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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

Cornballer said:
I think you can just tap it - then if you continue to push in a direction, it will continue to sprint even if you don't have the stick depressed. That's what I started doing - less wear and tear on my thumb.

Yeah, you don't have to hold it down. Changing directions(hard left/right) will make you stop though.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I have only just started playing this online and I think the match-making system is extremely flawed, I seem to be put in games with 5 Star Generals who kick my ass. I don't play FPS's that much, but I played a shit load of Resistance and it always seemed to put me in balanced games.

Other than that though the game is great!
Bojanglez said:
I have only just started playing this online and I think the match-making system is extremely flawed, I seem to be put in games with 5 Star Generals who kick my ass. I don't play FPS's that much, but I played a shit load of Resistance and it always seemed to put me in balanced games.

Other than that though the game is great!

For some strange reason, the game pits you against high ranked players for the first few matches. It'll eventually even itself out. My suggestion for you is to follow one of your teammates who is high ranked and use that person as cover. Then, when they die, you can swoop in and finish off the enemy. Both of you will get points too, so you wont get too many players bitching about stealing kills.
Bojanglez said:
I have only just started playing this online and I think the match-making system is extremely flawed, I seem to be put in games with 5 Star Generals who kick my ass. I don't play FPS's that much, but I played a shit load of Resistance and it always seemed to put me in balanced games.
Keep in mind that your visible rank isn't the only thing being used to set you up in match-making. There's a lot of under-the-hood trueskillesque stuff going on. Also, if you just started playing, it probably takes the system a little while to figure out your skill and match you up properly. Give it some time.


shantyman said:
I don't buy it when I jumped on Halo 3 moments later and everything was peachy.
They had to isolate our matchmaking servers because our load was more than they anticipated. Once they did that the other Live services weren't impacted. We don't run any of the Live servers at IW or Activision.


Lancelet Pink said:
Does anyone else have a blister on their left thumb from sprinting?

I have the 360 version, and I probably sprint around a 100 times each MP game. I hold the stick a little under the indention and now every time I sprint it's a little painful. I wish their a bit mre variety when it comes too custom button layout, otherwise I'm having a blast.

I really dislike it when games use clicking one of the sticks for a specific control, i always find it awkward to use and the 360 sticks make my thumbs sore as it is (i have RSI), without having to click or hold the stick in.

I rarely bother to run in this game because of it :p


Junior Member
So finally got around to single player after whoring multi and....holy shit is it immersive. Oh yeah, and no backtracking = win.


Junior Member
Question: How do I know if I'm playing in a ranked server or an unranked server? It just says "Find Game" so I don't see any place to specify whether I want to play ranked or unranked.

I ask because I saw this response on Activision's support forum under the problem "Why are my stats resetting?" Which is the problem I'm having, everytime I log in I'm like 4 levels behind the last time I logged off.
Q: My rank is resetting.
A: This may be happening due to the following situations:

Ranked / UnRanked Ranks:
Your rank on Ranked Servers and on Modded Servers is different. So please make sure that you are looking at the correct rank before you worry too much. As you will rank up independently on each server type. So you may be a 21 on a Ranked server, but a 1 on a Modded server.


Calen said:
They had to isolate our matchmaking servers because our load was more than they anticipated. Once they did that the other Live services weren't impacted. We don't run any of the Live servers at IW or Activision.

Fair enough. It was bad timing for me then.


Ragnarok10 said:
Question: How do I know if I'm playing in a ranked server or an unranked server? It just says "Find Game" so I don't see any place to specify whether I want to play ranked or unranked.

I ask because I saw this response on Activision's support forum under the problem "Why are my stats resetting?" Which is the problem I'm having, everytime I log in I'm like 4 levels behind the last time I logged off.
That forum response would be relevant to the PC version only, actually. On console, any public match via Find Game is ranked. The only unranked games are splitscreen, private matches, and systemlink/LAN games.

