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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

This game is fucking garbage. Plays EXACTLY like the previous CoDs only with a fresh coat of 21st century paint.

No lean function? Check.
Infinately spawning enemies? Check.
Death by grenades that are only visible by an icon on the screen? Check.

Now I remember why I hated CoD3 and put up with CoD2. Should have rented it...


siamesedreamer said:
No lean function? Check.
Infinately spawning enemies? Check.
Death by grenades that are only visible by an icon on the screen? Check.
Enemies aren't infinitely spawning (has been confirmed by devs), did the TV station by just hanging back and shooting them form a distance. There are only a few parts where the will spawn infinitely (if even then e.g end of One Shot, One Kill.

I can see the grenades by looking at the ground.


I've always loved all the Call of Duty games and I beat this one today on Hardened and thought it was awesome.
On the last part in the plane, to get through it as fast as possible did anyone else just throw flash grenades and just run past everyone to the end? Also, the ending where the guy slides you the gun was so predictable, but it was still great.


BoboBrazil said:
Is something wrong with online right now. It just keeps saying downloading game settings when i try to sign on...

I think its happening to everybody with a PS3, haven't been able to play a game for the last 3 nights.


Esperado said:
I've always loved all the Call of Duty games and I beat this one today on Hardened and thought it was awesome.
On the last part in the plane, to get through it as fast as possible did anyone else just throw flash grenades and just run past everyone to the end? Also, the ending where the guy slides you the gun was so predictable, but it was still great.
try it on veteran...
I don't know if anyone has realized this, but you can
Shoot the hostage taker in his leg, then the hostage will run and you can take out the taker. I haven't seen anyone mention this, which is weird. Everyone aims for the head


fistfulofmetal said:
I don't know if anyone has realized this, but you can
Shoot the hostage taker in his leg, then the hostage will run and you can take out the taker. I haven't seen anyone mention this, which is weird. Everyone aims for the head
I think I read somewhere that on Veteran you have to go for the headshot


zam said:
I think I read somewhere that on Veteran you have to go for the headshot
you do... because on my fifth time in that room on vet, I shot him in the neck and it said something like this "Vets go for headshots, not flesh wounds" I was so pissed I almost broke my controller.


I haven't bothered reading this thread besides a post here and there but I feel the need to express my pure hatred for whichever individual thought Shipyard would be a good map. If you are the person who made this map and you're reading this post I would appreciate it if you could tell me what in the flying godfuck you were thinking. It's maybe 40 metres square and has shipping containers dropped seemingly at random as if you donned a blindfold, ran around in a circle with your forehead resting on a broomstick and then stumbled back to the editor and placed objects wherever your hands managed to land. It is the stupidest map I have ever played online and I've played deathmatch on some of those UnrealEd tutorial maps.

A game on Shipyard plays out similarly to this: shoot first guy you see, shoot his buddy, run, hide, throw grenade somewhere, anywhere it doesn't fucking matter, kill two people, shoot, call in air strike ANYWHERE ON THE MAP BECAUSE A SINGLE STRIKE WILL COVER THE WHOLE THING, get chopper, kill yourself, rinse, repeat. I got 103 kills in this map and it was the most boring match I've ever played. Unless we all spawned inside this little corner of the map and nobody was able to find the exit to a greater expanse then this is a terrible map and the designer ought to be forced to play it for weeks on end with his eyelids held open by those little clamp things you see in that Kubrick movie, you know the one, I don't 'cause I've never seen it.
HOLY SHIT, One Shot One Kill is giving me trouble. The part where you're waiting for the helicopter - and 6,000 enemies appear out of nowhere.

I need some goddamn advice, cause I am getting torn apart. If your advice applies to setup (C4, Claymores, etc.), then it's too late: I got screwed over by a weird checkpoint.
SolidSquirrel said:
HOLY SHIT, One Shot One Kill is giving me trouble. The part where you're waiting for the helicopter - and 6,000 enemies appear out of nowhere.

I need some goddamn advice, cause I am getting torn apart. If your advice applies to setup (C4, Claymores, etc.), then it's too late: I got screwed over by a weird checkpoint.

The only advice is to restart the level on a lower difficulty. I was stuck on that mission on Hardened for a few hours until I changed to Regular. The difference was like night and day. The enemies had to be closer to shoot at you, they shot less, and MacMillan shoots more often.


