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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

Have to say, some of the respawning on later levels is just silly. You literally have to make a run for it just to trigger a checkpoint, otherwise you can sit for hours just shooting infinite enemies...
I just finished up single player and it isnt terrible, but it isnt my favorite Call of Duty game, I think both CoD1 and CoD2 are better singleplayer games, but in multiplayer CoD4 really gets awesome.

and my favorite part of the game was the epilogue, it is extra fun in Arcade mode.


Just finished the campaign.

It was good overall and at times brilliant (highlights include intense fights with heavy middle eastern music, some cold and methodical SAS missions like the intro..etc). A modern setting really helps with the variety as COD2 felt like it went on and on and on. I guess it proves that IW are probably the best in the business when it comes to 'tunnel of fun' (pretty much the only ones doing it as well to this degree). The design though can lead to a stronger fatigue. Also, the campaign kinda went slowly (not drastically) downwards from the halfway point.

The engine shines best when in the brown orange like Middle eastern settings while Russian tundra stuff with complex foliage shows a weaker side (on the other hand, the
'all gullied(typo) up'
mission is by far the most stunning).

In regards to the ending, it was kinda confusing. Did
Price die or was he with you on the epilogue aeroplane mission?

I would give the campaign a B and the online mode an A-.


Ok, finished SP. The last few levels were pretty good. The final level was my favorite in the game and I thought the ending was incredibly well done. Wtf was that epilogue though? CoD5 teaser?

I think the first few levels and the last few levels + the flashback section were the best part of the game. The middle stuff just seemed to drag with endless baddies and the same old "walk into a square area and hide behind something then peak out and shoot a guy or two and go back to hiding -> repeat".

The graphics were great. The music was great. The story was more interesting than the usual military FPS story. The MP seems great. But the single player gameplay felt dated and problematic.

Why did they take out the leaning from CoD1/2? I realized that would have let me enjoy the game much more since it was essentially the cover mechanic in CoD like the L button in R6 Vegas or the cover move in Gears/Uncharted. If they had left in the lean you could just peak out and shoot people without taking damage. Now you have to move out a bit and leave yourself open to taking some damage when you fire, which fucks up your aim plus it means you have to spend a few seconds recovering afterwards.

I'll go enjoy the MP now and get my money's worth for the title. The SP wasn't terrible, but I don't think it was good either. Probably would give SP alone about a 7.5. It was slighty better than CoD3, but nowhere near CoD1/2 SP campaigns IMO.


SupahBlah said:
What perks are people using on mp?
Debating whether to use last stand or not.
I find Last stand useful for certain modes like Headquarters.
You need to defend a zone and as long as you defend it you won't respawn so having that extra chance to take down attackers is appreciated.


Wollan said:
I find Last stand useful for certain modes like Headquarters.
You need to defend a zone and as long as you defend it you won't respawn so having that extra chance to take down attackers is appreciated.
Especially on S&D; those potential extra seconds to yell out that you've been taken down (before you die & drop off the channel), can make a huge difference.
What they should have done for hardcore is TOTALLY remove the hud. That means no scoreboard accessible during gameplay and there isnt a HUD for the scoreboard, nor should there be objective markers, and also remove any names that pop up. That would totally crank up the suspense because you never really know who is winning the fight if you wander off a little, and you kind of have to go confirm your kills by walking over to the body instead of "You killed ______".
Bebpo said:
Why did they take out the leaning from CoD1/2? I realized that would have let me enjoy the game much more since it was essentially the cover mechanic in CoD like the L button in R6 Vegas or the cover move in Gears/Uncharted. If they had left in the lean you could just peak out and shoot people without taking damage. Now you have to move out a bit and leave yourself open to taking some damage when you fire, which fucks up your aim plus it means you have to spend a few seconds recovering afterwards.

My only true true complaint so far is no cover system. I know some people dislike such things and it seems like a trendy thing to bandwagon on for developers, but it really is becoming standard in semi-realistic shooters. Hell the AI even does it.

Eric WK

Stoney Mason said:
My only true true complaint so far is no cover system. I know some people dislike such things and it seems like a trendy thing to bandwagon on for developers, but it really is becoming standard in semi-realistic shooters. Hell the AI even does it.

Meh. I don't want no Rainbow Six all up in my Call of Duty. I like Rainbow a lot, but you add a cover mechanic and the games are nearly identical.
I'm suprised no one mentioned that there aren't any ragdoll physics. Actually, the physics in the game is minimal. Maybe thats how they managed to squeeze 60fps. Skipping out on physics calculations and using the old tech of static death animations. :lol
narcosis219 said:
I'm suprised no one mentioned that there aren't any ragdoll physics. Actually, the physics in the game is minimal. Maybe thats how they managed to squeeze 60fps. Skipping out on physics calculations and using the old tech of static death animations. :lol

Floppy bodies never really added anything to a game for me...