I don't have any info yet on what might be causing rank resets on PS3.


Any news of a patch?

I'm not really an achievement whore, but this is one game I can get all of em in. But can't cause of a darn bug.

I have all of the 30 intel items, have the achievement for that, but not the 15 one.


Deleting saves doesn't seem to help either, seems it still sees I collected em all, its very weird.


Junior Member
Calen said:
That forum response would be relevant to the PC version only, actually. On console, any public match via Find Game is ranked. The only unranked games are splitscreen, private matches, and systemlink/LAN games.

I don't have any info yet on what might be causing rank resets on PS3.
I wonder what the problem is. It's gotten to the point now with me where I don't even feel like playing anymore. It's pissing me off because the game is awesome but I just don't have the heart to spend my 1 hour of available game time re-unlocking the same red dot sight or gametype that I just did the day before (and day before that....).


Is it just me or is the M16 the best weapon in the game?

with two handy perks and a steady aim its pretty much 1 hit kill.


How does an "enemy intel" look like? I got one by accident next to a barrel when I was reloading my gun ("X" on the 360 version is the context sensitive button as well as reloading) and will it have a yellow glowing light if I approach one?
I finally was able to pull myself away from multiplayer long enough to finish the game, and it was a fucking awesome ride to the end!
Especially the VERY end, so dramatic. And the BONUS level, I loved it! It makes me want IW to make a Call of Duty revolving around stuff more like that. Great game!

Now to go back to the awesome MP. :) Good job to the folks that worked on the PS3 version, they did a great job where many other third parties seem to either completely skimp out or struggle. Things may be changing across the board though soon. :)


Been playing through Veteran and I'm almost done with it now, i've just finished "Sins of the Father". Had I played this game from the begining on Vet, it would have easily have been one of the most hateful games I have played...next to CoD 2 on Vet. :lol

CoD 2 had the exact same problem on Vet, mainly that you realise that the soldiers have no AI at all. They are triggered into spawning, and triggered into attacking as soon as you pass certain points or markers in the map. They also have a 360 degree cone of vision with a 20 mile radius, X-ray and heat vision, topped off with machine gun sniper fire to annoy you throughout the whole game.

You can't trick them, you can't flank them, you can't hide as they always know where you are, and the new material bullet piercing doesn't do you any favours even if you do find a nice hiding place. The only time you will ever have the jump on them is if they walk into a Claymore, get hit by Flashbangs or grenades, or they are still in their "searching", "waiting animation" that they have been locked to untill the first shot is fired.

The only satisfaction of playing it on Vet is the satsifaction of going through a series of almost impossible and stupid respawn points...getting passed it and taking a deep breath at the relief that it's over. It's similar to the stupid difficulty of older games like Goldeneye on 00 Agent. You just keep on trying and trying untill you make it or give up in frustration.

Some levels are worse then others, but the majority of them do have certain battles which will have you grinding your teeth to nothingness. The "One Shot, One Kill" level in particular can only be described as A BASTARD. Got through that level on prayer alone. (Ran over by the swimming baths, dotted claymores down the alley and hid with my sniper rifle in a handy doorway. Still died a few times, dunno how on earth I survived getting back to Macmillan and getting to safety on the chopper)

Enemies will continually respawn untill you manage to run over to a certain point in some areas. Best example of this would be the TV Station battle. I was there for 35 minutes blasting and ducking in and out of the door way, only to get killed through the wall by some gun fire by an enemy on the otherside of the room. It got to the point where I had to kill and run as quick as I could before anymore enemies appeared. This was ofcourse after many, many deaths trying to find the best and only route to make it to that checkpoint alive. (Azerbaijan level where you run for the helicopter for escape is a PERFECT example of this. If you don't go down certain hills, around and through certain buildings you will get shot up to shit. The amount of times I died trying to get out of the barn area, you had to be clinical in killing 2 bad guys in the barn while dodging fire from advancing forces, and then setting up an air strike to get rid of a group of enemies running towards the barn and in your direction.)

