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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


kitch9 said:
Man, I died there about 12 times on regular. I loved it though, the chaos with all the smashed pc's is something else....
The encounter itself is fun on lower difficulties, and I can absolutely see why they'd want to include it. It just needed more tweaking on veteran difficulty.


Wow, just finished on Veteran :D .. Outside of the few mind numbing areas. The game was awesome.

And the Ending Theme. :lol
Gowans007 said:
Once you go Team Hardcore you dont go back.

I would play Team Hardcore every time, but I want to get these points for winning free for all and other things like that.

once I get them all, I think I will play Team Hardcore mainly.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
So if you use a silencer (goodbye red dot) and UAV jammer, will you never appear on enemy radar? Motion and being spotted are non-factors?
I think so. If they see you then that's that, but you won't appear at all.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
So if you use a silencer (goodbye red dot) and UAV jammer, will you never appear on enemy radar?
Yep. I'm thinking of doing exactly that but Stopping Power is hard to drop, not to mention my red-dot scope.


ElyrionX said:
I'm having massive problems playing on Live now. I am unable to join my friends' games and I keep getting an error message stating that I need to be on a network connection to be able to play on Live. WTF is this shit.

Is your NAT open?

Edit: Sorry for not joining your invites, was getting through the sp on veteran, it's so disgusting at times I wanted to throw the controller out the window.


Goreomedy said:
And F.N.G., you can switch to your pistol just before dropping down the line. Use one bullet for each target and you'll never have to reload, also, you'll get the 3+ Accuracy bonus. The people scoring under 15 seconds are shooting blind through flashbangs and still getting the top accuracy. I'll get there eventually. :)

Thanks for the tips, will try it out again.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Love the Chernobyl level. The variety of the environments is really good in this.

What is the trick to nailing the dog with the melee attack when it is tackling you? I keep pressing the right stick in but it hasn't worked yet.


Rayme said:
Plant your claymores close (-ish) to you, near cars when possible. After the helicopters start coming in, make the area behind the bumpercars your last stand. Be a badass with your sniper rifle, and keep an AK-47 or a G3 (or etc) on hand for when the bastards get close.
Random grenades & flashbangs for the close-to-midrange baddies.

The way I did it, after the first checkpoint reached, run to the cement blocks on the left and camp there, the choppers will drop baddies down, just crouch and shoot the enemies coming down the line (one chopper on the left and right), after that just camp behind the cement block (be prepared for dogs as well). Once the chopper has landed run back to the captain, throw flash bangs to cover your tracks and bring him to the heli.


Mooreberg said:
Love the Chernobyl level. The variety of the environments is really good in this.

What is the trick to nailing the dog with the melee attack when it is tackling you? I keep pressing the right stick in but it hasn't worked yet.

There's an indicator for it, it's displayed for a second, if you missed it the dog rips your throat. If you have already unlock the achievement, just burst fire at the dog.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
bigswords said:
There's an indicator for it, it's displayed for a second, if you missed it the dog rips your throat. If you have already unlock the achievement, just burst fire at the dog.

Oh okay, I thought you were supposed to start hitting it as soon as it tackles you. I've been shooting most of them anyway. :lol
I decided to rent this and give it a shot and I'm pretty blown away. Right now I'm on 'Ghillied Up' and I have to say this is the best single player FPS campaign I've played in the last 5 years or so. Might pick it up at the end of the year.
Shawn128 said:
Jesus man, fuck the part of the Chernobyl level where you have to wait for the goddamn helicopter. It's like a billion soldiers rush me from every corner of the godforsaken level.

I had to bump the difficulty down to easy to get past that :( After I past that part i put it back to hardened.
Mooreberg said:
Love the Chernobyl level. The variety of the environments is really good in this.

What is the trick to nailing the dog with the melee attack when it is tackling you? I keep pressing the right stick in but it hasn't worked yet.

Shoot it in the mouth.


Mooreberg said:
Love the Chernobyl level. The variety of the environments is really good in this.

