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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Console Market Analyst
Just found my last intel item for the full 1000 Achievement points.

The final laptop in One Shot, One Kill is pretty damn cruel. One of those "buy the strategy guide so you can get 20 Achievement points" things. Though, I did find it by chance, and imagine others might too.

Now it is time to work my way to Prestige 10.
Well I started playing today and just finished act I. I haven't tried mp yet so I won't comment on that. See, I'm not exactly the biggest fps fan but I have to say I'm really lovin' the game. When it comes to shooters I usually give up on them pretty quickly, but this -like Bioshock- is not the case. Much more compelling than your average fps. And to think there was a time when I hated everything involving fps and war... go figure.

Beer + COD4 = yes.


For anyone that's beat the game on veteran; any advice for
completing one shot kill, one kill? I manage to kill a few of the first troops running towards MacMillian and I on the road, but that's about it. Dying fairly quickly soon after


Playing now, I picked it up this afternoon at BB.

I am only on the third mission but I gotta say I am Hugely dissapointed. I have a been there done that feeling with it. Please tell me it gets better later on. Framerate is butter, but the graphics are not blowing me away like I thought they would. Sound is fukkin fantastic though.
I need some tips. I'm getting obliterated in onlin play by everyone. I'm always in last or second to last place...I'm currently level 4 about to be level 5. Alot of the people I'm playing with are higher levels though that unlock more powerful weapons and gear..but still


Not an asshole.
Dante said:
Playing now, I picked it up this afternoon at BB.

I am only on the third mission but I gotta say I am Hugely dissapointed. I have a been there done that feeling with it. Please tell me it gets better later on. Framerate is butter, but the graphics are not blowing me away like I thought they would. Sound is fukkin fantastic though.

I thought the chernobyl level was the highlight of the game, and worth playing for that alone. but I also liked the boat level, so...

also the bonus after the credits is awesome!
Dante said:
Playing now, I picked it up this afternoon at BB.

I am only on the third mission but I gotta say I am Hugely dissapointed. I have a been there done that feeling with it. Please tell me it gets better later on. Framerate is butter, but the graphics are not blowing me away like I thought they would. Sound is fukkin fantastic though.

But but but the lighting and shadows are ORGASMIC.


Played it, beat it over the past 2 days. Amazing, best real-world FPS ever made, and the first I've truly enjoyed. Gripping from intro to ending.


Dante said:
Playing now, I picked it up this afternoon at BB.

I am only on the third mission but I gotta say I am Hugely dissapointed. I have a been there done that feeling with it. Please tell me it gets better later on. Framerate is butter, but the graphics are not blowing me away like I thought they would. Sound is fukkin fantastic though.

If you're not feeling it now, you're never going to feel it. But play it for the camo sniper mission and the story. Then just stick to MP where it's fun.


Pakman said:
Not that I'm condemning this, but is this that enjoyable? Personally if I was in a game and saw this happening to someone else, I'd just leave out of annoyance - not hope on the bandwagon (unless the guy you were doing it to was a total jackass).
Our targets usually involved those who saw our Gamertags, noticed we all had our clan tags in them and started talking shit.


I just still can't believe they didnt include split-screen into this. I was so lookin forward to using this as my next visual demonstration when people come over.

:(. No splitscreen SP, no splitscreen MP.
WTF... no leaning for the ps3 version..... They could've taken the extra effort to add in some six axis leaning feature.
As if no kb/m support was bad enough.

I was planning on buying the ps3 version but since its gimped, I'm just going to get the pc version.
Leaning is essential for a tactical fps. I dont want to expose my whole body. Especially in hardcore mode.


GeneralIroh said:
WTF... no leaning for the ps3 version..... They could've taken the extra effort to add in some six axis leaning feature.
As if no kb/m support was bad enough.

I was planning on buying the ps3 version but since its gimped, I'm just going to get the pc version.
Leaning is essential for a tactical fps. I dont want to expose my whole body. Especially in hardcore mode.

Yeah it doesn't make any sense to me.


