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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Frillen said:
Wow, I have kill/death ratio of 1.40 right now. Pretty good :)

What's yours?
I know I die more than I kill. Last I checked i'm at around 1500 kills and 1600 deaths. I'm getting better tho :).


MY GOOD GOD, im on the ferris wheel bit (musnt be much to go or maybe I've just been on this part for far too long) but jesus christ its hard
MrPing1000 said:
I haven't quite "got" multiplayer yet, I seem to die a lot. Are higher levels much much stronger? I've just played domination so far.
I'd find a weapon that suits your playstyle initially and stick with it for a few rounds of deathmatch until you unlock some of the attachments. The higher levels aren't necessarily that much stronger, but they give you a lot more flexibility in terms of how you approach situations.
Cornballer said:
I'd find a weapon that suits your playstyle initially and stick with it for a few rounds of deathmatch until you unlock some of the attachments. The higher levels aren't necessarily that much stronger, but they give you a lot more flexibility in terms of how you approach situations.
MP5: use it, love it, pwn with it.


Gowans007 said:
MY GOOD GOD, im on the ferris wheel bit (musnt be much to go or maybe I've just been on this part for far too long) but jesus christ its hard

It's the very first time I've felt playing on Hardened may make this part a bit of a problem. I've gotten to the 1st checkpoint in that particular section--that is, a little bit after you're told to find a good sniping position and your boy has called in for transport/support. So now I have to kill time while trying to kill what seems to be an endless amount of enemies from all angles.


Is multiplayer down or something? I log on, my rank doesn't show next to my name, then if I try to start a game or invite or look at stats my game freezes.


bob_arctor said:
It's the very first time I've felt playing on Hardened may make this part a bit of a problem. I've gotten to the 1st checkpoint in that particular section--that is, a little bit after you're told to find a good sniping position and your boy has called in for transport/support. So now I have to kill time while trying to kill what seems to be an endless amount of enemies from all angles.

Im still on it, must have died 30 times, got close to finishing it once but I died going to get the chump. GAH!!!

How long to go & any tips?
Ragnarok10 said:

you would have to setup a Private Chat within Xbox Live, not COD4. Press the Xbox Guide button and invite up to 4 people on a private chat. Havent tried it with this game, but it works for me in other games.


Andokuky said:
Seems to be working fine now.
If you're playing on 360, I am told that Live just finished some sort of fix/update. If you're on PS3 or PC things should be okay...though let me know if they're not, obviously.


Beat it last night. I liked the ending quite a bit better then the first half of the game, I'd say this is a 7.5 title based only on singleplayer campaign.


Junior Member
Giant Robot said:
you would have to setup a Private Chat within Xbox Live, not COD4. Press the Xbox Guide button and invite up to 4 people on a private chat. Havent tried it with this game, but it works for me in other games.
So you cannot chat with just the members of your party on the PS3 version?
Gowans007 said:
Im still on it, must have died 30 times, got close to finishing it once but I died going to get the chump. GAH!!!

How long to go & any tips?

From what others have said:

1. You can plant some c4/claymores by the bumper cars and post up towards the backend(dont go into the radiation)

2. Plant c4 around the cars on the right of the ferris wheel. Then, from the ferris wheel looking towards the pool, run foward towards the right side, jump the fence, go to the path on the right and right before you see the path that goes left, hide on the left side by the building. Then, when the extraction team shows up, blow your c4 up and make a mad dash towards McMillian, killing any surviving terrorist.

This is my way, but I've yet to complete it. It works 90% of the time though, at least while inside the booth.
3.(plant c4 in the cars between the ferris and bumpers before hand) You see that ticket booth by the bumpers? Run there, crawl towards the farthest back of the booth and wait. Throw any nades that get inside, shoot any soldiers that try to shoot you, leave the soldiers who run pass you alone. Then when the extraction team shows up, blow up your c4, crawl out, run towards McMillian and get him to the chopper.