SolidSquirrel said:
HOLY SHIT, One Shot One Kill is giving me trouble. The part where you're waiting for the helicopter - and 6,000 enemies appear out of nowhere.

I need some goddamn advice, cause I am getting torn apart. If your advice applies to setup (C4, Claymores, etc.), then it's too late: I got screwed over by a weird checkpoint.
camp behind the bumper cars, plant claymores around that area. It becomes much easier at that point.


Console Market Analyst
SolidSquirrel said:
HOLY SHIT, One Shot One Kill is giving me trouble. The part where you're waiting for the helicopter - and 6,000 enemies appear out of nowhere.

I need some goddamn advice, cause I am getting torn apart. If your advice applies to setup (C4, Claymores, etc.), then it's too late: I got screwed over by a weird checkpoint.

It sounds like you've made it to the enemy helicopter drop.

Get behind the bumper car arena, and snipe anyone who tries to get close. Don't worry about the asshats far away. Make sure to clear the guys that lay down in the grass between you and MacMillian and also those that group on the ferris wheel so that when your chopper arrives, you can dash over to him, pick him up, and zig-zag to safety.


SolidSquirrel said:
HOLY SHIT, One Shot One Kill is giving me trouble. The part where you're waiting for the helicopter - and 6,000 enemies appear out of nowhere.

I need some goddamn advice, cause I am getting torn apart. If your advice applies to setup (C4, Claymores, etc.), then it's too late: I got screwed over by a weird checkpoint.

Nope, if you want to easy way don't go for behind the bumper cars. Do this:



Jirotrom said:
awesome! I 'll beat this tomorrow on vet. Who's the girl in your avvy?

Brazilian supermodel Adriana Lima.

And yeah, I think this part is the hardest in the game. I just got through my first play through on hardened, and I don't think I could have beaten that part without hiding there.


Well beat the game on vet today, fun stuff. Got cracked out on multiplayer with some friends, awesome stuff! Got 20 kill streak. Trying to beat Eric and z4m now!


Console Market Analyst
Azsori said:
Brazilian supermodel Adriana Lima.

And yeah, I think this part is the hardest in the game. I just got through my first play through on hardened, and I don't think I could have beaten that part without hiding there.

I've played both ways on Vet. The first time the normal way, the second time by "hiding" as instructed in this video. It honestly wasn't any easier than finding a good position to snipe, like behind the bumper cars. This hiding method is just... more boring, is all.

Also, if you don't let the second wave of enemies arrive on helicopters, you'll never get the final intel item in this level. So, achievement whores beware. :D


Quazar said:
Well beat the game on vet today, fun stuff. Got cracked out on multiplayer with some friends, awesome stuff! Got 20 kill streak. Trying to beat Eric and z4m now!
how long did it take you to beat the epilogue?

Goreomedy said:
I've played both ways on Vet. The first time the normal way, the second time by "hiding" as instructed in this video. It honestly wasn't any easier than finding a good position to snipe, like behind the bumper cars. This hiding method is just... more boring, is all.

Also, if you don't let the second wave of enemies arrive on helicopters, you'll never get the final intel item in this level. So, achievement whores beware. :D
just do it on easy:p


Console Market Analyst
I wish there was a Time Trial for the Epilogue like there is F.N.G.

I know Epilogue is a level in the arcade settings, but you can get a higher score stopping to get every kill than performing a smooth, flashbanging dash to the VIP. :(


Goreomedy said:
I wish there was a Time Trial for the Epilogue like there is F.N.G.

I know Epilogue is a level in the arcade settings, but you can get a higher score stopping to get every kill than performing a smooth, flashbanging dash to the VIP. :(

Interesting. And why no achievements for Arcade? I don't get that.


Quazar said:
Well beat the game on vet today, fun stuff. Got cracked out on multiplayer with some friends, awesome stuff! Got 20 kill streak. Trying to beat Eric and z4m now!
20 isn't that far from me if you're trying to beat my streak, 21 is my best. Was playing Downpour the other day and was owning pretty nicely with the G3, get to 21 kills without dying a single time and then I got killed, so close to setting a new record :p


zam said:
20 isn't that far from me if you're trying to beat my streak, 21 is my best. Was playing Downpour the other day and was owning pretty nicely with the G3, get to 21 kills without dying a single time and then I got killed, so close to setting a new record :p

Yea, I check leaderboards religiously out of boredom when waiting. Think Erics is 23. Did Eric already rollover from 55?
So, in pretty quick succession in the last few weeks I've played Bioshock, Halo 3, HL2 and now COD 4. Going back and forth between them really gives you some perspective about what makes a great FPS. After going back to Halo 3 tonight I realized just how soulless COD4 really is - characters you don't know or care about, weapons that are undifferentiated, boring level design, and most importantly gameplay that is linear and one-dimensional [how many different ways are you going to clear a house of enemies??].