I think the game was partially rushed to make sure all versions come out at the same time. Still, blah, I wish i have this game to review it, hahah.

Unfortunately, it looks like I won't be getting it til I can either find it on Craigslist, or Best Buy on Black Friday


Bebpo said:
If you're not feeling it now, you're never going to feel it. But play it for the camo sniper mission and the story. Then just stick to MP where it's fun.

Crap i'm not really into multi-player :( But I'll give it a go to get the most out of my $$

This and Stranglehold are my "regret purchases" this season.

Atleast Stranglehold came with a movie though :(

Maybe it's the lack of a cover system that's killing it for me being that Run n Gun is ineffective for the most part.


GeneralIroh said:
WTF... no leaning for the ps3 version..... They could've taken the extra effort to add in some six axis leaning feature.
As if no kb/m support was bad enough.

I was planning on buying the ps3 version but since its gimped, I'm just going to get the pc version.
Leaning is essential for a tactical fps. I dont want to expose my whole body. Especially in hardcore mode.
Wait, lean? How do I lean in the Xbox version?


Syb said:
I picked up a copy this morning and have already played it to completion. While it was a good dose of fun I dont really see anything that will make me want to come back. I was actually quite dissapointed in regards to the game and the graphics, the only area which knocked me to my knees was the Chernobyl level. But I guess I should sample the online mode before I make my mind up as to whether I should trade it in.

But that said "All Ghillied Up" is definitely one of the best levels Ive played in a FPS.
mandiller said:
lol. Understatement of the year. Multiplayer is where it's at. Singleplayer was an absolute blast, I finished it today. Wonderful game. But multiplayer is the real draw and what'll keep you coming back. Best multiplayer action I've had on the 360 before.
I spent a couple hours today online and like everyone else am amazed. I take back what I said before, the multiplayer more then makes up for the 'not as good as perfect' campaign. Definitely some of the most fun Ive had in an online console shooter, sorry Halo! I cant believe that I was almost going to trade this in!
BuG said:
Wait, lean? How do I lean in the Xbox version?
I doubt the 360 version has it either. Thats ok for the xbox though cause it doesnt have as many buttons for the leaning. With the ps3 version they could've used the six axis for it.
I have a feeling killzone 2 and mgs4 will be a much better tactical shooter due to the cover system.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
Just finished the game as well. I really enjoyed it, especially the intensity. It was quite the looker too. What did bother me a a bit was that it was very even. The was no real climax, and while I guess you could call some events variety, it was still pretty much the same thing over and over again.

Having said that, I still would rate the game really highly. The animations are some of the best seen in a game, the post effects looked great and the immersion factor really showed what this generation of consoles can do. Solid 9/10 for me.
Dante said:
Playing now, I picked it up this afternoon at BB.

I am only on the third mission but I gotta say I am Hugely dissapointed. I have a been there done that feeling with it. Please tell me it gets better later on. Framerate is butter, but the graphics are not blowing me away like I thought they would. Sound is fukkin fantastic though.

Me too - maybe not hugely, but a lot of the game felt just like COD2 with [slightly] different weapons. Seems like they could have done a lot more to make this different from their other games, or to highlight the different setting.


Im a couple of hours into the single player
After the helicopter crash
Im getting nailed outside the greenhouse my the helicopter.

Loving the game, its tough on Hardened but so much fun, I think it comes down to the way the game feels for me the gameplay speed and the power and feel of the guns its just so satisfying for me.

The graphics & sound continue to blow me away, the atmosphere effects especially add so much.

The online has managed to suck me in just like the beta too, still learning the maps so much goodness, my fave is Construction? I love the flatness and abundance of cover, feels like a training centre and so many ways you can tackle the maps.

Im surprised on how big the maps feel but how much action happens in them also.

My favourite gameplay type has been Team Hardcore, no messing around what so ever.

Their are a few niggles with the online that I would like to see fixed. The main one is, tho I prefer the ability to stay with the people you're playing with when a party leader backs out it really should take the party, such a ball ache to make sure everyone comes with.

