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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Console Market Analyst
ElyrionX said:
I'm having massive problems playing on Live now. I am unable to join my friends' games and I keep getting an error message stating that I need to be on a network connection to be able to play on Live. WTF is this shit.

It was down for me all day yesterday as well.

The Official Word from MajorNelson:

Xbox LIVE is having a little trouble right now. Engineers are working on it (about 18 hours ago)


watership said:
It works for 364 days of the year and the day it starts having problems it's shitastic?

Nope. It's shitastic because Sony does the same for free. If I'm fucking paying for this, it'd better be working for 365 days of the year.


I'm playing through the game on the PS3. One thing I noticed is that the game very rarely hits 60fps in SP. How is the framerate on the 360? I actually own both versions but I beat the TV studio first on the PS3 (and couldn't beat it a second time for some reason on the 360) so I just stuck with it on the triple. Anyway, just curious. I know MP on the 360 rarely falls below 60fps.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Can't say I agree with the scores so far, but hey, to each their own.
just stop coming in the COD4 threads, you never have anything good to say about it. We get it, the game isn't your bag.
JB1981 said:
I'm playing through the game on the PS3. One thing I noticed is that the game very rarely hits 60fps in SP. How is the framerate on the 360? I actually own both versions but I beat the TV studio first on the PS3 (and couldn't beat it a second time for some reason on the 360) so I just stuck with it on the triple. Anyway, just curious. I know MP on the 360 rarely falls below 60fps.

360 has the same framerate issues IMO. During every firefight


ElyrionX said:
Nope. It's shitastic because Sony does the same for free. If I'm fucking paying for this, it'd better be working for 365 days of the year.

Than go play on PS3? Problem solved.


ElyrionX said:
Nope. It's shitastic because Sony does the same for free. If I'm fucking paying for this, it'd better be working for 365 days of the year.

Sony doesn't do jack shit. If it weren't for the good graces of IW, it wouldn't even work as well as it does online.
wtf! I can't get into a game this morning. I either get the unable to join host or you must be connected to an active network. Live is up for me and running so I don't see what the problem is.


Junior Member
Has anyone been having stat lag on the PS3 version? It seems like every time I login to play that may stats are backed up a little from where I was before the last time I quit.


DoctorWho said:
wtf! I can't get into a game this morning. I either get the unable to join host or you must be connected to an active network. Live is up for me and running so I don't see what the problem is.

Same thing was happening to me last night. Seemed more like a IW problem than XBL. XBL was working fine but I couldn't connect to games in COD4.


PC version has online issues too. I was getting lots of failed connections and didn't know wtf was up until someone on a forbidden forum pointed out that COD4 will always fail to connect while the server browser is refreshing :lol

I think that if COD4 gets the full Steam integration treatment, with access to its server browser and friends list, it will be my murder simulator of choice for quite a while.


Console Market Analyst
AdmiralViscen said:
Why are we blaming XBL for Activision's problems? Halo 3 is working fine, so is private chat and xboxlive.com.

But it hasn't been working fine. Up and down all yesterday and into early morning. No "all clear" message from Major Nelson when things like this are typically fixed. Why wouldn't people assume it is related?
AdmiralViscen said:
Why are we blaming XBL for Activision's problems? Halo 3 is working fine, so is private chat and xboxlive.com.
I was having problem connecting in R6: Vegas and Marvel: UA yesterday as well so I would say it is a Live problem.


I'm having the same problems with XBL and getting the same error message.
But Live is still great and worth every penny of the 13 cents a day I pay for it.
Just got done playing a long run on the Playstation Network. I love this game online! I just wish hardcore mode was default. It's frustrating getting the drop on a guy, shooting him, only to have him turn around and headshot you from the hip. :\ It should be whoever gets the drop first wins! :)


I thought the issues with Activision's servers was taken care of yesterday. :|

This is the same crashing/'downloading settings' error as before right? Hitting all platforms? Happened to me once yesterday, I had to restart my PS3 since it hung in the loading screen and when I got back in it looked like my custom classes were gone. Luckily they were still there, just the names were missing. Still a pain in the ass.

