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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Added the great halloween video DKo5 helped create as well as some info I found over that the CharlieOscarDelta forums about Hardcore mode.

Hardcore Mode Information - Taken from CharlieOscarDelta Forums
fourtwozero said:
In Hardcore Mode all HUD elements are gone, unless you get UAV Recon (radar) then the mini-map pops up for radar for 30 seconds but that's the only time the mini-map is visible.

The idea of Hardcore mode is to be more realistic, so you have no Ammo Counter, no Icons telling you who are friendlies, just you, your weapon and the world. Plus the increased weapon damage, friendly fire is turned on, and no Kill cam.

That's what makes Hardcore mode so fun, you have to use your eyes and ears to your advantage. Keeping track of your ammo, knowing where the bomb sites are, knowing friendlies from foes. Using your wits not your HUD.

Plus, in Hardcore mode you SHOULD be communicating with your team, so there should be little moments where you don't know one of your snipers is right in front of you.

For example:

Soldier 1: "Sniper at wood bridge!"
Soldier 2: "That's me ass!"
Soldier 1: "My bad...."

Problem solved. Communication FTW!


How the fuck is the SP 5-6 hours? Haven't they been working on this since CoD2? CoD1/2 were like 12-15 hour normal length SP games and both were amazing experiences.

I don't play multiplayer, so if all I'm getting is 5 hours of fun over 2 days for $60+tax...I might be skipping this even though I loved CoD1/2.

Seriously, how the hell do you only manage to make 5-6 hours worth of FPS gameplay over the development span of 2-3 years?


I'm not trying to start anything by saying this and I know what the developers are saying but does anyone have the 360 version I've only seen pics of the ps3 version and if so have any comparisons between the ps3 and 360 version been made? I have the ps3 version pre-ordered and I was just curious now that some people have there hands on the game.


Synless said:
I'm not trying to start anything by saying this and I know what the developers are saying but does anyone have the 360 version I've only seen pics of the ps3 version and if so have any comparisons between the ps3 and 360 version been made? I have the ps3 version pre-ordered and I was just curious now that some people have there hands on the game.

Supposedly the PS3 has slightly better textures or something like that. Beyond that both versions are pretty much equal as far as I know.


To those concerned about PS3 versus 360 graphics. Here is what is in the OP from Calen a programmer for IW.

Calen said:
There are minor visual differences between the 360 and PS3 versions, due to the platforms being extremely different from an architectural standpoint. This results in us having to make different tradeoffs on both platforms to hit our framerate targets. They're very nearly identical, but you'll be able to pick screenshots in which both versions are "clearly" the better version. They're as close as we could make them without going completely batcrap insane (though whether or not we are already completely batcrap insane is a matter of some debate.)

Tradeoff example: Shadow filtering. We use different techniques on PS3 and 360 to filter shadow edges, which gives them a bit of a different look. I think it's a matter of taste as to which way looks better, but we did it that way because it was the most efficient way to do it on both platforms that yielded a look that was good enough.

As far as the length of the game, only one review source has said it was 6 hours, but others have said it should be longer. It really depends on your skill as a player and the difficulty level you play it on. Most reviewers tend to play on easier difficulty levels to get through it faster. Most of the reviews I have seen have not complained about the length of the game, so I really think it is a non-issue.

If you are wondering why I chose the title I did, was because people made such a big stink about it maybe being only 6 hours long that I thought I would poke fun at it in the title.


MINI Member
Bebpo said:
How the fuck is the SP 5-6 hours? Haven't they been working on this since CoD2? CoD1/2 were like 12-15 hour normal length SP games and both were amazing experiences.

I don't play multiplayer, so if all I'm getting is 5 hours of fun over 2 days for $60+tax...I might be skipping this even though I loved CoD1/2.

Seriously, how the hell do you only manage to make 5-6 hours worth of FPS gameplay over the development span of 2-3 years?

They obviously allocated most of their budget for multiplayer. devs have to make a profit, and we (gamers) demand a lot. If the focus is multi and you don't think 6 hrs single player is worth it, don't buy it.

This discussion went on in the Ratchet thread where Jstevenson said that at Insomniac they decided to allocate their entire budget to single player and provide a wicked, thorough sp.

I'm happy with 6 hrs because the price of entry is well worth one night of 4 player split screen with my mates.


Yeah, except CoD4 was one of my most anticipated FPS games and this is as disappointing to read as the MGS4 delay.

This is like if Half-life 3 came out and everyone got hyped and then found out it was 5 hours long w/some cool multiplayer.

Reminds me of this thread I made a while ago:

My fears are being realized. :\


This talk of a 6hr single player campaign is very disappointing. I don't like MP online gaming, and have no interest in playing COD4 online.

Oh well, it will be a good weekend rental anyhow... Game looks fantastic.


MINI Member
Bebpo said:
Yeah, except CoD4 was one of my most anticipated FPS games and this is as disappointing to read as the MGS4 delay.

