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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

Eric WK

The problem with camping in Team Deathmatch is that there's zero incentive for a team to leave their spawn. You could theoretically be matched with a full team who sets up on their side of the map and doesn't move. And they'd be fine because there are no power ups or power weapons to obtain.

That's why I tend to stick to objective game types. Those people who have to camp to maintain their K/D ratio can't get by when they need to do something other than lay prone.

The only time I camp or stay stationary are times where I know I'm going to die if I don't. Otherwise I'm paving a course around the map or to an objective, picking off people as I find them. (Prestige 2 and never even completed a Sniper Rifle challenge.) My ratio is at 2.06 right now and has been rising steadily over the past two days, all of it without camping.
LCGeek said:
Depends what you mean staying put.

I have a very laid back wait and see style but there's a fundemental difference between that and camping. Camping implies you choose one and basically the same few spots sometimes and only sticking to it I call it bitch camping because the camping style I was taught was passive aggressive and requires me to keep moving for each kill to hide what I'm doing.

I'm a bitch. :_-( I have a few sniping spots in Warhawk and I do my best to gain them and maintain them. I can spend 15 minutes in one spot. I just... have fun doing stuff like that. I do suck though.


revolverjgw said:
Am I the only person that enjoys camping/sniping/staying put in online games because I genuinely enjoy it? I like the deliberate pace and just observing things.

I've found myself having a good time laying prone in the tall grass on some of the maps and watching people scurry about unaware of me, only to pop up and stalk after a straggler.

As you said, its a very deliberate kind of play that come as an appealing change after a number of high-intensity matches.


It's weird that alot of people are so opposed to camping. Is that now part of warfare? In real war, do enemies not setup an ambush, and wait for you to make a mistake?

Either way, if you have someone camping a spot, you just have to find a way to take him out. Whether it is with nades, rockets, or normal fire, you have multiple ways to remedy the situation. It's a strategy.


formerly sane
revolverjgw said:
I'm a bitch. :_-( I have a few sniping spots in Warhawk and I do my best to gain them and maintain them. I can spend 15 minutes in one spot. I just... have fun doing stuff like that. I do suck though.

Warhawk is a different subject for camping to me though so it maybe more necessary I haven't played it enough to know the best tactics.


I have nothing against campers. i think it's great fun when you get killed by one and then you go "hunting" him. it feels great when you kill him, usually by his back, they never know what hit them :lol
spawn campers, that's another history.


Any tips for the broadcast room on Veteran? This reminds me exactly of the German base in COD2 took me forever to do and I'm having a shitload of trouble here.

I'm going in the M420 and the Grenadier Machine gun thingy. Any better weapon combos or particular route to go through this particular area cuz man its fucking hard.


For all you peeps who has trouble with the ferris wheel portion of the game on veteran, hide in one of the toll both with the door to the side. Any grenades that gets in should be easily thrown out. Once the choppers arrives, just wait for 30 secs and then run to McMillan. You can also shoot out of the windows of the booth if you feel like it.


dankir said:
Any tips for the broadcast room on Veteran? This reminds me exactly of the German base in COD2 took me forever to do and I'm having a shitload of trouble here.

I'm going in the M420 and the Grenadier Machine gun thingy. Any better weapon combos or particular route to go through this particular area cuz man its fucking hard.

Let your allies do most of the work at the start, then slowly crouch move into the room across the server room. If this area is giving you trouble, then I don't know how you will get past the chopper in hunted and heat.
This camping talk would certainly make a great thread itself.
As far as COD 4 goes I wouldn't say I camp but I am cetainly more cautious than the Run & Gun players out there. I spend most of my time anticipating where an enemy will show up. Sometimes it means sitting in the same spot for 30 sec. and waiting for someone to pop their head in the window by the rock bridge on Overgrown. I check my radar and if action is taking place somewhere else on the map I'll sprint and get in a good position on the other side of the map.
Can proudly say I never go prone unless I'm hiding to call in my airstrike.
Hell this is real war not the Halo universe.:D

Getting harder and harder to raise the K/D ratio the more you play. Kind of like a baseball player by the end of the season who goes 4 for 4 and raises his average only .001.
Had some great games this weekend of 34/6, 26/1 etc.. thrown in with mediocre games and my K/D ratio only goes up .05
revolverjgw said:
Am I the only person that enjoys camping/sniping/staying put in online games because I genuinely enjoy it? I like the deliberate pace and just observing things.

This is my beef with camping, I posted it a while ago in the Beta Thread.

PedroLumpy said:
I'll borrow a bit of Ayn Rand philosophy from Atlas Shrugged, I imagine many of us are familiar with it now.

"Never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."