I really liked this game for the first few hours, probably because of the novelty. But right now I'd put it at the bottom of the pile of the top FPSs that have come out so far this year. Not trolling, just my opinion.


narcosis219 said:
I'm suprised no one mentioned that there aren't any ragdoll physics. Actually, the physics in the game is minimal. Maybe thats how they managed to squeeze 60fps. Skipping out on physics calculations and using the old tech of static death animations. :lol
There's ragdoll. I wrote it :) It blends from death animations into physics, which IMO gives us the best of both worlds. We don't get the floppy limp noodle ragdoll effect at all.


Quazar said:
Yea, I check leaderboards religiously out of boredom when waiting. Think Erics is 23. Did Eric already rollover from 55?
Yeah, last I checked he was at 25. Went from a 27 to 37 last night just going (one more level, then I'll stop, one more level) :p

The (quite obvious) trick to leveling is to completing challenges, that's why I keep switching up my weapons, once I've unlocked the red dot o one, I move on the next weapon I don't have red dot for, and so on.
Goreomedy said:
It sounds like you've made it to the enemy helicopter drop.

Get behind the bumper car arena, and snipe anyone who tries to get close. Don't worry about the asshats far away. Make sure to clear the guys that lay down in the grass between you and MacMillian and also those that group on the ferris wheel so that when your chopper arrives, you can dash over to him, pick him up, and zig-zag to safety.

Thanks for the help. I actually ended up shooting from a corner across from MacMillian. I seriously let literally hundreds of shots, most of them 1-hit kills.

The run back to MacMillian was way harder than in that video; I had about double the space to run and no C4 to clear things out. I seriously knifed like 7 guys on the way to MacMillian.

I think... think that you are invincible once you pick him up at the end there. Either that or the game was somehow sensing how pissed I was and was trying to avoid getting smashed.

That segment was just ridiculous... I held my breath for the whole minute or so I was going to get MacMillian. I got to the chopper after they said they had to take off, with everybody already inside and the door about to close. Intense.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Well, I'm referring to certain reviews I've come across. And I'm looking at the actual game running here and wondering what new standards were established seemingly specifically for this game. Maybe it's a testament to the impact of presentation that so much is "forgiven" here, but it's a bit odd nonetheless.

I agree, the game is quite uneven graphically but taken holistically it's really impressive.
Don't underestimate the impact of 60fps either. I went back to HL2 after playing COD4 all the way through over 2 days and man, that 30fps feels sooo sloooow.
elguerosinfe said:
So, in pretty quick succession in the last few weeks I've played Bioshock, Halo 3, HL2 and now COD 4. Going back and forth between them really gives you some perspective about what makes a great FPS. After going back to Halo 3 tonight I realized just how soulless COD4 really is - characters you don't know or care about, weapons that are undifferentiated, boring level design, and most importantly gameplay that is linear and one-dimensional [how many different ways are you going to clear a house of enemies??].

I really liked this game for the first few hours, probably because of the novelty. But right now I'd put it at the bottom of the pile of the top FPSs that have come out so far this year. Not trolling, just my opinion.



Fuckin' game invaded my dreams last night. I had a dream about kids jumping through a field, and my vision was that of a sniper scope hoping for the little buggers to stop moving. Then I spy down a hallway a group of people firing off screen at... something... then next thing I know I have somebody aiming a sniper scope point blank in my face.

You know how when you're tired and when you close your eyes you get a mini-dream? Well before I went to bed last night I had several of those while reading a book, and every mini-dream was the *clink clink* of grenades and several dozen grenade icons surrounding me. It would wake me up every time.

None of this is going away until I beat Mile High Club.