This is like if Half-life 3 came out and everyone got hyped and then found out it was 5 hours long w/some cool multiplayer.

I do agree, and I love my single player as much as most
old skool
gamers. But if that's where their priorities are then so be it. Hopefully they can use some of the assets such as guns, in the next one and concentrate on a longer sp campaign.

It's not like there is a shortage of good games this holidays.


I'd be all for Hardcore mode if it doesn't allow for going prone, it's just going to be a bunch of floor humping campers. No thanks.
chapel said:
Added the great halloween video DKo5 helped create as well as some info I found over that the CharlieOscarDelta forums about Hardcore mode.

Hardcore Mode Information - Taken from CharlieOscarDelta Forums
Very good. But it doesn't mention anything about taking out the regenerating health, which is disappointing.


I just finished Half-life episode two and i welcome a 6 hour game. It lets them get rid of all the boring bullshit that i do not want to do over and over again. Hopefully this will mean all the environments are constantly changing and they don't just run me through them multiple times only in the opposite direction.


time to take my meds
Bebpo said:
How the fuck is the SP 5-6 hours? Haven't they been working on this since CoD2? CoD1/2 were like 12-15 hour normal length SP games and both were amazing experiences.

I don't play multiplayer, so if all I'm getting is 5 hours of fun over 2 days for $60+tax...I might be skipping this even though I loved CoD1/2.

Seriously, how the hell do you only manage to make 5-6 hours worth of FPS gameplay over the development span of 2-3 years?
6 hours is starting to bug me too. i'm still getting it, but damn thats short imo. what type of replay value does the SP offer after you complete the game once other than different difficulty modes?


CoD4 is released on November 6th with 16 Maps and 16 players. And the single player runs on the 360 at 60 fps for about 6 hours. All this for $60.

Infinity Ward dark servants of the Antichrist Confirmed!!

Seriously though, how short is too short? Would you still want a game with only 3 hours of single player? A game that can be beaten easily one afternoon is way too short. But even if this 6 hour thing is true, I'm still getting this game. Infinity ward is one of the few developers I trust to make a good product. I will just play on the hardest mode, and given that I'm not that good, it should last me at least 12 hours.


Fair-weather, with pride!
At least it'll be longer than Halo 3 and Gears of War.

Or does nobody remember the length of those games now?

Also, I can't wait. Midnight launch again hopefully.

Chris R

The lack of PS3 kb/m support is really disappointing. I might pick up the PC version when I get a new computer that can handle it :\


QVT said:
At least it'll be longer than Halo 3 and Gears of War.

Or does nobody remember the length of those games now?

Also, I can't wait. Midnight launch again hopefully.
Halo 3 was 9-10 hours. Gears around 8-10.

Eric WK

QVT said:
At least it'll be longer than Halo 3 and Gears of War.

Or does nobody remember the length of those games now?

Also, I can't wait. Midnight launch again hopefully.

Yes, because the time it takes to complete a game with four people and two people respectively should be compared to the length of COD4's single player portion.

Either way, I'm glad I'm buying the game primarily for multiplayer. One less thing to bitch and moan about on the internet.


People are blowing the single player play through time way out of proportion. I have a feeling my play through on Veteran is going to take much longer than 6 hours... mainly cause I die a lot... but that's besides the point. Judging from past CoD games I'm expecting an intense story driven experience with minimal/no backtracking or fluff. Even if it is "short", I'm fine with that. MP is what keeps the longevity anyway.

Arcade mode also seems like a whole new way to play the game as well... mainly competitively. 12 hours of poopy pants confirmed.


CajoleJuice said:
Very good. But it doesn't mention anything about taking out the regenerating health, which is disappointing.
One of the options for "Health Regenerating" is "Off" (you can see it set to "Normal" in the screenshot below). The Hardcore playlist has that as the setting.

KRS7 said:
Seriously though, how short is too short?

When you beat a game and instead of feeling like you want more of it because it was so good or just being happy with how it wrapped long it was you feel like there's something missing from it.


Quincey said:
I just finished Half-life episode two and i welcome a 6 hour game. It lets them get rid of all the boring bullshit that i do not want to do over and over again. Hopefully this will mean all the environments are constantly changing and they don't just run me through them multiple times only in the opposite direction.
First off, what you just played is episodic content. As much as it took such a long ass time for Valve to get that out, I'm pretty sure it was a conscious decision on their part not to make Episode two a 12-15hr affair like HL2 was.

Second, why the hell do people keep bringing up counterarguments that if a game's made to last long, it would've inevitably include filler crap? Because short games have been completely devoid of such things and it is also impossible to create a consistently good lasting experience right? Geeez
What difficulty were they playing on to win it in 6 hours, cause if it's on the easiest difficulty then that really isn't a good way to judge it.


Tieno said:
Halo 3 was 9-10 hours. Gears around 8-10.
Well dunno about 9-10 hour for Halo 3 but in coop mode which I started yesterday with my brother in law , played from 830pm till 0045am and we are at cortana level (maybe 1.5 hour left.