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
narcosis219 said:
What they should have done for hardcore is TOTALLY remove the hud. That means no scoreboard accessible during gameplay and there isnt a HUD for the scoreboard, nor should there be objective markers, and also remove any names that pop up. That would totally crank up the suspense because you never really know who is winning the fight if you wander off a little, and you kind of have to go confirm your kills by walking over to the body instead of "You killed ______".

IW, listen to this man.

narcosis219 said:
I'm suprised no one mentioned that there aren't any ragdoll physics. Actually, the physics in the game is minimal. Maybe thats how they managed to squeeze 60fps. Skipping out on physics calculations and using the old tech of static death animations. :lol

Are you sure? I'm pretty sure there's a mix ofcanned, and ragdoll, animation. I've flopped off of plenty of ledges. To me it looks similar to what Lost Planet did.


narcosis219 said:
What they should have done for hardcore is TOTALLY remove the hud. That means no scoreboard accessible during gameplay and there isnt a HUD for the scoreboard, nor should there be objective markers, and also remove any names that pop up. That would totally crank up the suspense because you never really know who is winning the fight if you wander off a little, and you kind of have to go confirm your kills by walking over to the body instead of "You killed ______".

I like your style.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Blader5489 said:
Can I please get a number in terms of how many hours the SP is? On normal and on Hardened.

Normal 7 or so, anything higher and I'd say 10ish.
Stoney Mason said:
My only true true complaint so far is no cover system. I know some people dislike such things and it seems like a trendy thing to bandwagon on for developers, but it really is becoming standard in semi-realistic shooters. Hell the AI even does it.

im hoping Killzone 2's cover system gets a lot of other devs to copy it.

I hated the idea of going to 3rd person when you cover, Killzone 2 seems to have the right idea for cover in first person.
Linkzg said:
im hoping Killzone 2's cover system gets a lot of other devs to copy it.

I hated the idea of going to 3rd person when you cover, Killzone 2 seems to have the right idea for cover in first person.

Got a link? I don't have a PS3 so I haven't followed Killzone that much.


Multiplayer is so, so good. Adding rpg aspects in FPS games has been the best thing for the genre. They need to start making games now where this stuff is part of the SP. Bioshock SHOULD have been the game to do that.

Eric WK said:
Meh. I don't want no Rainbow Six all up in my Call of Duty. I like Rainbow a lot, but you add a cover mechanic and the games are nearly identical.

Yeah but CoD1/2 had the cover system before the cover system existed with the Q/E lean. Why remove it?


Linkzg said:
im hoping Killzone 2's cover system gets a lot of other devs to copy it.

I hated the idea of going to 3rd person when you cover, Killzone 2 seems to have the right idea for cover in first person.


Stoney Mason said:
Got a link? I don't have a PS3 so I haven't followed Killzone that much.
Basically if you crouch near a cover item your character automatically glues to the item.
From there it's pretty identical to other cover systems in that you will pop out if you move the stick in the direction you want. If you don't use the stick you will see the arm reach out around the edge and blind fire. Looks great from a fps view.


Anyone played the DS version? Obviously nothing like the 'real' game, but I'm having some fun with it. Nice voice overs, good frame rate, and lots of variation in the missions.
narcosis219 said:
What they should have done for hardcore is TOTALLY remove the hud. That means no scoreboard accessible during gameplay and there isnt a HUD for the scoreboard, nor should there be objective markers, and also remove any names that pop up. That would totally crank up the suspense because you never really know who is winning the fight if you wander off a little, and you kind of have to go confirm your kills by walking over to the body instead of "You killed ______".
First person motion in general seems rather underdeveloped here. Gun on a stick, no real cover system, and so forth. I guess it works in the context of the scenarios, but I hope they try something new for the next one.


Relix said:
SHIT, THE FUCKING NUCLEAR BOMB WAS AWESOME, SIMPLY AWESOME. I WAS LIKE WTF?!?!?! Did Jackson really die? Craaaap, was that some nice stuff...

Yep that was the most amazing thing I've ever seen in a game.


PS3 online is still broken. Worked fine until Friday, haven't been able to get on a game since. The deafening silence from IW and Activision is pretty telling. I'm very unhappy - I realize that as a PS3 owner I should be used to being treated like a second-class citizen, but a game as online focused as COD4 should, you know, work online.

Either tell me when I can expect to be able to play online multiplayer or tell me where I can send it for a refund. Two days of non-access and one erroneous "update" from a community manager on IWs forum is pathetic.


I think their matchmaking servers are overloaded. About one out of three logins fail for me (and at those times I can only just wait it out until it works again).


Console Market Analyst
VsRobot said:
PS3 online is still broken. Worked fine until Friday, haven't been able to get on a game since. The deafening silence from IW and Activision is pretty telling. I'm very unhappy - I realize that as a PS3 owner I should be used to being treated like a second-class citizen, but a game as online focused as COD4 should, you know, work online.

Either tell me when I can expect to be able to play online multiplayer or tell me where I can send it for a refund. Two days of non-access and one erroneous "update" from a community manager on IWs forum is pathetic.