What is the trick to nailing the dog with the melee attack when it is tackling you? I keep pressing the right stick in but it hasn't worked yet.
Click R3 as he goes to bite you. Has to be timed right.

All Ghillied Up is stunning looking, I agree. The finale was a bitch, though. Can't imagine how hard it is on Veteran.
Just got the game. Not meaning to troll at all but when does the core single player game start? The first level was essentially follow the AI and take out two guys. The cut scene following was amazing, though the next mission at night seems much like the first. Does the meat of the single player open up soon?


he's Virgin Tight™
Warm Machine said:
Just got the game. Not meaning to troll at all but when does the core single player game start? The first level was essentially follow the AI and take out two guys. The cut scene following was amazing, though the next mission at night seems much like the first. Does the meat of the single player open up soon?

Finish that, then play as US =) That's when the fun starts


slept with Malkin
Just spent 2 hours trying to get the Mile High Club achievement with no luck. Made it to the hostage twice, but missed the shot both times...This game is really testing my patience, but I still can't put it down.
Warm Machine said:
Just got the game. Not meaning to troll at all but when does the core single player game start? The first level was essentially follow the AI and take out two guys. The cut scene following was amazing, though the next mission at night seems much like the first. Does the meat of the single player open up soon?

Oddly, those first missions are the ones I was originally psyched about, but having played them I'm not sure if the COD formula really meshes with the flash tactical SAS deal. Despite throwing buckets of ether over Rainbow Six Vegas, I actually found myself wishing for some of the more advanced maneuvers from that game here. The presentation is what really sells it, not sure about the actual combat scenes.

And truth be told, I'm starting to regret getting this for PS3. Nothing about the visuals and such, but the controller is giving me nothing but trouble. Maybe I'll check into trading it in for the PC version while I'm still fairly early in the campaign.


purgeface said:
Just spent 2 hours trying to get the Mile High Club achievement with no luck. Made it to the hostage twice, but missed the shot both times...This game is really testing my patience, but I still can't put it down.
What is your strategy for the upper part of the plane? I can make it to the second floor pretty easily most of the time but I always get capped after you go up the stairs.


slept with Malkin
Sandman42 said:
What is your strategy for the upper part of the plane? I can make it to the second floor pretty easily most of the time but I always get capped after you go up the stairs.

As soon as I get to the stairs, I throw a flashbang in the immediate room. Kill a few guys real quick and move behind the back row of seats. Then I throw another fb into the next room from my position and shoot down the right side-you can see all the way down the hallway from there. Next I run in and grab the fb's on the desk throw another one down the hallway and sprint in and kill the last few guys around the corner.

Just make sure you are aware of your ammo count before sprinting down the hallway-got capped so many times by the shotgun guy around the corner because I was out of ammo.

This video helped a lot too.


I found it easy. I just hid behind the bumper car building. Only one soldier made it past the sniper and I quickly disposed of him. I then chucked a whole bunch of flash grenades, picked him up and then the friendly soldiers cleaned everything up.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
My favorite parts of the game were the ones where I wasn't shooting my gun. :\

All Ghillied Up, Death from Above...weird.
I wasn't following up on this game so the lack of co-op surprised me, the single player has been ace and i have not touched online yet because of internet fuck ups.


Tried Team Hardcore today and it's awesome, this is how MP should be played, little slower tempo and a little less run and gun but still just the right amount of action, plus the weapons feel a lot better in Hardcore.

And MP is addictive as hell, keep going "Just one more rank, one more rank" :D


zam said:
Tried Team Hardcore today and it's awesome, this is how MP should be played, little slower tempo and a little less run and gun but still just the right amount of action, plus the weapons feel a lot better in Hardcore.

And MP is addictive as hell, keep going "Just one more rank, one more rank" :D

Don't even get me started on that. Seriously.


Geoff9920 said:
Just got past the TV Station on Veteran difficulty, and wow, talk about shitty. If I have to resort to cheese tactics and abusing your spawn system to get past a section, you're doing something wrong. :-\ The rest of the level was fun, just not that one room.
its pretty stupid but yes, you have to resort to beating the spawn areas, It took me six hours to beat the epilogue on veteran.


