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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Lancelet Pink said:
3. Matchmaking is broken, it's not too noob friendly and may put off a lot of people. Currently I'm a 24 and even at lower levels I was matched with levels 40-50, and 4-8 on the same game.

I'm at level 17 now, and that never happened to me. I've yet to have a game where I've met someone at 20+ higher levels than me. Mostly it's +/- 10, with peaks at +/- 15.

My main complaint about the mp is the "host leave" issue. IW, please fix that shit so that another player becomes host instead of being thrown back to the lobby. Somehow it only happens when I'm on a good kill streak, making it doubly annoying.


Shoot nests and light armor first. The RPGs are actually not all that damaging (for some reason), the key are the anti-air batteries. There's a whole nest of nasty stuff right in front of the first building you come to. Blow the two light armor vehicles and the nest behind them, then quickly focus on the anti-air emplacement on the roof after it. Once you pass that first part, it should be smooth sailing.

Have fun on No Fighting In The War Room.


MattKeil said:
Shoot nests and light armor first. The RPGs are actually not all that damaging (for some reason), the key are the anti-air batteries. There's a whole nest of nasty stuff right in front of the first building you come to. Blow the two light armor vehicles and the nest behind them, then quickly focus on the anti-air emplacement on the roof after it. Once you pass that first part, it should be smooth sailing.

Have fun on No Fighting In The War Room.

Oh, I found a strategy for that level already ;)

Brakara said:
I'm at level 17 now, and that never happened to me. I've yet to have a game where I've met someone at 20+ higher levels than me. Mostly it's +/- 10, with peaks at +/- 15.

My main complaint about the mp is the "host leave" issue. IW, please fix that shit so that another player becomes host instead of being thrown back to the lobby. Somehow it only happens when I'm on a good kill streak, making it doubly annoying.

When I first got on with the game, I was playing against lvl 30+ players. :/ Its gotten more balanced the longer I play though. And +1 to the host quiting fix.
So I was having troubles connecting to games and took a break for a couple of hours...

At the moment I can connect to games, but my 360 is freezing :[

Is this happening to anybody else? I've never had trouble with my 360 before...


Im level 7 now and ive gone against lvl 40s-50s.

Im ok but not that good :lol Sorry but it still feels borked the matchmaking


I've been playing level 50s a lot and I just started. Doesn't bother me however as it always seems to be able to locate local players and that's more important to me. Ping > *

Sho Nuff

Just finished it. Wow that was awesome, but that was also really really really short. Geez, even Halo 3 was longer.

Multiplayer time!
Just finished the single player on hard , enjoy it but there was a few points that were a bit wtf to me.

Killing Jackson halfway thru, I didn't mind but the way they did it was odd. Ok yes rescue the downed cobra pilot, carry her yourself to the helicopter whilst you're being blasted. Then a nuke goes off, you're plane goes down, you're dead... ok maybe not, lets crall around in the nuclear ravage city for 5minutes. Didn't understand that at all, was very very weird

I wonder if Price survived, Griggs is dead, Gaz got shot in the head, Soap survives. Oh and that last mission with the vip, what was that all about? Was fun though

Oh and how fast did u all do the course at the start? My best was 18.75seconds.
MrPing1000 said:
Just finished the single player on hard , enjoy it but there was a few points that were a bit wtf to me.

Killing Jackson halfway thru, I didn't mind but the way they did it was odd. Ok yes rescue the downed cobra pilot, carry her yourself to the helicopter whilst you're being blasted. Then a nuke goes off, you're plane goes down, you're dead... ok maybe not, lets crall around in the nuclear ravage city for 5minutes. Didn't understand that at all, was very very weird
I thought it was awesome. Not weird. It took balls to have a sequence like that.
oo Kosma oo said:
So some of you like the SP?

It was ok, i just wish IW would stop holding my godamn hand. Give some freedom in gameplay. Sniper mission was great but you still had to do what the captain said.
oo Kosma oo said:
So some of you like the SP?

I vehemently disliked the first missions and anything that had to do with Jackson, but starting with All Ghillied Up it's been pretty decent (and for some reason, the visuals seemed a lot more consistent throughout that mission than any other mission in the game). But it relies so heavily on scripted and/or directed scenes that it's hard to really appreciate the game here. The presentation is definitely something else though.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Did the single player last night on a whim. Pretty poor, really. The gameplay feels extremely dated with the clone vats and extreme handholding. There are just SO MANY ENEMIES in order to keep up the artificial pacing, that there is absolutely zero satisfaction in any of the shooting. Enemy deaths are meaningless, boring, and soooo overblown...and that's the entirety of the gameplay, so it fails pretty hard.