God damnit.


macksplack said:

He's not alone. Halo3/HLep2/Bioshock >>>>>>>>>>>>>>CoD4 SP IMO for much of the same reasons he stated. CoD4 SP is just going through the motions and doesn't have highs and lows like the other games. Just felt like one mission after another of shooting 300 guys without strategy with guns that all seem the same.

Now MP on the other hand...


Have to agree that SP COD4 is a big turd to me too. I hated COD2 in the same regard. Infinity Ward should try to make it less on rails next time ,even at the risk of it being less spectacular for the eye as far as setpieces go. It seems like they can't do AI for the enemy soldier so they just put you on rails and have wave after wave coming at you and spamming nades. Thats very boring and annoying.

The MP is GOTY by the way. The game really comes together in more open combat with good human intelligence. Then you notice how balanced it really is.


CajoleJuice said:
The P90 is a fucking beast. Holy fucking shit.

I picture your face looking like your avatar when you kill people with it :lol

Edit: Aaah I can't get your avatar out of my head now


CajoleJuice said:
The P90 is a fucking beast. Holy fucking shit.

Best is throwing "Double Tap" with a silencer on it. I even shoot a couple bursts off to the sides of people's heads or their feet just to make them dance :p
J-Rzez said:
Best is throwing "Double Tap" with a silencer on it. I even shoot a couple bursts off to the sides of people's heads or their feet just to make them dance :p
I have yet to try double-tap. I saved it for the P90. It was meant for it.


oo Kosma oo said:
Have to agree that SP COD4 is a big turd to me too. I hated COD2 in the same regard. Infinity Ward should try to make it less on rails next time ,even at the risk of it being less spectacular for the eye as far as setpieces go. It seems like they can't do AI for the enemy soldier so they just put you on rails and have wave after wave coming at you and spamming nades. Thats very boring and annoying.

The MP is GOTY by the way. The game really comes together in more open combat with good human intelligence. Then you notice how balanced it really is.

I wish I was into multi, I really do. I try to like it in all the big multi games that people rave about, but I get bored with it very quickly. Just seems to me that you run around the same place over and over hopping and circle strafing, shooting people in the face, getting shot in the face and respawning. Rinse and repeat.

Obviously there is more to it than that because so many of you guys love it, but I find I need goals when I'm gaming and for me multi just seems too open ended and random.

Do you guys have goals when you play multi or is it just the joy of the kill?
Surfheart said:
I wish I was into multi, I really do. I try to like it in all the big multi games that people rave about, but I get bored with it very quickly. Just seems to me that you run around the same place over and over hopping and circle strafing, shooting people in the face, getting shot in the face and respawning. Rinse and repeat.

Obviously there is more to it than that because so many of you guys love it, but I find I need goals when I'm gaming and for me multi just seems too open ended and random.

Do you guys have goals when you play multi or is it just the joy of the kill?
There's a shitload of challenges. You can go for those. And you're also constantly leveling up and getting new weapons. It's certainly addictive. And there is basically no circle strafing in this game.

But yeah, for me it's mostly the joy of the kill and trying to win the match.
Surfheart said:
I wish I was into multi, I really do. I try to like it in all the big multi games that people rave about, but I get bored with it very quickly. Just seems to me that you run around the same place over and over hopping and circle strafing, shooting people in the face, getting shot in the face and respawning. Rinse and repeat.

Obviously there is more to it than that because so many of you guys love it, but I find I need goals when I'm gaming and for me multi just seems too open ended and random.

Do you guys have goals when you play multi or is it just the joy of the kill?

There's all lot more to COD4 multiplayer than in most. If you hop around all over the place it's as good as suicide. You have to use cover, tactics, flanking, etc. So much to it. Plus there's the whole weapon decision. It's not your typical Halo bang bang run and gun stuff.


CajoleJuice said:
You're a funny guy Kosma, I like you.

That's why I'm going to kill you last.


Surfheart said:
Do you guys have goals when you play multi or is it just the joy of the kill?

There are so many things that make MP great to me.

1. The joy of a nice kill. Like yesterday I killed 4 guys with one C4 block, feels so good.
2. The feeling when you're dominating, having a nice long streak and feeling invincible.
3. A close team match is an awesome experience, winning or losing by one point only is always very exciting.
4. Using new weapons, or different tactics to see what happens. Going in guns blazing hoping for the best, or using beautiful flanking maneuvers.
5.Etc. etc.
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