Total to finish it 6 hours max , It is my first time trough it as well as for my BIL, single player should not add more than 1 hour game is pretty straightforward. Playing normal difficulty level. NEver played halo 2 (had no xbox) and played the first one a long time ago on the PC.

On another subject latter cutscenes in halo 3 are very nice, well directed.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tieno said:
Halo 3 was 9-10 hours. Gears around 8-10.
Yeah, err, no. Halo 3 took me around 6 hours the first time through (you can add up the mission times using Bungie.net). I loved it to death, but it was very short. I spent more time on my first playthrough of Gears, actually.
I'm fine with six hours. Don't most people buy these games primarily for multiplayer? If you are only interested in the single player, just rent it for 7 bucks and you've got some killer entertainment that costs less than going to the movies.

Look at Half-Life 2 at this point, for example. Great game, got amazing kudos, but honestly some sections repeat the same stuff for 2x-3x longer than is truly interesting (rail buggy stuff says hi). Filler-free gaming is more fun gaming.


Comics, serious business!
dark10x said:
Yeah, err, no. Halo 3 took me around 6 hours the first time through (you can add up the mission times using Bungie.net). I loved it to death, but it was very short. I spent more time on my first playthrough of Gears, actually.

Really? I spent more time playing Halo 3 than Gears. Although it's probably because I found Halo 3's hard to be more difficult than Gears' hardcore (in fact I pretty much breezed through Gears on Insane whereas I could hardly play Halo 3 legendary).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
RSTEIN said:
Really? I spent more time playing Halo 3 than Gears. Although it's probably because I found Halo 3's hard to be more difficult than Gears' hardcore (in fact I pretty much breezed through Gears on Insane whereas I could hardly play Halo 3 legendary).
I've spent a lot of time with Halo 3, don't get me wrong. I was simply noting the time it took me to complete the game on my first run.

Look at Half-Life 2 at this point, for example. Great game, got amazing kudos, but honestly some sections repeat the same stuff for 2x-3x longer than is truly interesting (rail buggy stuff says hi). Filler-free gaming is more fun gaming.
Perhaps, but at least each chapter is very different from the previous one. I don't think there is much filler in the HL2 series of games, personally.

If anything, I'm much more concerned over Call of Duty 4 as CoD2 was filled with boring scenarios (defend XXXX until the time runs out is a terrible objective and I groaned everytime it occured). Hopefully they get it right this time.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Ok well at this point I'm doing everything I can to not get disappointed. I already prepaid at gamestop because i'm ready for this game's online play for the 360. But I gave in and downloaded the PC demo.

Given that my pc pretty much sucks, Opteron 150, 2gigs of OCZ ram, 6800GT (so i had the graphics on almost all low)

It just seemed really weird. Not what I was expecting. Gun fire was awkward compared to other FPS’s I’ve played. Seemed kinda hard to tell who was on your team in the disarray. In halo 3 the persons name or something pops up along with red crosshairs but in the demo it seemed like it barely told you with a very limited crosshair red color. I’m not sure but maybe its just that the crosshair is thinner.

The AK seemed hella inaccurate. I’m not sure about in real life, but in CS (I know its incredibly unrealistic) but hell at least you could hit them with the first shot pretty accurately. I was having to unload on these guys to get them down.

II hope is was just the pc experience for me with a crap computer. I’m sure CS would be terrible on a really old pc with a 16mb video card.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
I enjoyed halo 3 more than any game so far actually. I unlocked all 1000 gamer points and loved every minute of it. I guess it is also appropriate to say I haven't touched the game in over 3 weeks because I dislike the multiplayer :/ To much beat em down. Thats why I'm hoping this is the answer.

Halo 3's coop was fucking amazing though. This is 4player coop online as well? (sorry for my ignorance :/)


dresses business casual
The correct answer is:

Play the game on the appropriate difficulty level.

Halo, Gears, and Half-Life game length is all difficulty level proportionate. Gears should have had Insane available from the start since even that level wasn't that hard solo.

If you play FPS's a lot, play on hard/veteran. You'll have the most rewarding experience that way and it will be longer too.
Medal of Honor Airborne was 6 hours long and it was a perfect length because of the replayability. If COD4 has that then it will be fine.


Not Wario
Bebpo said:
Yeah, except CoD4 was one of my most anticipated FPS games and this is as disappointing to read as the MGS4 delay.

This is like if Half-life 3 came out and everyone got hyped and then found out it was 5 hours long w/some cool multiplayer.

Reminds me of this thread I made a while ago:

My fears are being realized. :\

If this game's sp can even get close to the best game of the year so far, (The 6 hour Half-Life you mentioned- i.e. Ep. 2) then we are in for one hell of a ride. I, for one, welcome our new short game overlords.


You like me, you really really like me!
Does anyone have info on what the gametype "Ground War" exactly is?

(the one that expands to 18 players)


WTH, people already have the game? Did anyone get the X360 version yet? Methonks its time to give my mom and pop store a call.
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