A few cool bits.
The cobra pilot rescue got me amped, and the outcome of that WAS pretty crazy. First part of the ghillie suit mission was cool too, since it was only of the only respites from the same boring shit that fills up the rest of the game. And the intro mission, with the helicopter jump at the end, definitely succeeds in pushing the cinematic gameplay angle effectively.

Everything else, though, bored me. Follow the squad, kill the clone warriors, follow the squad, pick up the javelin and shoot it, follow the squad, hold off the battalion of enemies for 10 minutes, follow the squad, :rolleyes. Amazing how such a short, huge production game can involve such extreme repetition.

Multiplayer, though, ROCKS. Great stuff.
EviLore said:
Did the single player last night on a whim. Pretty poor, really. The gameplay feels extremely dated with the clone vats and extreme handholding. There are just SO MANY ENEMIES in order to keep up the artificial pacing, that there is absolutely zero satisfaction in any of the shooting. Enemy deaths are meaningless, boring, and soooo overblown...and that's the entirety of the gameplay, so it fails pretty hard.

Yeah, the encounters don't mean much. It actually reminds me of Black for PS2 in that regard, only refined but with less environmental destruction.

And I don't care what people say about enemies not just spawning out of nowhere; if I encounter less enemies just by booking through a level to the next checkpoint, something is off.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Are we absolutely sure that
Soap survives? As he's being lead up to the heli, he/we see the same white out effect that Jackson had as he died. And the mission after the credits could have been anyone, don't think it says "who you are playing as"


Forgive me if this has been mentioned, but I'm having a serious MP problem.

I played and got up to Level 5. When I signed in later to play I was bumped down to Level 2. I played again and got to Level 7. When I came back the next day I was Level 3. I played a lot, all the way up to Level 17 but when I came back I was Level 7.

The game isn't even saving my Marksman and Expert accomplishments. I'm onlocking stuff only to loose it next time. I am making sure to back out of the MP entirely in hopes that my information is saved but it doesn't seem to matter.

Anyone know what is going on? I'm playing in Canada.
EviLore said:
Did the single player last night on a whim. Pretty poor, really. The gameplay feels extremely dated with the clone vats and extreme handholding. There are just SO MANY ENEMIES in order to keep up the artificial pacing, that there is absolutely zero satisfaction in any of the shooting. Enemy deaths are meaningless, boring, and soooo overblown...and that's the entirety of the gameplay, so it fails pretty hard.

A few cool bits.
The cobra pilot rescue got me amped, and the outcome of that WAS pretty crazy. First part of the ghillie suit mission was cool too, since it was only of the only respites from the same boring shit that fills up the rest of the game. And the intro mission, with the helicopter jump at the end, definitely succeeds in pushing the cinematic gameplay angle effectively.

Everything else, though, bored me. Follow the squad, kill the clone warriors, follow the squad, pick up the javelin and shoot it, follow the squad, hold off the battalion of enemies for 10 minutes, follow the squad, :rolleyes. Amazing how such a short, huge production game can involve such extreme repetition.

Multiplayer, though, ROCKS. Great stuff.

thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!

your my fucking hero and echoed EXACTLY how I feel about this game

MP is really fucking good

SP, aside from the stellar production values/presentation....well it just pains how marginal it really is!


I agree about the SP. The graphics and setting are nice but the the gameplay is boring IMO. Multiplayer is the kittens ball of yarn tho.
I just finished it last night on normal and I still think it's the best FPS to come out in ages. Controls are so smooth and responsive, the level design is fantastic and graphics are very good (although like some people have said, the textures are lackluster although it's subdued somewhat since I'm playing on a SDTV). One thing that really impressed is the animation, which is the best I've seen in a game yet. I'll definately be picking this up once my rental period expires.

And WTF at the people who say it's 'boring'? As far as console games go, I've never played anything as hectic and faced paced as this game. At times it's almost too overwhelming with all the shit flying around you.
Systems_id said:
I just finished it last night on normal and I still think it's the best FPS to come out in ages. Controls are so smooth and responsive, the level design is fantastic and graphics are very good (although like some people have said, the textures are lackluster although it's subdued somewhat since I'm playing on an SDTV). One thing that really impressed is the animation, which is the best I've seen in a game yet. I'll definately be picking this up once my rental period expires.

