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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Did "one shot, one kill" and the graphics were gorgeous. The color scheme for the time of day was perfect. Really amazing looking. Wish S.T.A.L.K.E.R. looked like that.

But yeah, I don't think CoD4 is my type of game. CoD1/2 are two of my top10/20 FPS titles, but I'm not jiving with this one much at all, sorta like I didn't with 3 but I figured that was because of no IW.

I'm getting really sick of killing an entire country's population of bad guys every freaking level. They keep pouring and pouring and pouring out the point that it almost feels like they're infinitely respawning, which I know they aren't because they do stop eventually. Rainbow 6 Vegas had endless baddies too and it didn't make me much of a fan of that game either I don't remember CoD1/2 being like that, but maybe my memory is just being foggy. Anyhow, I'd take a shorter SP if it meant no standing around for 10 mins fighting off 300 enemies. Game is almost like an endurance race in GT.


ahhh... i keep hearing you guys complaining how cheap and unrealistic the Veteran mode is... yet, you guys keep playing it... it dose not enhance the gameplay and keep you from actual enjoying the awesome battlefield asmosphere of the game. why bother?? you guys must like suffering.
This is my first COD game and it seems some of you COD veterans are eluding to a tactic that I found pretty quickly.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but do enemies keep spawning and spawning and spawning until you advance close enough towards them? I noticed that on most occasions, it was much easier to run past all the enemies (and through whatever trigger box turns off their constant creation), then hide in a corner with low health, praying my team-mates took everyone out.

If I held back, trying to take the bad guys on from a distance, they'd never seemed to stop spawning with 1000s coming my way. Run up close and only 10 would come.

Anyway, is that what's going on? Or Have I been imagining this?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Bebpo said:
I'm getting really sick of killing an entire country's population of bad guys every freaking level. They keep pouring and pouring and pouring out the point that it almost feels like they're infinitely respawning, which I know they aren't because they do stop eventually. Rainbow 6 Vegas had endless baddies too and it didn't make me much of a fan of that game either I don't remember CoD1/2 being like that, but maybe my memory is just being foggy. Anyhow, I'd take a shorter SP if it meant no standing around for 10 mins fighting off 300 enemies. Game is almost like an endurance race in GT.

I actually kind of agree that there are often too many baddies. They're everywhere.


marvelharvey said:
This is my first COD game and it seems some of you COD veterans are eluding to a tactic that I found pretty quickly.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but do enemies keep spawning and spawning and spawning until you advance close enough towards them? I noticed that on most occasions, it was much easier to run past all the enemies (and through whatever trigger box turns off their constant creation), then hide in a corner with low health, praying my team-mates took everyone out.

If I held back, trying to take the bad guys on from a distance, they'd never seemed to stop spawning with 1000s coming my way. Run up close and only 10 would come.

Anyway, is that what's going on? Or Have I been imagining this?

Nope, that's more or less exactly how it works. I just did the infamous TV station on veteran the other day, and managed to get through the big room only actually killing a total of like 3 baddies.

I've never had such mixed feelings about a game. The atmosphere is great, the gunplay is great, it runs beautifully... but the way it handles encounters is so retarded at times.


For me, Veteran mode actually made me better at multiplayer in a shorter amount of time in terms of learning to peek out and shoot the enemy as fast and accurately as possible and not just stand in the open like a dumbass. It also made me learn the value of the flashbangs and how to properly use them. If I'm in multiplayer, there will be grenades coming your way.

And as much frustration as I feel for the bad spots, I feel just as much exhilaration when I pull off an advance. So maybe IW has something going here.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
marvelharvey said:
This is my first COD game and it seems some of you COD veterans are eluding to a tactic that I found pretty quickly.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but do enemies keep spawning and spawning and spawning until you advance close enough towards them? I noticed that on most occasions, it was much easier to run past all the enemies (and through whatever trigger box turns off their constant creation), then hide in a corner with low health, praying my team-mates took everyone out.

If I held back, trying to take the bad guys on from a distance, they'd never seemed to stop spawning with 1000s coming my way. Run up close and only 10 would come.

Anyway, is that what's going on? Or Have I been imagining this?

Yeah, its pretty much how I.W do veteran, you have to get in deep and close. If you hang back and pick them off then it never ends. Its good and bad I guess. Some parts are near impossible though. Sure is nice when you finally get past those sections :D .


I picked up a copy this morning and have already played it to completion. While it was a good dose of fun I dont really see anything that will make me want to come back. I was actually quite dissapointed in regards to the game and the graphics, the only area which knocked me to my knees was the Chernobyl level. But I guess I should sample the online mode before I make my mind up as to whether I should trade it in.

But that said "All Ghillied Up" is definitely one of the best levels Ive played in a FPS.


