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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


One thing I've always found funny about CoD is if I'm confused about where to go next I can usually tell by looking at my teammates and see which direction they're leaning against cover, despite the complete lack of enemies in an area and the fact that I'm upright and running around like a moron.
XBL is really a shithole...but it can be hilarious at times. Apparently, I just played against a whole clan from Bungie or something. They had [PR] clan tags. Well anyhow, it was a just a random group of us and we just destroyed them and one guy on our team was just being a massive asshole the whole time. At the end of our 4-0 rout in S&D, he was just saying, "Every one of you leave. Get the fuck out. Every single one of you get the fuck out." :lol :lol
I just can't get enough of this game. Only meant to play a little bit today. Ended up playing all damn day long as I setup up all my custom classes slots and it's awesome to be able to easily switch among them for different purposes. (I was just using one slot and made any and all changes to that one which meant I wasn't very versatile.) I keep wanting to play some Halo 3 but I just can't pull myself away. You keep unlocking great shit that makes you want to put in hours more. Just got Overkill and had to stop as that was going to require me to tweak all those custom classes again. Game of the Year for me. Maybe last year too...
Stoney Mason said:
I just can't get enough of this game. Only meant to play a little bit today. Ended up playing all damn day long as I setup up all my custom classes slots and it's awesome to be able to easily switch among them for different purposes. (I was just using one slot and made any and all changes to that one which meant I wasn't very versatile.) I keep wanting to play some Halo 3 but I just can't pull myself away. You keep unlocking great shit that makes you want to put in hours more. Just got Overkill and had to stop as that was going to require me to tweak all those custom classes again. Game of the Year for me. Maybe last year too...
Are you still playing dude? Looks like no :(
CajoleJuice said:
Are you still playing dude?

I just got off. I was starting to feel a little deranged playing so much :p

But seriously I stopped because of the overkill perk. That was going to make me spend 30 minutes re-evaluating my classes and what to slot in where.
Stoney Mason said:
I just got off. I was starting to feel a little deranged playing so much :p

But seriously I stopped because of the overkill perk. That was going to make me spend 30 minutes re-evaluating my classes and what to slot in where.
Haha dude you've played 3 more mins than me. Honestly, I doubt I'll ever use Overkill. Deagle is good enough as a secondary weapon.
CajoleJuice said:
Haha dude you've played 3 more mins than me. Honestly, I doubt I'll ever use Overkill. Deagle is good enough as a secondary weapon.

I'll experiment around. I'm better at the mid-range game so another weapon of that sort that can extend the range might suit me better but we'll see.
Woohoo, finally got a less embarrassing kill/death ratio! Still pretty embarrassing, but hey. And I finally got to completely and totally own in a match. I've been placing 2nd and 3rd quite a bit, but finally I got #1, and with a good margin too. The damned claymores change everything.


I toyed around with Overkill the other night, I can't even remember the name of the rifle I chose, M21 maybe? It's next to last in the first set of weapons, and I put the P90 as secondary, I didn't have red dots for either though, so it was really fucking hard. I could see it working though...I feel the M16 needs to have the increased bullet damage to be really effective or I would stick it in the first slot...

Also, if anyone ever needs to fill out a spot in a room, feel free to shoot me an invite. Playing this and Halo by myself gets old after a while. :lol


Now i know why people kill their families. Its cause cod 4 becomes a game of luck where you have better chances at vegas. Freaken im at the ferris wheel and they decide to throw 100 guys at me all the while pelting me with grenades, and its basically if im lucky enough not to get blown up. I still havent beaten it yet on hardened and im about to shove this game in its case out of frustration.
~Kinggi~ said:
Now i know why people kill their families. Its cause cod 4 becomes a game of luck where you have better chances at vegas. Freaken im at the ferris wheel and they decide to throw 100 guys at me all the while pelting me with grenades, and its basically if im lucky enough not to get blown up. I still havent beaten it yet on hardened and im about to shove this game in its case out of frustration.


Instead of going straight right after blowing up the cars, try going to the right(go around the chopper).
I don't understand why anyone would want to play the game on anything but normal difficulty. It really isn't any fun because of how scripted it is... and how often you get thrown in situations where enemies are infinite until you reach a certain checkpoint.