Masta_Killah said:
From what others have said:

1. You can plant some c4/claymores by the bumper cars and post up towards the backend(dont go into the radiation)

2. Plant c4 around the cars on the right of the ferris wheel. Then, from the ferris wheel looking towards the pool, run foward towards the right side, jump the fence, go to the path on the right and right before you see the path that goes left, hide on the left side by the building. Then, when the extraction team shows up, blow your c4 up and make a mad dash towards McMillian, killing any surviving terrorist.

This is my way, but I've yet to complete it. It works 90% of the time though, at least while inside the booth.
3.(plant c4 in the cars between the ferris and bumpers before hand) You see that ticket booth by the bumpers? Run there, crawl towards the farthest back of the booth and wait. Throw any nades that get inside, shoot any soldiers that try to shoot you, leave the soldiers who run pass you alone. Then when the extraction team shows up, blow up your c4, crawl out, run towards McMillian and get him to the chopper.

I would love to have not wasted all my c4 in the first bit :(


striKeVillain! said:
Same. Wtf is this shit?
Yeah, fucked for me too. Doing the same old cycling between being completely locked up, and spazzing madly as it matches players and boots them out again.

edit: actually managed to get a game going! It was 5 on 8, and it locked up and booted everyone in the post-game lobby, but better than nothing i guess... but now it's gone back into the same lockup/match/boot death cycle again.
Calen said:
If you're playing on 360, I am told that Live just finished some sort of fix/update. If you're on PS3 or PC things should be okay...though let me know if they're not, obviously.

Good to here. Calen, is there going to be an update soon to fix the host/ping advantage? I've gone 1v1 on someone and I know that I shot first, yet I die. Then on the killcam replay it shows that the other player shot first and I was 1-2 seconds late. Is this just something wrong with the timing on the killcam, or is there an actual lag issue there?
Gowans007 said:
I would love to have not wasted all my c4 in the first bit :(

Then do #1. That is your best bet. Don't go for anyone far. Only kill the ones that come near you. Best bet is to use an AR, which should be easy with all the dead bodies laying around.


I just beat the PC version, and I must say this is one of the best FPS games I've ever played. From the presentation to the scenario and gameplay.

I'm just really impressed and overwhelmed, it's one of the games that proves the fact that western devs have now surpassed Japanese devs in terms of story telling/gfx/tech/etc.

Amazing game.
Srider said:
I just beat the PC version, and I must say this is one of the best FPS games I've ever played. From the presentation to the scenario and gameplay.

I'm just really impressed and overwhelmed, it's one of the games that proves the fact that western devs have now surpassed Japanese devs in terms of story telling/gfx/tech/etc.

Amazing game.

I pretty much feel the same way about the SP as most people here. Graphically fantastic, but gameplay doesn't really hold up well against the other big FPSs.

Having said that, the bit where
Jackson crawls out of the helicopter & dies was quite poignant, which is a tricky thing to pull off in a game that otherwise involves killing the entire population of Russia.

I'm not as in love with the Pripyat level as some on here - fantastic environment, but I would have liked a chance to explore it at my own pace.

It's also a bit odd that
all your squad are invincible until that final cut scene where they all (apparently) die.

If IW want to keep the cinematic feel for the next one, they could definitely take some pointers from HL2. What I'd really like though is more freeform Halo-style rucks.



So yeah got that Mile High Club Achievement.

Now to go through the game again on Normal. Because I deserve it.


Accidentally posted this in the other CoD4 thread, but in case some of you only check this thread :

Check it, anyone who thinks they can match up against the best team in this game (The Dream Team) consisting of Joates, Vagr4nt, LJ11, and Spooka, are free to bring it. Actually forget that, dont call us out, Im calling yall out, bring it son, cause we are the greatest, the worlds greatest.

Cliffs notes: Does any GAF team (of 4 players) think they can take on the Dream Team and win?