Infact, alot of the levels on Vet are like this. At the start of the "One Shot, One Kill" level for example, there is no chance you will survive by trying to kill all the enemies that get dropped off by the two choppers, as once you kill all of them, they come back! As well as the enemies running from around the corner by the three busses. You have to kill atleast a few in the way, then bust out into a sprint and make a break for the next checkpoint trigger. You will get shot in the back, but you just have to hope you make it through alive. Same bullshit was in COD2 on Vet.

Anyway...I am just glad I experienced a more balanced, fairer and enjoyable experience of the single player on Normal. It wasn't too hard, it wasn't too easy, it was challenging. Took my time, easily lasted me more then 6 hours. Vet is just simply DIRTY. Dunno if Hardened is any better, but suppose it does not matter now. It's a great game on Normal, great experience. Soon as I am done with it on Vet, I will be hitting Arcade Mode on some of the more forgiving and enjoyable levels from Vet, mainly Mission 1, Mile High Club, Death from Above, War Pig, Shock and Awe and a few others.

I have to say that the scenerio of this was great. Loved the characters, The SAS, loved the setpieces and cutscenes, all in all, it's just a great game...on normal (possibly Hardened). The last level where you are
being chased down the motorway
was brainless but exciting and the final moments of the game and the ending left me very satisfied. "Mile High Club" just added to the high I was on once the credits finished rolling.

Oh, the Shock & Awe level. Crazy, did not expect that.

Captain Price, Gaz. They need their own game! SAS Missions for DLC please IW. :D The Iranian Embassy raid (as seen on the Bonus Disc for those that don't know) would be nuts. "Mile High Club", is so rock on Vet though, thats one level that will take quite a few retries and deaths to get passed, and it's only 60 secs!


As it's an epilogue, it just wraps things up in the case of

Captain Price did not die. As you can clearly here him shout "see you later mate" as he bails out the plane.

So bad ass. XD Atleast thats the way I see it.

But then again...

You can also hear Gaz when they are cutting into the jet. But he clearly did not survive as Zachaev shot him in the head. :( That bummed me out that did, he was such a Brit...A GEEZER.


ugh. i think i'm on the last part of the last mission in the game
i have to go from the barn back down the hill towards the LZ and only have a few minutes do it it

the air support seems like a waste to me. it takes too long to get there, so you can't use it on guys right in front of you and trying to aim it farther out is almost impossible. i can't seem to sneak my way to the bottom, i get cut to pieces. making a run for gets me the same results.

what am i missing? it seems like slowly advancing is the "right" way to do it, but the constantly spawning enemies and their grenades are just too overwhleming for my (apparently) weak skills.


suaveric said:
ugh. i think i'm on the last part of the last mission in the game
i have to go from the barn back down the hill towards the LZ and only have a few minutes do it it

the air support seems like a waste to me. it takes too long to get there, so you can't use it on guys right in front of you and trying to aim it farther out is almost impossible. i can't seem to sneak my way to the bottom, i get cut to pieces. making a run for gets me the same results.

what am i missing? it seems like slowly advancing is the "right" way to do it, but the constantly spawning enemies and their grenades are just too overwhleming for my (apparently) weak skills.

You can drop multiple airstrikes at once. After clearing out a few initial waves with the SAW, I layed down a bunch of airstrikes in front of me going down the hill and ran down behind them. I stopped every so often to recoup, take a few guys out with gunfire, and get better placement for airstrikes. Took a couple of tries but eventually that method worked.


Console Market Analyst
suaveric said:
what am i missing? it seems like slowly advancing is the "right" way to do it, but the constantly spawning enemies and their grenades are just too overwhleming for my (apparently) weak skills.

After you destroy the tanks with the Javelin, go through the barn to the right(just shoot the enemies that try to come in) out into the field, and go prone in the drainage ditch. Crawl through the pipe at the end, stand, and run. Just keep the LZ to the south of you, and run through buildings as cover, but don't slow down.