I played a little hardcore today and I love it, I'll probably play this mode the most over the coming months. Right now I need to rank up so it's probably better for me to play other modes (full of XP goodness).

One thing I was disappointed about with hardcore mode was the fact that you still get UAV, I fucking hate radar in my MP shooters, hardcore mode shouldn't have it at all.
60fps be damned, how in the hell does a game with this many graphical shortcomings receive such high scores in that particular category, and across the board no less? Granted I'm playing what people say is the version that is the most lacking in this respect, but I have a hard time believing that the difference would be that great between versions.

On a positive note, I hope Ubi is taking notes on how to properly present a war themed game here. It really does feel like bloody serious business, and not in a corny way either.


AltogetherAndrews said:
60fps be damned, how in the hell does a game with this many graphical shortcomings receive such high scores in that particular category, and across the board no less? Granted I'm playing what people say is the version that is the most lacking in this respect, but I have a hard time believing that the difference would be that great between versions.

On a positive note, I hope Ubi is taking notes on how to properly present a war themed game here. It really does feel like bloody serious business, and not in a corny way either.

Eh, most of the graphic whores on the board like dark10x and myself agree that it's just a "good" looking game that runs at a nice framerate. Personally I'd give the graphics an 8/10 framerate-aside and an 8.5/10 framerate-included.

The best looking levels are the ones with great art like the coloring of the flashback level.


AltogetherAndrews said:
60fps be damned, how in the hell does a game with this many graphical shortcomings receive such high scores in that particular category, and across the board no less? Granted I'm playing what people say is the version that is the most lacking in this respect, but I have a hard time believing that the difference would be that great between versions.

On a positive note, I hope Ubi is taking notes on how to properly present a war themed game here. It really does feel like bloody serious business, and not in a corny way either.
I don't know really, the frame-rate really does help though, and I love the animations.
Bebpo said:
Eh, most of the graphic whores on the board like dark10x and myself agree that it's just a "good" looking game that runs at a nice framerate.

The best looking levels are the ones with great art like the coloring of the flashback level.

Well, I'm referring to certain reviews I've come across. And I'm looking at the actual game running here and wondering what new standards were established seemingly specifically for this game. Maybe it's a testament to the impact of presentation that so much is "forgiven" here, but it's a bit odd nonetheless.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Well, I'm referring to certain reviews I've come across. And I'm looking at the actual game running here and wondering what new standards were established seemingly specifically for this game. Maybe it's a testament to the impact of presentation that so much is "forgiven" here, but it's a bit odd nonetheless.
The lighting effects are really good, add that to the presentation and framerate it does alot. Thing is when people say this is the best looking game on the console or w/e, in this thread even, I just ignore their comment, because it makes absolutely no sense to me.


MercuryLS said:
One thing I was disappointed about with hardcore mode was the fact that you still get UAV, I fucking hate radar in my MP shooters, hardcore mode shouldn't have it at all.
You don't use the jammer? I find it very necessary as most people rely too much on the radar.


slept with Malkin
Systems_id said:
Yep, All Ghillied Up is the greatest sniping mission ever.

That entire mission was one of my favorites from any FPS. Ever. Definitely the highpoint of the single player campaign for me.



enter the code

All right, fuck this shit. I really don't want to do this over....
Costanza said:
um WTF, NOW it's giving me checkpoints... *sigh*
I think it gives you checkpoints based on your time remaining. At least on that mission. In others it seemed almost random, and I frequently got stuck at checkpoints where death was almost instant.

I know it's old news, but it can't be said enough: Veteran is fucking broken and terrible and should be avoided. I wish I hadn't been so stubborn and had just quit and played the game on normal once it became apparent that Veteran's busted.


purgeface said:
That entire mission was one of my favorites from any FPS. Ever. Definitely the highpoint of the single player campaign for me.
I keep telling my buddies to play the single player so they can get to that mission. I don't think I have ever done anything like that ever in an fps, it was so awesome.
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