Joates said:
Check it, anyone who thinks they can match up against the best team in this game (The Dream Team) consisting of Joates, Vagr4nt, LJ11, and Spooka, are free to bring it. Actually forget that, dont call us out, Im calling yall out, bring it son, cause we are the greatest, the worlds greatest.

We definitely have one of the better theme songs among GAF COD4 teams.


Joates said:
Accidentally posted this in the other CoD4 thread, but in case some of you only check this thread :

Check it, anyone who thinks they can match up against the best team in this game (The Dream Team) consisting of Joates, Vagr4nt, LJ11, and Spooka, are free to bring it. Actually forget that, dont call us out, Im calling yall out, bring it son, cause we are the greatest, the worlds greatest.

Cliffs notes: Does any GAF team (of 4 players) think they can take on the Dream Team and win?

Cornballer said:
I'd find a weapon that suits your playstyle initially and stick with it for a few rounds of deathmatch until you unlock some of the attachments. The higher levels aren't necessarily that much stronger, but they give you a lot more flexibility in terms of how you approach situations.

Played a bit more, did a bit better. Still it hasn't quite clicked, I think it's to do with being unable to see shit due to muzzle fire when looking down the sight. Laser sight helps anyway.
Joates said:
Accidentally posted this in the other CoD4 thread, but in case some of you only check this thread :

Check it, anyone who thinks they can match up against the best team in this game (The Dream Team) consisting of Joates, Vagr4nt, LJ11, and Spooka, are free to bring it. Actually forget that, dont call us out, Im calling yall out, bring it son, cause we are the greatest, the worlds greatest.

Cliffs notes: Does any GAF team (of 4 players) think they can take on the Dream Team and win?

I played against LJ11 two nights ago, and owned him inside out (I think the map was Crash).
I just got done with the main story on Veteran and I have to say that IW has squandered all good will earned with MP with this horseshit artificial difficulty mode. WTF. Fun muthafuckas, Do you speak it? Unless you are an achievement whore or an auto sadist, skip this fucking difficulty. I'm a fucking idiot so I persevered through it just to say I did, but jesustittyfuckingchrist, it's just plain fucking stupid.

In a nut shell, all enemy have incredible shoot from the hip accuracy, can lay you down in three shots, and they ALL hone in on you at all times. And your AI buddies are all fucking brain dead or worse, just get in your fucking way getting your ass killed to make you repeat over and over.

Halo 3's legendary never felt cheap and I think IW has a lot to learn about SP difficulty finessing from the likes of Bungie.


Opus Angelorum said:
I played against LJ11 two nights ago, and owned him inside out (I think the map was Crash).
Inside out, huh?

Anyway, LJ plays COD 4 pretty casually and Joates is obviously having a little fun with the forum. He's Joates. That's what Joates does. I can't speak for LJ, but he'd probably like to invite you to a game of Madden. You can ask other people on the board how he is at that game :lol


Opus Angelorum said:
I played against LJ11 two nights ago, and owned him inside out (I think the map was Crash).

Its about the team baby, the Dream Team. Only when were all together do our powers truly shine... So please hold further comment until you've been owned by all of us.

JB1981 said:
Inside out, huh?

Anyway, LJ plays COD 4 pretty casually and Joates is obviously having a little fun with the forum. He's Joates. That's what Joates does. I can't speak for LJ, but he'd probably like to invite you to a game of Madden. You can ask other people on the board how he is at that game :lol

Joates said:
Its about the team baby, the Dream Team. Only when were all together do our powers truly shine... So please hold further comment until you've been owned by all of us.

Can I be part of said ownage?
Fuck this! I cant get a fucking game!!!! I just get booted from the game every time i join a party! Whats the point?? Im going to play some Halo


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Is anyone having Live troubles right now? Me and Vyse are having a bundle of problems right now.


BladedExpert said:
Fuck this! I cant get a fucking game!!!! I just get booted from the game every time i join a party! Whats the point?? Im going to play some Halo

I think its broke right now on 360... besides locking up after trying to find a game, once a game does get going it seems to kick everyone out of the lobby.

Gotta love live.
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