Unconfirmed Member
My god the graphics are stunning. Absolutely amazing. Great job IW. Best graphics in any console game so far. Well done.


Syb said:
I picked up a copy this morning and have already played it to completion. While it was a good dose of fun I dont really see anything that will make me want to come back. I was actually quite dissapointed in regards to the game and the graphics, the only area which knocked me to my knees was the Chernobyl level. But I guess I should sample the online mode before I make my mind up as to whether I should trade it in.

But that said "All Ghillied Up" is definitely one of the best levels Ive played in a FPS.

lol. Understatement of the year. Multiplayer is where it's at. Singleplayer was an absolute blast, I finished it today. Wonderful game. But multiplayer is the real draw and what'll keep you coming back. Best multiplayer action I've had on the 360 before.


Just rented this game... and man am I glad I didn't buy it. I know one thing, I'm backing down from "hardened" to normal. The frustration level is already pretty high and I'm not far in at all.

I see the encounters are handled the exact same way. You know something is wrong when you have to use the auto aim to spot targets. Run into a spawn point or get flanked around one of the corners in the maze like level design and you're fucked. For a supposedly realistic shooters there sure are a lot of enemies, rpgs and frags everywhere.

I get it, chaos ensues and shit is exploding all around me... now let me atleast get a clear picture of what the fuck is going on so I can form some sort of strategy. But no, instead lets seeing how many auto aim kills I can string in a row and how lucky I can get to avoid granades and someone flanking me.

I hope it gets better, much much better. Pretty game though.


kitch9 said:
Stop worrying about little things that do not matter.

For gods sake don't get involved with PC gaming, you'd drive yourself nuts.

:lol :lol :lol

Man, you are kind of too late with that post.
Bebpo said:
I'm getting really sick of killing an entire country's population of bad guys every freaking level. They keep pouring and pouring and pouring out the point that it almost feels like they're infinitely respawning, which I know they aren't because they do stop eventually. Rainbow 6 Vegas had endless baddies too and it didn't make me much of a fan of that game either I don't remember CoD1/2 being like that, but maybe my memory is just being foggy. Anyhow, I'd take a shorter SP if it meant no standing around for 10 mins fighting off 300 enemies. Game is almost like an endurance race in GT.

I agree that there are way too many enemies just charging you.

I mean, you are constantly mowing down enemies. I remember missions in CoD1 where instead of killing dozens of enemies, you would have more tightly packed battles against a handfull, but they would be much more fun and satisfying.

it gets to the point where it is down right boring and tiring to kill these enemies, there are tactics to fight them, you are just mowing them down, sometimes its like Dynasty Warriors level of fodder.


TTG said:
Just rented this game... and man am I glad I didn't buy it. I know one thing, I'm backing down from "hardened" to normal. The frustration level is already pretty high and I'm not far in at all.

I see the encounters are handled the exact same way. You know something is wrong when you have to use the auto aim to spot targets. Run into a spawn point or get flanked around one of the corners in the maze like level design and you're fucked. For a supposedly realistic shooters there sure are a lot of enemies, rpgs and frags everywhere.

I get it, chaos ensues and shit is exploding all around me... now let me atleast get a clear picture of what the fuck is going on so I can form some sort of strategy. But no, instead lets seeing how many auto aim kills I can string in a row and how lucky I can get to avoid granades and someone flanking me.

I hope it gets better, much much better. Pretty game though.

yea agree, the amount of enemies coming wave after wave is ridiculous. Its even annoying in those time limit events, there's the captain shouting "hurry and get the hell down there!!" then you charge forward only to be swarm by frags, rpgs, MGs..etc. The AIs are surprisingly accurate and sometimes can see through walls, i was jumping out expecting to ambush them but instead i got a headshot lol.

I think they need to make it easier to spot friendlies, it's really confusing in the first few hours.


I feel like the wave after wave thing is the modern day "padding" we get in other genre put into the FPS genre. Gotta extend the length of the game somehow, so just throw out 10x the enemies and get 10x the battle length.


So... do most of you avoid multiplayer? Thats what the game is all about. I beat the SP in no time at all and thought "ok cool, better than previous cod game" and just continued on with MP, where there is endless fun to be had.


Just finished Hardened, man the TV station level took me an age. Same for the level before the last mission. But the lgame looks and plays great, the opening leve blew my mind, just awesome.
Game is great. There is some fun in single player, but multiplayer rocks. You can find me online under BoboBrazil. I kinda suck though lol, but I've only played the game like 2 hrs so far...
Concept17 said:
So... do most of you avoid multiplayer? Thats what the game is all about. I beat the SP in no time at all and thought "ok cool, better than previous cod game" and just continued on with MP, where there is endless fun to be had.

I spend most of my time with MP, I played a lot previous days but I only spent time with single player today. After I finish it up, I doubt I will ever go back and replay it like I did with CoD1 and CoD2. Multiplayer is amazing tho, best shooter on the 360 online.