It would be one thing if it amped up how realistic the experience was.... and would be another if it was something for skilled players. But sadly its neither.


Yeah I don't get playing at the hardest difficulty settings with CoD games. I think I smashed two 360 controllers trying to beat CoD2 on vet. Game is just really cheap compared to other games like Halo3 on harder difficulties. Just gonna go through it on normal and then play online.
Obnoxious brats can really kill a game by their mere presence. Nothing can take you out of the battlefield setting like a 12 year old whining about this and whining about that, while at the same time kind of sucking at the game and blaming the team for it.
gray_fox224 said:
Just finished it. Wow, that was emotional.
Same. Went through it in one session and just beat it a few minutes ago. Both the
and the end got to me.

Campaign definitely worth all the praise.

The story aside, I'd say my favorite element was the Russian landscapes. Nice weather effect, great 'mountainboxes' (skyboxes for distant terrain), etc. Where as my least favorite element is likely the lack of physics. It has the basics, but I prefer much more destructable terrain. Similar contrast in regards to feedback: weapons feel great, but bullet-to-body physics wasn't all that visceral. Felt like I was shooting dolls at times; could of benefited from more blood or something to give a better sense of impact.
Atrus said:
Veteran really highlights some of the flaws in the game. It took forever to trail and error a solutions for 'Heat' and 'No fighting in the war room' but once you figure a path out, the entire thing is really easy.

Mile High Club is the exception. There are so many variables that could play out in a short time it's more luck than trial and error. The farthest I've gotten is the final area before the slow-mo VIP, but it turns out a final shotgun wielding baddie had either stayed back or ran back and he blew me away.
I'm stuck in the epilogue on Veteran's difficulty, too. I get to the stairs with 17-20 seconds left and I then use a series of flash grenades to run past everyone on the second level. I can get to the closed doors before they open and I never have enough time to do anything. The few times I've gotten close with a little more time, I've gotten shot in the back.


I'm gonna have to fire up multiplayer again... I'm about 2/3 through, and the single-player is pretty good, but IMO it's more about exceptional atmosphere than great design.... if that makes any sense.
It does. The raw gameplay often wasn't too exceptional. Great, but compared to the physics of Crysis I found it lacking. I kept thinking, 'wow this would be amazing with more...' freedom, variables, physics, scale, etc. I kept looking at things that I wanted to approach in more ways, destroy, great distances I wanted to explore, etc.

But that's not what Call of Duty is. It's all about the atmosphere of the static events, the triggers, the music, the vistas, and basically many great hand-crafted moments. It's like an interactive movie; you'll watch the same thing every time, but it'll definitely be amazing the first time you see it (and many more after that sans ad nauseum).


Deputy Moonman said:
I'm stuck in the epilogue on Veteran's difficulty, too. I get to the stairs with 17-20 seconds left and I then use a series of flash grenades to run past everyone on the second level. I can get to the closed doors before they open and I never have enough time to do anything. The few times I've gotten close with a little more time, I've gotten shot in the back.
I went with flashing and killing the terroristsm, worked a lot better than just running by as they would just shoot at me as I ran past.

Also I always picked up a P90 at the first section and would use that, that way towards the end I had a full MP5 to switch to at the end. After the first section flash the terrorists and then go prone by the wooden thingy (when the hull breach happens), reload my weapon, get my health back and let my teammates clear that section.

This clip also helped alot.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Obnoxious brats can really kill a game by their mere presence. Nothing can take you out of the battlefield setting like a 12 year old whining about this and whining about that, while at the same time kind of sucking at the game and blaming the team for it.

This and many of my other PSN experiences actually has me kinda thankful that the PlayStation 3's online userbase is still relatively post-puberty. I mean, I still basically turn on my headset and bury it under a pillow or something so I don't have to think about all the retards playing, but should I actually play with friends, I'm kinda surprised that there aren't people calling everyone else a nigger jew faggot with the squeaky voice of a six year old every 2.5 seconds.

It'll all change once SOCOM Confrontation hits, but at least for now... well, it's a little like the glory days of Live where the people that have picked up headsets and are online with their stupid expensive console are semi-intelligent at times. For all of the drawling, distorted doofuses online, there are nearly as many people that don't sound or act like complete mongoloids and though I have an acute sense that it's most certainly fleeting, I'm really enjoying playing even major games on the PSN. No lack of games to join yet a serious lack of complete inbreds.

