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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Timan said:
I think its broke right now on 360... besides locking up after trying to find a game, once a game does get going it seems to kick everyone out of the lobby.

Gotta love live.

It's not Lives problem its IW's shitty servers!


no its def. Xbox Live thats messed up. we stopped playing COD4 cause its was messed up and went over to Halo 3 although playable, the dashboard and everything was slow.


Came here to say that the
Sniper Level
is pretty fucking amazing. The great set pieces make the graphics really shine. Taking out lookouts without getting noticed was awesome. The 2 segments where you had to get by without setting off alarms were incredible too. Just very well done segment overall.

Too bad this game falls apart in so many other places. Atleast in single player.


MaX_PL said:
no its def. Xbox Live thats messed up. we stopped playing COD4 cause its was messed up and went over to Halo 3 although playable, the dashboard and everything was slow.

Its been that way for about a week now, and yeah it sucks.

Eric WK

Holy shit. Mile High Club am mine.

Took three close calls with the time running out right before the doors and one shot to the VIP's dome, but I finally got it.


Masta_Killah said:
From what others have said:

1. You can plant some c4/claymores by the bumper cars and post up towards the backend(dont go into the radiation)

2. Plant c4 around the cars on the right of the ferris wheel. Then, from the ferris wheel looking towards the pool, run foward towards the right side, jump the fence, go to the path on the right and right before you see the path that goes left, hide on the left side by the building. Then, when the extraction team shows up, blow your c4 up and make a mad dash towards McMillian, killing any surviving terrorist.

This is my way, but I've yet to complete it. It works 90% of the time though, at least while inside the booth.
3.(plant c4 in the cars between the ferris and bumpers before hand) You see that ticket booth by the bumpers? Run there, crawl towards the farthest back of the booth and wait. Throw any nades that get inside, shoot any soldiers that try to shoot you, leave the soldiers who run pass you alone. Then when the extraction team shows up, blow up your c4, crawl out, run towards McMillian and get him to the chopper.

I just got to this thing, holy crap it's freaking hard. I guess I will try the methods listed above. Playing on hardened hasn't felt too tough until now.


I was just getting ready for an extended session of online play and *bam* - Xbox Live doesn't even sign me in. Upon further investigation the tester tells me my 'IP Failed'. Kind of odd considering I haven't changed any network setting on my 360 or PC and that this problem coincidentally started around the time of maintenance. Hmm.

No exploding car-a-thon today for me? ;(


neoism said:
It's not Lives problem its IW's shitty servers!
Quick! Be less informed.

XBL is having some big problems. The people in charge of running it are top-notch, though; they'll get it sorted out.

Wellington said:
I just got to this thing, holy crap it's freaking hard. I guess I will try the methods listed above. Playing on hardened hasn't felt too tough until now.
Sure does help explain why
Captain Price is such a gritty hardass with a Zakhaev grudge
, though, eh? ;)
Well I played some more multiplayer and I thought I was getting better but I was wrong. Went 2 whole maps of search and destroy without a single kill. I'm so bad I'm scratching my head confused as to why I can't kill anything. Even when I get the jump on people I'm stilling dying. I improved a little there but boy is it frustrating. It's not like I suck at fps multiplayer in general, I've always been pretty damn good at cs, tf2, dod etc. Usually top the boards as it were. But this game, I can't quite put my finger on it but it's getting frustrating.

Oh and the shipment map can go to hell, knife in the face for whoever thought that was a good idea.
MrPing1000 said:
Well I played some more multiplayer and I thought I was getting better but I was wrong. Went 2 whole maps of search and destroy without a single kill. I'm so bad I'm scratching my head confused as to why I can't kill anything. Even when I get the jump on people I'm stilling dying. I improved a little there but boy is it frustrating. It's not like I suck at fps multiplayer in general, I've always been pretty damn good at cs, tf2, dod etc. Usually top the boards as it were. But this game, I can't quite put my finger on it but it's getting frustrating.

Oh and the shipment map can go to hell, knife in the face for whoever thought that was a good idea.

I'm thoroughly average but I moved from bad by switching to the mini-uzi. I was trying to play the mid-range game with mid-range assault rifle type weapons but people would always get up close and take me down and a good fast firing close range weapon has been a big bonus.


Wellington said:
I just got to this thing, holy crap it's freaking hard. I guess I will try the methods listed above. Playing on hardened hasn't felt too tough until now.