Concept17 said:
So... do most of you avoid multiplayer? Thats what the game is all about. I beat the SP in no time at all and thought "ok cool, better than previous cod game" and just continued on with MP, where there is endless fun to be had.

I played MP once. It was a lot of fun and I wouldn't mind playing it once and a while. I'll try to give it a few more MP games before putting it away after finishing SP. I mainly don't play MP in games because I feel I could be using those hours to finish other SP games. MP is more like what I do if I don't have anything to play.


my connection kinda sucks, is the multiplayer based on p2p or it has dedicated servers? I can at least get decent pings in other games like Resistance and Warhawk though (less than 100 ping)
Concept17 said:
So... do most of you avoid multiplayer? Thats what the game is all about. I beat the SP in no time at all and thought "ok cool, better than previous cod game" and just continued on with MP, where there is endless fun to be had.

I'm rank 50.


mandiller said:
lol. Understatement of the year. Multiplayer is where it's at. Singleplayer was an absolute blast, I finished it today. Wonderful game. But multiplayer is the real draw and what'll keep you coming back. Best multiplayer action I've had on the 360 before.
Well in that case I'll definitely give the multiplayer a whizz later tonight, hopefully it turns me into a convert.


Concept17 said:
So... do most of you avoid multiplayer? Thats what the game is all about. I beat the SP in no time at all and thought "ok cool, better than previous cod game" and just continued on with MP, where there is endless fun to be had.

I didn't even touch SP yet. All of my time on both the PS3 and 360 has been on MP. I could care less about SP.
Concept17 said:
So... do most of you avoid multiplayer? Thats what the game is all about. I beat the SP in no time at all and thought "ok cool, better than previous cod game" and just continued on with MP, where there is endless fun to be had.
I've played almost 10 hours MP. I haven't touched SP.


i officially started MP yesterday. played a few rounds and now at rank 10. pity that my days as a dedicated sniper is put to an end. i got slaughtered with a sniper rifle in those smallish maps... :(


HomerSimpson-Man said:
Oh god, it took me a moment to realize the yellow guy and how you hinted at it in the text. :lol

I actually thought that the yellow guy wasn't subtle enough and that everybody would spot him immediately.


lunlunqq said:
i officially started MP yesterday. played a few rounds and now at rank 10. pity that my days as a dedicated sniper is put to an end. i got slaughtered with a sniper rifle in those smallish maps... :(

It's not just the smallish maps, it's that there's something wrong with sniping as a whole in this game. Just grab and AR and throw an ACOG on it and snipe better than snipers. Only in maps like "The Bog" and sometimes "Overgrown" are sniper rifles ok to use. Then you have to deal with that they seemingly nerfed the sniper rifles since the Beta. Hell, I've seen people snipe better with the freakin' LMG's.

If you guys are going to put more time in MP, let me know, I'm always game.


Banstick Emeritus
I grabbed the PS3 version from our work library today, played a little bit of SP and went straight into MP. Fun, fun, fun.

Bebpo said:
I feel like the wave after wave thing is the modern day "padding" we get in other genre put into the FPS genre. Gotta extend the length of the game somehow, so just throw out 10x the enemies and get 10x the battle length.
Not all of 'em will suffer from this... :D
Damn played three hours of MP, ranked up from 8 to 16. Wow, best mp ever, just wish I could save videos where I'm knifing four dudes in a row. Seriously, leveling up is so addicting in this game.


so...has anyone posted a picture comparison on the lighting between the PS3 and 360 version? I'm curious what the visual difference is.
I don't get the hype, I've been maintaining all along that this is the Emperors New Clothes. I've rented it and its a very pretty game, but its incredibly basic.

I got to one point where a chain link fence was in the way, and there was no way around, all my friendly soldiers were standing around it so I knew I had to get through. I walked back and found one stray friendly soldier running into a wall, I had to grenade him to get him out of place, he then ran through the level and cut the wire fence, making a whole.

Graphically this is amazing, but in terms of gameplay I don't see how this can rank near games like the Orange Box. If this gets GOTY from anywhere then thats a failure on the part of the reviewers.


hey guys, dont complain for veteran difficulty.
just finish the game on an easy enough level for you,
move on to mp, and when you got the skills you will want to go back to sp to clear the house.

I can understand that it is frustrating to try and win the sp in veteran in your first day, so just dont do it if you find it difficult.
after a couple of days mp, veteran sp will feel more like normal ;)

p.s. rubberjohnny, its all about gameplay (mp)


RubberJohnny said:
I don't get the hype, I've been maintaining all along that this is the Emperors New Clothes. I've rented it and its a very pretty game, but its incredibly basic.