EDIT: shit it's gone again. I hate renaming these damn classes.
kitch9 said:
This is GOTY for me so far. I'm amazed that the PS3 version craps all over the PC version!!

I've a Quad core, 4Gb Ram and a 8800GT, and it struggles to maintain anywhere near 60FPS at my HDTVs res of 1360x768. (4xaa all maxed.)

The PS3 looks just as good on the same screen. Kudos to IW.

I'm never gonna be off the multi, it just feels so right...

Try the 169.04 beta Forceware drivers from nVidia, gave me a massive performance boost.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
my PSN is stuck on "Downloading Game settings"

and it looks like im back to square one Rank wise


It happened to me. It's just IW servers not sending out the info. Your stat should be fine.

What sucks is that my clan tag keeps clearing and so do the names of all my custom classes.

Servers at IW seem to be down cause I can't get a game going through PSN, PSN is working fine though.


Yeah I can't join a game either. It doesn't hang up on the 'downloading settings' screen like before, but it just won't join. I wiped out my class names yet again too lol.

EDIT: 4th times the charm, got into a TDM


Banstick Emeritus
calder said:
Yeah I can't join a game either. It doesn't hang up on the 'downloading settings' screen like before, but it just won't join. I wiped out my class names yet again too lol.

EDIT: 4th times the charm, got into a TDM
Well, I've been sitting here on the PS3 watching "DOWNLOADING GAME SETTINGS" for 10 minutes now. :(

TF2 fucking up on my PC last night, COD4 on PS3 today. I should just go play Bioshock on 360 instead. (mandated) Single player experiences for the win.

edit: Great, finally got past the message, but now I can't find a game. wtf
edit: wooooooot
~Devil Trigger~ said:
my PSN is stuck on "Downloading Game settings"

and it looks like im back to square one Rank wise

Don't worry it goes back to where you were at, but when it says 'downloading game settings' it shows a 1 for rank until it connects.

The game has done it to me several times until it finally times out or some shit then says "You must be connected to PSN" When I am indeed connected to PSN! I quit the game and I was still signed into PSN and everything plus Warhawk worked perfect too.

I think there network code is a little janky but when it works it's smooth until I get a Connection Interrupted message then I'm booted.

Also people are reporting this across all versions....

bishoptl said:
Well, I've been sitting here on the PS3 watching "DOWNLOADING GAME SETTINGS" for 10 minutes now. :(

TF2 fucking up on my PC last night, COD4 on PS3 today. I should just go play Bioshock on 360 instead. (mandated) Single player experiences for the win.

edit: Great, finally got past the message, but now I can't find a game. wtf
Yeah hopefully they can patch it or something. It's been working for me on and off, last night it was fine.

Dammit I was going to play this online right now too. I'll try anyways :p

Fuck it looks like it's borked for now.


Finished the game on the triple. I actually ended up liking it quite a bit. Good level of variety and the story was actually somewhat interesting. The ending had more urgency than Halo 3 did.
sometimes it just seems like I have a peashooter in some games online.

like, in one game I was dominating, I was picking off other people easily and my gun felt nice and powerful. Next server I go on (still free for all) I feel like my gun has a 3rd of the power, and some parts are just straight up hilarious.

I ran into this guy on a stairwell (for something I didnt think about knifing) but my gun was pointing at his head to the point where I couldent walk forward anymore, then I pulled the trigger and let loose maybe 10 bullets into his skull, yet him firing two shots in my chest with the same DAMN GUN killed me and he walked away just fine.


15 hours MP played, time for some suggestions. So far I'd say it's GOTY for me , so bear in mind that when you read some suggestions I have, these are just things that would make the amazing experience even better. It has more to do with the lobby system then the actual core gameplay though.

+When you have a killing streak and get a chopper, it cancels the airstrike if you haven't used it yet. Imho you should keep the airstrike if you haven't used it yet.

+Map rotation is very random, some maps never show up, others are on all the time (Missile Silo map I'm looking at you).