By camping, you are demanding that other players make the game fun for you. If everyone was to camp, obviously everyone would sit in their place, kill no one, and nothing would happen until the timer ran out. Camping requires a sacrifice on the part of your victims to willingly go along with your strategy to make it work. This is why people don't like campers, because you contribute nothing while expecting others around you to support you. Essentially, you're a looter.

Ironically this requires the sanction of the victims to work. People wonder why people camp, but it is because they are willing to deal with it. Take away the victims and the campers are left with nothing.

I came to this realization a while ago, and now I only play FFA games since camping is not a realistic tactic to win in those sorts of games.
So, it looks like the free Marketplace downloads that Infinity Ward has been advertising still aren't up? That's strange.

Also, I'm on the TV Station on Veteran...Frustrating, and cheap. They really should patch Veteran. The number of grenades being thrown is unrealistic, and cheap.

Eric WK

PedroLumpy said:
This is my beef with camping, I posted it a while ago in the Beta Thread.

You pretty much nailed it. But I'd add that Objective games are generally pretty camp free. No reason to play FFA all day.
revolverjgw said:
I'm a bitch. :_-( I have a few sniping spots in Warhawk and I do my best to gain them and maintain them. I can spend 15 minutes in one spot. I just... have fun doing stuff like that. I do suck though.
So your the guy that's been killing me half way across the map. :p


There's nothing wrong with having a M60 or a Sniper Rifle and camping/ defending flags. Nothing.

The most epic battles ensue when you are camping and someone is trying to take you down, or are when you are fighting a camper yourself.


Oh man just finished the game (hooray for the ultra-late release in portugal), Marine Force Recon is so AWESOME and S.A.S. is so ULTRA-FUCKING-BADASS, i'm lock and loaded ready to enlist and go to the HELL that is war!! :D

Well... what else should i try to achieve now in terms of replay?
Or do I just stick to arcade mode and multiplayer (which was awesome in the beta and apparently still is)??

OH damn wait what the hell is this?? I was watching the credits, and now i have to rescue some VIP. It's not over yet gotta go!


I would argue that camping is necessary in many of the game types because they involve defending something. The reason we have snipers in the military is because they accomplish a specific goal. That goal is to maintain control of a perimeter. The notion that someone who picks a good spot and racks up kills for his team while protecting their assetts, is contributing nothing, is ridiculous.

People don't like campers because those who do it use the element of surprise to destroy their enemies with the least possible resistance. Read SunTsu and you'll see that this is among the most recommended strategies in war.

It may not be fair. It may not be nice. War is hell. Suck it up.
Camping might be a problem on a poorly designed map, an unbalanced map, or a game where a base is impregnable but in COD 4 where you can shoot through walls and many of the building have multiple entrances points and windows bothers me a lot less. Not to mention the game has a UAV although I wish it was deployable as a piece of equipment like in Ghost Recon.


K0NY said:
I would argue that camping is necessary in many of the game types because they involve defending something. The reason we have snipers in the military is because they accomplish a specific goal. That goal is to maintain control of a perimeter. The notion that someone who picks a good spot and racks up kills for his team while protecting their assetts, is contributing nothing, is ridiculous.

People don't like campers because those who do it use the element of surprise to destroy their enemies with the least possible resistance. Read SunTsu and you'll see that this is among the most recommended strategies in war.

It may not be fair. It may not be nice. War is hell. Suck it up.
QFT. Camping in COD4 is like unprotected sex, you might get away with it for a couple of times, but you're bound to get fucked sooner or later.


K0NY said:
I would argue that camping is necessary in many of the game types because they involve defending something. The reason we have snipers in the military is because they accomplish a specific goal. That goal is to maintain control of a perimeter. The notion that someone who picks a good spot and racks up kills for his team while protecting their assetts, is contributing nothing, is ridiculous.

People don't like campers because those who do it use the element of surprise to destroy their enemies with the least possible resistance. Read SunTsu and you'll see that this is among the most recommended strategies in war.

It may not be fair. It may not be nice. War is hell. Suck it up.

Amen brother.

Proelite said:
QFT. Camping in COD4 is a like unprotected sex, you might get away with it for a couple of times, but you're bound to get fucked sooner or later.

Uhh ohh

Nothing better then having someone get close only to meet my Deagle , the pleasure of killing someone close quarters is twice as big then :lol


I've played this game all the way through on Hardened and partially on Normal. Normal is the way to play, on Hardened or Veteran this shit just gets way way too cheap. It's fucking retarded at times.

