The game has grown on me and I'm having a good time. Believe it or not, I somewhat enjoy these arguments. I'm disappointed in the lower resolution textures and additional framerate issues, but it isn't a deal breaker by any means. At least the PS3 version offers better rain effects. :)

This thread has made me go round my mates house to play it on his 360. I've come back home and fired my PS3 up and concur that some textures look not as good close up on the PS3, but from a distance they can look sharper on the PS3.

Both can have SLIGHT dips in framerate.

Both versions look almost photo realistic in some places.

Bring on Assassins Creed....


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
kitch9 said:
Bring on Assassins Creed....

I fear that one. Something tells me the PS3 version of AC will be a complete mess. I'm not taking a chance this time and will buy it on 360. IW seems to have put effort into making sure the PS3 version was solid (even if it still couldn't match the 360 version), but all reports suggest that Ubi was really struggling on PS3 with AC.


wait i come in here to see how everyone is enjoying the game as i am picking it up this weekend, and i see someone arguing with a DEVELOPER OF THE GAME, about what was used in the game and how the shadows look...

oh GAF, dont ever change


Law of the West
Best multiplayer experience I've had this year

I would have to agree, and yes I own and love TF2. Some of the maps could be better but the combat experience is just soooooo satisfying! I was running around like a crazy man with my RPG/Knife last night just wiping the floor with newbs.

One of the best aspects of MP is the rank/unlock system as it drives you to grow and continue playing. I only wish Halo had a similar system... then I might actually still be playing it! :lol


More than a member.
dark10x said:

I fear that one. Something tells me the PS3 version of AC will be a complete mess. I'm not taking a chance this time and will buy it on 360. IW seems to have put effort into making sure the PS3 version was solid (even if it still couldn't match the 360 version), but all reports suggest that Ubi was really struggling on PS3 with AC.
Seriously, this is insane, get 360 cod4 and see for yourself, its not better, not even a bit at all, while playing. (i fear the same for AC btw ;) )


dark10x said:

I fear that one. Something tells me the PS3 version of AC will be a complete mess. I'm not taking a chance this time and will buy it on 360. IW seems to have put effort into making sure the PS3 version was solid (even if it still couldn't match the 360 version), but all reports suggest that Ubi was really struggling on PS3 with AC.

It doesn't match the 360 version as each excels (imo) in different areas. The good news is that everyone is getting an awesome game.

Stop worrying about little things that do not matter.

For gods sake don't get involved with PC gaming, you'd drive yourself nuts.
Das-J said:
I only wish Halo had a similar system... then I might actually still be playing it! :lol
I cannot. put. down. Halo 3.

I got CoD4, a Wii, Castlevania DS, ES4 Shivering Isles. Still haven't gotten to them in any depth because Halo is still rocking my socks.

To each his own!


You like me, you really really like me!
Gotta say that I love CoD4's matchmaking system, so much better than halo3.

1. more playlists means I can actually play what I want to. (not shotty snipers in team slayer or whatever :lol )

2. joining games in progress means faster joining times, less waiting more playing.

3. don't have to quit out and search again after every game. The game gives me the choice whether I want to continue playing with the same group of players or not.

4. Don't have to worry about quitters because new players join games in progress.

good stuff, FPS of the year for me.


Wow, this thread's gone crazy, seriously guys I've been playing both versions and I'll tell you right now they both have slowdown in certain areas, and I'll bet somewhere in the game there are area's where the textures arean't as good on the 360...maybe I'll take some time out to look for them like the people at that 360 forum did.

What I mean by all that is they are the fucking same I can't understand how you'd argue with someone who made the damn game!!!!!!!!


Synless said:
Wow, this thread's gone crazy, seriously guys I've been playing both versions and I'll tell you right now they both have slowdown in certain areas, and I'll bet somewhere in the game there are area's where the textures arean't as good on the 360...maybe I'll take some time out to look for them like the people at that 360 forum did.

What I mean by all that is they are the fucking same I can't understand how you'd argue with someone who made the damn game!!!!!!!!

My sentiments entirely. The Gaf has gone mad....


all of my posts are my avatar
Synless said:
Wow, this thread's gone crazy, seriously guys I've been playing both versions and I'll tell you right now they both have slowdown in certain areas, and I'll bet somewhere in the game there are area's where the textures arean't as good on the 360...maybe I'll take some time out to look for them like the people at that 360 forum did.

What I mean by all that is they are the fucking same I can't understand how you'd argue with someone who made the damn game!!!!!!!!

Because multiple pictures from multiple sources say otherwise, I love IW and COD3 but do you believe everything you read on the internet when history indicates otherwise?


tinfoilhatman said:
Because multiple pictures from multiple sources say otherwise, I love IW and COD3 but do you believe everything you read on the internet when history indicates otherwise?
Multiple pictures and videos from other sources say the exact opposite, but people love to believe the worst in things I guess.


« generous god »
Calen said:
Multiple pictures and videos from other sources say the exact opposite, but people love to believe the worst in things I guess.

Dont reply to those guys....you made the game you should know what your talking about! :D


all of my posts are my avatar
Calen said:
Multiple pictures and videos from other sources say the exact opposite, but people love to believe the worst in things I guess.

Please pointme to some pictures that show the opposite(as far as close up texture rez), low res video's are pointless. High rez static screenshots are the only way to tell for sure.

We all have motivation and agenda's, especially whe there's a paycheck and NDA's involved.


dark10x please gtfo out this thread. Those two pictures were done on what set at what calibration? As I said leave the dev alone and gtfo out of the thread if your going to bitch and moan about a fucking shadow under a gun. Apologies to the COD team.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Popped into the thread to see what the general consensus is on the game before I pick it up this weekend and I see 10XZOOMEDTEXTUREGATE instead. Talk about a pyrrhic victory.


I've come back home and fired my PS3 up and concur that some textures look not as good close up on the PS3, but from a distance they can look sharper on the PS3.

so this basically confirms my suspicion that the PS3 one has AF.
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