This is typical for any new game release weekend. Servers overloaded. Even Live has been shit all day.


narcosis219 said:
I'm suprised no one mentioned that there aren't any ragdoll physics. Actually, the physics in the game is minimal. Maybe thats how they managed to squeeze 60fps. Skipping out on physics calculations and using the old tech of static death animations. :lol
There certainly ARE ragdoll physics. There are a few worst-case scenarios where the bodies will not go into ragdoll, but each body almost always does. (Unless you're playing PC and have ragdoll turned off, in which case; well done.)

If you're looking for exaggerated pinwheeling, play Oldschool/Oldcore, but ragdolling is present in all game modes, across SP and MP.
Just beat the SP today. I played on Normal (I labored through Veteran on CoD 2 & 3 and actually wanted to enjoy this one first) and absolutely loved it. By far my favorite CoD (only a minor fan of the previous installments), thanks party to better tech, but also because the story was pretty well crafted between the two narratives. That, and unlike WW2, I didn't know how this one was gonna end.


- The gunplay is phenomenal. While I stuck mainly to the default weaponry and can't yet speak to the breadth of the other guns available to me, almost everything felt right. To me, getting a kill here just feel so much more realistic than even Rainbow Six and much more rewarding.
- The crazy variety. I certainly didn't expect the
AC-130, nor the GRAW-esque helicopter gunner sections. These work really well in context and provide a short break from the unreal intensity of the game. nothing overstays its welcome, either.
- The chances it takes with the storytelling. Between
flashbacks and killing off main characters (Jackson and the president during the credits!), I couldn't count on anything going into the finale.
- It's already been said, but
All Gillied Up (sp?)
is one of the best FPS levels yet.
Sniping a guy's arm off and then downing a helicopter?!
The epilogue. OMG. I need CoD 5 now. NOW. That was the best 2 or 3 minutes in the game, IMO. Such a huge and unexpected rush.

My only disappointment:

- The return of CoD's infamous Infinite Army O' Enemies. However, this really didn't hurt my enjoyment as, after two games, I knew how to deal with it and, on Normal, I got stuck in just a few places. We'll see when I try Veteran ...

I haven't touched MP yet. I played the beta to tears, but: TF2.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Q and E on the PC, no idea about console. Final level on veteran is just stupid, just need 10 more seconds.


Ikuu said:
Q and E on the PC, on idea about console. Final level on veteran is just stupid, just need 10 more seconds

Yeah, they removed it from the console version. This means PC version is the definitive version and probably the least irratating/most fun version. Consoles ftl :\


For the guys who finished this on veteran, any advice on the hallways part?
the nuke control room mission
and why are there not any check points in this mission?

*i keep having to hurry up (time running out) on the hall way after the red light room. this is the second hall after you come down stairs once, and in doing so i get killed. and its getting pretty boring having no check points clearing the top area.
Its 3am here and i'm forcing myself to bed, been playing on XBL for 6+ hours, with 6 of my friends in Party mode (thank god a game that uses the party system that isn't Halo!).

This game is incredible, i've had no lag and have yet to see a dropped frame AMAZING, we had trouble getting everyone in our party lobby for some reason but once that was done its been plain sailing.

I think I will have to play a bit of Bioshock to refresh my memory but for now this is my GOTY


Subconscious Brolonging
Only mulitplayer complaint I have is that sometimes your knife kills bug out. For example, I came up on some fool trying to snipe and knived him twice and it didn't do a lick of damage to him. He turned around and knived me instantly and I turned into one of those XBL 12 year-olds. For the sake of my teammates, I unplugged my headset for the rest of the match.


Console Market Analyst
Nutter said:
For the guys who finished this on veteran, any advice on the hallways part?
the nuke control room mission
and why are there not any check points in this mission?

*i keep having to hurry up (time running out) on the hall way after the red light room. this is the second hall after you come down stairs once, and in doing so i get killed. and its getting pretty boring having no check points clearing the top area.

As you run down the stairs, switch to grenade launcher. Shoot into the middle of the hallway so you take out those first two people. Then sprint forward as far as possible and duck to the left behind some boxes. This will give your guy enough time to reload a grenade round and your teammates to move forward with you. Now, peek down the center of the hallway again and throw a flashbang at the group of enemies in front of you. Sprint towards the blinded group and then shoot the entire lot of them with your fresh grenade round. Make a mad dash to the end of the hallway, passing anyone who has survived, to force the next checkpoint.

A tip for when you get to the next area, go prone when you're going through the silos. Otherwise, you'll get cut down over and over and over.
To whomever suggested removing kill notifications in hardcore mode, I completely agree. This is how modders did it for realism mods on the PC versions of Call of Duty. The idea is that you don't really know if you killed someone from that blind grenade you threw into the room, etc. Much better done that way.

Also, I think that a few things need done for the sequel(s) to really improve the formula.
I'd like to see: A first person cover system, like Killzone 2. Co-Op single player for at least two players.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm getting weird glitches. Like this guy stuck in space.

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