Also, this game is fucking awesome, and thanks to the single best storyline campaign ever made for an FPS and absolutely killer online play, it now rocks the top spot at the best pure FPS I've ever played. God, if only the Medal of Honor and previous Call of Duties knew that the series could be this good. I heart you, Infinity Ward, you've repeatedly and consistently exceeded my expectations of your game from start to finish. Man, the flashback sniper mission alone is reason enough to buy the game...

So. Effing. Good.


~Kinggi~ said:
Now i know why people kill their families. Its cause cod 4 becomes a game of luck where you have better chances at vegas. Freaken im at the ferris wheel and they decide to throw 100 guys at me all the while pelting me with grenades, and its basically if im lucky enough not to get blown up. I still havent beaten it yet on hardened and im about to shove this game in its case out of frustration.
Be a man and beat it without using exploits. ;)

I got through it on Hardened (on the PS3) but it was a BITCH. Plant C4 at the spots where the enemies drop in from the choppers and after that, I really don't know. Hope and pray. I still have no idea how I got through that part.
I made it by hiding behind the swimming pool. Lots of baddies will try and kill you but the narrow corridor funnels them quite nicely so that they can be picked of one by one. Placing all the claymores on their path helps too.

After detonating the C4 I was able to get on board the chinook, but only just. One extra shot would have killed me.
JB1981 said:
Be a man and beat it without using exploits. ;)

I got through it on Hardened (on the PS3) but it was a BITCH. Plant C4 at the spots where the enemies drop in from the choppers and after that, I really don't know. Hope and pray. I still have no idea how I got through that part.

I got through it on Veteran. I'm more of a man than you. Confirmed.
SamBishop said:
This and many of my other PSN experiences actually has me kinda thankful that the PlayStation 3's online userbase is still relatively post-puberty. I mean, I still basically turn on my headset and bury it under a pillow or something so I don't have to think about all the retards playing, but should I actually play with friends, I'm kinda surprised that there aren't people calling everyone else a nigger jew faggot with the squeaky voice of a six year old every 2.5 seconds.

It'll all change once SOCOM Confrontation hits, but at least for now... well, it's a little like the glory days of Live where the people that have picked up headsets and are online with their stupid expensive console are semi-intelligent at times. For all of the drawling, distorted doofuses online, there are nearly as many people that don't sound or act like complete mongoloids and though I have an acute sense that it's most certainly fleeting, I'm really enjoying playing even major games on the PSN. No lack of games to join yet a serious lack of complete inbreds.

Yeah, to be fair this has been a very rare occurrence in the four games I've played online extensively over the past year. There is the odd clown, but then people seem less interested in arguing with these clowns here than they did in for example GRAW. I don't have a problem having kids playing in our games (although you have to wonder about them playing COD4), as long as they shut up and/or hold the trash talking. But yeah, SOCOM with a bundled headset and a cheaper PS3 is certain to change this for the worse.

The whole trash talking thing though... regardless of your age, if you're going to talk trash then do try and make sure it actually applies to your situation. If you're going to spend the game whining about your [expletive] team sucking and holding you back, then try to avoid coming in last place on a winning team. It doesn't mesh.


formerly sane
AltogetherAndrews said:
Yeah, to be fair this has been a very rare occurrence in the four games I've played online extensively over the past year. There is the odd clown, but then people seem less interested in arguing with these clowns here than they did in for example GRAW. I don't have a problem having kids playing in our games (although you have to wonder about them playing COD4), as long as they shut up and/or hold the trash talking. But yeah, SOCOM with a bundled headset and a cheaper PS3 is certain to change this for the worse.

The whole trash talking thing though... regardless of your age, if you're going to talk trash then do try and make sure it actually applies to your situation. If you're going to spend the game whining about your [expletive] team sucking and holding you back, then try to avoid coming in last place on a winning team. It doesn't mesh.