I got to one point where a chain link fence was in the way, and there was no way around, all my friendly soldiers were standing around it so I knew I had to get through. I walked back and found one stray friendly soldier running into a wall, I had to grenade him to get him out of place, he then ran through the level and cut the wire fence, making a whole.

Graphically this is amazing, but in terms of gameplay I don't see how this can rank near games like the Orange Box. If this gets GOTY from anywhere then thats a failure on the part of the reviewers.

Multiplayer is what makes this game soooooooooo good.

I stopped playing Halo 3's multiplayer after the first couple of weeks and even then, I was never as hooked as I currently am on COD4's multiplayer.

If people would give this game GOTY, it would be largely because of the awesome multiplayer.
RubberJohnny said:
Graphically this is amazing, but in terms of gameplay I don't see how this can rank near games like the Orange Box. If this gets GOTY from anywhere then thats a failure on the part of the reviewers.
Seriously? I think when it comes to linear games, this game shits all over HL2 and its episodes. Whenever I played those I felt bored halfway through each level, here I was always looking forward to seeing what else would happen in the game.


Bebpo said:
Did "one shot, one kill" and the graphics were gorgeous. The color scheme for the time of day was perfect. Really amazing looking. Wish S.T.A.L.K.E.R. looked like that.

But yeah, I don't think CoD4 is my type of game. CoD1/2 are two of my top10/20 FPS titles, but I'm not jiving with this one much at all, sorta like I didn't with 3 but I figured that was because of no IW.

I'm getting really sick of killing an entire country's population of bad guys every freaking level. They keep pouring and pouring and pouring out the point that it almost feels like they're infinitely respawning, which I know they aren't because they do stop eventually. Rainbow 6 Vegas had endless baddies too and it didn't make me much of a fan of that game either I don't remember CoD1/2 being like that, but maybe my memory is just being foggy. Anyhow, I'd take a shorter SP if it meant no standing around for 10 mins fighting off 300 enemies. Game is almost like an endurance race in GT.

Read my post above. Never mind. I'll post and bold it for greatness.



I'm having trouble with the very end of the sniper mission (at the wheel) on hardened. I didn't have any problems until this point, but I got frustrated and gave up after not being able to hold them off a few times. Any advice, or should I just lower the difficulty setting?


Great I came upto ACT3 and now my 360 won't read the game anymore. Some other games like Naruto work fine.

Good job fucking 360


Y2Kev said:
I actually kind of agree that there are often too many baddies. They're everywhere.
it's like you just shoot at bullets. a lot of times you can't even see what you're shooting at. you just fire in the general direction of enemy fire and somehow you win.


he's Virgin Tight™
bishoptl said:
I grabbed the PS3 version from our work library today, played a little bit of SP and went straight into MP. Fun, fun, fun.

Not all of 'em will suffer from this... :D

Turok better be good, I preordered it already dammit.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I completed the final missions of Act 1 and, I must admit, that was pretty damn cool. I still don't much care for the insane number of enemies that never seem to stop (I prefer games where each encounter is important), but at least the scenarios are exciting. I quite like the soundtrack, but I do wish they would use more of it. I know it wouldn't always work, but there are some other scenes that would benefit from a driving music.

I'm done with my complaints as well. Everyone knows the deal with it now. The last thing I will say is that I did get a chance to try it on 360 last night and, as I suspected, the textures really do look quite a bit nicer and the framerate is generally smoother (though it still slows down often, unfortunately). I can live with the PS3 version, though. There ya go, that's it.

Turok better be good, I preordered it already dammit.
Did you play the demo? It's kickass. The knife kills are insanely fun and the game looks fantastic. The scenario design allows quite a bit of freedom in how you approach each situation. The encounters are pretty intense as well and every enemy has the ability to crush you if you don't handle them properly.

Honestly, my only complaint deals with the kick from the shotgun (which feels weak to me). Everything else is a blast.


p3tran said:
hey guys, dont complain for veteran difficulty.
just finish the game on an easy enough level for you,
move on to mp, and when you got the skills you will want to go back to sp to clear the house.

I can understand that it is frustrating to try and win the sp in veteran in your first day, so just dont do it if you find it difficult.
after a couple of days mp, veteran sp will feel more like normal ;)

p.s. rubberjohnny, its all about gameplay (mp)

MP skills hardly help in SP since it's such a different game. The key to beating hard waves is kill every enemy except one, then run to the trigger and kill the last one so the waves disappear.


he's Virgin Tight™
SHIT, THE FUCKING NUCLEAR BOMB WAS AWESOME, SIMPLY AWESOME. I WAS LIKE WTF?!?!?! Did Jackson really die? Craaaap, was that some nice stuff...
Just finished it, the SAS missions were great for the most part but the US stuff felt way to much like 'ol narrow space spawnfest CoD2.

And don't call me Shirley.
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