+Some people say that server lists are a thing of the past, but I've always enjoyed picking my own server, seeing which map is on and how the connection is. A quick play option and advanced search should become available, where quick search is what we have now and advanced search you see a server list or can choose which map you want to play.

+When the hosts drop the game someone else should become host, don't drop the entire game.

+I would like to have an option to create a dedicated server with my console, I know not many people would have their consoles running and doing this but even if a small percentage of people did this it would be very nice for the community as a whole.

+I hope Activision fixes the servers this week, because I spent half the time waiting to download settings, then some time finding a match etc. Meh.


kitch9 said:
This is GOTY for me so far. I'm amazed that the PS3 version craps all over the PC version!!

I've a Quad core, 4Gb Ram and a 8800GT, and it struggles to maintain anywhere near 60FPS at my HDTVs res of 1360x768. (4xaa all maxed.)

The PS3 looks just as good on the same screen. Kudos to IW.

I'm never gonna be off the multi, it just feels so right...

You have got to be lying. I'm on a 3.0ghz AMD with 3 GB RAM and an 8600GT superclock and I'm running with a smooth 60FPS the whole game. I've got everything maxed with the resolution at 1400X1050.

So yeah, liar.
oo Kosma oo said:
+When you have a killing streak and get a chopper, it cancels the airstrike if you haven't used it yet. Imho you should keep the airstrike if you haven't used it yet.

yeah, that is annoying.

a lot of times I would get my radar in the middle of a firefight and would kill two more guys to get the airstrike and lose my chacne to use the radar. It sucks because I needed that Radar to see where I could call in an airstrike, so then I have to hold onto the airstrike until someone else gets radar and it is just a mess.


Francias Castiglione said:
Try the 169.04 beta Forceware drivers from nVidia, gave me a massive performance boost.

I'm using 169.02's. I was gonna install the 04's but there is a bug in Crysis where the water is not updated correctly.


xemumanic said:
Sony doesn't do jack shit. If it weren't for the good graces of IW, it wouldn't even work as well as it does online.

It's not good graces, it's their duty. They want money, then they need to put in the time. IW should've went with Dedicated Servers though, as a couple Sony games with dedicated servers really shows how terrible p2p games are.

Anyways, if it's the same thing as last night, my friend couldn't get onto Halo 3 either when we were trying to play some CoD4 and it wasn't working. Maybe there's troubles across the boards getting into games, though you can sign into XBL still like last night?


Just got past the TV Station on Veteran difficulty, and wow, talk about shitty. If I have to resort to cheese tactics and abusing your spawn system to get past a section, you're doing something wrong. :-\ The rest of the level was fun, just not that one room.


I just rented the game earlier and played it a bit - I'm about to start the 5th mission, and the rest of the game hasn't lived up to the opening...

I'll try to finish the whole thing tonight once I'm on break, and then I'll give multiplayer a go.


Jesus man, fuck the part of the Chernobyl level where you have to wait for the goddamn helicopter. It's like a billion soldiers rush me from every corner of the godforsaken level.


Geoff9920 said:
Just got past the TV Station on Veteran difficulty, and wow, talk about shitty. If I have to resort to cheese tactics and abusing your spawn system to get past a section, you're doing something wrong. :-\ The rest of the level was fun, just not that one room.

Man, I died there about 12 times on regular. I loved it though, the chaos with all the smashed pc's is something else....


Shawn128 said:
Jesus man, fuck the part of the Chernobyl level where you have to wait for the goddamn helicopter. It's like a billion soldiers rush me from every corner of the godforsaken level.
Plant your claymores close (-ish) to you, near cars when possible. After the helicopters start coming in, make the area behind the bumpercars your last stand. Be a badass with your sniper rifle, and keep an AK-47 or a G3 (or etc) on hand for when the bastards get close.
Random grenades & flashbangs for the close-to-midrange baddies.


Ok 2nd attempt at the chopper buy the green house was another failure, hit up online with clan [GAF] for a tonne of awesome games.

Countdown is my fave map by far!

Once you go Team Hardcore you dont go back.

& god damn it Martyrdom + Sonic Boom = :( :lol
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