At this point in an fps I expect srubs to talk shit and be in dead last one reason I don't play cs that often outside of ringing and pugging. Worse part is the audacity of some to call you hack for killing you in ways they easily could've avoided. I really wish I had more a big interest in playing fps games atm this game with xim or xfps looks like butter and the best fps for mp in years.
PjotrStroganov said:
I made it by hiding behind the swimming pool. Lots of baddies will try and kill you but the narrow corridor funnels them quite nicely so that they can be picked of one by one. Placing all the claymores on their path helps too.

After detonating the C4 I was able to get on board the chinook, but only just. One extra shot would have killed me.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that you are invincible after you pick up your injured commander onwards. You'll get indications that you are being hit, but you won't die no matter how many hits. This was the way it was for me in Veteran anyways.


BEat the game last night, I'm not afriad to call it the best first person shooter I've ever played.

It's not perfect by any means, but the overall package is pure greatness.

The ending is stunning, and the epilogue was kickass.

And I've unlocked Cluster Bombs. Awesomeness confirmed.

I have the urge to jump right back in and play the whoile thing again, I missed a bunch of the enemy intel laptops, plus with the new cheats I've unlocked, there's all sorts of new fun to be had now.

Thegraphics truly are amazing as long as you don't zoom up close to everything. They are amazingly detailed from a distance, it was just something I had to accept, they sacrificed near for far, and it works well.

And the blood splatter, OMG it rocks. Killing people never gets old.

It's a bit too scripted, respawning enemies will keep coming at you until you advance past a certain point, and at times it can be drastically unfair the amount of enemies the game throws at you.

But it's just SO FUN. Now I can start playing more online, because I'm hooked. Such a great game. The music (Harry-Gregson Williams ftw), the lighting, the framerate, the controls, the story, the presentation... all perfection.

It's like Metal Gear on crack.

Oh, and if I could change one thing, I'd add a sway to the gun when you're waling, it's a bit too static for my liking.


There's been a disturbing trend of late where people are camping their asses off in modes like Team Deathmatch. I hate that. You respawn instantly if you die so I don't get why people still see the need to camp. Is a game really that enjoyable if you're camping?
ElyrionX said:
There's been a disturbing trend of late where people are camping their asses off in modes like Team Deathmatch. I hate that. You respawn instantly if you die so I don't get why people still see the need to camp. Is a game really that enjoyable if you're camping?

People want a good kill/death ratio.


I don't have a problem with camping. Some people liek to run and gun, others like to sit tight and act as silent predators. The best games have a decent mix of both styles playing.

If everyone camps, that's boring obviously.

If everyone run and guns, it's chaotic, but completely unrealistic.

A decent mix of the two is best IMO.
ElyrionX said:
There's been a disturbing trend of late where people are camping their asses off in modes like Team Deathmatch. I hate that. You respawn instantly if you die so I don't get why people still see the need to camp. Is a game really that enjoyable if you're camping?

To be fair, there is nothing stopping the other team from camping either. One of my annoyances is playing with a team that is too overly aggressive and keeps running into the same slaughter. For some reason there seems to be less talking going on than in a game like Halo or Ghost Recon which is frustrating. People just want to do their own thing.


Opus Angelorum said:
People want a good kill/death ratio.

That's just a cheap way of doing it. The fact that you die so easily and quickly in this game means that any half decent player camping will definitely outgun a good player who is unaware of the camper.

While there are many ways to tackle an individual camper (UAV, grenades), it's absolutely horrible to fight against an ENTIRE TEAM of campers. They'll sit their asses in a house or building and shoot your asses off. If you do manage to breach the building and clean them up, they'll merely respawn and camp another goddamn building. I've already lost a couple of matches like that.


formerly sane
ElyrionX said:
That's just a cheap way of doing it. The fact that you die so easily and quickly in this game means that any half decent player camping will definitely outgun a good player who is unaware of the camper.

While there are many ways to tackle an individual camper (UAV, grenades), it's absolutely horrible to fight against an ENTIRE TEAM of campers. They'll sit their asses in a house or building and shoot your asses off. If you do manage to breach the building and clean them up, they'll merely respawn and camp another goddamn building. I've already lost a couple of matches like that.

Sounds like your team is uncoordinated in the effort to deal with them or just doesn't care too. If a team is camping as a group then get on the same page and start picking them off in groups of 2 teammates with flanks for different sides of a map. I've only seen bits of this game, will play more when friend gets it, but dealing with people shouldn't be that hard especially a camper espcially since the flaw of it is being in the same spot or area.