Also on Hardened when you get shot your reticule jumps all over the place, mix that with the enemies extremely precise aiming and it can be incredibly difficult to get a bead on someone in many situations. On Normal it doesn't bounce around as much, so it's easier to fight hoards of enemies. And to the people that say this game is meant to be played tactically on higher levels of play, then at the very least IW should have included a lean function or cover system (hopefully a FPS cover system is adopted for COD6, copy Guerilla).

I wish I had played through it on Normal first, but w/e I'll go back through the game on Normal soon. Fuck Veteran, Hardened was painful enough.


I upgraded my computer last week. Such an awesome experience with these graphics running at a high framerate.

Feels so good in the gameplay department.


Proelite said:
Let your allies do most of the work at the start, then slowly crouch move into the room across the server room. If this area is giving you trouble, then I don't know how you will get past the chopper in hunted and heat.

Just beat it I forgot that you can an aim assist made it much easier, beat on first try after using it.

Oh shit at them playing a Sean Price track at the end of the mission. Boot Camp Clik FTW!!


dankir said:
Just beat it I forgot that you can an aim assist made it much easier, beat on first try after using it.

Oh shit at them playing a Sean Price track at the end of the mission. Boot Camp Clik FTW!!

On the later levels, the Ai can kill you while sprinting, with a submachine gun, from 500 yards away. The rpg guys can switch from RPG mode to AK 47 mode instantly.

Although, the p-90 makes everything better because it's like the most powerful gun in the game.
ElyrionX said:
There's been a disturbing trend of late where people are camping their asses off in modes like Team Deathmatch. I hate that. You respawn instantly if you die so I don't get why people still see the need to camp. Is a game really that enjoyable if you're camping?

It makes sense on some maps, like the ones with tall grass, but that's made it a reflex of mine to fire off a few rounds into whatever patch of tall grass I see. On other maps it's just weak. Unless you're a sniper.

Me, I play the game like I play paintball. If you assume that a single shot can take you out, you become naturally more aware of threats.
There is a definite difference between camping and defending an objective. No one is retarded enough to go into a objective gametype and complain about people 'camping'. Obviously if you've got to sit somewhere and control something, you're going to fucking sit there and shoot anyone that comes. I would also assume that the points one is required to defend aren't exactly Fort Knox, and are difficult to lock down completely.

But if we're talking Team deathmatch, a team can hide wherever they choose and quite possibly be able to find a point that can be held fairly easily.

The point of what I said wasn't that camping is bad, although I believe it is, it's that everyone else around you allows you to play that way. You should realize and be thankful for all the poor souls who are willing to still run around in front of your gun instead of hiding somewhere too. By camping you dictate "I'm gonna sit here, and you are all gonna still move around or else NONE of us will have fun." Naturally people don't like it when people tell them how to play on Live, hence people hate campers.

In the end, it's fine if you camp when you play. You should just be able to admit to yourself that you are placing demands on the other people that you play with. Essentially you're taking more than you're giving, and be thankful that they are willing to go along with it. Don't take the whole "It's a Legitimate strategy!" approach. A legitimate strategy is something everyone can use and the game still works.


I played a TDM game on the Block map where everyone in the other team was hanging around in a building and camping, with claymores covering the entryways. It's not really an issue on the middle east maps IMO, since the higher ground areas are a bit too cramped to accomodate a bunch of people and since the way up is shorter.
I don't get the complaining for the most part. If people are camping then you hole up in an area and also snipe back. If their bullets can reach you then your bullets can reach them.
Proelite said:
For all you peeps who has trouble with the ferris wheel portion of the game on veteran, hide in one of the toll both with the door to the side. Any grenades that gets in should be easily thrown out. Once the choppers arrives, just wait for 30 secs and then run to McMillan. You can also shoot out of the windows of the booth if you feel like it.

i cant even do this one on hardened. i must suck. i tried running under where the helicopters drop the guys and picking them off as they come down the rope but that only works for so long. this section is *hard*.

i tried the toll booth trick but they threw like 10 grenades in there at the same time and i can't throw them all back out.

my best tactic so far has been hiding behind the concrete wall and just killing anything that moves on either end of it, but even then i get surrounded :(


PedroLumpy said:
In the end, it's fine if you camp when you play. You should just be able to admit to yourself that you are placing demands on the other people that you play with. Essentially you're taking more than you're giving, and be thankful that they are willing to go along with it. Don't take the whole "It's a Legitimate strategy!" approach. A legitimate strategy is something everyone can use and the game still works.
I don't know what you're talking about. I don't place any demands on anyone when I play. Maybe you should look into that. Your suggesting that people should play how you play or else they are somehow not contributing. Picking your spot and staying there does not demand that people run in front of you. Ever see the movie Sniper? Ever do the sniper mission from "15 years ago" on COD4?