The part before the helicopters arrive is not too tough, I think I only died once there. After that I just ran all the way towards the right most building(furthest from the action) and just picked off guys that were up against the fence or directly across from me(behind the bumper cars). Every once in a while a guy would come running after me or a dog... just have you AK ready.

After help arrives you don't have to worry much about dying at all. They will take care of mostly everyone giving you enough time to pick up the wounded sergeant, who can't die btw.

Eric WK

Rayme said:
Quick! Be less informed.

XBL is having some big problems. The people in charge of running it are top-notch, though; they'll get it sorted out.

Would you call them top men? I really hope so because I need my fix.


God Xbox Live is in the shitter right now. Don't know if it's entirely XBL or CoD4 or both but it's impossible to get in a game in CoD4.

Did however manage to beat the game on Veteran, now all I have left to do is to beat Mile High on veteran.


Any advice for One Shot, One Kill on Veteran? The best I could do was to survive until about 2500 ft away. I've tried everything. Fucking ridiculous. I even saw enemies vanish into the air. Fuck you Infinity Ward. This is bullshit.

Nevermind! Easy-ass cheat! :D


Worked like a charm. ;)


Game worked pretty well on PSN tonight. Not as many people in the matchmaking pool, it seems, but you could get games in at least.

I guess there is a reason why i bough the game twice.
ugh.... I really hate IW for not including mouse and keyboard support for the ps3 version. I want to play with my friends who bought the ps3 version but it dont want the shitty gimped controls. I want leaning and precise aiming.
All they really could've done was make a matchmaking server for the kb/m users.

IW! Hear me out!!! Please release a patch that will allow kb/m with all the control features of the pc game. Make seperate servers if you have to. I'd pay 10 bucks for the patch.


I beat the whole game on Veteran.

It was easier overall, than COD 2 on veteran. There were a couple hard levels, (Heat, Hunted, and No Fighting in the War Room) but the rest was pretty basic stuff.


Finally got the Mile High Club achievement, 1000GS in CoD4, wohoo!

Mile High Club was probably one of the hardest achievements I've gotten.
GeneralIroh said:
ugh.... I really hate IW for not including mouse and keyboard support for the ps3 version. I want to play with my friends who bought the ps3 version but it dont want the shitty gimped controls. I want leaning and precise aiming.
All they really could've done was make a matchmaking server for the kb/m users.

IW! Hear me out!!! Please release a patch that will allow kb/m with all the control features of the pc game. Make seperate servers if you have to. I'd pay 10 bucks for the patch.

This is console gaming, suck it up. If you want KBM, play it on PC.


My impressions of multiplayer:

In 30-40 minutes, I played one match. I kept being kicked out of lobbies, and twice the game locked up fully during matchmaking, requiring a restart of the console. WTF?

I went back to Halo 3 and it worked just fine.


Stoney Mason said:
I'm thoroughly average but I moved from bad by switching to the mini-uzi. I was trying to play the mid-range game with mid-range assault rifle type weapons but people would always get up close and take me down and a good fast firing close range weapon has been a big bonus.

This is my problem and solution, as well. Also on certain maps I whore the shotgun like a mofo. I'm okay at up close killing and suck at distance, which implies that I have shitty aim, which is probably true.
shantyman said:
My impressions of multiplayer:

In 30-40 minutes, I played one match. I kept being kicked out of lobbies, and twice the game locked up fully during matchmaking, requiring a restart of the console. WTF?

I went back to Halo 3 and it worked just fine.

XBLive is borked. That's not CoD's fault.


zam said:
Finally got the Mile High Club achievement, 1000GS in CoD4, wohoo!

Mile High Club was probably one of the hardest achievements I've gotten.

Which says a lot because you have a shitton.


Quazar said:
Which says a lot because you have a shitton.
I said "one of" ;) Right now it feels as the hardest one cause it's fresh in my mind, last time I was this happy about gettin 1000GS in a game was probably CoD2, that game kicked the shit out of me on veteran.

Veteran in CoD4 was just hard enough, not stupidly frustrating but enough of a challenge that it feels like an accomplishment when you beat it.

The two corridors in No Fighting in the War Room were probably the hardest part of the game proper. One Shot, One Kill and Heat are difficult, but with the C4 trick on one shot it's just a hiding game, and there are tricks to beating Heat as well.