LCGeek said:
Sounds like your team is uncoordinated in the effort to deal with them or just doesn't care too. If a team is camping as a group then get on the same page and start picking them off in groups of 2 teammates with flanks for different sides of a map. I've only seen bits of this game, will play more when friend gets it, but dealing with people shouldn't be that hard especially a camper espcially since the flaw of it is being in the same spot or area.

Welcome to online public gaming where nobody gives a rat's ass about coordinated movement and team tactics.
Yea well, "bitch camper" doesn't show up next to your stats if you camp. So why not do it?

Note: I do not, except when I feel like sniping once in a while.


formerly sane
ElyrionX said:
Welcome to online public gaming where nobody gives a rat ass about coordinated movement and team tactics.

Been playing fps games online since Kali and btw it only started once things became mainstream and tards/rambos came in. Play with a friend or live with the bs that is gonna happen in just about any popular FPS MP. Don't pub or a find a better group of players to stick with.


LCGeek said:
Been playing fps games online since Kali and btw it only started once things became mainstream and tards/rambos came in. Play with a friend or live with the bs that is gonna happen in just about any popular FPS MP. Don't pub or a find a better group of players to stick with.

Well, I'm actually old enough to know what the hell Kali actually is and yes, I imagine such camping shit only started when games became mainstream. Why the hell is it that there are so many goddamn retards in the mainstream who have to ruin the experience for everyone else. It was the same with goddamn CS back in the day. Retards would continue to camp in the furthest corner of the map even if they're the last person on the damn team alive.

And yes, in general, I do play with a good group of local gamers. Unfortunately, sometimes the crowd just isn't big enough so we're forced to play in pub.


formerly sane
ElyrionX said:
Well, I'm actually old enough to know what the hell Kali actually is and yes, I imagine such camping shit only started when games became mainstream. Why the hell is it that there are so many goddamn retards in the mainstream who have to ruin the experience for everyone else. It was the same with goddamn CS back in the day. Retards would continue to camp in the furthest corner of the map even if they're the last person on the damn team alive.

And yes, in general, I do play with a good group of local gamers. Unfortunately, sometimes the crowd just isn't big enough so we're forced to play in pub.

Coo not many around here in the fps crowd seem to go back that far. After Q2 I got so use to pubbers and the BS they would put up. In team anything your f'ed if one group decides to do anything as a team and the other isn't unless you got 3-4 pub all stars on a team who can kill which isn't gonna be happening with a game this quick.

What you mentioned still happens in CS though these days so many people ghost or hack it doesn't matter if you do. Despite the fact I end up in that situation quite often in cs, really sucks when my team dies 45 secs or less in the round I typically split the teams in two or down to the individual but valve breaking the radar system doesn't allow me to 6v1 people easily anymore, usually I get 2-3 then get gayed by the fact I can't hide myself because it tracks exactly what I'm doing for a few seconds.

Shog said the reason for campers but if a team of campers is camping they are screwing themselves bad. You could go after one or two them 3v1 and just keep pickign the tards that go to same exacts spots just die a few times and memorize there spots most pubbers aren't gonna change tactics.
Am I the only person that enjoys camping/sniping/staying put in online games because I genuinely enjoy it? I like the deliberate pace and just observing things.


formerly sane
revolverjgw said:
Am I the only person that enjoys camping/sniping/staying put in online games because I genuinely enjoy it? I like the deliberate pace and just observing things.

Depends what you mean staying put.

I have a very laid back wait and see style but there's a fundemental difference between that and camping. Camping implies you choose one and basically the same few spots sometimes and only sticking to it I call it bitch camping because the camping style I was taught was passive aggressive and requires me to keep moving for each kill to hide what I'm doing. Bitch Campers are easy sure you might a few deaths on me but if a map has a long rotation time or high kill requirement by the end of you will wish you hadn't vs me.
revolverjgw said:
Am I the only person that enjoys camping/sniping/staying put in online games because I genuinely enjoy it? I like the deliberate pace and just observing things.

I don't have a problem with it generally and I almost never camp because I suck as a sniper. I think you adjust to whatever style is being played but that is just me.
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