Also tho I love the challenges and unlocks in multiplayer I would have loved to see some online achievements in the mix.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Gowans007 said:
Also tho I love the challenges and unlocks in multiplayer I would have loved to see some online achievements in the mix.

Online Achievements are horrid. I'm happy that IW kept them in SP. The unlocking is pretty good, I just hate that you have to unlock them for use in private matches.


traveler said:
How the hell do you beat the last section of
All Ghillied Up? I haven't had any significant problems up till now (The TV Station wasn't difficult at all) but this is ridiculous! I HAVE to be doing something wrong.

Oh, and how do you snap
a dog's neck? Everytime the indicator comes up, I push in the right joystick, but it never does anything.
I've just broke my controller in frustration on this part :( It's so out of sync with the difficulty of the rest of the game, it just seems to go on forever.


Is anyone else having trouble finding players for online games, I've tried all the gametypes I've unlocked with no difference, it just leaves me waiting for more players to join and they never do.


I just had a look at metacritic and it looks like cod4 is doing a hell of a job with the reviews. (95% avg)

well done 8)


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Right, tried the Epilogue on Veteran for an hour or so earlier, and it's just doing my head in, anyone got any tips?


HOly mother of fucking god, this game is so so so hard on veteran. I "finished" the game but I'm still stuck on
The airplane stage
. Ohh man has anyone cleared the test in below 20 seconds? Any pointers would be very nice.


bigswords said:
HOly mother of fucking god, this game is so so so hard on veteran. I "finished" the game but I'm still stuck on
The airplane stage
. Ohh man has anyone cleared the test in below 20 seconds? Any pointers would be very nice.

A lot of people have cleared it under 20. The trick is to anticipate what's coming next. Especially when using the flash/bang grenades. To give you an idea, the world's best time so far (last i checked) was in the 11.75s range.


Rogosh said:
A lot of people have cleared it under 20. The trick is to anticipate what's coming next. Especially when using the flash/bang grenades. To give you an idea, the world's best time so far (last i checked) was in the 11.75s range.

Wow awesome, is this the console timing or pc?

Eric WK

Rogosh said:
A lot of people have cleared it under 20. The trick is to anticipate what's coming next. Especially when using the flash/bang grenades. To give you an idea, the world's best time so far (last i checked) was in the 11.75s range.

I honestly don't know how that's possible. I've completed it under 20, but 11.75 is just insane.
JB1981 said:
All Ghilied Up is a great level but that final shootout on Hardened. Jesus. I thought I'd never get passed it.

In my opinion the best level but that bit made me wanna cry! Im currently stuck on the next level where you have to get back down the hill you just went up. I cant get out of the field accross the road never mind find a decent path to the LZ!

I phale at CoD4 SP :(


bigswords said:
HOly mother of fucking god, this game is so so so hard on veteran. I "finished" the game but I'm still stuck on
The airplane stage
. Ohh man has anyone cleared the test in below 20 seconds? Any pointers would be very nice.
Also, make sure you get the accuracy bonus. Towards the end, I was consistently getting at least 2.5 seconds knocked off my time, which was enough to get it under 20. And make sure you go through it without having to reload.


BladedExpert said:
In my opinion the best level but that bit made me wanna cry! Im currently stuck on the next level where you have to get back down the hill you just went up. I cant get out of the field accross the road never mind find a decent path to the LZ!

I phale at CoD4 SP :(

Just keep using the airstrike. After you hit about 3 targets make a run for it along the leftside of the hill.


JB1981 said:
All Ghilied Up is a great level but that final shootout on Hardened. Jesus. I thought I'd never get passed it.
Yeah, if you don't play it on hardened you aren't enjoying the game. ;)

I had to sit behind a steel corner to win that shootout. I'd snipe the guys as they come out the choppers, then the horde comes. Don't think dogs come everytime either. Also, how the hell they expect you to carry that guy to the chopper through 15+ guys shooting at you lol. Not sure what weaksauce normal is. Can't imagine playing veteran on that level.