And WTF at the people who say it's 'boring'? As far as console games go, I've never played anything as hectic and faced paced as this game. At times it's almost too overwhelming with all the shit flying around you.

I agree with everything you said about the controls (they're REALLY fucking dialed in!), the animations, etc.

...but as far as SP goes, yeah its hectic and fast paced.....but its more of a ride than anything else that spanks you for wanting to get off....if that makes any sense =p


So are all shooters expected to have some sandbox in them now? I didn't think the handholding was that bad, fit the story well and did not detract from the constant action.
AgentOtaku said:
I agree with everything you said about the controls (they're REALLY fucking dialed in!), the animations, etc.

...but as far as SP goes, yeah its hectic and fast paced.....but its more of a ride than anything else that spanks you for wanting to get off....if that makes any sense =p
Yeah I see. A lot of people don't like that heavily scripted feeling but for me I love it if a game is scripted in a way that makes it exciting. Too many FPS I've played fall into the trap of "five minutes of fun" wrapped up in "30 minutes of boring corridor shooting" and I'm glad CoD4 didn't take that route. It's 10 hours of balls to the wall action (with an awesome, stealth sniping mission thrown in for good measure) and that's something it seems a lot of FPS developers have forgotten to do.
Systems_id said:
Yeah I see. A lot of people don't like that heavily scripted feeling but for me I love it if a game is scripted in a way that makes it exciting. Too many FPS I've played fall into the trap of "five minutes of fun" wrapped up in "30 minutes of boring corridor shooting" and I'm glad CoD4 didn't take that route. It's 10 hours of balls to the wall action (with an awesome, stealth sniping mission thrown in for good measure) and that's something it seems a lot of FPS developers have forgotten to do.

and thats cool and I can really respect thats the experience that some are after

...its just my preference though and I still can't believe that a studio as talented as IW still relys on it...

at a certain point it becomes highly exhaustive and it looses all sense of meaning (IE pacing).....see good examples on console FPS that get pacing AND balls to the wall action right....like say Resistance

as I said, the talent and care put into the SP is highly commendable and I applaud IW for that....its just not for me anymore
AgentOtaku said:
and thats cool and I can really respect thats the experience that some are after

...its just my preference though and I still can't believe that a studio as talented as IW still relys on it...

at a certain point it becomes highly exhaustive and it looses all sense of meaning (IE pacing).....see good examples on console FPS that get pacing AND balls to the wall action right....like say Resistance

as I said, the talent and care put into the SP is highly commendable and I applaud IW for that....its just not for me anymore
Actually...I found Resistance fairly boring.:lol
my god this game looks AMAZING! I need to go ahead and pony up for that PS3...

wait did I just say that? I have just commited wii fanboy hari kiri in this thread.


joelseph said:
So are all shooters expected to have some sandbox in them now? I didn't think the handholding was that bad, fit the story well and did not detract from the constant action.

If all shooters started having sandboxes I would cry. That doesn't mean CoD4 couldn't do with some improvements, but removing the on-rails structure isn't it. A major part of the "CoD experience" is being a soldier that is led and ordered by superiors. You remove that, and you'll remove the heart and soul of CoD. There are tons of shooters where you're the guy in charge, so I don't see the need for that here either.
Lancelet Pink said:
5. p2p play is somewhat bad. I got killed so many times where I would shoot them them first and die. In the replay it shows I didn't first, or I was shooting to the side of him. Once I was blasting a guy from the side in fairly close range for about 2 seconds he turns shoot me once and I die. Same applies to knifing

I checked out CoD's forums and this seems to be prevelant amongst the gamers.I hope IW quickly fixes this because there is nothing more frustrating then knowing that enemy was supposed to be dead because you shot first, only to see through his killcam that not only did you not shoot first, when you did fire, you weren't shooting in the wrong direction. .

Also, I finally unlocked double tap yesterday and O...M...GOD! So fucking awesome! Double tap + Uzi w/silencer + distance runner + deeper penetration= deadly in close quarters.
Brakara said:
If all shooters started having sandboxes I would cry. That doesn't mean CoD4 couldn't do with some improvements, but removing the on-rails structure isn't it. A major part of the "CoD experience" is being a soldier that is led and ordered by superiors. You remove that, and you'll remove the heart and soul of CoD. There are tons of shooters where you're the guy in charge, so I don't see the need for that here either.

Well, they could at least give my guy some very basic battle competence that is at least on par with the unwashed characters that my dude is battling against. The gun-on-a-stick thing just doesn't cut it anymore.