It should be quite easy to do if it's not on Vet. Try this.

Hide inside the barn where you picked up the Javeline from and unleash one Airstrike onto the main field where the enemy is advancing from. Run out and pick off any that you see that could be a problem. Bolt to the right and through the doors of the smaller barn. You will see that the back door is open, shoot anything that's in there first and then take a peek and see if theres any troops running towards you. Take them out, and then place an air strike in that direction.

Immediatly break out into the dash (L Stick in) and make your way down to the house, ignore the trench with the pipe. Go through the house and run and jump down the hills till you make it to the road where the fallen helicopter is. Run through that house which should avoid you making contact with the enemy.

Checkpoints should click in atleast 2 or 3 times, so don't worry.

If it's on normal, simply by trial and error on the section where you are running away from the farm area should see you through it no problem. When you get to the Gas Station LZ, just blitz the entire areas with as many air strikes as you can for a laugh. As soon as one is initiated, hit down on the dpad again and drop another. You will then have a constant wall of death for any enemies making their way towards you.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Ok, people weren't joking about MP being a blast. That's the most fun I've head with an MP FPS in some time, and that despite being absolutely miserable at it.

It could be that your opponents have more powerful weapons and weapon upgrades. What level are you at?
beerbelly said:
It could be that your opponents have more powerful weapons and weapon upgrades. What level are you at?

Oh I'm at suck levels, and I was definitely thrown into a deep part of the pool. I'm alright with getting killed, that's the best way to learn, and learn fast.


Timan said:
Any news of a patch?

I'm not really an achievement whore, but this is one game I can get all of em in. But can't cause of a darn bug.

I have all of the 30 intel items, have the achievement for that, but not the 15 one.


Deleting saves doesn't seem to help either, seems it still sees I collected em all, its very weird.
There is no official news. But assume that many at IW are themselves achievement whores. And assume that this problem has not gone unnoticed. And assume that maybe a certain coder has already written a fix. But even if they have, realize that the certification process for game updates is very slow on console games (this, in theory, is to keep studios from rushing out "quick fixes" and breaking things even more, or putting out an incomplete game and just "patching it after release"), so it might be awhile before you saw any theoretical fix. If there was one coming. In theory.

However! I would rest easy, and put it out of your mind for just a little while. Good job on finding them all, btw, and sorry that this dumb bug got you too. =)


Rayme said:
There is no official news. But assume that many at IW are themselves achievement whores. And assume that this problem has not gone unnoticed. And assume that maybe a certain coder has already written a fix. But even if they have, realize that the certification process for game updates is very slow on console games (this, in theory, is to keep studios from rushing out "quick fixes" and breaking things even more, or putting out an incomplete game and just "patching it after release"), so it might be awhile before you saw any theoretical fix. If there was one coming. In theory.

However! I would rest easy, and put it out of your mind for just a little while. Good job on finding them all, btw, and sorry that this dumb bug got you too. =)
lol glad to hear that awkwardly thorough explaination! I've got a similar problem too where I've actually collected all intels (Cheat menu says so) but didn't get the second achievement (Eyes and Ears)


AltogetherAndrews said:
Oh I'm at suck levels, and I was definitely thrown into a deep part of the pool. I'm alright with getting killed, that's the best way to learn, and learn fast.

Sounds like me when I started out playing the beta. Getting the red dot sight helped immensely though.


1.46 K/D and rising although this isn't the only indication of skill IMHO.

I think it's easier to get kills in some modes in comparison to others though, if you play for the team win on domination you could have only a few kills and many deaths, au contraire if you don't care about your team at all you can just shoot mofo's capturing flags and get many many kills.


oo Kosma oo said:
1.46 K/D and rising although this isn't the only indication of skill IMHO.