Again I say the Airplane final level after credits was the highlight for me, Ghilie level a close second.


Rur0ni said:
Yeah, if you don't play it on hardened you aren't enjoying the game. ;)

I had to sit behind a steel corner to win that shootout. I'd snipe the guys as they come out the choppers, then the horde comes. Don't think dogs come everytime either. Also, how the hell they expect you to carry that guy to the chopper through 15+ guys shooting at you lol. Not sure what weaksauce normal is. Can't imagine playing veteran on that level.

Again I say the Airplane final level after credits was the highlight for me, Ghilie level a close second.

I planted C4 at all the areas the troops roped down to. Once they all made it down, *click* KABOOM. That was the only way I could buy myself enough time


JB1981 said:
I planted C4 at all the areas the troops roped down to. Once they all made it down, *click* KABOOM. That was the only way I could buy myself enough time
My autosave position was right as the choppers were coming in to drop em. Now that I know everything about the fight, I could prepare for it better now (C4 stuff), but it was hell using the sniper rifle almost solely. Almost ran out of ammo I think. Or maybe I did and had to pick up one of the other guns.

PC Version btw.
JB1981 said:
Just keep using the airstrike. After you hit about 3 targets make a run for it along the leftside of the hill.

Thanx for the advice. I'll give it another go. Hate giving up on a difficulty. I started on hardened, ill damn well finish on hardened!!


My Intel achievement is broke. I can't get the 15 out of 30 one, I have 18 right now but still no achievement. Kinda worried if I try to get the other 12 if it won't give me that aswell.

Also the 3 knives kill thing took 8 knives on recruit for it to register :lol


Console Market Analyst
Ikuu said:
Right, tried the Epilogue on Veteran for an hour or so earlier, and it's just doing my head in, anyone got any tips?

bigswords said:
HOly mother of fucking god, this game is so so so hard on veteran. I "finished" the game but I'm still stuck on
The airplane stage
. Ohh man has anyone cleared the test in below 20 seconds? Any pointers would be very nice.

Goreomedy said:
I just completed the Mile High Club in Vet in about 36 seconds.

My strategy, shoot through the bathroom wall at the beginning to kill potty dude. Immediatly aim through conference room and head shot that guard. Prepare flashbang as you run through conference room and throw it against the far wall as the enemies are coming in. It looks like you're throwing behind them, but it'll work. Use the rest of your clip to clear path, go through left door. Instantly, throw a flashbang down the center of the cabin and rush to the left wooden panel that two enemies are standing behind. Bring out your pistol as you go prone behind this panel. The Cabin explodes, you may have to pick off an enemy or two with your pistol until the others are sucked out. As your squadmates rush by, pull out your machinegun and reload as you follow behind. Go right at the stairs, prepare another flashbang, and throw it down the cabin through the first doorway you see. Rush through that door, and kill the three blinded enemies you see. Now, you'll probably be empty on your pistol and your machinegun. No worries. Throw your last flashbang into the crowded hallway, rush past all the blind enemies, and then knife the first guy that blocks your path at the end. There's another behind him, but you can run forward and activate the 4 second slo-mo hostage countdown before he can hurt you. I'd suggest taking your shot instantly, it's the clearest you'll see the guard's head above the VIP.

And F.N.G., you can switch to your pistol just before dropping down the line. Use one bullet for each target and you'll never have to reload, also, you'll get the 3+ Accuracy bonus. The people scoring under 15 seconds are shooting blind through flashbangs and still getting the top accuracy. I'll get there eventually. :)


I'm having massive problems playing on Live now. I am unable to join my friends' games and I keep getting an error message stating that I need to be on a network connection to be able to play on Live. WTF is this shit.


This is GOTY for me so far. I'm amazed that the PS3 version craps all over the PC version!!

I've a Quad core, 4Gb Ram and a 8800GT, and it struggles to maintain anywhere near 60FPS at my HDTVs res of 1360x768. (4xaa all maxed.)

The PS3 looks just as good on the same screen. Kudos to IW.

I'm never gonna be off the multi, it just feels so right...
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