Girl got arse pubes.
Lonestar said:
Are we absolutely sure that
Soap survives? As he's being lead up to the heli, he/we see the same white out effect that Jackson had as he died. And the mission after the credits could have been anyone, don't think it says "who you are playing as"

Shhhh, you,ve uncovered THE SECRET

seriously though I never noticed that.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Well, they could at least give my guy some very basic battle competence that is at least on par with the unwashed characters that my dude is battling against. The gun-on-a-stick thing just doesn't cut it anymore.

Oh, certainly. That didn't bother me so much though, mostly due to the awesome presentation. CoD3, on the other hand... *ptui*
Dyno said:
Forgive me if this has been mentioned, but I'm having a serious MP problem.

I played and got up to Level 5. When I signed in later to play I was bumped down to Level 2. I played again and got to Level 7. When I came back the next day I was Level 3. I played a lot, all the way up to Level 17 but when I came back I was Level 7.

The game isn't even saving my Marksman and Expert accomplishments. I'm onlocking stuff only to loose it next time. I am making sure to back out of the MP entirely in hopes that my information is saved but it doesn't seem to matter.

Anyone know what is going on? I'm playing in Canada.

* Insert joke about Canada


Fucking holy shit! No fighting in the War Room on Veteran is fucking shit. Who thought that this would be fun? Nine minutes without a checkpoint and a fuck-ton of enemies? One single mistake and you are done for.

Good fucking job IW, good fucking job.


Sandman42 said:
Fucking holy shit! No fighting in the War Room on Veteran is fucking shit. Who thought that this would be fun? Nine minutes without a checkpoint and a fuck-ton of enemies? One single mistake and you are done for.

Good fucking job IW, good fucking job.

Yeah man I just got fed up with it and completed it on Normal.
This after getting all the way to the hallway before you reach the blast doors multiple times
. Are there any checkpoints as the timer is running down?


Sandman42 said:
Fucking holy shit! No fighting in the War Room on Veteran is fucking shit. Who thought that this would be fun? Nine minutes without a checkpoint and a fuck-ton of enemies? One single mistake and you are done for.

Good fucking job IW, good fucking job.

No checkpoints? You're not going deep and hard fast enough sir!


I forgot how annyoing CoD games are on Veteran. Just passed the AC-130 gunship level, but the level before that where you're following your squad at night through the farms, WTF. I wish I had a recording device to play back this ridiculous scene:

One remaining enemy runs from cover and me and the squad open fire. I miss the first few bullets of the spray and the guy turns and one shots me in the head. So I'm dead, and watching my squad fire at him, as he stands there. They're firing everywhere BUT him. It's like he's standing in front of a wall of Fourth of July sparklers. It's so on-rails it's not even funny.

Thankfully having played CoD 1 and 2 on Veteran, it's pretty easy to predict how Infinity Ward places their spawn points and where to run to trigger a checkpoint, but really, what kind of gameplay is that anymore? I mean, yea, there are a few moments that are really tense because of the chaos of combat, but overall it's just an exercise in trial and error. There's gotta be a way to get rid of the respawning enemies but still allow for large scale battles.


Junior Member
My stats are still being reset to some previous arbitrary point. Sometimes it's level 2, sometimes it's level 4. In reality, I'm a level 9.

Question: If I go to play multiplayer and my stats are being shown as level 4, will I lose any stats I gain during that session due to the fact that I'm actually a level 9? How does that work?
Beat it on Veteran last night. Was substantially easier than previous CoD's on Veteran, but possibly because I know now how to progress through the unending hordes of enemies (read: run past them). I share most people's concerns over IW's game structure -- if other games carry a cinematic experience without faking it behind the scenes, why can't they? Also, At that difficulty, they may as well just remove your teammates, seeing as how they don't do anything. If you're gonna be a one-man army, might as well appear as such.

The epilogue was just Retarted Hard, though. That's still probably my favorite section of the game, but on Veteran, it's mostly luck. Ugh.


Anyone's 360 freezing when pressing Find Match. My live is working fine, so is the game's singleplayer, but I go the Find Match and it freezes!????

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
You can also stick me in the camp of people who absolutely love the multiplayer but think the single player isn't that good. There were a couple of missions that I really enjoyed (saving the pilot and the Chernobyl mission) but overall I was very disappointed after all the hype.

Thankfully the multiplayer is just sublime! Well, when it works that is...
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