I think it's easier to get kills in some modes in comparison to others though, if you play for the team win on domination you could have only a few kills and many deaths, au contraire if you don't care about your team at all you can just shoot mofo's capturing flags and get many many kills.

Get most of mine playing Team Deathmatch...I love Search and Destroy, but it's kind of lame playing it by yourself with no communication. :|
The single player was short, but some of the emotional climaxes were absolutely breathtaking. The story was a lot better than I expected as well, with genuine characters and a real approach to the consequences of war.

The multiplayer is amazing. Theres always a new weapon or perk to unlock and now that more Aussies are barging through the floodgate, I'm finally getting consistently LOW pings. I like it more than Halo 3's, because it reminds me of Day of Defeat (otherwise: awesome).

Some of the weapons are a bit strange though. For example, why have an m14 and an m21? Especially when you can set them up with a smaller scope and use them in medium range combat? The MP44 also seems out of place, I get the nostalgic hit but still, I can think of plenty of weapons that could have taken that spot.
IronicallyTwisted said:
The single player was short, but some of the emotional climaxes were absolutely breathtaking. The story was a lot better than I expected as well, with genuine characters and a real approach to the consequences of war.

The multiplayer is amazing. Theres always a new weapon or perk to unlock and now that more Aussies are barging through the floodgate, I'm finally getting consistently high pings. I like it more than Halo 3's, because it reminds me of Day of Defeat (otherwise: awesome).

Some of the weapons are a bit strange though. For example, why have an m14 and an m21? Especially when you can set them up with a smaller scope and use them in medium range combat? The MP44 also seems out of place, I get the nostalgic hit but still, I can think of plenty of weapons that could have taken that spot.

You probably mean low pings, Weapons selection is fine except for some balancing issues, but i could use more custom slots. There will probably be weapons/maps DLC for a price that will split the online community so let's enjoy it till it last.
macksplack said:
You probably mean low pings, Weapons selection is fine except for some balancing issues, but i could use more custom slots. There will probably be weapons/maps DLC for a price that will split the online community so let's enjoy it till it last.

Yeah, Do'h!

I would hope that people with new shit can still play against people without it.
TEH-CJ said:
Is it just me or is the M16 the best weapon in the game?

with two handy perks and a steady aim its pretty much 1 hit kill.

it's my weapon of choice. So damn accurate and all you need is to unload a 3 shot burst. It's deadly in an open environment, but for close-mid quarters i use M4A.
Giant Robot said:
it's my weapon of choice. So damn accurate and all you need is to unload a 3 shot burst. It's deadly in an open environment, but for close-mid quarters i use M4A.

The M16 makes the G3 redundant, as the M4 makes the AK47 a (somewhat) redundant choice. The difference is that the AK47 is ass at range, whilst both are deadly enough close up to kill in seconds.
IronicallyTwisted said:
The M16 makes the G3 redundant, as the M4 makes the AK47 a (somewhat) redundant choice. The difference is that the AK47 is ass at range, whilst both are deadly enough close up to kill in seconds.


m16 and the m4 are newb friendly weapons, ak47 needs mastering just like in CS. I play mostly with the g3 it gives a bad handicap being single shot and all.

Ofcourse imho.

macksplack said:

m16 and the m4 are newb friendly weapons, ak47 needs mastering just like in CS. I play mostly with the g3 it gives a bad handicap being single shot and all.

Ofcourse imho.


Most of the time when a weapon needs "mastering" it means you need to make up for its inadequacies. I use the AK47 and I love it, but lets not kid ourselves...
IronicallyTwisted said:
Most of the time when a weapon needs "mastering" it means you need to make up for its inadequacies. I use the AK47 and I love it, but lets not kid ourselves...


Too bad you live so far from europe i'll glady show you the ak47 way:D .


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
My copy just arrived from Movietyme, yay:D
The game recommended Recruit difficulty after the training so I'm officially weaksauce:lol


Q:Rules of engagement sir?
A:Crew expendable:D
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