But Mile High is probably the most hellish part of the game what with the time limit (1 minute) the absence of frag grenades making the placement of flashbangs crucial, and you have to put them in the right spot since you need all four of them, and you don't really have any time to reload except one spot. When I got to the hostage at the end I was shaking, missed the first shot, second shot went right over the hostages head into the terrorist :D

Also loved the Airplane gag at the start of Mile High (
"And don't call me Shirley"
) :lol
Insane Metal said:








Good god this game is gorgeous


I just completed Act 1 and holy f'ing hell at
the nuke going off

That was really well done. Having a great time with this game. I find using the sniper rifle to be great fun.
Finally got around to finishing the game, and the whole last half of the game is definitely good. And I don't really think it felt all that short, although measured in hours and minutes it certainly is.

About Epilogue...

How does that tie into the rest of the game?


AltogetherAndrews said:
Finally got around to finishing the game, and the whole last half of the game is definitely good. And I don't really think it felt all that short, although measured in hours and minutes it certainly is.

About Epilogue...

How does that tie into the rest of the game?
I think it's just where Soap ends up?

Damn though, I think Halo 3's replay system spoiled me. I found myself in an online match after getting hit by a flashbang - stabbing 3 guys and picking up the 3rd ones martyr grenade and throwing it to a 4th bad guy outside the door.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Finally got around to finishing the game, and the whole last half of the game is definitely good. And I don't really think it felt all that short, although measured in hours and minutes it certainly is.

About Epilogue...

How does that tie into the rest of the game?
all ghillied up is awesome:D
One thing that quite pleased me is how much of the game is spent amongst Brits, and not Brits with dodgy accents either, huzzah! Soap may even be Scottish.
Finally finished the hardest level in the game yesterday. I ended up doing that "hide behind the building" glitch across from the bumper cars.

For the people still having problems even after the extraction team shows up, this is what you need to do:

After the team lands, leave your hiding spot(its the back building on the left, straight across from the bumpers). Instead of running straight towards the chopper, make a right and go AROUND the chopper. Make a dash towards the ferris wheel, but keep the wheel to your left. While sprinting, jump over the car and run towards the ticket booth on the right. Kill any enemies by there. Then pick up your guy and head towards the booth by the ferris. Go in-between them and voila...home free. I didn't even blow up the cars like it was shown on the youtube video either. Only difficult part is when running on the right of the chopper, since you'll get into the red with some enemies shooting you. Other then that, it was pretty simple.


FInally got The Shot achievement. Took me quite a while though.


When Macmillan says to leave the wild dog alone, shoot it, YOU WON'T REGRET IT!

The Chef

Just got to Act II - definitely have to say that this game is pretty incredible. I am really pissed off at the reviews that I read though, I mean really pissed. Not at the score but how multiple reviews said the game was very short - like 5 hours.
Because of that I decided to rent it (which I never do). Thinking that I would be able to finish it like - Heavenly Sword quick. But here I am a week later still playing and I just spend $8 on a rental which now I feel compelled to go buy the game.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Finally got around to finishing the game, and the whole last half of the game is definitely good. And I don't really think it felt all that short, although measured in hours and minutes it certainly is.

About Epilogue...

How does that tie into the rest of the game?

I think the epilogue
is just a random mission from the past. Doesn't it have Gaz in there? We know he dies at the end of the game, and Cpt. Price was coding if not fully dead as the evac lifts off, so it had to be from before the start of the game. I don't remember it very well, but are you actually playing as Soap or are you just some other SAS member? If you're Soap then Gaz can't be there for sure... shit going to have to replay that.

One little question I have about Griggs:
he makes it out of the Capitol City and is around to help the SAS in the joint attack on the nuke facility before dying at the end, but at what point did he leave your (Jackson's) unit? He was right there beside me at least a few missions before the nuke goes off and kills everyone, and since everyone in Lt Vasquez's chalk or whatever is in the same chopper that goes back to rescue the Cobra pilot I assumed he was there too, but obviously he wasn't. I'm just curious if I missed that being mentioned there or later or if we just assume he was in a different copter that got away from the blast.

I will say this for COD4 - I never gave a single shit about any of the NPC characters in any of the other COD games before. :lol


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
The Chef said:
Just got to Act II - definitely have to say that this game is pretty incredible. I am really pissed off at the reviews that I read though, I mean really pissed. Not at the score but how multiple reviews said the game was very short - like 5 hours.
Because of that I decided to rent it (which I never do). Thinking that I would be able to finish it like - Heavenly Sword quick. But here I am a week later still playing and I just spend $8 on a rental which now I feel compelled to go buy the game.

I finished the SP campaign on normal in 5.5 hours.
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