If everyone chose to pick a spot and stay there at the beginning of a game, it wouldn't be a stalemate, provided people picked smart spots to camp. Sniping is about finding your targets, not them finding you. And what you're saying above equates to saying our troops in Iraq are to blame for being killed because they are "allowing" insurgents to kill them by running around a war zone.

If you're going to claim that the victims of camping snipers are powerless against them, then you are giving your power away. Everyone has the ability in COD4 or regular war to use camoflague, terrain and strategy to avoid being killed. If you want to beat a camper, you can be a better camper or an unwilling target. How well you perform at either of those will determine how much you dislike campers.

The people online who gripe about it are just not very good at sniping or defending themselves from it, in my opinion.
How about this? If you get the majority of the kills in the match humping holes in the ground, or the roof, or the floor; you are a camping twat.


SeaOfMadness said:
i cant even do this one on hardened. i must suck. i tried running under where the helicopters drop the guys and picking them off as they come down the rope but that only works for so long. this section is *hard*.

i tried the toll booth trick but they threw like 10 grenades in there at the same time and i can't throw them all back out.

my best tactic so far has been hiding behind the concrete wall and just killing anything that moves on either end of it, but even then i get surrounded :(

Try the tool both nearest the concrete wall. Keep moving from left to right and back in there so that the enemies will throw to the right and left of you. Any grenades that land on the outside, even next to the door won't hurt you. However, sometimes the game glitches and you get killed by a grenade that's outside. It worked 50% of the time for me. After the chopper arrives, you must wait for 30 secs for the enemies to focus their fire on the chopper before running McMillian. Once you are carrying him, you're invincible.

The downhill rush on heat gave me much more trouble.



First MOD I have seen so far. Sniper rifles only, 30FT requirements. If you shoot someone within 30FT, you get auto stunned and warned. Sniper sway has been reduced as far as I can tell, end-breathe swagger is gone. It should work with any gametype, though I played it TDM. It's good practice.

Bloc, Bog, Overgrown and Pipeline are the best for it, though more LARGER maps are needed. Hopefully they come sooner rather than later.
Up to the 4th mission I believe in Veteran. And man, I can't stand it. It's hurting my positive feelings about the single-player. Adding on to what I said earlier, it eliminates any sound strategy that you can actually use, and it's just not fun. The fact that half the game's achievements are based on doing something that's not fun kind of sucks.
Good to see many others that have no issues with camping in COD4. It has yet to effect a single outcome of the 200-250 games I've played online. Actually I take that back. Bloc is a campers dream and I drop out of the lobby everytime I see that map come up.
I watch the kill cam everytime I die and of my 1,000 deaths I'd say approx. 25 of those were from a sniper. To me that is thanks to IW's brilliant MP map and game design.


I would like to an Iraqi veteran's perspective on COD4. I would like to ask him if the tangos grenade spammed him, or if it was as hard or harder in real life.
Proelite said:
I would like to an Iraqi veteran's perspective on COD4. I would like to ask him if the tangos grenade spammed him, or if it was as hard or harder in real life.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that he says no, considering whomever you talk to is still alive.


Stoney Mason said:
I don't get the complaining for the most part. If people are camping then you hole up in an area and also snipe back. If their bullets can reach you then your bullets can reach them.

Yes Sniper battles are so much fun "Sarcasm"

People who set up shop with trip wire bombs and snipers are total loosers.
Grecco said:
Yes Sniper battles are so much fun "Sarcasm"

People who set up shop with trip wire bombs and snipers are total loosers.

Well they have the right to play the game as they choose and you have the right to complain. In the end they are still going to play in the way they choose and people are still going to complain so I guess it just goes around in a circle...


Correct me if I am wrong but when I play COD2 & COD4 the spawn points rotate so if you sit in one spot eventually you will have enemies re spawning all around you while you team is on opposite side of map.


TiVo said:
Correct me if I am wrong but when I play COD2 & COD4 the spawn points rotate so if you sit in one spot eventually you will have enemies re spawning all around you while you team is on opposite side of map.

Where can I find a decent 720p video from this game to watch in my new monitor, guys? :D

Unfortunately I can´t play it because my PC is soooo old.... but I hope it plays atleast the video LOL
Grecco said:
Sorry but i despise people who spend the entire match behind a crate camping. Absolutely hate people who do that.

You have not played against a good sniper then, I constantly move positions when attacking targets and frequently use the M1911.


Opus Angelorum said:
You have not played against a good sniper then, I constantly move positions when attacking targets and frequently use the M1911.

Ive played against good snipers. Thats not my problem. My problem is campers who set up shop thanks to the trip wires. Some of them dont even use snipers ive seen campers with SMGs. They make games boring and not fun.

Trip Wire Mines should be nerfed i guess
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